Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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I will give my two cents, knowing that there are other lawyers on this thread who practice criminal law and will correct me if I am wrong. But, this is what I see:

1. Jodi is on lock down, no interviews, while this drags on. That appears to be the same as if she is on death row. This could go on for an extended period due to the next phase.

2. Juan and his office (with input from the family) can offer a plea of life in prison if she gives up her appeals. This would be huge if accepted. Waiving appeals would get us farther than life would have gotten us today.

3. It may take a while, but I believe there are many, many people who are not familiar with this case. Not in that immediate area, but as many others have pointed out, some people have never heard of it.

4. This is not a win for the defense. Even if there is a plea bargain, this is no win for the defense. They are at the mercy of the prosecutors. Even if Wilmot and Nurmi get to leave, JA will be forced, with other lawyers, to move forward if the prosecution decides. I personally believe it would be harder to find a lawyer to accept her case than it would be to find a jury who would hear it.

5. God has a purpose. I know this. The Alexander family will need our prayers and our help, but there is a purpose here. I am so grateful that, whatever the deadlock, it didn't happen until now. THAT IS HUGE. I would much rather have a mistrial now than on any verdict prior to this. She is convicted. That part is done. That is a huge blessing. The same individuals who couldn't agree here could have held out then. That did not happen. Sometimes instead of looking at what has been taken away, we must remember what we have been given. What was given to the Alexanders is huge. They saw this through to her conviction. At this point, other decisions may need to be made. But, she is convicted and MOST IMPORTANTLY Travis' name has been cleared. There is no doubt about that and that is worth more than anything, even JA's death for her crime.

This jury has been a blessing. There is a purpose in this part as well. This will be alright and it will turn out for the greatest good - whatever that may be. I have no doubt there are angels watching over the Alexanders, on earth and in heaven. They are special people. Let us not forget them in our prayers in the months to come. Circle the wagons! - A Mormon pioneer saying :)

Thank you! I read this aloud to my husband through tear-filled eyes. My prayers and support remain with the Alexander family and with Juan Martinez! :seeya:
OH! I know that one. You can find more honey with a fly soaked in, that's not it...A fly in honey can substitute for vinegar, saw that on Martha Stewart.... nope.... Honeys in vinegar are fly, think I heard that on In Living Color....can't be it...wait... you can atrract more vinegar with a fly dipped in honey .... What was the question?

In a couple of weeks, most people won't care what JA's up to. She'll be a footnote at the end of newscasts and most of all, she won't have her face on TV every day; won't get to request makeup for interviews and HLN won't talk about her nightly tweets. She will hate that with a passion.

And this... is the reason I believe she was crying...she knows this to be true JMO
As much as I am shocked that this jury could not come to a unanimous decision with all the evidence in this case, I am not surprised. Until you have walked in their shoes (served on a DP case), you can't begin to know what they were going through. I was on a DP Case in Orlando, FL back in 1996. When I was chosen, I was sure that I could deliver a DP verdict if the facts of the case proved the defendant deserved it. We were all unanimous in our conviction of 1st Degree Murder. The crime was not extremely heinous and did not have a lot of the elements of this case. When it came down to the sentencing phase, I just did not have it in me to vote for the death penalty. Sitting there, knowing you literally had the life of someone in your hands is very intimidating and stressful. In FL, the sentencing phase does not have to be unanimous, it's a "majority rules" state for sentencing. We did have to be unanimous in finding him guilty or not guilty. Our vote ended up being 10 for Death and 2 for LWOP; so he was sentenced to Death. Again, it was the most stressful thing I've ever been involved with. I admire this jury and all they've been through the last 5 months. My heart goes out to them and the Alexander family. I do believe that Jodi will get what's coming to her ~ it may take time, but it will happen. I will keep all of them in my thoughts and prayers!
Why should they? Death is still on the table as it is...being done isnt the point...the point is a proper verdict. JMO


Precisely. I;m actually surprised by so much anguish I;m seeing on here. You'd think she just strutted out the jail doors or something.

Thank you. Again.

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Ditto. That was a beautiful post from a beautiful poster.
OH! I know that one. You can find more honey with a fly soaked in, that's not it...A fly in honey can substitute for vinegar, saw that on Martha Stewart.... nope.... Honeys in vinegar are fly, think I heard that on In Living Color....can't be it...wait... you can atrract more vinegar with a fly dipped in honey .... What was the question?

Why did anyone on the panel point out Ryan Owens? He didn't coddle Arias. Btw, who was the reporter, heavy-set, that called jodi a sex-kitten? twice. :floorlaugh:
AZ cases where this has happened. It's a strange process that I'd never even heard of before but it seems to work fairly well for the prosecution. I just feel beyond horrible for that poor family.

I have a prediction: It's going to be death. It will be a new jury. One who hasn't spent months "getting to know" jodi arias.
I feel really bad for the jurors. The ones that wanted death, the ones that wanted life... they all put so much in to this. More than we can imagine! They didn't want to walk away from this.

