Identified! VA - Shoosmith Landfill, WhtFem UP6642, 20-35, w/ Richmond trash, Aug'86 - Christy Lynn Floyd

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
got a response back from the detective in charge of hazel's case this is what it said


I will check into both of these this week. If you have not had a response by Friday please email me again.

We are still working on this investigation and are awaiting DNA analysis of some evidence that can assist in future identifications.

Sergeant Kevin S. Howdyshell
Patrol Operations, South Station
Day Shift, A Platoon
Henrico County Police Division
Phone: 804-501-5000

so at least we now know this jane doe is being looked at to see if it's possibly hazel alice klug and trust me if i haven't heard back on friday i will send another e-mail
being i didn't get an e-mail before friday i e-mailed him back and this is the response with the updates on seeing if this is hazel alice klug :

We have been comparing the remains that you have mentioned to the possibility of Hazel Alice Klug. The body that was located in the Shoosmith Landfill and was not only partial remains but were also slightly decomposed. The remains were located without a head or hands which makes identification by dental or fingerprints impossible. We are currently awaiting DNA analysis to determine if the remains can be identified or eliminated with Alice. There are some vast similarities between the two and only one or two differences that the remains may not be Alice. As soon as that is completed then the family will be notified.

I can only imagine the frustration that you must be experiencing since Alice has been missing for almost 30 years but I can assure you that we are still looking into the investigation. Although I cannot go into details there are leads that are being followed up on.

I apologize on the delay to respond back to you and if you have any questions I can answer please let me know.

Sergeant Kevin S. Howdyshell
Patrol Operations, South Station
Day Shift, A Platoon
Henrico County Police Division
Phone: 804-501-5000

well at least we know that it's being looked into now we just wait till they have answers
he said they have quite a few ladies that this jane doe can be so there's a lot of dna to compare and rule out , he said dna is the only way to i d who she is , i even asked if footprints was possible and he said sadly it's not as the ink can smear and the jane doe being so badly decomposed would of made it impossible so dna is best way to get answers , said once know if hazel alice or not the family will be notified he said quite a few ladies disappeared around the same time she did so this jane doe can be any of the ladies and he wants to find out who she is to give the family some closure and the jane doe can finally be known by her name , they also have gotten dna from the jane doe to and even some hair from the jane doe not sure how since there was no head or hands but guessing there was some at the place she was found i'm not sure exactly on that part but hoping they find out who the lady is being left unidentified for so long and a family not knowing is heartbreaking
I'm sorry.I meant to ask if they have mtDNA on this Jane Doe right now? Can someone please find out?
i'm not sure if they already have dna on the jane doe at this time or if they have to obtain it but the doe network says they do but i'll ask the detective in charge of hazel's case if they do or not and let you know
ok i asked mr. howdyshell about the dna of the jane doe and if it was possible if hazel alice could be in witness protection as right after she went missing people would call her parents house claiming they saw her and stuff and here is the answer i got back

The University of North Texas is working on the DNA of the unidentified remains. No one has come forward regarding sightings of Alice nor is she in witness protection.

Sergeant Kevin S. Howdyshell
Patrol Operations, South Station
Day Shift, A Platoon
Henrico County Police Division
Phone: 804-501-5000
i haven't recieve any more e-mails as of today i've e-mailed him asking if there has been any developements in case so hoping i get a response
Sandraella, LE says they are comparing the UID's DNA to your cousin's, but I saw no mention of family's DNA being taken. Are you sure that in fact is has been done? Even if this UID is not a match, the family's DNA will be in the system and will be compared on an ongoing basis to other cases.
BTW I have Klugs in my family tree, from the Pittsburgh area. It is pronounced as you said in a previous post.
What about Darline Vaughan? Missing 5/2/86 from the Village of Ettrick in Chesterfield County. In VA, unincorporated towns within a county are called "villages" rather than "cities;" it has to do with taxing authority - you are either taxed by a county or a city, never both.

