GUILTY VA - Shannon Gore charged in death of infant, child abuse, Hayes, 2011

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If it was her child then the reports that the family was not aware of her child(ren) just fell apart. Her parents are in those pictures too...

Makes me sick that she is holding someone's child on her lap when her child(ren) is where? Locked up in a cage somewhere? Buried under the shed? Just disgusting.

Grrrrr, LCoastMom, my thoughts exactly when I saw her holding that pretty, chubby little child. What could have been so wrong with her child(ren) that she/they had to starve them to death or nearly??? I wanted to slap that smile off her face onto the floor & stomp on it. (If things turn out vastly different from the way I'm thinking now, I'll be the first to eat these words and offer my apology to all WS'ers....) I've never seen anything like the "sick" I'm seeing here at this point. :banghead::maddening:
Grrrrr, LCoastMom, my thoughts exactly when I saw her holding that pretty, chubby little child. What could have been so wrong with her child(ren) that she/they had to starve them to death or nearly??? I wanted to slap that smile off her face onto the floor & stomp on it. (If things turn out vastly different from the way I'm thinking now, I'll be the first to eat these words and offer my apology to all WS'ers....) I've never seen anything like the "sick" I'm seeing here at this point. :banghead::maddening:

bold is mine..

It's everywhere.. makes me so sick and so scared for our society, my future grandchildren. Ya know, it used to be, you find a dirt bag where you expect a dirt bag.. and he/she looks like a dirt bag.. everyone they ever had anything to do with knew they were a dirt bag, even if only in hindsight. I'm a (recovering) criminal, a (recovering) drug addict, and was raised in massive dysfunction, the adults in my life were often the very dirt bags we must watch out for. But sometimes some of this stuff just blows even me away.

"And look where it's at
Middle America, now it's a tragedy
Now it's so sad to see, an upper class city
Havin this happenin'..." -Eminem
Lera, I just saw it on the evening news. I was very surprised to hear that Sunshine was released, as our social worker told us she would not be able to go into a home at this time. Perhaps they just didn't want her in a home in this area. Here's the link to the WAVY news segment, pretty much the same thing:

She might be in a rehabilitation center. Hopefully

Like this one but of course not this one.
In regards to the little girl and her future....

This is about a different little girl found in similar circumstances. And this is about her recovery or maybe I should say her recovery as far as she was able. Not to say that this little girl will go the same, but that any recovery will be a long slow sad process.

Warning! Very difficult to read.

Yes, the first part is unbelievable as this child exists somehow despite the sheer neglect of everything any human needs -- but it becomes a beautiful story as the girl is taken into a "regular" family and noticed, and loved, and helped, and fed, and touched and helped to become a human being. She will probably never be just a "normal" young or middle-aged woman, but she's already come very far. Who knows how much more she may be able to accomplish? But we humans need other humans. We just do.

Thank you, Mysteriew!
It's cases like these (danielle and sunny) that seal the "nature vs nurture" debate for me. Humans NEED to be nurtured. If they are not, they do not learn to speak etc.
bold is mine..

It's everywhere.. makes me so sick and so scared for our society, my future grandchildren. Ya know, it used to be, you find a dirt bag where you expect a dirt bag.. and he/she looks like a dirt bag.. everyone they ever had anything to do with knew they were a dirt bag, even if only in hindsight. I'm a (recovering) criminal, a (recovering) drug addict, and was raised in massive dysfunction, the adults in my life were often the very dirt bags we must watch out for. But sometimes some of this stuff just blows even me away.

"And look where it's at
Middle America, now it's a tragedy
Now it's so sad to see, an upper class city,
Havin this happenin'..." -Eminem

Well, let me say first, LostGirl, Congratulations for surviving your early life and for rising above being the "scum bag" that the tea leaves or the crystal ball (dirty crystal, I'm sure) said you would surely be!! Your inner strength to rise above it must be amazing because every day is both an opportunity & a risk.

My father was an alcoholic who joined AA and stopped drinking (never to drink again) when I was about 8 years old. My Mom & Dad and I would attend "open" AA meetings, and I learned a lot about addiction and staying straight & how some folks were more prone than others to be addicts. I don't drink at all, but I don't frown on those who do responsibly.

That aside, what I am getting to is, "One day at a time." That's all we're given -- Today. We were taught to ask, "Give us this day our daily bread...". This day. This day. Not next week or even tomorrow.

So bless you for what you have done & are doing this day & every day.

And you're right -- "bad" people and bad influences are everywhere now, not just in the "poor neighborhoods" or in the alleys or in the bus stations
or in the projects or the big cities -- they never were exclusively there, but we liked to think that some places were safe. Such a phenomenon that is not understood or certainly not curable. Yet. And this world is such a beautiful place, full of good people and good things. That same sentence would also be true if you substituted "scary" or "dangerous" for "beautiful" and "good."

We've got to be more responsible, more watchful, more helpful, more spiritual (in one's own way), and stronger for ourselves, each other & those who can't do it on their own. Or we'll all fail.

I could go on & on.

Eminem's subtle lyrics are right-on...

Bravo, LostGirl!! (Sounds like your name needs to be changed....)
Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump.....

I think about Sunshine all the time, and was hoping I would come here to find some news about this case. I Finally found the thread on page 8. The new stories just keep on coming. :( I hope the locals will remember this child and be watching for news on this childs case for us. I need to hear what these parents have to say for themselves.
Have you ever seen the documentary about "Genie"? I couldn't find the full doc but here's the youtube version with all the parts..

I haven't read all the posts so if this has already been posted let me know and i'll remove it but if not it's worth a watch.

I studied Genie's story in a university linguistics class. It saddened me that, in the making of the documentary, her privacy was stripped away. The end result was that she was placed in a home and not with the couple who were 'studying' her. I hope that HIPPA laws will prevent this happening to the young girl in this instance.
I studied Genie's story in a university linguistics class. It saddened me that, in the making of the documentary, her privacy was stripped away. The end result was that she was placed in a home and not with the couple who were 'studying' her. I hope that HIPPA laws will prevent this happening to the young girl in this instance.

Bold is mine-
me too!
I also hope and pray Sunshine can come out of this and not become another "Genie".

Yes, the first part is unbelievable as this child exists somehow despite the sheer neglect of everything any human needs -- but it becomes a beautiful story as the girl is taken into a "regular" family and noticed, and loved, and helped, and fed, and touched and helped to become a human being. She will probably never be just a "normal" young or middle-aged woman, but she's already come very far. Who knows how much more she may be able to accomplish? But we humans need other humans. We just do.

Thank you, Mysteriew!

One of the things that hurts my heart so deeply on this case is Shannon's mother saying she had met Sunshine as Brian's "niece" or "cousin". Had Sunshine originally been treated well and known love? I can't see it, who could treat their child like this? :pullhair: :anguish:
Regardless of whether the hearing is continued, it will be Hicks' last involvement in the case. Hicks leaves office on Dec. 31 after 17 years as Gloucester's Commonwealth's Attorney.

Hicks did not seek re-election this year. The election was won by Holly Smith, an assistant Commonwealth's Attorney in Williamsburg and James City County, who will continue with the Gores case Jan. 1.,0,5563583.story
In an exclusive interview last May, Shannon's mother, Karen, claimed she never knew she had a six-year-old granddaughter. Karen said Shannon had a melt down following the death of her infant son.

From above wavy link.

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