GUILTY VA - Tina Smith, 41, slain, 12yo daughter abducted, Salem, 2 Dec 2010 - #6

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I swear...I'm not crazy... the home pages for wsls and wdbj7 say they will have Brittany's dad speak live at 9:15. Well... it's 9:30. NO word. Sorry if I am reporting wrong info.
It's streaming on wsls now.
dangit, couldn't get it to play. Hoping someone transcribes.
so far..thanking God, police, media... person who called in sighting... this has been a miracle, etc...
I bet she is landing right now. This seems like perfect timing to get the press looking elsewhere so they can bring her in quietly.
Avalon, I thought this too, until I scrolled all the way down that page and there is actually another video and it seems like that newscaster is discussing the surveillance tape with the store clerk.

Hiya, Strawberry Fields:blowkiss:

Yes, I knew there was the second video with the store employee talking with the newscaster. Thanks for clarifying here as well, since I obviously didn't!

I do agree that the whole report was quite a touch bizarre. I've noticed, along with so many others here, that just in the last 24 hours or so the language in quite a few news reports has changed in seeming to suggest complicity regarding BS's role in this whole case. I'm not saying I agree with this -- quite the opposite!

Even though I usually have difficult with watching/listening to NG -- I do have to say that on her show tonight she does a really good job of pointing out the true situation BS and other victims of trauma are in when in the presence of their perpetrators in public, etc. So, hurray for NG today!!

I'm hoping the sensationalist (IMO) press reports (like the two videos we're discussing) will cease if we help to let the news programs know how disturbing we find the blaming the victim language now being increasingly used to describe BS.

Although I've been a member of WS since June (joined because of the Kyron Horman case) I had not posted on this case until tonight -- although I've been massively lurking and hitting the "Thanks" button here for the last week. I feel like I've gotten to "know" so many more WS'ers and am so glad to be a part of the group.:balloons:

Thanks :dance:
Fake ID? What was she buying? If she was with him, then he could buy alcohol, cigarettes, etc. I used a fake ID as a teen to buy beer but that's because I wasn't with anyone old enough to buy it. This doesn't make sense.

Didn't JE have ongoing LE issues against him about driving? Like license, insurance etc. Are we sure he himself had a valid ID? If not maybe he found
a way to supply BS with an ID. The video said they are regulars, so is it possible they would buy beer etc in the past and she would use her fake ID for the purchase?

Just my thought on it.
Dad talked to Brittany briefly on Fri night.
He said there was a lot of noise on line... and he asked her name of dog - to make sure it was her....
wounds heal but the scars remain. Not saying she is "ruined" or will lead a dysfunctional life. With proper love, care and counseling she may be a healthy young woman. But the scars are unavoidable. MOO IME

The scars that's what nobody ever talks about. They seem like little things till you really think about them. I am a survivor. It will be 20 years this March 7-8. But there is not a day that goes by that I don't notice in some small way how this continues to affect my life. Don't get me wrong, for the most part I lead a happy and productive life. But somehow there is always that reminder of innocence lost that can never be regained.
He was not allowed to discuss Easley.
Looking forward to seeing her.
Has big plans for holidays - whatever she is limit.
Get thru mother's funeral on Sat.
A lot of prayer needed to get thru this - so she can become a normal 7th grader again... with family support and counseling.
Praying for healing of Brittany.
Decided to talk to press tonight - let family speak first - now here to welcome her.
Have not spoken to Brittany about her mother's death.
Brittany's dad...



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Press conference. This is what I caught.....Dad said they still need prayers. They expect to need a lot of counceling. They will do a wait and see on how to deal with BS i.e. whether she wants quiet time or to get out and about. Aunt mentioned needing to get through Saturday's funeral. Also making the sky the limit with BS for Christmas. He did a big huge thank you to the lady who called in the sighting of BS @ Safeway and to the media for keeping BS picture out in public eye
Saturday for the funeral.
My heart just breaks for her.
I know I have said it before but I hope he takes a deal and doesn't go to trial.
Some closure and ending the press coverage of the details of what happened to her seem so important. No one will let her be a normal kid at school if it is still a sensational trial about what their relationship was, when she knew, how it happened.

I feel the same way for Jean Marie. And with her being older, their not being as serious of a crime as what happened to Tina, and Jean already expressing concern for what will happen to her uncle I think that one may get really ugly and really depend on her victim statement.

I have no reason to think either "man" will take that into consideration and not add to the pain of the girls they supposedly "love" so much.... but finding them was a miracle too, so maybe there is another one or two out there yet?
ty to those who gave the gist of the presser. I am sure dad will finally get a good nights sleep.
He was not allowed to discuss Easley.
Looking forward to seeing her.
Has big plans for holidays - whatever she is limit.
Get thru mother's funeral on Sat.
A lot of prayer needed to get thru this - so she can become a normal 7th grader again... with family support and counseling.

That's going to be the hardest thing for her and her support group to realize.....she will never be a "normal" 7th grader again. Poor girl, my heart just breaks for her. I sincerely hope she gets all the love and support she is going to need.
Let's keep in mind that Brittany is being released to her relatives. She is not being held. Obviously, the police do not believe that she has done anything wrong.

Absolutely and I feel she is innocent to. This monster JE is the center of all this "horrifying drama" in BS and TS life. He is the cause of it all! TS and BS lives were already hard enough with the loss of a son and brother. I hope the FBI and all LE are grilling JE "18 hours no sleep" etc in interrogations and send him on his way to jail! I personally hope he rots!

/end rant
Thanks Carterkatt. I was having a hard time hearing it.
Me too. Her dad was very soft-spoken, very grateful to all who worked hard to bring BS home, including those who kept them in their prayers. And I believe he asked for continued prayers. Oh, and when he sees her he will give her a big ole "beah" hug (I just love the accents!)
Her outcome really depends totally on what happened and how traumatized she is by it and most importantly how much support she has going forward. May her family find her really good, experienced counselors to help proces whatever needs processing.
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