GUILTY VA - Tina Smith, 41, slain, 12yo daughter abducted, Salem, 2 Dec 2010 - #4

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Alright folks. Personal stories about how kids are different is pretty off topic here. Let's get back on track please. Thanks.

Sorry I went overboard in my post... should i delete? I was just trying to give insight into what a 12 yr old mind was like. I want more than anything for Brittany to be found safe and unharmed. I feel that she doesn't yet realize the severity of the situation. IMO, I don't think she knows her Mom is gone yet. And I feel so bad for her right now. I really hope he is "taking care of her and staying warm" Until LE can step in and bring her back to her family and get her the help she needs to get through this tragedy. It is not her fault, and I so wish this predator had never stepped into their lives.

I am off to bed, mods please delete if my post was too much, and I will pray that I see a "found safe" by morning!
Her own family has come out and said they believe she went there must be something indicating that she "wanted" to go with him. We don't know all of the details of the relationship between JE and BS. I'm sure manipulation and control was a large part of it, but this could be something that makes people...her own family included...think she wanted to go with him. Then obviously if she knew about/witnessed her mother's murder, she was probably incredibly scared and after he told her God knows what, she decided she'd go with him. I agree with you that most 12 year olds wouldn't just up and say they wanted to go away with a 32 year old man, but most 12 year olds don't even have any sort of non-familial relationship with a 32 year old man. I'm not trying to blame her for everything, but I feel that this situation could have been prevented but a lot of variables kept that from happening. JMO.

Oh No...I missed this! When did the family come out and say they believe she went willingly? I was under the impression that no one (family / LE) had given any you have a link to this, because I would sure like to read it. TIA
Oh No...I missed this! When did the family come out and say they believe she went willingly? I was under the impression that no one (family / LE) had given any you have a link to this, because I would sure like to read it. TIA
I have not seen or heard this and I too would like to see a link. I do not think they have said this but I may have missed it.
i have been following from the beginning of all this and tho i do think that she went willingly, etc. i think that what she thought she was getting involved in and what was actually happening are probably two different things. i seriously doubt that she had/has much of an understanding as to the depth of the situation - shes 12, her not understanding the finality of this mess is beyond her capabilities - not her choosing not to care or understand. she is at a total disadvantage now more than she has ever been with je...i so hope they find her today!

eta: while i agree that the topic of bs willingly going (or however you may explain her being "involved" w/ je) may stigmatize her for long after she is found - i also think this is one of the most important aspect of this situation and WHY parents have to be hyper-vigilant about who they allow into their lives (theirs and especially their children). ws is a godsend for the readers that have had the good fortune to find it and all of the awesome info that it provides but unfortunately their are so so many that for some reason still dont have any understanding that there are PREDATORS everywhere and that even they are at risk... what and how do we get that info out there? this is what frustrates me more than anything because it seems like a simple message, as simple as the rule that we teach our children not to talk to strangers - but the parents should be following the same rules!
Does any one else think it strange that no one is saying what this guy did before? Where did he live before long was he in the roanoke area? Did he ALWAYS work in landscape etc??? I find it weird that they do not say much about him ?????????
On the Find Brittany facebook page I just saw this comment left approx 7 hours ago.
just called the police and one of his friends that i dont even know at all just told me where he is so..

I find it hard to believe that someone this girl doesn't even know told her anything, but just putting it out there.
On the Find Brittany facebook page I just saw this comment left approx 7 hours ago.
just called the police and one of his friends that i dont even know at all just told me where he is so..

I find it hard to believe that someone this girl doesn't even know told her anything, but just putting it out there.

Hopefully, LE is taking this seriously.
Not sure if I'm allowed to post it, but I saw this comment on another website:

If anyone is looking for more pics of both Brittany and Jeff, follow the 'Rate Him Back' button on Tina's myspace page (as someone posted previously). Make sure you are logged into myspace and then accept the application to be added. It will bring you to a long list of pictures of Jeff and his family (two children I believe?). I dont know why they have not made these photos public?