I found an article that says that the body was ruled out as Darline's in 1986, but I don't see her on the excluded list for this UID.

edited to add:
The Timothy Spencer case in Arlington, VA was the first US case in which DNA was used; that case concluded in 1988. I raised this potential match again because:

1) A vaginal hysterectomy would not leave an external scar for anyone to make note of (UID had a vaginal hysterectomy, no note of scar on Ms. Vaughan) - thus Ms. Vaughan may have had the procedure and few people may have known about it.
2) Proximity
3) Husband worked at a chemical plant and may have had access to refrigerated storage
4) Body was found prior to Spencer case and DNA samples are not available from Ms. Vaughan
5) Familial DNA matching is now available and easily performed; Ms. Vaughan's sister is the one who reported her missing. If the sister is still alive, Ms. Vaughan can be definitively excluded at this point.
magnum p.e the detective over the DNA said they have family Dna to compare to and if they need more her brother and sisters are still alive , sadly her parents are both deceased though , the detective mr. howdyshell has also gave the e-mail to the one in charge of my cousin's case i've messaged him tonight to see if any progress has been made , mr. howdyshell has also said they do have dna from the jane doe as well he at this time is working on a case he got dna on from 2 years ago so he's slowly going through the cases and hopefully hazel alice will be one he gets to soon
Wow, Det. Howdyshell really has been busy. There are 289 ruleouts listed. Darlene Vaughan isn't one of them. I'll go ahead and include the list here even though it's so long, since sometimes profiles become unavailable:

