VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #5 *Arrests*

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I remember when that happened. I just can't with that case. That poor, poor, little, trusting boy. The picture from a surveillance camera of little James walking out of the mall holding Venables' hand haunts me.

agree, Haunting is exactly what it is. :sigh::frown::needdrink:
Hello to all. I have been following, but have had nothing to add. Maybe someone can help me out here. Nicole is only 13, why is she so obsessive about having a boyfriend or even male attention. I was 13 not all that long ago, and I remember at that age, we may have only been beginning to take a slight notice of guys, and they were our age or close to it. Most of the girls I knew thought guys, even 18, were too old, way to old for us. Why is she so clearly obsessive with regards to males? And, then heartbroken if one who speaks to her, doesn't anymore. Don't most girls that age realize that is the nature of the beast? I don't have children, so can only go by memories of what myself and friends were like, or my nieces or friends children. I have not seen any of them with any behavior at age l3. What do you guys think about this attitude at this age. Certainly, adults in her life most of noticed her obsession, no? I know my parents would of, they were like hawks, I used to think they could read my mind, as they knew everything I was thinking, sometimes, it seemed, before I actually thought it.

You guys are doing a great job with your thoughts and compassion for this horrid case. Those two adults who perpetrated this crime are absolutely evil. Thanks to all, and thanks to Websleuths for providing this thread. Katt

I'm obviously guessing here, but it could be she was missing things in her life to make her feel happy and complete. It was stated she felt bullied at school. So she felt alone. Had a lot of time on her hands in her bedroom alone. She got sucked into Social Media. She fell down a dark hole and became obsessed.

I haven't heard of any outside interests she had - at school or otherwise. I think this is key for kids too. Involvement in the community, shared interests with other kids, sports, etc. These types of things help keep kids on the straight and narrow, away from drugs, trouble. Obviously not fool proof, but better than sitting alone for hours upon hours chatting with men in a closed off bedroom.
In a perfect world, a girl can depend on her daddy. Lots of cases we read here, show that's not true.

I'll leave it at that.

I know this all too well unfortunately and that is why I advocate so strongly for daddy's to be the one person a girl can always depend on, to be the example of the guy he wants for his daughter. <<Sigh>> I wish this gift for all girl's and if they do not have it, I wish for them to seek it in their mate for their babies. (Or at least find a mate who is trainable...hehe?)
FBI has an office in Roanoke and that's only an hour away from Blacksburg. It's possible that law enforcement asked for their help.

I believe they did. In fact, I read in earlier reports that the FBI and VA authorities were at the scene in North Carolina before NC authorities even knew the FBI and VA authorities were there.
Police told him the suspects planned to slit her throat but never succeeded. DL said he didn&#8217;t know where her stab wounds ended up because he couldn&#8217;t bring himself to view them.


David Lovell told Dr. Phil the last time he saw his daughter Nicole was December 19th.

He didn't see her over the Christmas holiday!?!?



Dr. Phil asked, &#8220;How did you find out that she died?&#8221;

&#8220;I found out, I found out on TV,&#8221; Lovell said. He went on to describe how police, he said, made a mistake not telling him first. &#8220;It was simply a screw up. They simply forgot to let me know it was coming out at the news conference. They did they explain, they apologized. They said they never let anything like that happen again,&#8221; he said.

However, the news conference Lovell referenced, took place at 9:30 p.m., that Saturday evening after Nicole&#8217;s body was found in Surry, NC. Lovell, however, posted on his own Facebook page at 5:40 p.m., nearly four hours before police released that Nicole had been found dead that was &#8220;devestad (sic) to learn that my daughter has been found dead! I&#8217;m so in shock I know nothing more to say, I&#8217;m broken!&#8221; he posted.

That message was relayed to friends, community members and the media gathered at a candle light vigil outside Nicole&#8217;s home at 6:00.
I do think Nicole knew the importance of her meds. She heard docs and nurses, they probably asked her at ever visit. One of my grandsons had severe asthma as a little one and he knew how to set up his nebulizer and tell me which meds he needed at 3 years old. He even carries is puffer and pills he must take now even in his car.

The teens I've taught are all usually on top of medications for serious health issues. They keep track of when to go to the nurse, etc. Mental health related medications might be another issue, but in my experience, most kids are involved and responsible when they have important medications to take. I dont see any reason why Nicole would be any different.
If Nicole did take a suitcase, I'd bet it's the same one found in Keepers' dorm room with the blanket inside.
I haven't found anything online in MSM that said NL left her apartment with a suitcase. Everything points to her leaving with her cellphone, blanket, and a bottle of water.

