Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder

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With no questions being asked today, I am prepared to go out on a limb and predict a verdict tomorrow.

If they're close today, they will work hard to finish up tomorrow so that they can go home for the week-end and begin trying to put this behind them.
With no questions being asked today, I am prepared to go out on a limb and predict a verdict tomorrow.

If they're close today, they will work hard to finish up tomorrow so that they can go home for the week-end and begin trying to put this behind them.

In this CTV News - Kitchener video segment a criminal defence lawyer agrees with you that the verdict will come in tomorrow. I hope you're both right.

All MOO.
With no questions being asked today, I am prepared to go out on a limb and predict a verdict tomorrow.

If they're close today, they will work hard to finish up tomorrow so that they can go home for the week-end and begin trying to put this behind them.

This is what I was thinking Friday as well. Verdict for tomorrow evening :) I figured 5 days, thinking DM would be easy and MS was going to be alot of evidence to cover, to get to an honest verdict. But who knows, maybe they are starting with MS as those questions kind of implied that, then onto DM for ONE day. So maybe Saturday afternoon.
I feel like I have no clue when to predict the verdict but my assumption is that the jury has come to a unanimous decision for both and is just being very thorough with checking all the evidence against their verdict. MOO.
The toolbox was presented because there was evidence that it was relevant to this crime. In addition to testimony from MS, BD, MH, MM and AM, the toolbox had gsr in it! It's not remotely the same thing as a gun with absolutely no known connection to the crime. I think every post opposing the suppression of the evidence unintentionally makes a mini case as to exactly why it was decided as it was.

There is way too much in favour of the accused. If the accused had any conscience or heart, they would have given details of the crime and allowed the family to know and heal. Dragging this out for 3 years and refusing to tell the truth, and even now, forcing the jury to go over every minute detail of all testimony to piece together what most likely happened that night. I hope this haunts they for the rest of their lives, and may karma get them in the end, alone in prison and wasting their lives away, the way they killed Tim.

The accused and all their entourage of friends, seem to cut from the same mold. Interesting how they all found each other and meshed. Drugs, crime and very little work amongst this bunch. MS switch to the clean side by getting high school diploma and dressing better really doesn't prove anything has honestly changed, other than desire to beat the M1 charge. MOO.
I think Day 1 was exceedingly short and the jury barely had a chance to get organized. Then on Day 3 they spent time in court for a big hunk of the day and the juror with the migraine still needed more rest later to feel better. No questions from the jury today and an earlier end of their deliberations because of a late lunch leads me to believe they are settled into the process now. Still, I can imagine their deliberations going on in earnest for a few more days and I won't be surprised if they take until the end of the weekend or until early next week to come to a unanimous decision.

I'm just hoping that they don't feel pressured to speed up the process because they each have to feel right about their decision and it has to be unanimous. That kind of cooperation and consensus is a challenge in any group, but it's especially difficult to achieve in this jury's circumstance when the stakes are so high and will determine the future of both accused. They have my admiration, and I'm working on improving my patience as I anxiously wait for the verdicts along with you all! :)

All MOO.
This is what I was thinking Friday as well. Verdict for tomorrow evening :) I figured 5 days, thinking DM would be easy and MS was going to be alot of evidence to cover, to get to an honest verdict. But who knows, maybe they are starting with MS as those questions kind of implied that, then onto DM for ONE day. So maybe Saturday afternoon.
Seems like my prediction of a verdict today didn't come true :(, but IMO, not having any questions today means that they were able to move on from the concerns about the handling of the toolbox and there's a good possibility that we'll get news tomorrow. It would be great if they had a verdict tonight and wanted to sleep on it and deliver it early tomorrow. I guess all I can say with certainty is that we're one day closer! MOO
Seems like my prediction of a verdict today didn't come true :(, but IMO, not having any questions today means that they were able to move on from the concerns about the handling of the toolbox and there's a good possibility that we'll get news tomorrow. It would be great if they had a verdict tonight and wanted to sleep on it and deliver it early tomorrow. I guess all I can say with certainty is that we're one day closer! MOO

Becha' they did tentatively reach a verdict today but will sleep on it and announce tomorrow. Hope so.
Back on Day 59... I predicted...

Given the...
(a) complexity of the case, amount of evidence to weigh
(b) extensive charge to the jury,
(c) fact that both decisions must come together
(d) unanimous required for both convictions

I anticipate the jury having to ask clarification from Justice Goodman many times. I am guessing 7 days minimum, 10 days maximum.
DM, 1/2 day deliberation maximum. MS, 8/12 jurors will be in agreement in 2 days. The balance of 4.5 - 7.5 days will be finding consensus.