I deleted my MySpace a long time ago, but just made a "quick" new account to try this out and I am shocked as well that they haven't released some of these pictures of him because there's a couple of close-ups, as well as some of his body type. It's also not like it's against the rules because it's through an application. Weird.
Does any one else think it strange that no one is saying what this guy did before? Where did he live before long was he in the roanoke area? Did he ALWAYS work in landscape etc??? I find it weird that they do not say much about him ?????????

I have to agree with you. I find it odd, that no neighbors or old friends are speaking out. What kind of man is he? (other than the obvious). What does he like to do with his free time? Is he an outdoors kind of person? Any special training? etc etc. IMO
The grainy photo of Brittany Smith leaving the Salem Walmart a week ago with the man police say abducted her shows the 12-year-old girl clasping her hands, or perhaps picking at her fingernails.

At her side, Jeffrey Easley, her slain mother's 32-year-old boyfriend, pushes a shopping cart loaded with a tent, bottled water, Gatorade and camping equipment.

The picture, the last confirmed sighting of Brittany and Easley, betrays no clues that tell whether the child is a hostage or a willing companion, Roanoke County investigators said.

She's not being forced at gunpoint. She's neither resisting nor crying. She isn't running away.

Does that mean she's part of a plot to flee her mother's home on Fort Lewis Circle, where the body of Tina Smith, 41, was found Monday?

much more here
i have been following from the beginning of all this and tho i do think that she went willingly, etc. i think that what she thought she was getting involved in and what was actually happening are probably two different things. i seriously doubt that she had/has much of an understanding as to the depth of the situation - shes 12, her not understanding the finality of this mess is beyond her capabilities - not her choosing not to care or understand. she is at a total disadvantage now more than she has ever been with je...i so hope they find her today!

eta: while i agree that the topic of bs willingly going (or however you may explain her being "involved" w/ je) may stigmatize her for long after she is found - i also think this is one of the most important aspect of this situation and WHY parents have to be hyper-vigilant about who they allow into their lives (theirs and especially their children). ws is a godsend for the readers that have had the good fortune to find it and all of the awesome info that it provides but unfortunately their are so so many that for some reason still dont have any understanding that there are PREDATORS everywhere and that even they are at risk... what and how do we get that info out there? this is what frustrates me more than anything because it seems like a simple message, as simple as the rule that we teach our children not to talk to strangers - but the parents should be following the same rules!

I agree. I can tell you that there is no man that I would let in my home after a few months of dating, in fact anyone that I would potentially have as a mate I have paid to have background check. I just dont believe in moving a man into the home with a teen girl.

This is basicall what my theory is
mom meets man on internet. An internet relationship can seem like a fantasy come true due to behind a computer a person can be whom ever they want to be and writing letters and words is easy to express.

Mom meets and has this feeling of possibly true love, soulmate.
Mom thinks it is fovever and moves him in,

He is creepy to brittnay at first.. just a gut feeling she had (and was right on the spot) but 12 year olds are easy and i mean easy to groom and convince they are a good guy after all.

He befriended her.. listened to her tween problems, took interest in her life. He may have caused friction with daugher and mom.. yes 12 year old have disagreements with moms at time. He perhaps instigated some of them in a subtle way so he "could take Brittnay's side)

so they become buddies, he has words of true love and a happy ever ending with her. The one person who can make anything bad turn to good.. he grooms her.. a little at a time... she believes him but it is not out of love it is out of the whole plan a molestor has.. well thought out.

Mom FINALLY starts to come around and open her eyes to it. Perhaps found some text or somthing confronted him he deny.. she tells him get out by a certain day.. 24 hours or so.. he begs to stay.. she is conflicted and argues with him. She confronts Brittnay.. Brittnay takes his side as she feels that any sexual content with anyone of ANY age she would be in trouble for and this is mom's boyfriend.. she feel she betrayed the mom.

all three in argument, mom confused, easly mad, brittnay confused perhaps scard mom will punish her.

He kills mom not in planned out but arguement. I strongly suspet he strangled her.

