VA - Scott Fricker, 48, & Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, slain, Reston, 22 Dec 2017 *daughter’s bf charged*

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I'm very glad it worked out for your son. It's just not for some kids. Mine was one of them, but, hindsight is always 20/20. I was willing to try. I beat myself up over making that choice, too. A lot. It's a double edged sword for us parents. You sent yours and all turned out pretty well. Mine is not a violent person. Great personality. Nice lookin' kid, but has some difficulties, so, an empty spot this Christmas. My heart breaks for him. I rethink something, about what I could have done, or done differently, almost every, single, day.
But did you ever so no to your son?
But did you ever so no to your son?

Oh, absolutely. That was part of the problem. I was told mine had o.d.d. Mine also leans toward the right. We've had some interesting conversations. I've got a conservative sil, and liberal daughter, and, well, we're a mixed lot. None of us has ever killed anyone either.
I'm just now finding out these kids were In a private school for the emotionally disturbed. I really feel for the victims - nobody knows what hell they may have been going through with that daughter. I have a son with high functioning autism - a little different but he was in a similar class very early in elementary school and then went on to regular classes. We moved him out of social skills class in 7 th grade because as some of these kids get older you start seeing more of the anti social criminal types in these settings. I don't know the killer here but I doubt he's truly mentally incompetent - it sounds like hes more of the anti social type. Just horrible situation too bad the parents didn't realize how much danger they were in - it would have been better for them to place her in a residential setting. I hope that's where she will go now - I also wonder how innocent she is I read somewhere he'd been in the house for an hour already that morning. Hard to believe she wasn't aware he had a gun. Did she plan the murder with him?
Another thought - to be in one of these classes you have to be very very seriously disturbed. Also the parents might not have been paying tuition - in VA the public school system sends kids to these schools instead of having the emotionally disturbed class in a public school. My mother taught a similar class for many years. At the age of 16/17 to be in a classlike this it is not good news at all - if you had any promise in succeeding in school the district would be moving you to a regular high school and working towards graduation. If you stay in a school like this you can't graduate with a real high school diploma. Also I saw an earlier comment about aging out at 22 - special Ed kids can stay in school that long if they need. My thoughts are the kids at this school are low functioning. As you might tell I have a lot of experience personally and professionally dealing with this.
While this repulsive teen murderer had Nazi beliefs in the end IMO the motive for the double murders is the same as so many other teens who have killed parents of their girlfriend. He killed them because they stood in the way of the relationship and did not want it to continue.

Killers like this have come from all walks of life. I don't believe him being a Nazi had anything to do with why he killed these parents. Imo, he would have done the same to any parents who got in between (according to his beliefs) him, and the one he thought he was entitled to have no matter what anyone else had to say. Even if they had not known about his Nazi ideology but just thought he was a bad influence overall on their daughter..demanding they end the relationship............he would have done the same. IMO

We have seen it happen time after time when parents step in to try and end a toxic relationship between their child and their boyfriend. They windup being murdered.

I certainly hope LE grills the daughter of the murdered parents. So often in cases like this not only did their child know about the murder plot beforehand but many times they have been the masterminds behind the plot to murder their own parents. In many cases the females spurred the boyfriend on by telling him they can only be together if her parents are dead and out of the way.

I believe she knew this was going to happen all along. When she agreed to breakup with him she knew it was a lie. Imo, she had no intentions of ever breaking up with him. Imo, she knew all along he was going to take care of their 'problem.'

Another thought - to be in one of these classes you have to be very very seriously disturbed. Also the parents might not have been paying tuition - in VA the public school system sends kids to these schools instead of having the emotionally disturbed class in a public school. My mother taught a similar class for many years. At the age of 16/17 to be in a classlike this it is not good news at all - if you had any promise in succeeding in school the district would be moving you to a regular high school and working towards graduation. If you stay in a school like this you can't graduate with a real high school diploma. Also I saw an earlier comment about aging out at 22 - special Ed kids can stay in school that long if they need. My thoughts are the kids at this school are low functioning. As you might tell I have a lot of experience personally and professionally dealing with this.
Do you live in Virginia? I can’t speak for that state but in the state I live much of what you said is not the fact and you made statements of fact. Perhaps your opinion from your own experience?
27 students?!

“Family services are also provided and required for all TDS students and their parents. We believe that these services enable families to work together to resolve issues and plan for the future. The goal is to develop and implement a unified staff and parental approach toward helping the student develop and maintain academic and behavioral gains.

Family services include:
Development and implementation of an individualized family counseling plan
Parent support groups
Individual family meetings
Quarterly written progress reports
Phone support for crisis intervention and/or to answer questions
Opportunity to serve on the Parent Advisory Board
Books and articles as resources for the parents

The purpose of the individual family meetings is to review and evaluate family and student progress toward meeting individual goals and objectives.