Although the jury has only been back asking questions 2-3 times, I'm sticking to my 7-10 day prediction... meaning the jury is currently trying to find consensus, with a verdict Saturday June 18 earliest... Tuesday June 21 latest
If the verdict is earlier, I'll be quite happy to have been incorrect in my wild speculative prediction... :)
Does anyone happen to know what it means for the other people in the event deliberations go on into the weekend? ie each day, the accuseds, the defence teams, the Crown team, the judge, the court staff (and of course, the media)... have to be at the ready, to commence court at a moment's notice in case the jury comes with questions or verdicts.. but on weekends the court is normally closed.. so wondering if it goes into the weekend, would all of those parties still be waiting around the courthouse, or would they all wait at home and perhaps take a bit longer to commence court in the event the jury wants to convene?
In this CTV News - Kitchener video segment a criminal defence lawyer agrees with you that the verdict will come in tomorrow. I hope you're both right.

All MOO.

That is the first thing that came to my mind when I heard on the 6pm news that they were finishing up early today, then going to retire for dinner and etc. If they were in the midst of going through stuff, or in the middle of deliberating fine points amongst themselves, they may not have wanted to adjourn early, or they may have wanted to have a quick dinner and then back at it.. I feel like perhaps they're on the same page at this point, and they're sleeping on it, as someone else suggested.. start fresh in the morning, make sure everyone is still together on everything.. maybe last minute questions, points, research... but my guess also, is by the end of the day. But then again.. an awful lot to go through.. and 12 people to have to agree.. so who knows.
Back on Day 59... I predicted...

Although the jury has only been back asking questions 2-3 times, I'm sticking to my 7-10 day prediction... meaning the jury is currently trying to find consensus, with a verdict Saturday June 18 earliest... Tuesday June 21 latest
If the verdict is earlier, I'll be quite happy to have been incorrect in my wild speculative prediction... :)
4 HRS! lol jk
That is the first thing that came to my mind when I heard on the 6pm news that they were finishing up early today, then going to retire for dinner and etc. If they were in the midst of going through stuff, or in the middle of deliberating fine points amongst themselves, they may not have wanted to adjourn early, or they may have wanted to have a quick dinner and then back at it.. I feel like perhaps they're on the same page at this point, and they're sleeping on it, as someone else suggested.. start fresh in the morning, make sure everyone is still together on everything.. maybe last minute questions, points, research... but my guess also, is by the end of the day. But then again.. an awful lot to go through.. and 12 people to have to agree.. so who knows.
But I thought it was because of a scheduling issue?
Does anyone happen to know what it means for the other people in the event deliberations go on into the weekend? ie each day, the accuseds, the defence teams, the Crown team, the judge, the court staff (and of course, the media)... have to be at the ready, to commence court at a moment's notice in case the jury comes with questions or verdicts.. but on weekends the court is normally closed.. so wondering if it goes into the weekend, would all of those parties still be waiting around the courthouse, or would they all wait at home and perhaps take a bit longer to commence court in the event the jury wants to convene?

They will all be waiting at the courthouse or very close by.
There are lots of places around the courthouse where anyone can go....shops, coffee places, parks.
I have thought since monday that the jury will reach a decision on friday afternoon or early evening. I don't know why, it's not based on anything, I'm really just making crap up ;) The longer the deliberations go on though the more anxiety I feel so I hope I'm right.
Thanks but I still can't follow the logic all the way through....

Here is where I am getting stuck:

1.There is evidence that Tim was shot as per GSR,, blood etc. etc.
There is evidence that the truck was cleaned.
Therefore one shell casing doesn't really prove much since it could have just been missed out of many shell casings that were cleaned up

2. We don't have evidence that only one gun was used or more than one gun.

There is evidence of preplanning in my opinion by both. It is not unheard of that both agreed to shoot (so that they both would be perceived by each other as being "all in". ) Or they could both have pulled guns to control Tim.

3. We don't know what gun was used for WM do we? or what was confiscated? No one knows how many guns they had to start with.

4. In the part I bolded in your quote, isn't that exactly what the jury is supposed to determine and not just assume? What if the jury doesn't agree they were acting in concert (without the two gun evidence) but that evidence that there was more than one gun would suggest they were acting in concert?

I am missing how this evidence opens them to appeal. Appeal based on what?


Just a thought, but.. aside from my being in agreement with everything about the 2nd gun that JuneBug67 is saying.. what if the police and therefore the Crown might happen to *know* where that 2nd gun in the photograph is right now and also where it was on May 6, 2013? I can't remember what the date on the photo was, but if it was prior to WM's death, it could have been confiscated immediately afterward, and if so.. would it be fair for the Crown to present it as a possible second weapon used in this crime that occurred 5 months after it was confiscated? It's not like the Crown could show the photo and say, but disregard the other gun since it was confiscated after one of the accused's father was fatally shot in the eye, since they were trying to keep that whole situation out of the minds of the jurors at this trial.
IMO I believe the long deliberations has to do with the jurors undecided as to what sentence MS should get. I bet DM was no issue right out of the gate for first degree. Again IMO I think some believe first degree while others are thinking manslaughter for MS. I hope they both end up get first degree. JMO.
I haven't been able to read posts from the past couple days on WS and my apologises if this has already been shared. I just couldn't help but share. This is who the Bosmas are, bonded, fun loving, average every day people just wanting and deserve justice for their husband, brother and son. Sadly I couldn't help but notice the black Ram in the background. Bless their hearts. Justice will be served IMO. Bosmas.jpg
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