Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

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Hi all. Took a 24-hour vacation from JA case to clear my head. But, just can't stay away from WS any longer

Will cameras be in court for Andrea Sneiderman case and Trayvon Martin case? THANKS!

As far as I know, cameras will be in Trayvon Martins case. I can not mentally follow that trial. I have a really sick feeling its not going to end the way I want it to with a conviction

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ktgirl said in part:
"Sometimes I wondered, since Travis said Jodi wasn't emotional during sex via his statement she saw him as a dildo with a heartbeat, that she wasn't realy into the sex but doing these things because she thought it would keep him around & keep him liking her"

I appreciated many points in your post, but I wonder if there is another side to the dildo comment. I did not see it as her being "uninvolved" in the act(s), but rather craving the acts and that his hardware was no different than the next guy's or the sex toy. That comment and others made me wonder if he was saying she was something of a nympho?? hmm. :dunno: Thoughts?

Today I was thinking that, considering how utterly creepy and vile CMJA acts, she must have had mad skills in SOME area for Travis to stay with her for any length of time!
JMO....My responses in RED under your responses.

Jury Foreman Interview on GMA

EV: Good morning Bill. It’s really great to have you here. You did say you had a hard time believing she would be capable of, just looking at her, that she could be capable of doing this?

BILL: Yeah, that’s true. I mean, when I walk in the courtroom the first time, and looked at who the defendant was. You know it’s hard to put that into perspective when you look at a young woman and think of the crime and then you see the brutality of the crime. It just doesn’t wash. So it’s very difficult to (stammering, thinking of word) divest yourself from the personal, from the emotional part of it.

This was a huge issue on the boards when I was on earlier today. He is NOT (IMO) saying he didn’t believe she did it due to her size, etc. He is saying ON FIRST IMPRESSION he was surprised by her size and the brutality of the crime. Clearly he was eventually shown she did do it as he voted guilty for M1.


EV: You did find her guilty of killing another man, of taking another life. You said you did not believe her story that she murdered Travis Alexander in self -defense. But you say you do believe that TA did emotionally and mentally abuse Jodi?

(EV is doing a terrible job interviewing him IMO. She makes it sound like there was more than one victim… guilty of killing another man, of taking another life.” I know what she means, but the emphasis she places on the word “another” makes this confusing.)


BILL: I’m very sure, in my own mind, that she was mentally and verbally abused. Now, is that an excuse? Of course not. Does it factor into decisions that we make? It has to.

He is NOT, as was stated in earlier posts, saying TA physically abused her. He said mentally/verbally. This did shock me, as none of us feel this way. We all feel this was an anomaly. Something out of the ordinary for Travis and due to something major that happened (that we don’t know about). However, when I try to take out of my mind all that WE have seen/heard that the jury has not, I can see how he feels this way. They were not allowed to see many other texts, etc. The May text, taken alone, IS abusive verbally – he was PIZZED OFF! We see more of the context than they were allowed to see.

Well, first of all, I dont know how he felt she was verbally and mentally abused, other than the 1 email. But even in that email, it was warranted because she obviously did something to Travis for him to react that way. The foreman should have realized that.
The Video part was just JOKING stuff that Jodi was laughing along with. It was not done mean at all.

Secondly, he should NOT have let that "factor" into any decisions because it was just 1 email and there was NO proof of physical abuse at all.

EV: Do you think she did herself any favors on the stand? Uh, there’s been a lot of debate of whether those 18 days of testimony helped or hurt her.

BILL: No, I think 18 days hurt her. I think she was not a good witness, um (EV: because?) We go into, we are charged with going in presuming innocence, right? Um, but she was on the stand for so long. There were so many contradicting stories. I think the way the prosecutor, um, was with her. He’s known for an aggressive style. I think it was very hard. I think it would be difficult for anybody. I don’t think I’d want to sit on the stand for 18 days. Um, but I don’t think it did her any good, no. That length of time, no I don’t think it did her any good at all.

He took big heat for this. Many feel he was saying Juan was too aggressive. That is not how I interpret this. I think he is saying her being on the stand for 18 days and facing a prosecutor with an aggressive style, hurt her case by bringing a lot of contradictions to light. Also, he shows that JA’s “Never Ending Craptastic Tale of Woe and Pity” was a waste of time.


EV: You did say the most gut-wrenching part of this entire experience for you was listening to the family of Travis Alexander talk about their loss. What was that like?

BILL: Yeah, that’s a great question, Elizabeth, if only I had a good answer. Until you are face to face with people that have gone through something like that , it’s something that you really can’t put into words. I’m six feet away from somebody talking about a horrendous loss and if you can’t feel that, then you have no emotion, no soul. And yet we couldn’t allow ourselves to be emotional on the stand. We couldn’t allow ourselves to show emotional, although I’m sure some came through. I’m very, very proud of my peers, my jurors that were with us because they did a fantastic job of holding it together. A different story once we got back to the jury room. It was a gut-wrenching thing we had to go through and everybody had to make their own decision.

Some posters were really ticked about this part. Like he was saying he didn’t feel for the Alexanders. I don’t get that at all. In fact, he is saying they DID feel for them but weren’t allowed to show those emotions in the courtroom. He actually says you would have “no emotion, no soul” if you didn’t feel for them.

I think they took the jury instructions a little too far. If the witness says things on the stand that cause an involuntary reaction, that would be forgiven IMO.

