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i gotta say i am surprised jodis family already left on their flight to go home, i guess none of them wanted to speak in her behalf during sentencing - but it still kinda shocked me
Both of FJA attorneys need to be careful tomorrow since she threw them under the bus in the interview.

What did she say about them? TIA
If you listen to this interview with RB, he said he and JA had 1 1/2 hour conversation by IM, etc., in which she said she wanted to come to see him. This was on the 30th!

I didn't know that!

5/26 TA tells her it's over

5/28 JA's grandpa's gun is stolen

5/30 JA makes arrangements to see RB

Yet, JA gives an interview after her conviction still claiming it wasn't premeditated. :liar:

State rests!:behindbar


That was a great interview with Ryan Burns. Very well said for such a short clip.
Did everyone hear the full video from that dude with Jodi tonight? I just listened to this one. It stopped at about 8 minutes for me but could be my vp or something. It was already disgusting to listen to. mop It's video 6 or 7. All of them are so self gratifying for JA.

Guilty, now does she want life, well sure yah, or death over her so remorseful feelings...cough Where's the remorse? It's nowhere to be found. I'll keep looking though.

I guess this will get buried but I've seen it come up a few times and I'd like to help. Please feel free to PM me if your device or Operating System is 'other'.

Windows 7
Start_Programs_Accessories_Snipping Tool
Drag a window around the required area
Save and name the file,
(If you right-click on the Snipping Tool in the menu, you can add it to your taskbar for easy access.

IOS devices (recent models)
Hold down the Home button and Power Switch simultaneously.
The screen will light up and a clicking sound can be heard. A 'photo' is taken of the current screen and saved to your images.

Google Chrome (& some other browsers)
"Awesome Screenshot" browser extension. (Search for the appropriate one for your browser)
A great tool. You can crop, edit & annotate screengrabs.
Save as a .jpg file to your hard drive and upload.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to PM for any additional tips :)

You forgot

Command + Shift + 3 = full screen
Command + Shift + 4 = drag to the portion you would like

She's doubling down on the pedophile accusation. And calling Travis a hypocrite to boot.

If she really wants death, she may have just guaranteed it.
Jon Stewart doing a CNN - Nancy Grace - Arias Trial segment....freaking hilarious!!!
I couldn't be a reporter like him, the first stupid lie out of her mouth and I would call her out on it and end the interview.

Lied that she DIDNT look at the family because they looked like her abuser
Not verbatim.
Oh, GACK! I watched the 7 part interview from the local Fox station with Stabby McEinstein.......she is one piece of work.......well, you kids know that! I just want to shake that smug act out of her, but the sorry part about it is that is what she is.
"What would you have done differently?".........."Gone to the Mesa PD", oh puleeze! Why didn't you just stay in Yreka when TA told you it was OVER?

Off to bed, don't get into too much trouble....tomorrow is another day, we'll see which JA shows up to court!
What did she say about them? TIA

I can’t seem to watch the Fox interviews at this hour. I was able to get the entire 1 and 2 parts, not long after airing, but came back later tonight, and they only play up to a certain part (the news anchors and the reporters recap), thn I get bounced back to part 5 :( No 3,4,6, or7 for me).

I also am curious how she threw her own attorneys under the bus...Hoping someone captured the interviews as they aired.

PS re the interview (20 minutes after verdict!!) - “Who DOES that ?!?!?"

Is she flipping the bird here?

Sorry, I'm not sure what I'm doing. In this video, toward the end, after jurors are polled she gives them the finger. Much like she's done prior times. Starts at 2:40 into the video.
OMG she said she didn't look at Travis' family because they look alike and when she sees them, she sees that man that abused her. "And I don't want to look at that," she said.:facepalm:

I hope beyond hope that JA's family now ditches the purple domestic abuse ribbons in court. The gig is up!
Both of FJA attorneys need to be careful tomorrow since she threw them under the bus in the interview.

Maybe she fired them and will come to court tomorrow in her suicide gown and represent herself. :lol:
i gotta say i am surprised jodis family already left on their flight to go home, i guess none of them wanted to speak in her behalf during sentencing - but it still kinda shocked me
Reading back a few people have said this but what's to say JA's mom won't be back. Perhaps they don't expect mitigating to start to at least next week so maybe they are just going home for a few days to be with their family.
Gran didn't kill anyone.

Gran didn't lie or try to cover it up.

Gran just came to a court room to watch the little grand-daughter she loved and adored face something that (thankfully) few people will face in life.

Yes - my heart always goes out to the family of the victim. Travis' family and friends will live with that constant ache and emptiness that nothing else will every fill.

They didn't deserve it.

Jodi's gran will live with something else - just as painful and just as much not her fault and she doesn't deserve it either.

Every murder destroys multiple lives.

(and I really, honestly don't mean this as any personal attack.... just sayin...)

Gran needs to take off that purple domestic violence awareness ribbon. jussayin...
and she only cries for herself!

VERY true. I watched the verdict "with" my best friend via Facetime today and mentioned that for all her crying in court, we never saw her chin quivering... but we sure saw it today. She only cries for herself, and she could barely do that!
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