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Kind of puts a new perspective on why Buckley emailed the school. It makes even more sense now that she did.

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While this repulsive teen murderer had Nazi beliefs in the end IMO the motive for the double murders is the same as so many other teens who have killed parents of their girlfriend. He killed them because they stood in the way of the relationship and did not want it to continue.

Killers like this have come from all walks of life. I don't believe him being a Nazi had anything to do with why he killed these parents. Imo, he would have done the same to any parents who got in between (according to his beliefs) him, and the one he thought he was entitled to have no matter what anyone else had to say. Even if they had not known about his Nazi ideology but just thought he was a bad influence overall on their daughter..demanding they end the relationship............he would have done the same. IMO

We have seen it happen time after time when parents step in to try and end a toxic relationship between their child and their boyfriend. They windup being murdered.

I certainly hope LE grills the daughter of the murdered parents. So often in cases like this not only did their child know about the murder plot beforehand but many times they have been the masterminds behind the plot to murder their own parents. In many cases the females spurred the boyfriend on by telling him they can only be together if her parents are dead and out of the way.

I believe she knew this was going to happen all along. When she agreed to breakup with him she knew it was a lie. Imo, she had no intentions of ever breaking up with him. Imo, she knew all along he was going to take care of their 'problem.'


I don't know if she knew it would go that far, or if either of them knew it would go that far, but it did. I agree, she was letting him in, directly against her parents orders, she wasn't giving him up. I saw some photos of her, and I do believe that they had their hands full too, but Mom naively thought she had it taken care of, but daughter pulled one over on them. Reminds me of the Romeo and Juliet that happened her last year. They got walked in on, by the stepmom, and now stepmom is dead, and bf tried to hang himself, later dying.
I 100% agree. I was very surprised to see this too and shocked, quite frankly, seeing the type of school her child was in, and counseling, etc... then burdening another student? I'd have never done that to my child. I've asked their friends if they've seen them, to have them call me, but that's very personal, and in a classroom that size you know they all talked. I think both families had some issues going on. We may never know.
I think it's possible that Mja used to go to school with them and is now in college, if what I am seeing online is correct.

I'm also going to point out that while I had been a troubled teen who was sent away for a bit, by the time I was 18 I not only had my head on straight, but was very good at guiding some of my wilder girlfriends and their parents realized this. I could see having a conversation with one of them about a troublesome boy (and I think I did on at least one occasion), because they knew I would have more influence over the girl than them.

Mja was two years older than the daughter, and possibly a positive influence. We also don't know that it was Buckley who initiated the conversation with Mja. It really could have been the other way around. At one point my senior year I caught one of my girlfriends tripping on acid. I took her and her new boyfriend aside and made it clear that this wasn't going to happen on my watch. I was close to her dad, not her mom. It turned out to just be a one-off with her, but I am pretty sure I would have gone to her dad had she continued to do drugs.

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I am sorry, but I think she heard compassion and kindness in her home and he heard resentment and hate in his home and the result of that is here for everyone to see. The girl brought up in a liberal house did not kill her right wing boyfriends parents. The boy brought up in a right wing household killed her parents.

And of course, people brought up in leftist households don't ever kill people- right?
If this Buzzfeed article is true, I’m so concerned about Buckley texting a classmate/friend of her daughter about her concerns. I can’t imagine doing that. The girl was 18 and going to the same school for troubled kids. What was she thinking confiding in her? I would hate my mother for sharing intimate details about me with a classmate. Wouldn’t you share those concerns with the school? They have counselors and family counseling. It’s bizarre to me.

[FONT=&quot]Kuhn-Fricker told Allem that her daughter often forgot to take care of basic things for herself like taking her medicines at night, because she was "completely engrossed on the phone" with the suspect.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"And we are controlling because she just turned 16 years old and we are caring parents and she will have more freedoms as she gets older," she said.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kuhn-Fricker also said that her daughter cried "when she can't talk to him" and that she thought her parents were "nazis" for giving her a two-hour limit while talking to her boyfriend.[/FONT]

I thought the same thing. I can't imagine reaching out to another troubled teenager to discuss my daughter. Especially a friend of the daughter.

So... This friend met the daughter when they were 11 (side note, isn't the friend 18 and the daughter 16?), would that imply that the daughter's issues were long term?

