GUILTY VA - Tina Smith, 41, slain, 12yo daughter abducted, Salem, 2 Dec 2010 - #4

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I received an email from one of the detectives yesterday morning that I found this morning ( I only check my email in the mornings because I rarely get anything important ) and I'm going to give them a call this afternoon. It's regarding my tip about possibly seeing JSE's vehicle last Friday night. I hope it may have helped them, or it could just be them following up to "hear" the story instead of read it in text. I'll let you all know the details, if I'm allowed to share them.
I received an email from one of the detectives yesterday morning that I found this morning ( I only check my email in the mornings because I rarely get anything important ) and I'm going to give them a call this afternoon. It's regarding my tip about possibly seeing JSE's vehicle last Friday night. I hope it may have helped them, or it could just be them following up to "hear" the story instead of read it in text. I'll let you all know the details, if I'm allowed to share them.

Thanks Japandaa.....and good luck!
I was hoping to find good news this am.

I have a suggestion, but Im not sure how to do it.

We have so many warnings, little stories, a-airway, b-breathing, c-circulation.
or stop, drop and roll.,

Maybe their is something like that the some of the great minds here on WS could make, or with help:)

this is not right but maybe warning. w-who is he, a-always nice, r-run ??
Opera did a couple of great shows, one was putting a missing poster up in Walmart, then dressed the child to exactly how the child was dressed in the picture. Not one person saw this child this child walking around in Walmart. Another show she did was asking small children what is a stranger, most said creepy or something to that effect, some said someone you dont know.
She also did a show to tell children how to get away, to scream. etc.

Does anyone know what the %s or statists are of stolen children in other countries?

3 tragicities that i know of, was mom or dad was watching the kids and just ran in the house for a minute. Maybe Im wrong on this one, but have you noticed what a hired babysitter looks like that abuses a child or steals them? I cant say it here, but it seems like it always the same body style.

I was thinking they should run missing kids flyers on the TVs they have as displays on the floor, and a slideshow on the computers. Best buy should too.
They used to have the TV's in line showing walmart ads when you checked out , if they did the same thing with the NCMEC posters the subject and children wouldnt be as overlooked as much. Stores could get Gov grants to cover that and tax break right? They already have the TV's and computers and so I am thinking soft ware and a nationwide rep to put the posters in order and format the layout. Oh and look new jobs for people as well. Win Win. Also One kid a week on there sale flyers that go out.
I received an email from one of the detectives yesterday morning that I found this morning ( I only check my email in the mornings because I rarely get anything important ) and I'm going to give them a call this afternoon. It's regarding my tip about possibly seeing JSE's vehicle last Friday night. I hope it may have helped them, or it could just be them following up to "hear" the story instead of read it in text. I'll let you all know the details, if I'm allowed to share them.

I finally heard on NG show last night the SUV was found in "Southeast Roanoke". Now Japandaaa, and any other locals here will know that there is almost no way a 12-year-old could have driven that red SUV and made it safely to Southeast Roanoke all the way from Salem (West Main). If she had managed to get to the I-81 and then onto 581-S, I just cannot even imagine this happening. Also, I cringe to think of her trying to drive that thing through the streets of Salem, Virginia, into Roanoke, and make it all the way to "Southeast Roanoke". If there is any way at all possible Japandaaa, can you find out where in SE RKe, that LE found that SUV.

I had a thought last night as I was lying away until 3 a.m. worrying about BS, perhaps someone helped him get that SUV to where it was found. He could could have left it with someone and said "give me such and such money and if I don't come back for it, you can even keep it"....Of course it would be worthless without title and registration, etc., but who knows what someone may want with it. There is bus service back up to Salem, but he would have had to be pretty familiar with the area to just hop a bus back up there. Again, I want to know, who helped him leave that vehicle in SE Rke and get back to Salem.

Yes, good luck Japandaaa. We are proud of you.
When I saw the surveillance tape of Easley and Brittany, I felt she was tense. She was not walking right close by him or even turned his way interacting with him.