Lisa Addington 1962 Oklahoma
Ellen Akers 1966 Florida
Tammy Akers 1962 Virginia
Cynthia Allegro 1950 Missouri
Brenda Allen-Szabo 1949 California
Elaine Allenbach 1965 Washington
Dawn Amlo 1949 Connecticut
Lauren Andersen 1961 Minnesota
Mary Andersen/Shondel 1959 Minnesota
Anna Anderson 1964 California
Cynthia Anderson 1961 Ohio
Ida Anderson 1937 Michigan
Maria Anjiras 1961 Connecticut
Maureen Baca 1950 California
Mary Ann Bagenstose 1958 Pennsylvania
Andria Bailey 1963 Washington
Tavia Bailey 1970 Florida
SHARI BALL 1963 Florida
Barbara Barkley 1961 Florida
Donna Barnhill 1967 North Carolina
Katherine Barnum 1954 Colorado
Paget Barr 1956 California
Ramona Beal 1970 California
Rebecca Beard 1964 Texas
Susan Bender 1970 California
Amy Billig 1957 Florida
Kimberly Blackburn 1958 Indiana
Marie Blee 1964 Colorado
Kristy Booth 1960 Texas
Mary Bostwick 1956 New York
Veronica Brewer 1962 Texas
Niki Britten 1953 Oregon
Linda Britton 1944 Ohio
Cindy Brown 1957 Minnesota
Kellie Brownlee 1964 Michigan
Barbara Bruno 1961 New York
Rosemary Buck 1953 New York
Colleen Burgess 1948 Colorado
Peggy Byars-Baisden 1941 Florida
Teresa Byers 1961 Texas
Tracy Byrd 1968 Pennsylvania
Rosemary Calandriello 1952 New Jersey
Ilonka Cann 1948 Pennsylvania
Susan Cappel 1962 Ohio
Pollyanne Carter 1969 Washington
Benita Chamberlin 1953 Oregon
Mabel Chambers 1920 Delaware
Judith Chartier 1964 Massachusetts
ANNA CIACCIO 1949 Nebraska
Christine Civille 1952 Washington
Jane Clement 1941 Louisiana
Joyce Cogburn 1968 Oklahoma
Florence Coker 1949 Florida
Debra Cole 1969 Indiana
Kathryn Collins 1957 Texas
Darlene Conklin 1959 New York
Cynthia Constantine 1954 New York
Cynthia Coon 1956 Michigan
Patricia Corbett 1954 Florida
Carla Corley 1965 Alabama
Jan Cotta 1954 New Jersey
Barbara Cotton 1965 North Dakota
DONELLA COULTAS 1950 California
Elizabeth Crawford 1952 South Carolina
Melinda Creech 1965 Indiana
Debra Cressotti 1955 Massachusetts
Brenda Crowley 1963 New York
Valarie Cuccia 1953 New York
Teresa Cupps 1958 Oklahoma
Beverli Darnell 1961 Florida
Evelyn Davis 1962 Ohio
Linda Davis 1946 Oklahoma
Deborah Dean 1961 Missouri
Freda Denman 1947 Missouri
Peggy Dianovsky 1954 Illinois
Audrey Dill Unknown Iowa
Linne Dominelli 1950 California
Carol Donn 1963 Florida
Kimberly Doss 1966 Iowa
Kimberly Doss 1962 Florida
Jeannette Drzewiecki 1964 Texas
Alexis Duggan 1951 Florida
Michelle Duncan 1964 California
Carol Edwards 1955 Washington
Elizabeth Eisel 1962 Washington
Ann Ellinwood 1965 Oregon
TonI Esbenshade 1959 Texas
Sherry Eyerly 1963 Oregon
Viola Findley 1954 Florida
Sandra Fisher 1947 Kentucky
Nellie Flickinger 1949 Pennsylvania
Dixie Forrester 1939 Missouri
Margaret Fox 1960 New Jersey
Elizabeth Franks 1947 Ohio
Debra Frost 1967 Utah
Janice Fullam 1964 New York
Rose Gayhart 1962 Florida
Trenny Gibson 1960 Tennessee
Shannon Green 1969 Kentucky
Mary Greene 1932 Maryland
Kathryn Gregory 1957 Washington
Delores Griffin 1942 Illinois
Linda Grimm 1961 California
APRIL GRISANTI 1964 Connecticut
Clara Grunst 1963 Missouri
Heather Guy 1953 Washington
Billie Hall 1960 Maryland
Cheryl Hall 1953 California
Joan Hall 1966 Oregon
Angela Hamby 1962 North Carolina
Linda Hamilton 1949 Ohio
Teresa HAMMON 1963 California
Diana Harris 1953 Florida
Margaret Hayes 1954 Indiana
Terrie Hefner 1964 Texas
Kathleen Henson 1948 Oklahoma
Lorraine Herbster 1962 New Jersey
Ashley Higgins 1962 California
Barbara Hilton 1949 Illinois
Pamela Hobley 1954 Michigan
Sandra Hopler 1955 Pennsylvania
Frankie Horsley 1964 North Carolina
Tinze Huels 1967 Florida
Leeann Huffman 1948 Florida
Wendy Huggy 1965 Florida
Cheryl Ann Iacovone 1960 Pennsylvania
Rochelle Ihm 1966 Arizona
Nancy Jason 1958 Maryland
Paulette Jaster 1954 Michigan
Betty Johnson 1957 Oregon
Kerry Johnson 1964 Nevada
Mildred Johnson 1922 Idaho
Rita Jolly 1955 Oregon
Rita Jolly 1955 Oregon
Suzanne Justis 1950 Oregon
Kimberly Kahler 1964 California
Satnam Kaur 1950 Michigan
Patricia Kelley Unknown Tennessee
Elizabeth Kenyon 1961 Florida
Cindy King 1961 Oregon
Kimberly King 1966 Michigan
Tracy King 1960 Pennsylvania
Hazel Klug 1962 Virginia
Khiva Kniffen 1954 Florida
Elaine Kwiatkowski 1956 Massachusetts
Rhonda Labbe 1956 Massachusetts
Vicke Lamberton 1949 Massachusetts
Sandra Landrum 1957 Georgia
Mary Lang 1952 Kansas
Kim Larrow 1965 Michigan
Diana Laughlin 1950 Illinois
Ruth Leamon 1966 California
Patricia Leblanc 1968 Washington
Karen Lee 1961 Oregon
Kase Lee 1966 Washington
Kim Leggett 1962 Texas
Birdie Leonard 1957 Texas
Tammy Leppert 1965 Florida
GERALDINE LISBON 1944 Connecticut
Lori Lloyd 1961 Ohio
Cynthia Long 1952 Washington
Mary Jo Long 1964 California