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And another thing...did no one in the school hear what this boy was saying? Clearly, the girl being interviewed knew. Didn’t she tell someone? This stuff is terrible. [FONT=&amp]Maybe she tried to warn the mom and that’s why they were texting. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Allem said the suspect often talked about "murder" and "very violent disturbing things" at the school. She said he made fun of another classmate by saying that he had "Jew curls." The teen also used to make anti-Semitic jokes with his friend, raise his hand and say "Heil Hitler," and "say things like 'The Nazis are coming back,'" Allem said.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]According to Allem, the suspect "would try to manipulate" Kuhn-Fricker's daughter into hating her parents and told her that their "control over her is not warranted."[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]He also made jokes and "references towards violence" against her parents, but "never acted on it until now," Allem told BuzzFeed News.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]"All I know is he didn't like them very much," she said. "And he felt they were getting in the way."

This is a school that is supposed to be giving these kids constant attention. I wonder if the school addressed it at all?

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This is Buckley's daughter from a previous marriage? I didn't know women still hyphenated their name. This is so 70ish, maybe even late 60ish.
I thought the same thing. I can't imagine reaching out to another troubled teenager to discuss my daughter. Especially a friend of the daughter.

So... This friend met the daughter when they were 11 (side note, isn't the friend 18 and the daughter 16?), would that imply that the daughter's issues were long term?

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Not necessarily. They could have met when they were younger in some other way.

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I would get my daughter out of there quickly too. I wonder why she was there in the first place. Has she been a problem? You would have to think so. I can't see how putting 27 disturbed kids together is going to help them. They have no daily interaction with non problem kids, just other disturbed kids. I wonder who thought that that was a great idea/
Some kids need intensive help that is well beyond the capabilities of public schools. There are no easy answers for these kids.

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This is Buckley's daughter from a previous marriage? I didn't know women still hyphenated their name. This is so 70ish, maybe even late 60ish.
No it's not.

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All you have to do is look at the schools website the kids at that school are sent from their local public school district. It's common for east coast states to do this.
I think it's possible that Mja used to go to school with them and is now in college, if what I am seeing online is correct.

I'm also going to point out that while I had been a troubled teen who was sent away for a bit, by the time I was 18 I not only had my head on straight, but was very good at guiding some of my wilder girlfriends and their parents realized this. I could see having a conversation with one of them about a troublesome boy (and I think I did on at least one occasion), because they knew I would have more influence over the girl than them.

Mja was two years older than the daughter, and possibly a positive influence. We also don't know that it was Buckley who initiated the conversation with Mja. It really could have been the other way around. At one point my senior year I caught one of my girlfriends tripping on acid. I took her and her new boyfriend aside and made it clear that this wasn't going to happen on my watch. I was close to her dad, not her mom. It turned out to just be a one-off with her, but I am pretty sure I would have gone to her dad had she continued to do drugs.

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It's good that your experiences were short lived, and you were able to help your friends back on the path, in h.s. I'd have, back then, never listened to a friend. In fact, I didn't listen to the one who tried to wake me up. I took off as soon as I hit 18, and had already bolted once, before 18. I was plumb buck wild. My parents have zero clue as to just how much. I'm talking years, not just a year or two in h.s. I could write a book about what I've seen, done, and lived through. My Momma, God bless her, was so naive, and still is for the most part. Dad was a bit more realistic, but still had on blinders. I'd never want them to know it all. I was in biker bars, regularly, with my then soon to be spouse, before I was 18, and sitting up at the bar, drinking, and the guys would shield me, when the Troopers did walk throughs. I have been on many, many, trips without ever leaving the farm. I've seen stuff, (real, not trippin') that would make a lot of folks just faint dead away. Soooooo many of my old friends are dead, and died young. I'm surprised that I'm not deceased. I got a pass somehow. I quit it all, but not until I made things good with God. I was never arrested though, as I flew low. I'm not bragging, but I truly was, The Only Hell My Momma Ever Raised (Johnny Paycheck). I'd change nothing though. I was able to think like my own wayward one and, as a result, at least try to keep a 1/2 step behind, if I couldn't keep a 1/2 step ahead.
New article with an interview with the daughter's friend:

"[FONT=&quot]In a series of text messages to her daughter's high school classmate in October and November, Buckley Kuhn-Fricker expressed concerns about her 16-year-old's "downhill slide" since she began dating another teen she met at the private school they attended in Springfield, Virginia.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"The downhill slide since she has been with [redacted] is super scary and sad," Kuhn-Fricker wrote to Mja Allem, 18, who told BuzzFeed News that she had known Kuhn-Fricker's daughter since they were 11 years old.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"I'm not impressed by him in any way, but as far as I can tell he has always been very nice to her," Kuhn-Fricker told Allem, who provided BuzzFeed News with screenshots of the text messages. "If I didn't think he was being nice, then there would be nothing redeeming about him."[/FONT]

So they went to a therapeutic alternative school. If that’s where they met then the girl must have been having problems before this monster came into her life

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