Who knows how Brittany may have felt about this manipulative creep at one time. 12 year olds do not have the brain matter to reason things out. Maybe she thought she did have a 'crush' on him because he gave her attention but then that doesn't comport with Brittany telling her friend that she was scared of Easley.

However it started to me Brittany began to feel uneasy about the situation...whatever that situation was.

An adult does not have to hold a gun to a younger person's head to make them do something. Imo, Brittany is terrified of this man and will do whatever he says for her to do.

I remember watching the video of Shasta Greone and Joe Duncan in the convenience store and how Shasta did not try to run or escape or call out for help. Duncan had rendered Shasta voiceless by intimidation and paralyzing fear. She already knew he had murdered her family and there was nothing stopping him from doing the same thing to her.

So I think Brittany will try to appease this creep in any way she can in order to make it out of this alive just like Shasta did.

I hope and pray they find both of them soon. I just don't see him ever letting her go even if she is begging to go home by now with him knowing she knows all about the murder of her mother and the credit card fraud.

I really thought I would wake up to good news today, so far not.
It has been a week now, I'm thinking teen age girl, no shower, no hair done.......that would upset a girl at 12 big time!
Cold, hungry..........either lots of help or JE robbing to get by.
Could there be a 3rd person involved? moving car? driving? as sick as JE???
Is there a link to Tina's MS? There are hundreds of Tina Smiths.
If I remember correctly - in hearing of his charge in NC against a police officer, Easley dropped out of high school at that time. There has been no mention of him completing HS in either going back to finish or getting a GED. So I would seriously doubt that he has served in our armed forces.

Above was mentioned about a permit for a handgun. You only have to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. You don't have to have a permit to own a handgun.

To me he seems like kind of a drifter in a way...2 marriages that we know of, with at least 1 child born to one union, a daughter. I believe another WS poster found evidence of a son as well. Seems he's lived in several states, from NC to AL to VA.

In not finishing HS he has probably gone from menial job to menial job, probably doing just enough to get by and using women to fill in the gaps in between (JMHO). To me, it seems about the only thing he has done is to surf the Internet looking for/talking to women. I just pick up a lazy vibe from him. So I am seriously doubting if he was an avid hunter - which requires a lot of walking, being out in cold weather (most of the time), carrying equipment/necessities, then hauling out the kill, dressing the kill, etc. Being a hunter also requires money - for the purchase of gun, ammo, licenses, hunting gear.

We haven't heard from friends...did he really have any? He moved around which makes it hard to develop and keep friendships (sometimes). It would also seem he prefered the company of women - developing "relationships" via the Internet. I doubt that he would have too many close friends. Meaning that once you get to a certain level in personal relationships one tends to let "secrets" slip and/or that other person gets to know too much about you. So one who has ulterior motives for what they do, they generally don't get close to anyone.

Being in landscaping (as we've been told Easley was), tends to afford that person the ability to be around others, yet not be. They work together in a sense to get the job done - but some of that job is done with equipment that makes conversation impossible. One can't carry on lengthy conversations with someone riding a mower, or using a weed eater.

So I doubt very many people do know the real Jeff Easley...and he's probably made it this way for a reason... (JMHO)
Easley's mother apparently lives in Franklin County, where I live, which is directly south of Roanoke Co. However, she may have moved here recently b/c before she was apparently in NC and I could not find her number listed nor do I know anyone who knows her. His MySpace lists him as living in Franklin Co, so I assume he lived w/ his mom until he moved in w/ Tina and Brittany. I looked him up on FB and we actually have 1 mutual friend, someone I know in Martinsville. However, I don't know them well and they hardly ever get on FB so I doubt he would have any info the police dont have.

I know someone who knew Tina from South Boston and she was apparently a very sweet person who was still mourning the loss of her teenage son a year ago from The Choking Game. She met Easley online (not sure if it was a dating site or MS/FB) and she prob had pictures of Brittany on there. I have no doubt that this Easley was after Brittany from the beginning. Tina was a woman who looked her age and Brittany was young and beautiful and looks older than 12 (of course, NO excuse). He preyed on Tina's vulnerability and she made the lethal decision to let him into her home and near her daughter. I don't think she ever meant for her daughter to get hurt, but she obviously made a very poor decision, one that cost her her life.

