Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

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One thing that got me so upset with the non-verdict is knowing that we'd hear from the THs that there were juror(s) who believed the "abuse" allegation by the person they had just convicted of Murder 1!!! How can that be??!! I don't want to hear any more trashing of the victim!!!! Just can't stand it!

This information will be very helpful to JM and the state if they go forth seating a jury for the penalty phase 2. JM will crush the abuse story.
We have seen different videos from people in the know about prison life at Perryville then HLN person comes on and says Perryville has AC etc... I tend to believe the Assisted Warden and Retired guy from AZ DOC what do you guys think?
Why was kn missing when they delivered the non-verdict?

He was there, this was taken while the jury was leaving the courtroom.

Does it seem strange to anyone else that yesterday it was announced that the jury was going to hold a press conference, and then it was cancelled? In light of the foreman being on GMA this morning, at 4:10 AM his time, I find the cancellation very curious indeed. I will find it even more curious if we do not hear from other jurors.


Yes, it seemed strange because it was announced they were going to do one -- then NO presser ...

But after hearing that jury foreman's comments this morning :

NO, it does not seem "strange" because I think he wanted to THE SPOKESMAN ...

JMO but I think he influenced the rest NOT to do an interview and that he would "handle" it all ...

Yep ... and knowing he fell for the abuse bs, pffffffttttt !

JMO and MOO !
What is the process now?
They pick a new jury (and how is that done? What kind of questions etc).
And then what? The arguments like what happened for JUST THIS PHASE?
Jodi speaking for herself? Maybe the "friend" speaking for her?

I don't know how this works. Have not seen it before.
I have a question... what do you peeps think about it's family not being there yesterday?

I think there was a mix up and the family thought it was just a question.
It was a strange way the 'verdict' was announced. It seems no one (public or press) knew there was going to be a very important announcement made until it was made. There were suspicions because of activity, but the Arias family was not privy to that information.
@kinseyschofield That's what I thought :) #jodiarias trial is like standing on wet cement; the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave.
Would it be so bad if jailhouse justice prevailed?


I've spent a LOT of time in prisons, jails, and detention centers.

Prior to flying backwards off a treadmill and sustaining a spine injury, I worked as a drug and alcohol counselor for sixteen years. My last position was as an Intake and Assessment Specialist for one of the largest rehabs on the west coast. I administered biopsychsocial assessments on inmates seeking to defer incarceration.

While I support the DP, I believe it is the best option for CMja because I think she will thrive in prison if she is not in isolation.

CMja a chameleon who readily adapts. Initially, using her external conformity skills, she will probably associate herself with a gang or family for protection.

Then, she'll seek out other inmates who will grant her folkhero status for killing her "offender."

She'll rapidly go from being prey to predator. She'll manipulate other inmates to do her evil deeds for her while she devotes herself to being their jailhouse lawyer.

She'll also work the outside by using people like Donovan to keep her in the media, move her "art work," and to solicit funds for her appeals.

Maybe she will use her "spirituality" and try the jailhouse religion angle to solicit support both on the inside and the outside.

Where there is a weak link, she will find it and use it.

In her world "If you're smart you'll use me like I'm gonna use you. If you're not, FU."

Personally, I have Jodi-fatigue which is akin to compassion fatigue, only specific to JA.

I'm sick of her pampered princess a$$, sick of people who defend her, and sick of thinking about the endless opportunities she will have in prison if she is not on DR.

I want justice for TA.

If a lifer takes her out, I have no compunction with that.

My God works in strange and mysterious ways.
We may see an entirely different Jodi after almost two months of total confinement. Just the thought that this will be as good as it gets in her lifetime could drive her right over the edge.
HLN is reporting that Its mother thought it was just another question and her and her family were off sightseeing at the time the verdict came down. It looks like some miscommunication. In fairness to Jodi's mother, she has been there every day since January and although I think it was foolish to plan sightseeing trips right at a time when a verdict was expected, she was told that it was a question so I guess she did not think it was imperative to be in court.

I was curious about this as well. I looked up wild About Trial's twitter feed and Wild pretty much concurred that everyone thought it was, in fact, another juror question...

Be that as it may, it is still odd, IMO, that her family would even consider leaving the courthouse, on a Thursday afternoon, with a Holiday weekend, knowing that their "loved" might be sentenced to death. That's so bizarre to me.
Does it seem strange to anyone else that yesterday it was announced that the jury was going to hold a press conference, and then it was cancelled? In light of the foreman being on GMA this morning, at 4:10 AM his time, I find the cancellation very curious indeed. I will find it even more curious if we do not hear from other jurors.

I'm wondering if his appearance will cause other jurors to come forward to either explain themselves or claim their innocence (so to speak) on the jury being hung.
I have an idea for Juan;

Next time, he should say : Imagine if it were Travis that pre-meditated this crime and killed Jodi in this cruel way : Imagine that he stabbed her in the heart, then proceeded to stab her 29 times, and then slashed her throat, THEN shot her and stuffed her in the shower to rot. Would you think he deserved the death penalty??