Perhaps Brittnay does not even know mom dead. He tells Brittnay they have to leave because she is calling police to him and/or her. Perhaps he tells Brittnay that mom is going to have her sent to home for teens.

He could of made up many many many lies to convince her to go willingly. I am almost sure she did... she is a child.... it is comparable to me as a man/pervert telling a kid "mommy wants me to pick you up from school" and does the child go willingly... yes they do kids are taught to trust adults. He was a caregiver type as he was in home, he groomed her, he has or had her trust.

Even if she in someway knew or covered for him as what he did to mother, she is NOT to blame.. brainwashing.. yes it can be done and anything can be justified to a child.

Sorry if this is long, but it is just how I think it very possible could of happened.

Someone helping them. I HOPE so that may be the only hope of getting her back alive. If they are on the run with no cash and resorting to robbery etc on daily basic for 20 or 30 bucks at a time.. that is going to eventually stress and anger him that things are getting hard to keep up and may kill himself and kill her. That is what I am terrified of. I dont think he will kill her and run. I think he will feel backed in a corner and kill himself and her.. perhaps it is his romeo and juliette in a sick, twisted, evil, pervert of a way.

God please bring her home safe.
sorry for the mispellings I am trying to do this quick and with every though i think is logical. I am a little fuzzy this morning rough and sleepless night.
I wonder if anyone is familiar enough with what items were in the home before the abduction? Pawn shops are open on Saturdays. If mom had electronics, tools, jewlrey etc. JE may have been able to obtain some cash. For the life of me I can't imagine them camping in the cold. He may have tried it but can almost bet it didn't last long. If he had $$$ my guess is he went far west. Mom's car could have been ditched in a busy parking lot and bus tickets could have gotten them cross country. There is more attention now but over the weekend they may have been able to go a long way without notice. Does anyone know if JE had friends or family on the west coast?
I also would like to know how they met on the internet. Did he befriend her on myspace, did she or he place a single ad, was it through a gaming site. I dont see her into gaming sites due to the fact she has too much pain in her life with son killed and daughter to take care of and a working mom.

Did he ever meet any other women off the net? Did she previous commiate with other potential men on the intetnet? If I am correct they stated he has been divorced twice ( i may be wrong on that ) did the other women have kids? What was the reason for divorce?

I have noticed that Brittnay wears make up and looks older than 12. Did she recently start making herself look older for him? Did he buy gifts for her. What else was on the mom's charge cards as of recent? Did mom buy him gifts? Did she support him? Had he put in any applications for employment? What are his skills? What type of places were of interest to him bars, staying at home, fishing, hunting.. meaning is there a way he could survive with skills as hunting for food? Does he has permit for handgun? Did he have friends in the direct area? Did he have friends visit? Did he seclude the mother from having friends and isolate her from ones that would suspect him of anything. The thanksgiving thing.. well of course he had to go.. but other than that did she stop communication with friends?

I know these are alot of questions.. but all lead to his mindset, his potential survival skills, his logic on things, his controlling ways.

the hand cuff buddy.. were handcuff or sort found in the home.

I think that as much information that they can put out there on him would be helpful but perhaps these are the things that they need to keep confidential

I can walk into any mall, store, walmart, target etc. and see girls and a man that I would assume father or uncle with the girl. All the girls these days seem to have somthing in common that would be hard to pin point her. The hairstyles are the same with alot of young girls, the clothes style, she is a very pretty girl and seems to fit a normal teen girl. There are girls that are out there are far as hair colors with blue, odd clothes due to goth that would call attention but she looks like just an average teen from a decent home (in apperance) she would be hard to really point out in a crowd. His picture on NG or JVM last night were two totally different looks. A shave head is now in style for men. A haircut for her would make her look different and no makeup would make her look much different than the picutes. I think they need more pictures of her.. school pictures or a year or two back that perhaps when she looked her age.

I am not saying she was trying to act older with make up etc. all teens mostly do even at twelve... but both of their appearance could of drastically changed.. we need more infomation as to what they could look like with the above changes.