This case has shaken our community badly and I have cried about it every day. The thought of that poor girl losing her brother, her mother, and being violated by that monster in the freezing cold is almost too much to bear. I sometimes wonder if mabye they are holed up in a barn or abandoned house somewhere nearby and have covered up the car. Then I think, they had a 3 day start and must have fled the state. There are just no answers and it is so frustrating b/c I am so worried he will get desperate and kill her or leave her somewhere to freeze to death. I am going to call the Sheriff in a little while just to make sure they are checking any and all abanodoned houses and barns around. I'm not convinced they are in that tent in this weather, and there are plenty of abandoned/forclosed houses to hide in in Southwest VA. My husband went out and rode around checking our 1000 acres as well just in case.

May God protect this baby from this monster and bring her home safe to her family so that she can say goodbye to her mother. Please, let this be the day they find her.
Good morning all! I'm hoping and praying that today is the day that Brittany is found and brought home and that Easley is apprehended.

OT sort of....

This case has many coincidences for me personally regarding the locations this guy has lived.

I have family who live in Albertville and Boaz, AL. 'Sand mountain' is where these towns are located.

I live near Wilmington NC, where Easley lived during a short marraige.

I dated a man from Ayden for a short while after my boss lady 'set me up' with who she thought was a nice guy. He wasn't. He reminds me of Easley in many ways. He is a roughneck, he tried to move in way to fast for me, he was controlling and tried to run my life, he tried to boss my kids around, he was very manipulative and self serving. I had a really hard time convincing him that it was over, he just wouldn't let go and would show up at my house unannounced. I learned of his rap sheet and told him I knew he had priors and that I would call the police if he didn't leave me alone. This is what finally got rid of him.

I just think it is ironic that this guy has connections to all my old stomping grounds and places which I haved lived.

Sorry so long, but just felt the need to share that with you all.


I finally heard on NG show last night the SUV was found in "Southeast Roanoke". Now Japandaaa, and any other locals here will know that there is almost no way a 12-year-old could have driven that red SUV and made it safely to Southeast Roanoke all the way from Salem (West Main). If she had managed to get to the I-81 and then onto 581-S, I just cannot even imagine this happening. Also, I cringe to think of her trying to drive that thing through the streets of Salem, Virginia, into Roanoke, and make it all the way to "Southeast Roanoke". If there is any way at all possible Japandaaa, can you find out where in SE RKe, that LE found that SUV.

I had a thought last night as I was lying away until 3 a.m. worrying about BS, perhaps someone helped him get that SUV to where it was found. He could could have left it with someone and said "give me such and such money and if I don't come back for it, you can even keep it"....Of course it would be worthless without title and registration, etc., but who knows what someone may want with it. There is bus service back up to Salem, but he would have had to be pretty familiar with the area to just hop a bus back up there. Again, I want to know, who helped him leave that vehicle in SE Rke and get back to Salem.

Yes, good luck Japandaaa. We are proud of you.

I wonder if it was actually found in SE Roanoke, or if that is what is "floating" around ? I heard the same thing on NG, but I haven't heard it from any of the local authorities or news. That is a huge distance from Salem to there. I agree that there is no way she could have drove it, let alone him, and get back to Salem, unless he had some kind of help. Someone mentioned he was due in court for expired tags/registration ; so that was one reason I figured he ditched the SUV. Also, considering that is what people would associate him with since it was HIS vehicle he was known to drive.

I'll keep you all updated !
Does LE know for a fact that the SUV was driven on Friday, or could it have been where it was found longer than that? Was he driving that vehicle every day?
I wonder if it was actually found in SE Roanoke, or if that is what is "floating" around ? I heard the same thing on NG, but I haven't heard it from any of the local authorities or news. That is a huge distance from Salem to there. I agree that there is no way she could have drove it, let alone him, and get back to Salem, unless he had some kind of help. Someone mentioned he was due in court for expired tags/registration ; so that was one reason I figured he ditched the SUV. Also, considering that is what people would associate him with since it was HIS vehicle he was known to drive.