The only mention of a suitcase is " supplies Keepers and Eisenhauer had bought were found in a suitcase in Keepers' dorm room."
I haven't found any other reports on Nicole taking a suitcase, so right now I think Dr. Phil was confused. Nicole's blanket was found in a suitcase in NK's room. Doesn't mean suitcase belonged to Nicole. I don't think she was planning to run away that night. She would have taken a lot more things if that what she planned to do.
The father said NL's throat was not slit. But the prosecutor says differently:

The plan was for Eisenhauer, who had been messaging Lovell, to lure her out of the home late at night under the guise of a date, Montgomery County Commonwealth&#8217;s Attorney Mary Pettitt said.

He took Lovell to the site he and Keepers selected together and slit the girl&#8217;s throat, Pettitt said.


The father (and Dr. Phil) really need to get their facts straight before talking to the media.
The father said NL's throat was not slit. But the prosecutor says differently:

The plan was for Eisenhauer, who had been messaging Lovell, to lure her out of the home late at night under the guise of a date, Montgomery County Commonwealth&#8217;s Attorney Mary Pettitt said.

He took Lovell to the site he and Keepers selected together and slit the girl&#8217;s throat, Pettitt said.


The father (and Dr. Phil) really need to get their facts straight before talking to the media.

There are so many contradicting statements out there at this point. In the Roanoke article, it states that they planned to slit her throat but in the video the anchor states that the plan was to slit her throat but that she was stabbed to death. At this point, I cannot tell what actually happened versus reporter license versus language source or police used.

Did DE take her to NK? Was NK at the murder scene? How was she killed? I think we are going to have to wait until the trial to find out exactly what investigators found.

I watched the Dr. Phil interview last night. My heart broke for her dad and family. That said, I was uncomfortable with the "finding out on television" after reading the other statements. I was also uncomfortable with the Dr. Phil says something, gets a nod, and it becomes what happened aspect of the interview-- the suitcase, the taking away of the phone, the knowing about her presence on social media. The man is grieving and should not/cannot be held accountable for the confusion or inconsistencies. But, Dr. Phil was putting words and ideas together that didn't make sense given the press statements that are out there. I think it was not wise to have gone on the show. I am sure this is why her mother chose not to do so--- grief, fog of pain, and lack of desire to have the story massaged by Dr. Phil.

I do applaud the dad for wanting to make sure that others do not go through the things he has.
The girl's father, David Lovell, expressed similar concerns in an interview scheduled to air on Wednesday's episode of "Dr. Phil."

"Nicole had been talking to older guys," the devastated father said in a pre-released clip of the interview. "I took her phone from her."

He also had not seen her since Dec. 19. I thought dad had also said that he didn't know how she got it back. I feel like this statement throws the mom under the "questionable parent" bus because Nicole had her phone again. Mom had to be the one to give it to her. On so many levels, it feels wrong to be saying this to a national audience. If her mom gave her the phone back, why make her look irresponsible and not say the whole story of what happened with the phone. The dad has to know what happened between mom and Nicole about the phone. I am not liking the interview. Can you tell?
There are so many contradicting statements out there at this point. In the Roanoke article, it states that they planned to slit her throat but in the video the anchor states that the plan was to slit her throat but that she was stabbed to death. At this point, I cannot tell what actually happened versus reporter license versus language source or police used.

Did DE take her to NK? Was NK at the murder scene? How was she killed? I think we are going to have to wait until the trial to find out exactly what investigators found.

I watched the Dr. Phil interview last night. My heart broke for her dad and family. That said, I was uncomfortable with the "finding out on television" after reading the other statements. I was also uncomfortable with the Dr. Phil says something, gets a nod, and it becomes what happened aspect of the interview-- the suitcase, the taking away of the phone, the knowing about her presence on social media. The man is grieving and should not/cannot be held accountable for the confusion or inconsistencies. But, Dr. Phil was putting words and ideas together that didn't make sense given the press statements that are out there. I think it was not wise to have gone on the show. I am sure this is why her mother chose not to do so--- grief, fog of pain, and lack of desire to have the story massaged by Dr. Phil.

I do applaud the dad for wanting to make sure that others do not go through the things he has.


Bingo. This man is in mourning and shock. I honestly wish he had been advised not to do that interview as it just is too soon, too raw. I do think he feels called to warn parents, and for that I commend him. In turn, we should listen to that portion of his message (to pay attention to what our kids are doing online) and give him a pass on not communicating or knowing every detail accurately. He's not a witness or LE, but a heartbroken father.

I'm on the fence with the Dad, in my book he is bordering on wanting 15 minutes of fame, but that's my opinion.

I would like to know why he hasn't seen his daughter since December 19th, why didn't he get together with her for a day over the Christmas/New Year's holiday?!?? I just don't get it, then to go on national television and say inconsistencies and throwing the family under the bus.
Are we allowed to post any other FB group sites that NL was apart of or no? Maybe they have already been posted as well, but due to the massive amount of feedback within these threads I could have easily overlooked information on them. I came across a few more teen/ rating groups NL had posted in. Just let me know! Mucho Thanks!
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