Charlotte Loomis 1958 New Jersey
Debora Lowe 1958 Florida
Carol Lubahn 1954 California
Sylvia Lwowski 1953 New York
Sheila Lyon 1962 Maryland
Dorothy Madden 1948 Ohio
Sherry Marler 1971 Alabama
Vicki Martinez 1960 Texas
Judy Martins 1955 Ohio
Leslie Marty 1963 West Virginia
Amy Matthews 1959 Pennsylvania
Jonelle Matthews 1972 Colorado
Deborah McCall 1963 Illinois
Penny McClees 1953 Colorado
Monique McClelland 1966 Pennsylvania
Tammie McCormick 1972 New York
Tamera McCurry 1960 Texas
Kelly McGinniss 1965 Washington
Dena McHan 1962 California
Toni McNatt-Chiappetta 1967 Pennsylvania
Irin Meyer 1950 Oregon
Diana Miller 1962 Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Miller 1969 Colorado
PENNY MOLLETT 1952 Florida
Barbara Monaco 1960 Virginia
Kimberly Moreau 1969 Maine
Martha Morrison 1956 Oregon
Cathy Moulton 1955 Maine
Michelle Mulcahy 1961 Florida
Diana Munyon 1965 California
Debra Murr 1956 Tennessee
Pamela Neal 1960 Colorado
Audrey Nerenberg 1958 New York
Georgia Nolan 1943 Kentucky
Dana Null 1963 Florida
Karen O'Donoghue 1944 Massachusetts
Nancy O'Sullivan 1959 Illinois
DEBBY OBERG 1954 Nevada
Mary Opitz 1963 Florida
Patricia Otto 1952 Idaho
Carla Owens 1967 Washington
Eleanor Parker 1962 Louisiana
Nancy Penner 1954 California
Karen Penson 1952 Washington
Cynthia Perry 1968 North Carolina
Janel Peters 1960 California
Elizabeth Pfeifer 1965 Texas
Denise Pflum 1968 Indiana
Sheila Pierce 1954 West Virginia
Linda Pleva 1949 Oregon
Denise Porch 1954 North Carolina
Shannon Potter 1970 Maryland
Sharon Pretorius 1960 Ohio
Dean Pyle Peters 1966 Michigan
Kathryn Quackenbush 1964 Maryland
Angela Rader 1962 Virginia
Laureen Rahn 1966 New Hampshire
Sondra Ramber 1969 Texas
Angela Ramsey 1961 Florida
Tracy Ramsey 1964 Missouri
Kathleen Randall 1958 Georgia
Kathleen Ranft 1956 Texas
Mary Rawlinson 1966 California
Sandy Rea 1966 Oklahoma
Betty Redmond 1951 Maryland
Marcia Remick 1962 Virginia
Linda Reynolds 1952 Arkansas
Teresa Rhodes 1962 Pennsylvania
Simone Ridinger 1960 Massachusetts
Anne Riggin 1956 Pennsylvania
Tammy Risenhoover 1964 Oklahoma
Diane Robbins 1971 Washington
Althea Rogers 1950 Texas
Lonene Rogers 1951 Pennsylvania
Alma Root 1965 California
Nancy Rose 1950 Idaho
Deanna Saccone 1967 California
Karen Schepers 1959 Illinois
Cynthia Schmidt 1967 Minnesota
Patricia Schmidt 1964 Virginia
Patricia Schneider 1957 California
Amber Scholz 1960 Wyoming
Khymbrly SCRUGGS 1960 California
Faye Self 1956 Louisiana
Lisa Sexton 1966 Ohio
Linda Seymour 1947 Illinois
Beverly Sharpman 1930 Pennsylvania
Denise Sheehy 1954 New York
Martha Shelton 1944 Kentucky
Colleen Simpson 1960 Iowa
Roxanne Sims 1958 Oregon
Deborah Spickler 1955 Connecticut
Mary Sprague 1960 Florida
Tracy Stewart 1963 California
Mary Ann Switalski 1946 Illinois
Linda Taylor 1948 Tennessee
Michelle Thomas 1967 Texas
Sheryl Tillinghast 1956 New York
Nadine Timm 1935 Illinois
Pamela Tinsley 1966 Oklahoma
Virginia Tobkin 1955 Minnesota
Deborah Tomlinson 1957 Oregon
Virginia Uden 1947 Wyoming
Donna Urban 1959 Delaware
Annette Vail 1965 Oklahoma
Leah Van Schoick 1965 Florida
PATRICIA VAUGHAN 1963 Connecticut
Emma Vaughn 1967 Florida
Beatrice Villela 1960 Texas
Kristi Vorak 1969 Washington
Helen Wagner 1957 New Jersey
Joyce Walcott 1967 California
Judy Wardrip 1955 Missouri
Darlene Webb 1962 Florida
Kathy Wilcox 1956 Michigan
Debra Wilhite 1954 Indiana
Tammie Wilkinson 1965 Missouri
Karen Wilson 1963 New York
Selinda Winegar 1962 Vermont
Cynthia Woolard 1957 Florida
Judy WORRELL 1957 California
Jennifer Wyant 1958 Tennessee
April Zane 1960 Illinois
Karen Zendrosky 1963 New Jersey
carbuff i'm not sure where you found that but my cousin hazel alice is listed as ruled pit being this lady thanks for posting this information
the latest e-mail i recieved on my cousin hazel alice klug confirmed she's been ruled out as being the jane doe here's the latest e-mail i've recieved i also thought she might of been a jane doe from charlottesville as someone suggested i check into that one and she's been eliminated as being that jane doe as well :

The unidentified female located at the Shoosmith Landfill has been eliminated as being Hazel Klug through DNA comparison. After comparing the unidentified female from Charlottesville to Hazel she has also been eliminated through dental comparison. Please continue to send me possible matches as I can compare them in NamUs and either dig deeper into the comparison or eliminate the two.

Sergeant Kevin S. Howdyshell
Patrol Operations, South Station
Day Shift, A Platoon
Henrico County Police Division
Phone: 804-501-5000

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