I'll keep you all updated !

I had heard that Easley was spotted in SE thru one of the local news stories (I believe it was reported thru WDBJ). NG seems to get some things not exactly right. For some reason I don't think that SUV was found there. I know a lot of SE people that lives in various parts of SE Roanoke and no one has made any mention of his vehicle being found there.
I finally heard on NG show last night the SUV was found in "Southeast Roanoke". Now Japandaaa, and any other locals here will know that there is almost no way a 12-year-old could have driven that red SUV and made it safely to Southeast Roanoke all the way from Salem (West Main). If she had managed to get to the I-81 and then onto 581-S, I just cannot even imagine this happening. Also, I cringe to think of her trying to drive that thing through the streets of Salem, Virginia, into Roanoke, and make it all the way to "Southeast Roanoke". If there is any way at all possible Japandaaa, can you find out where in SE RKe, that LE found that SUV.

I had a thought last night as I was lying away until 3 a.m. worrying about BS, perhaps someone helped him get that SUV to where it was found. He could could have left it with someone and said "give me such and such money and if I don't come back for it, you can even keep it"....Of course it would be worthless without title and registration, etc., but who knows what someone may want with it. There is bus service back up to Salem, but he would have had to be pretty familiar with the area to just hop a bus back up there. Again, I want to know, who helped him leave that vehicle in SE Rke and get back to Salem.

Yes, good luck Japandaaa. We are proud of you.
That is interesting. Earlier reports mentioned "Southeast Roanoke" as the last place where Easley was seen. For example this report:
"Easley was last seen in Southeast Roanoke Friday night."
I was thinking they should run missing kids flyers on the TVs they have as displays on the floor, and a slideshow on the computers. Best buy should too.
They used to have the TV's in line showing walmart ads when you checked out , if they did the same thing with the NCMEC posters the subject and children wouldnt be as overlooked as much. Stores could get Gov grants to cover that and tax break right? They already have the TV's and computers and so I am thinking soft ware and a nationwide rep to put the posters in order and format the layout. Oh and look new jobs for people as well. Win Win. Also One kid a week on there sale flyers that go out.

They do this now at the Mac's Convenience stores in Ontario. I think it started just before or right around the time Tori Stafford went missing. I think it's a great idea. I know I tend to look at the monitor when i'm waiting in line at the checkout.
I had heard that Easley was spotted in SE thru one of the local news stories (I believe it was reported thru WDBJ). NG seems to get some things not exactly right. For some reason I don't think that SUV was found there. I know a lot of SE people that lives in various parts of SE Roanoke and no one has made any mention of his vehicle being found there.

Actually this is where I am and mention around here of it being found around here.
I also wondered about his truck. I didn't know till last night on Nancy Grace that it was found in SE Roanoke. That is far from Salem. I wonder if they have talked to cab drivers? Even if they didn't drop him off at the house mabye nearby and he could have walked back? I highly doubt Brittany could have driven, esp in the city. And why would he abandon it there? If he was going to be on the run it wouldn't have mattered where they found his truck. Mabye he took it there to get money by selling drugs or stolen items? Not always the nicest neighborhoods in Roanoke City. But this doesn't seem like a man w/ many friends, especially who would help him out and put their own necks on the line. I hope they are watching his family like hawks. I can't help but still be suspicious of the mother. Who else would possibly help him?
Possibly JE's vehicle was not running for a while or wouldn't start at the last place he stopped and he couldn't afford to repair/tow it. If that's the case maybe TS was his mode of transportation leading up to when she told him he had to leave. We know she and BS went shopping Friday morning. Is it possible TS dropped BS @ school late and went home to break the bad news to JE that he had to go???
Please remember to take what the media reports with a grain of salt.

Having been involved with a couple different incidents in the past, each network reported some bit of the information incorrectly. NOBODY had the facts 100% correct.
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