The part that really concerns me is where he says "we had to make our own decisions"!!! NO!!! Your job as a jury was to try and come to an agreement on the proper verdict as a concensus verdict!!! Yes, everone's individual opinion matters, but it does not mean that you cannot listen to others opinion to see if the proper verdict as a group can be determined. I am concerned they did not understand that the goal was to attempt to come to a unanimous verdict that all jurors could agree to and be comfortable with it being the right verdict. Like, lets say LIFE if you cant accept the DP as a group.
You dont just pass the buck to another Jury to try to do that, unless certain jurors were not willing to agree to the group verdict. I dont think they tried to come to a group decision at all from this statement. Or, perhaps very little trying. Because if this foreman had this as an understanding, then he did not pressure the others enough IMO to try to come to a concensus.

EV: Bill Z., thank you very much for your service on the jury and for joining us this morning. I appreciate it.

BILL: Well, it was my pleasure. Thank you very much.
If JA thought JM was aggressive this time wait until this trial. If I was JA Id be begging for life to avoid another trial. Do they really want to go there?
That told me that he just didn't get it. People like JA will never tell you what really happened. Does he really think he could just sit down and say "Now you can tell me the truth" and she will spill it? Does he really think he could ever get an honest answer out of her? He is acting like she is a normal person with a conscious who is capable of taking responsibility of her actions. Talking to her is a waste of time. There is no getting answers from her. Flores is about the best I have ever seen and he couldn't get the truth from her. He thinks he can?

I don't know what Mr. Foreman thinks and I don't think he is acting like anything your post states he is acting like. The interview I saw was very brief. I don't know him. I would want to talk to her also and I would go in expecting nothing. I don't think talking to her would be a waste of time. At least I could say that I tried.
See, that remark was ridiculous. I don't see her as an actual human being anymore. Plus, once he sees how remorseless she is in those interviews, I want him to kick himself.

I'm in line behind you... But for other reasons...

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I have no problems with the juror speaking out.

No matter what kind of trial, it is a gamble with what the jurors really are thinking, either when chosen or during the coarse of the trial. That's the name of the game.

I do want to ask, is this the same juror that was tweeted or talked about yesterday that immediately went home to post on facebook? That bugs me, makes me think some were keeping up with social media all along. Still, nothing anyone can do about it. It is what it is.

BBM I believe that was an alternate (#17? not positive), not the foreman.
I bet Jodi is scowling in her cell, complaining to other prisoners, and stomping her feet that the jury foreman is stealing her media stardom by doing all of thse interviews about her (especially after he was one of those that betrayed her with a M1 conviction, nevermind that they didn't choose to execute her) when she isn't allowed to do anymore interviews.

You know she's upset the jury foreman is stealing her spotlight!

I don't know. DV can be couples, regardless if married or just dating, legally written out that way or not. It just doesn't go to family Court, it goes to Criminal Court when no children or divorce $$$ involved.

I think JA was the violent one though.

Yes. You would have to think about the manner of death. She did not just defend herself she killed him in a very violent manner.
This must be some kind of syndrome.

After the Robert Durst trial, a couple of jurors started visiting him in jail. They acquitted him but he was locked up on other charges.

And remember strawberry shortcake wrote letters back and forth with Scott Peterson for awhile. She finally figured out he wasn't going to tell her jack crap.

Now this guy.

We have had on the boards several times the question of "what would you ask JA if you could?" All realize it would be fruitless, as she will just lie, but it doesn't stop the human nature of wishing you could ask it. At least one of the reporters on the "Night of a Thousand Interviews" asked her "what really happened that day in the bathroom?"
He didn't expect the truth, but human nature makes us want to ask.
I'm looking more at how he is grabbing at her neck area. Maybe she is documenting it per Jodi's suggestion.

He needs to be in Alyce's group :banghead:
agree so both sides get to better understand what happened and why. They can both perfect their presentations and Jodi gets another day (or two ) in the spotlight. Overall, a depressing thought.

That's where I am .. but it's all good, because JSS interviews the jurors I believe to see how this occurred .. then after that they move to a new jury, and another chance for a unanimous jury verdict, so it's not like all is lost, the system is still working :)
Those eyes are empty. And she made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


I missed something crucial. Pivotal. VITAL.

Miss Simpson is in Perryville??? Where the Drama Queen is headed? REALLY? I thought we were making hypothetical encounters with the two of them.

Jesus God.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up again.

CMja is already dead.

She better pray she didn't "snitch" anybody off at Estrella because that will precede her.
I bet Jodi is scowling in her cell, complaining to other prisoners, and stomping her feet that the jury foreman is stealing her media stardom by doing all of thse interviews about her (especially after he was one of those that betrayed her with a M1 conviction, nevermind that they didn't choose to execute her) when she isn't allowed to do anymore interviews.

You know she's upset the jury foreman is stealing her spotlight!

Nuh -huh.. she's jumping for joy, he fell for her DV victim claim.
Wow, is right. I think I'm suffering some cognitive dissonance just hearing that. I can't quite wrap my mind around it after everything we've seen and heard in this case.

OEJ WOW is right. Cognitive Dissonance is least of what I am suffering from after listening to the "new" interview of the jury foreman. :silenced::silenced::silenced:

All I can say without starting WWIII on this board is this, there are apologists, excuse peddlers and gender-partial individuals everywhere.
I believe those jurors who expressed those opinions ("thought it was unfair that 12 average Americans who aren't lawyers had to make such a crucial decision.") should have be reported to the judge, removed and replaced on the spot with the new jury starting their deliberations from scratch in the penalty phase with the new group.

BUT ... it's too late to do anything about it now, after the fact and after the jury has been excused and exposed to the media with info about the true JA.

$$$$$$ That was an expensive failure! AZ get ready to fork over more money.

What a terrible, painful (for the Alexanders) and expensive shame!

BBM: Yeah, it's called "being a juror." Maybe the courts should have a basic quiz for people, to make sure they realize what is actually going to happen once they go through those courthouse doors! :stormingmad:
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