I think this will really bring it into light for the next jury, and take away the "woman" bias. He needs to make the jury aware of this bias, so they are aware of it and can catch themselves in deliberations if they start to cut her some slack.

I believe that he should be allowed by law to say that at least in his closing remarks. And I guarantee you just that visual will clear up this "woman" problem we seem to have with this jury. If the jurors are made aware ahead of time that there might be this bias, I think it will go a long, long way in them recognizing it and stopping it. If they're not made aware, they might not even realize they are doing it.

I think Juan was afraid to "go there" b/c he was afraid of alienating jurors. But he NEEDS to go there. The reality is that this looming "woman" thing is a problem, and it's there, and he needs to address it to the next jury.

Hey AA..

I think you're right about maybe doing a role reversal comment to the jury may be a good plan.. I think if I was hearing about a case where..

Man on trial for DP Murder 1 had quit HS, left home, lived with a string of GFs including a women several years older than him only to split when her financial situation changed negatively to chase after a young attractive gal who had a bright future climbing the career ladder in her company achieving success that she was able to buy a beautiful home, luxury car, was well respected by her friends and her community, dedicated & active to her religious convictions etc

BUT.. when the brief relationship ended, he continued to call her, text her, email her, move from out of state to her neighborhood, show up at her house unannounced, peep in her windows when she was on dates with other men, slash her tires & potential BFs tires, hack into her email, voice mail, bank accts, social media, invite himself on trips with her & her friends, contact her friends trying to plead his case about wanting to work things out with her, recording private phone sex calls etc..

THEN.. when she says you're a Sociopath.. Worst thing ever happened to me.. Leave me alone.. his grandparents house is robbed of a same caliber gun, he claims he'd met new woman was with her, but told about DNA/Palm print tries to say SHE invited me but HE drives with gas cans, cell phone off, in rented car with plates upside down, never calls 911 after he stabs in the heart & 29 times, whose throat he sawed/slit, shot in the head then stuff into her bedroom shower stall AFTER SEX..

YET.. when on the stand he does nothing but tell outrageous lies about this young woman, can't keep his story straight, blames everyone including parents for his own actions, becomes defiant and almost combative with prosecutor when catchin' him on his lies, says this woman chastised him & would hit him when she didn't get her way etc. then after being convicted not a single person will stand up in court to give character witness NOT EVEN his family, he refuses to apologize to the family, says he draws good, like to create recycling program, is DV survivor created jersey for male DV survivors whether he's believed or not, wants to teach spanish and others to read/write etc..


I'M SURE THE JURY WOULDN'T HESITATE MUCH IN DP VERDICT because look at what this ne'er-do-well did to this bright young hardworking well loved woman who pulled herself up from her humble rough beginnings to be such an inspriration & role model to others.. for that HE needs to die!

After reading the paraphrased basic story of what CMCHJA did to TA but in gender role reversal.. Do you really think a jury would have been hung? REALLY?
I think there was a mix up and the family thought it was just a question.
It was a strange way the 'verdict' was announced. It seems no one (public or press) knew there was going to be a very important announcement made until it was made. There were suspicions because of activity, but the Arias family was not privy to that information.

I think it was a set-up that can later be used to her advantage. "My family wasn't here at the most important moment of my life."
Methinks Nurmi and Wilmott will fight hard to keep cameras out of the courtroom. But isn't it the public's right for it to be televised if that's what they want?

And I have a really hard time believing CMJA will NOT want cameras in the courtroom.
You know how the question/speculation often came up regarding if the jurors did/didn't adhere to the admonition regarding TV/social media? Someone just tweeted (jokingly of course)...
"it's obvious, 8 watched NG, 4 did not."

this made me laugh! my sister is such a character and she told me 'oh, if i'd been on that jury, i would've watched EVERYTHING!!! you wouldn't??? oh, I would've watched ALL those shows.'

no, she's never been a juror. LOL.

I'm trying to be all zen-like and put myself into the jurors shoes.....and then BAM!!!!

Evil Shelby pops out and feels a tad bit angry.

They did a great job on everything else except this phase. :sigh:

And, based solely on the tiny three minutes that we got of the foreman, I no likey him....dunno why...he just struck me as.....inflexible.....
Oh, all of you folks who actually viewed this interview are much braver than I. I'm electing to go into a media blackout for the time being. I prefer getting my news from everyone here. :)
I think there was a mix up and the family thought it was just a question.
It was a strange way the 'verdict' was announced. It seems no one (public or press) knew there was going to be a very important announcement made until it was made. There were suspicions because of activity, but the Arias family was not privy to that information.
Many of us here had trouble leaving our computers that day...And the family went sightseeing? Over an hour away? "Just" a question?

Sorry, but I don't buy it.

I also think that was the main reason that JA was crying; because they weren't there.

I don't for a nano second trust JSS to give Jodi LWOP. Her "emotional" pause yesterday was for JW and Jodi. The look of pure adoration on the face of the killer and the smile of gratitude from JW sealed it for me. From the 1st day I started watching this trial, the obvious bias towards JW from JSS was crystal clear to me.

Thanks to the 8 jurors who didn't cave. At least you fought for justice. For Travis.
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