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Soooooo...let's see Jodi put her $ where her mouth is. Since she wants the death penalty, why should there be an aggravation mini trial tomorrow?

Is this even possible under Arizona law?

Could this be why (according to JC ?!!?) that her mother flew home tonight?
They are talking about JA's mother on After Dark. I have to say that my heart broke for SA when I watched her interview with Det. Flores. But after watching her behavior during the trial, with the laughing etc., I am sorry to say that I really don't feel anything for her right now. As a mother, I really don't like saying that but I really feel nothing.

I so agree and Jane on HLN said she feels sorry for JA's family because they didn't do anything wrong. I disagree ...JA's mother admitted JA has mental problems and her friends would call all hours of the day and night about JA...what did her mother do....NOTHING. Being a parent is a hard job she should have done something about JA years ago.
i always love this one. 'she never killed anybody before so she shouldn't get the death penalty.'

well, everybody starts somewhere and i'd say she started in spectacular fashion!!!!

We still don't know for sure what happened to that poor dog "who ran away"...


Anyone think Wilmot and Nurmi were aware of the interview plan?

Oh, I don't think so. And I'm sure they did their best to talk her out of it. However, they have a narcissist for a client, and there is no reasoning with her. She is desperately attempting to control a situation that is clearly beyond her control -- and that any reasonable person without her personality disorders would recognize as such. Pathetic.
JA accuses Juan of hiding evidence. Oh you mean those forged pedo letters?

so Mr Martinez would stop at nothing and would risk ruining his career and his reputation just to get a conviction. Wow, he must be on commission.
Well either the whole world logged on and crashed Donavon's twitter page or she shut it of right now, it's gone.... I sent her a few classy messages before it went poof....
JA says in her interview that there were pictures of her with her sister on the day of the break-in and pictures of bruises, that her defense didn't bring in. Why wouldn't they do that? Wouldn't that be an automatic thing? Instead they hold hearings about whether to include photos of imaginary German Shepherds.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

I don't have cable, so I'm missing all the TH's. Any idea where I can find the interview you're referring to?
I posted this in the lawyer thread but Im posting here also if by chance one of you know..I wanted to ask if evidence too prejudicial before can now be presented and does the jury have to be unanimous in their rulings for the next phases ?
Soooooo...let's see Jodi put her $ where her mouth is. Since she wants the death penalty, why should there be an aggravation mini trial tomorrow?

Is this even possible under Arizona law?

Could this be why (according to JC ?!!?) that her mother flew home tonight?

The judge has to make certain all her iiiiiiiis are dotted and ttttttttts are crossed. They are required to go through all the phases.
Yes. I think what happened to the defense was that Jodi was driving the bus. I have no doubt every attorney she had told her to go for heat of passion/sudden rage due to psychiatric issues type of defense. And whatever you do SHOW REMORSE.
No way self defense was ever going to work after the jury saw the pic of nine stab wounds in the BACK!

But Miss Jodi would not allow it. There is nothing wrong with her. Yes, she's "borderline"...borderline GENIUS in her mind. It was going to be self defense and trash Travis no matter what.

OMG. Your shrimp and grits....I have never tried that before but that picture looks sooooooooooooooo good right now...
Willmont would be wise not to have an writing implements within the claws reach!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes! and to think she went out and bought a gun after she killed him!! Someone special in mind? I wonder. :seeya:
The judge has to make certain all her iiiiiiiis are dotted and ttttttttts are crossed. They are required to go through all the phases.

Did her mom fly home or was it the granny and aunt?
Jodi's Grandma walked from jail out to parking lot. No aid of another person or cane. Why do I feel manipulated again?

I think Jodi's attorneys knew about her after-verdict interview. Baez said Nurmi was probably going to kill her before Jury could give DP. Baez is probably feeding Nurmi ideas.
And thank goodness we had the eye guy on the stand, proving that either Jodi or a German shepherd was holding a camera when she took TA's picture! Made all the difference!
OMG HLN enough!! Now I know why everyone doesn't like HLN After Dark.
I don't think there's any reason to think it's a sympathy prop. Plenty of people who can walk use wheelchairs when they will have to walk for a distance. I just wheeled a friend around a botanical garden recently and she can walk just fine. But it would have been too tiring without a wheelchair. Let's not read sinister things into her grandmother's wheelchair. JMO

It's a sympathy prop, IMO. C'mon, the lady was wheeled into court, like it's a massively great distance? And yet she walks into the jail? Red flags to me.
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