I feel very badly for the ones that didn't feel she deserved death, because they are going to go home tonight and check the internet and see all those interviews. They will see everything they didn't get to see... and they are going to want a do-over. It's really unfair to the jurors to not be able to see stuff that is "too prejudicial" because those are the things that would probably push someone off the fence.

Agree with you 100% and I said the same thing yesterday morning about the interviews and their relevance to the jury in deciding the penalty in this case. The laws really do need to be reviewed. From what I'm hearing right now, these interviews will be admissable when the penalty phase is re-tried. If that is the case, then this jury should have been able to view them.

In all likelihood, if they had heard them, the outcome would have been much different.
Dr. Drew is an idiot. He's spouting off about everyone being upset because they're dead set on death for the CM. What everyone is UPSET about Dr. Drew is that there WAS NO DECISION. I could have lived with LWOP... as long as there was SOME DECISION MADE. Why am I watching the drama on HLN? I barely ever do, and tonight they are pizzing me off. :stormingmad:

ETA: Loved NG hanging up on DB though. Made me fall in love with Nancy all over again :lol:.
You may have been able to live with LWOP, but in reading some of the posts on this board, others most definitely could not. Not only are these individuals upset that no verdict was reached, some have expressed outrage and disgust that 12 death-qualified jurors couldn't unanimously agree on death. For these people, death is the only true and just verdict and anything short of that is unacceptable. I was prepared to accept any verdict that the jury delivered, so my heart goes out to the Alexander family that the case remains unresolved with respect to the penalty. Think we all have to remind ourselves that the non-verdict doesn't take away from the State's big victories--she's convicted killer who was also found guilty of murdering Travis in an especially cruel way. She's looking at death row or LWOP (no way she'll get parole) and nothing less.
I'm not sure if this has been touched on: but can the Alexander's go for Wrongful Death and/or pain and suffering since her lies can and have been proven to be slander??? It would be really nice to know that all of her monies made on her "art" (and in this case, I use that term loosely) would go to Travis' family.
We must keep things in perspective, you know the saying lost the battle but won the war. Well, just to keep things simple (even thou it is not a lost, as it is a hung verdict) I will say this battle may have been lost, but the war was won, just in reverse order. moo
So will we see Gus, Dick Stephens and ALV reprise their roles on Jody's side? :banghead:
I wish there was some way they could get in the info about Jodi having a gun and some knives hidden in her car when she was arrested. Then Juan could say that she was already on the prowl for her next victims.

I thought this was huge and not enough emphasis was given to it. Hopefully, you are right, Wolfpack, and Juan can use this in describing her as a danger to society. She is unrepentant and her behavior with weapons, when combined with her veiled threat toward that newsman that was interviewing her, the "fact" that she isn't dangerous except...."

I believe CM is in a worst position than she was yesterday. And she knows it.
Yep. Get ready for more take-out, leftovers and snacks. We haven't been released yet! :scared:

I hope a new Sequence of Events thread will be opened, maybe we can sleuth things a bit further now that we have been given an unforeseen extension in the finality of the case.
I could argue it either way. Life or death.

Have you ever watched a women's prison documentary? Jodi actually does have much to offer the prison population. Just the fact she can read and teach others huge when so many inmates cant, inmates that one day WILL be out.

Does it out weight the aggravating factors?
That's up to the individual jurors.

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The lying torture murderess can't be bothered with the unwashed riffraff.

Anyone who believes all her crap about recycling, literacy, and domestic violence causes is qualified to hang a jury.
Is there an AZ lawyer that is explaining exactly what can and can't be presented to a new jury?

Anyone know? Like FoR SuRE!!!

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I just don't think you can compare the two. The Pinellas 12 set Caylee's killer FREE. How does that compare with this jury, that voted unanamously for GUILTY VERDICT of premeditated Murder One?

As another sleuther mentioned, the Pinellas 12 released someone where there was no COD, no specific motive and no murder weapon. The evidence was circumstantial. Powerful, obvious, but circumstantial.

The Alexander jury had found the murder premeditated and cruel. They had photos of her in the act.

Until mentioned the likely possibility that this panel had a hold out and they didnt want to take a chance that she would receive LWP, I believed that they dropped the ball for deliberating such a short time. I felt that the Alexanders deserved more consideration than that.

We will see if there was someone who was going to refuse to vote for DP at any cost.
I personally feel that judges should always decide the sentences. Asking people to decide somebody else's life or death is WAY too much to ask. It's an incredibly unfair burden, and we see it time and time again with juries that they just can't do it. And those who do, have to live with the trauma of that decision for the rest of their lives.

I agree with you lisasalinger, I think that the jury had way to many stages to decide. I think they should only have had to go through one stage guilty or not guilty of first, second, third ect. Then the judge does the sentencing stage. I feel this part should be left up to a professional not laypersons.
Why did anyone on the panel point out Ryan Owens? He didn't coddle Arias. Btw, who was the reporter, heavy-set, that called jodi a sex-kitten? twice. :floorlaugh:

Calling her a sex kitten could put me off sex for life. There's just no call for that.
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