What about clothes? Would she still be wearing the same thing. Would it be too risky to buy clothes from a chain store. Would a thrift store be more likley?

I would also like to know if the house was left in a way that he was lookig for things to sell on the street any jewlery missing, designer hand bags.. my gosh.. my kids even trade and sell their jordan shoes to each other for a quick 40 bucks.

What type of items were they known to have? Income level... did her income level permit her to buy items of value? Does family know of jewlery she may have had worth anything.

there are just alot of questions and I am sure that LE is on it all. If they left anything out and they read these boards.. and I assume they do some of the best information comes from theories and suggestions from the public who logically look at the case. We are what armchair detectives.. they are known to solve cases. If anyone in LE reads these post please take into consideration all information and things that may be released that can help us in some way as to mindset, other places they could possibly be.

my last post on this i am just so worried.. this and missing michigan boys, i google seach missing kids each day on news and there are way more than even reported on national news. Just really sad that these things happen to our young ones.
I was hoping to find good news this am.

I have a suggestion, but Im not sure how to do it.

We have so many warnings, little stories, a-airway, b-breathing, c-circulation.
or stop, drop and roll.,

Maybe their is something like that the some of the great minds here on WS could make, or with help:)

this is not right but maybe warning. w-who is he, a-always nice, r-run ??
Opera did a couple of great shows, one was putting a missing poster up in Walmart, then dressed the child to exactly how the child was dressed in the picture. Not one person saw this child this child walking around in Walmart. Another show she did was asking small children what is a stranger, most said creepy or something to that effect, some said someone you dont know.
She also did a show to tell children how to get away, to scream. etc.

Does anyone know what the %s or statists are of stolen children in other countries?

3 tragicities that i know of, was mom or dad was watching the kids and just ran in the house for a minute. Maybe Im wrong on this one, but have you noticed what a hired babysitter looks like that abuses a child or steals them? I cant say it here, but it seems like it always the same body style.
As far taking things to sell form the home, I don't think he meant to kill TS. I think he went into a rage, saw the shape she was in, and then they fled. Got in the cars (I think BS drove one), dropped the truck off, went to WalMart to get a couple of things, and went into hiding. There was something about the house that made LE know that BS was with JE. I think she probably emptied a drawer or closet in a hurry.

Just my thought. I just think if his intention from the beginning was to kill TS, he would have done it another way.
I was hoping to find good news this am.

I have a suggestion, but Im not sure how to do it.

We have so many warnings, little stories, a-airway, b-breathing, c-circulation.
or stop, drop and roll.,

Maybe their is something like that the some of the great minds here on WS could make, or with help:)

this is not right but maybe warning. w-who is he, a-always nice, r-run ??
Opera did a couple of great shows, one was putting a missing poster up in Walmart, then dressed the child to exactly how the child was dressed in the picture. Not one person saw this child this child walking around in Walmart. Another show she did was asking small children what is a stranger, most said creepy or something to that effect, some said someone you dont know.
She also did a show to tell children how to get away, to scream. etc.

Does anyone know what the %s or statists are of stolen children in other countries?

3 tragicities that i know of, was mom or dad was watching the kids and just ran in the house for a minute. Maybe Im wrong on this one, but have you noticed what a hired babysitter looks like that abuses a child or steals them? I cant say it here, but it seems like it always the same body style.

Below are some statistics about missing kids almost it appears 58 thousand fall into the facts of this case. And about appearances, not a hired babysitter, but the pedos seem to always have that molester stache. Maybe it's a goatee these days? As far as the parents go, alot of times, not all, there is usually some sort of family issue or disfunction going on.

  • 797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.
  • 203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.
  • 58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.
  • 115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. (These crimes involve someone the child does not know or someone of slight acquaintance, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.)
[Andrea J. Sedlak, David Finkelhor, Heather Hammer, and Dana J. Schultz. U.S. Department of Justice. "National Estimates of Missing Children: An Overview" in National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, October 2002, page 5.]
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