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Sounds like Troy Hayden from Fox 10 was manipulated by Jodi. It was such a warm and fuzzy little interview wasn't it. How touching. He doesn't seem to bothered by the fact that he was sitting there with one of the most disturbing people I've ever witnessed in my life? I can't wait till she's put in a dark corner for good.
His description of the two Jodis is a real head scratcher. "Normal" and Jodi don't belong in the same sentence.
Donovan, what's in this for her? These "hanger ons" always make me suspicious. Why does Jodi's family let her hang on like that. Makes me ask who is using who?

I'm sure they will take all the support for Jodi they can get. Donovan is also a criminal, enough said.
DB tweeted the same thing about fifteen minutes ago. Mom is flying home tonight. :hills:

Makes sense.. usually no court on Friday so she prolly needs to go home see her husband depending on how sick he is..

Maybe helpin' Gma home although JC said Gma WALKED in Estrella Jail so I'm wondering if she uses wheelchair because so far to walk from parking??
I'll tell ya this, before the jury came in yesterday it was obvious both Nurmi and Willmott knew what was coming. I saw Jodi's Mom smiling and chatting with Donovan and Willmott. I keep thinking she may be relieved Jodi is off her hands now.

I'd been thinking the same thing for a while. I'm sure it has to be a big relief to JA's parents that they won't have to deal with her in the future.
Baez on HLN, Vinnie looks wiped.

This is the VP I like.
This is just my opinion but if she really wanted to die I believe there would be some evidence of suicide attempts over her lifetime to back up her ideations. Every defense mental health 'expert' claimed suicidal ideations were evidence of depression, anxiety, PTSD - yet she was never on suicide watch in jail and there's been no previous attempts that we've been made aware of either. To me that reeks of manipulation. It's a very common ploy for abusive personalities to use threats of suicide to hold loved one's hostage and control other people's actions.

I kinda doubt she would have spent 18 or so days on the stand if she really wanted to die...
Just a comment-- we all have no way of knowing what Grandma Arias' health issues may be. She is clearly elderly. She may be a "cardiac cripple" or have respiratory disease that prevents her from exerting herself over long walks. She may have joint issues, or other balance, coordination, or stamina issues. There is simply no way to know just by looking at her and making a value judgement. I hear people all the time making judgements about whether or not they think a customer "needs" the handicap sticker, when they have no obvious orthopedic impairment, and it is upsetting. Many people have debilitating illnesses that limit their ability to get around. My mother suffers from multiple sclerosis, and for years, was subjected to thoughtless comments and snickers from some bystanders thinking she was drunk because she could not walk without staggering. Now she uses a wheelchair and a walker, and is perceived as elderly and ill, not publicly drunk. (Bystanders are much kinder to her now.)

I have no problem at all with Grandma Arias using a wc full time, or part time, as she needs it. We have to remember how incredibly stressful this whole situation is for an elderly person, whose husband is so ill he could not make the trip. Just look at it this way-- the wc preserved her strength and safety from falling enough that she could be there at the trial to support her daughters and granddaughter. I am totally okay with that. I hope no one implies anything beyond the fact that clearly Grandma Arias felt she needed the wc, and not that she had some hidden sympathy agenda.


Thank you for spelling this out so clearly and compassionately. Sadly, there are some who want to believe the worst. I realize people are entitled to their opinions, but we didn't like what Jodi tried to do to Travis' reputation, so let's be classy and refrain from trashing Jodi's grandmother. I just don't think Travis was the kind of person who would want bad motives to be imputed to Jodi's grandmother. JMO, IMP, MOO, etc.
May I ask all of you a question? Do you feel Jodi received a fair trial?

Yes absolutely. The Jude bent over backwards to accommodate 99.9% of the DTs motions, objections etc. I mean a surrebuttal based on evidence that the DT had full knowledge of, yet claimed it was new??? And then allowing a pyschologist to refute an MD? IMO being allowed to take the stand, and spew lies for 18 days is more proof that the proceedings were fair.

Conversely, the state was blocked at nearly every turn, and basically "won" with one hand tied behind his back.
When someone is on suicide watch they are put in a "suicide" gown which is a type of prison garb that cannot be made into a noose--it's like a large bib type gown and it's padded and thick and thus cannot be twisted like regular fabric could be. A prisoner would be nude underneath. Basically they would not have access to anything where they could harm themselves and there would be a guard checking on them every 15 min or so while they are under this watch.
JA said she wants DP, I heard her say it twice. I think she should get what she wants.

She's a clever one. She knows if they sentence her to death she'll be involved in a series of appeals, any one of which might eventually commute her sentence to life or overturn the conviction and order a new trial. I think she would only get one automatic appeal on a LWOP sentence (the lawyers here are certainly going to clarify this over the next few days!) So, I think she's just angling for what she thinks will be the best position to be in after the conviction.
What are your thoughts?

Against my better judgement, I went to the JAII site. There are some posters who say that the jury was influenced by HLN. I don't know too much about the legal system, but I know that would make things more difficult. We might have even ended up with a mistrial. I have this urge to cry right now. That doubt is being thrown at the jurors who stuck this out for months and renewed my faith is the system( somewhat). I believe the verdict is correct. They didn;t see what we saw, or know what we know. Considering what they had to go on (i.e her lies) I believe the right decision was made. I feel the people who run that site and post there, can't or won't see Jodi for who and what she is- evil.I've never felt so much anger toward an individual. It's the equivalent of spitting on his memory, the continued lies and abuse claims, including the pedophilia claims. Honestly I hope someone takes her task on it. She is to blame for her current conviction. Travis did nothing to deserve being slaughtered

Sorry for the long-winded post. I really needed to get this out.
May I ask all of you a question? Do you feel Jodi received a fair trial?

I think Judge Stephens kept out "prejudicial" stuff re Jodi that many other judges would have allowed in. For instance, we were allowed to see only a snippet of Travis describing having a gun pointed at his right temple, while JA lazed at his side, but we were denied the audio that went with it. Jodi's coded magazine messages were allowed in but JSS didn't allow the jury to hear about the fake pedo letters hearing the message was referring to. So, I wouldn't say Jodi was treatly fairly, as she was given undue deference imo.
:eek: OMG! I don't do twitter, but seriously this dude has problems! This needs to be reported to the authorities, not just twitter!

Wow that is one sick person. You are right that should be reported to authorieties.
I think the interview was a FU, mean it to all of Travis's friends and family. Jodi is a succubus.:stormingmad::stormingmad::stormingmad:

Yes, she knew the family would be celebrating the conviction and she wanted to take that away from them.

It made me SICK in her cute little interview last night wen she said she couldn't look at Travis's family because it reminded her of her abuser. Puh-lease, you murderess betch!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the guy rest in peace, for the love of all that is holy!!!

oh jeez, I missed this part...I watched what I thought was the whole interview and didn't hear her say this. what a sick mind.
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