VERDICT is IN!! #1

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Big congrats to Websleuths for keeping up this website! Good job!

In the last hour I cleaned my entire house and took a shower. The TH's are about to explode. Wish they would just have Beth take over!

Pray, pray, pray, pray.
Question: I didn't really watch much of the Casey Anthony trial either, but it seems that just about everyone here is convicned JA is guilty of M1. Was it the same in the threads for Casey? Just wondering...

Oh you better believe it. She was/IS so guilty. The jurors let everyone down in that trial.
What makes me think someone has a migrain coming on......

That's what I said a little earlier - If she gets M1 - I wouldn't put it past her to manipulate and put off the penalty phase if she can.....
30 minutes is gone in a minute when I am supposed to be billing hours....but this wait feels like the longest 30 minutes of my life. Would anyone notice if I went downstairs and got a mini bottle of wine from the corner convenience store? My nerves are shot!
The media circus surrounding this trial and this verdict is exactly why I will report for jury duty on 6/10 but I will do everything in my power to not serve on the high profile case that begins jury selection on that date. I don't think that the media should be allowed to describe the jurors or guess which way they are leaning just by their courtroom demeanor. Several posters on this board are already getting excited for the 6/10 case to begin but the summons has put the current state of our judicial system in perspective for me.
Here and glued to HLN (I know) and here. i want to Jodi's face when the verdict is read.. I bet she will actually SHOW emotion today.
GRRRRRRR @ Nurmi being optimistic and ready . WTFE
Nurmi says he's "optimistic"

Sending prayers for the Alexander family and Travis' friends. Praying for a Murder 1 conviction.
Sending prayers not only to the Alexander family, but to every single crime victim and their families. This must be a tough day for KCL, Tulessa, and everyone else who seeks justice for their loved one.

Holding you in my thoughts and prayers.
I just got in from work... just in time to see and hear Justice for Travis!!!!
New thread and I didn't see any warning. Gosha!. Ok, any way my friend can watch on her iphone?

I have the UStream app downloaded on my IPhone and it works good. Just tell her to go to categories, then news, then AZ 3.

I heard the jurors were all dressed in various forms of stripes!!

J/k but I did hear some were wearing flip flops and shorts
drat and double nerves are shot! waiting....not to mention my bladder...
Hi friends- raced home- hoping and praying~~~~

Justice fro Travis!!
No one seems to be talking abut Jodi Aias's family. I'm sure her mother and probably her aunt are here but anyone else?

Michelle Lee @myhlee #JodiArias mom and others of her family, friends just entered courtroom.
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