VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #4 *Arrests*

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If DE did take NL to a desserted area and murder her did NK get to the scene? NK had no car?

I am wondering about that too. NK said she "went along for the ride" but did not kill NIcole. She might have been in the car all along and watched the murder. She might believe she might escape a murder charge because of that.
So anyway. We were talking about not needing a motive before we moved over here.

We don't have to understand it because we have rational minds and are productive members of society.

I don't think there was a third person. I think they are trying to create reasonable doubt when really they both need to be tried for 1 degree murder together and rot in jail.

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:goodpost: Too often I find myself :banghead: trying to understand psychopaths when I really should be Thanking the Good Lord I don't understand them.

And.... I really don't understand people who insert themselves into murder cases and befriend serial killers:

Malycke ran unattached from any college team and came in last. He says Eisenhauer was a humble leader and someone who was a good sport."You could always count on him at the very end of the race to be a great sportsman and give high fives to every single competitor all the way to the last runner," Malycke said.

But the news of Eisenhauer's alleged involvement with Nicole Lovell's death caught him off guard.

"I absolutely didn't believe it," Malycke said.

I think DE was the instigator and Keepers was a follower, and just as guilty as DE. I agree - they should be tried together.
I think they planned it out as a 'thrill kill.' The sexual component came from the actual killing, not from any sexual assault, imo. They wanted a young, innocent girl to brutally slaughter. They planned it out enthusiastically. They were both there imo. DE might have brought her back to NK after he picked her up, but if so, he knew what the plan was.
Thank you for posting that. That was an incredible letter. It's sad to see how widespread the heartache is, when someone does something so horrific. Like ripples in a pond.

The letter from DE's teammate was amazing. The doubt he has in his ability to judge people tore at my heart.
OBE ITA with you.

She's da bomb isn't she? :loveyou: :bombshell:

Prosecutors say he planned the murder with Natalie Keepers after talking with Lovell on social media. Investigators were able to track the last messages on Lovell's phone to Eisenhauer.

He watched her climb out of her bedroom window and gave her a side hug, prosecutors say, and left to go to Keepers' dorm.

Keepers told investigators she saw him kill Lovell and put her in his Lexus. Lovell's body was later found in Surry County, North Carolina.

This article makes it sound like he took Nicole to Keepers' dorm. He gave her a "side hug" and took her to have her throat slit. No, wait, he went to go get Keepers and then THEY went to cut Nicole's throat. Sickos!
Keepers is adamant that she was not present at the killing itself, but she went along for the ride, Pettitt said. And once Nicole was dead, Keepers helped load her body into Eisenhauer's Lexus, the prosecutor said.

more with same basic reference to "going along for the ride"

I am torn between thinking that NK was present in the car or nearby while the murder was committed or that the "went along for the ride" was the prosecutor's description of her involvement, ie. she helped plot/plan it and embarked on this course because she was "excited" to be part of the "secret" but was only picked up to assist with body disposal after the deed was done.

The letter from DE's teammate was amazing. The doubt he has in his ability to judge people tore at my heart.
Where is the link to the letter? TIA.
I think they planned it out as a 'thrill kill.' The sexual component came from the actual killing, not from any sexual assault, imo. They wanted a young, innocent girl to brutally slaughter. They planned it out enthusiastically. They were both there imo. DE might have brought her back to NK after he picked her up, but if so, he knew what the plan was.

:yeahthat: They both knew what the plan was. They spent from January 4th until the 27th planning it (at the least - maybe that was selecting a victim - they planned the murder prior). The :dramaqueen: and :treadmill: Bet Keepers is wanting some of those little fishy treats about now... :trout:
Where is the link to the letter? TIA.

I think it is against TOS to post it. I have no link, but I think it was DE's FB?? And I haven't tried to access that FB account. Tried Keepers FB and it directs you off the FB site. Weird. PrivateEye commented NK's FB too.
Maybe "going along for the ride" is not to be understood literally? But refers to the whole plotting and planning?
I keep going back to NK's statements about being a part of something secret and exciting with DE. I wonder if she had a thing for him, maybe even obsessed with him. Of all the people she could have called to take her to the hospital (i.e. "rescue" her) she called him. What better way to bind someone to you for LIFE than to commit such a horrible crime with them. Maybe he told her about this online relationship he was having with NL. Maybe he told her that she had presented herself as 18 but he had found out she was much younger. Maybe NK convinced DE that NL could expose him and everything he wanted for his future, like working in the field of military technology, would be gone--no security clearances for convicted felons and registered sex offenders. And then she helped him come up with a plan to take care of his problem.

Regarding the "POLICE" text, I know that at my son's university, they had twitter accounts that would warn students where the police were set up with checkpoints, etc. I could see someone from AJ tweeting "police in the lobby" or something like that to warn other students to hide their liquor/pot and NK seeing those tweets and warning DE or some similar scenario.
Maybe "going along for the ride" is not to be understood literally? But refers to the whole plotting and planning?

Yes, good catch! I think that is what her reference really meant.
"The David I knew had his faults, but this is beyond the scope of imagination," said the note, which was addressed to Eisenhauer. "Did something happen to you that would cause a complete change, or was this newly surfaced personality always there, lurking in the shadows, hiding amidst lies? And if it was, how did you hide it so well?"

The post also mentioned that Eisenhauer had a goal of working for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which develops technology for the military. Kern told The Associated Press he wasn't ready to discuss the post or his friendship with Eisenhauer.

This quote from a friend of DE really drives home how many are affected by this crime. Not just the more direct, visible damage done to the victim's friends and loved ones, but it's effect on those who knew the perpetrators, now left struggling to understand how their friend or family member could do such a thing, could BE such a thing.
Looks like someone went in and made Natalie's Instagram account private. I noticed recent photos had a lot of crazy comments from people so I'm not surprised.

Her Facebook account has been scrubbed as well. Just as a photo of a dog and that's it.

(Yes, these were definitely her accounts. I had them bookmarked before when there were a lot of photos of her on them.)

David's Facebook is completely deleted.
I wonder if NLs social media will be deleted or if they will keep them up. Tough choice either way I would think. My heart aches for Nicole's family.

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Not sure if this has been posted but it made me second guess my personal
Thoughts on the real manipulator in this case. My opinion all along has been that NK was the same if not more involved in the making of this devilish happening. Watching this former profiler speak on DE and his ability to mislead people easily. . Idk .. ?!?! I still lean more toward NK due to the lack of soul in her eye. JMO... It's crazy to see how this case has progressed from little to no info-------> information overindulge. [emoji15]

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We can't believe that either one of them is telling the whole truth. LE said the stabbing scene was Craig Creek Rd. So, it's safe to say it did not happen in the dorm!! Natalie was either with him when he went to get Nicole, or waiting for him to pick her up at her dorm. Otherwise, he would have had to kill Nicole, leave her, drive bloodily to the dorm to pick up Natalie and drive back to the site to load Nicole in the trunk. I suspect that if she was not with him when he picked up Nicole, he went to get her before performing the murder. He could easily have told Nicole that he needed to swing by Natalies to give her a ride or something....JMO Or, Natalie could have been hiding in the back seat, weapon in hand.
I wonder if NLs social media will be deleted or if they will keep them up. Tough choice either way I would think. My heart aches for Nicole's family.

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Is there a chance that these accounts are left open until LE is done fully investagating every avenue they provide? Then once they finish they give a go ahead to families that if they want to they can suspend or delete the profile?

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Natalie could have been hiding in the back seat of the car.
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