Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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I love stalkers logic .. hey he chose to walk out right in front of us .. therefore he must have wanted it .. okey dokey then .. as you were .. they need to take this woman off the air.

i think she has lost it, and now w/ the theory he walked that way cuz he was a "loner" and that might be a secret message as to how he voted :scared:
I love stalkers logic .. hey he chose to walk out right in front of us .. therefore he must have wanted it .. okey dokey then .. as you were .. they need to take this woman off the air.

She also said that she hoped that Dr. Drew was there so he could give a psychological evaluation on juror #9. Crazy! :facepalm:
I will be interested to learn What In The World could possibly be the reason that someone deadlocked this jury. The crime is disgusting - the part about Jodi nearly chopping Travis' head off as he's there feeling her slice into him is just so awful. And there is no redeeming attributes of Jodi that got revealed to any of those jurors - all Jodi did was blame Travis for making her 'have' to kill him. No one else, not even mom or dad, spoke to say, 'Hey, you oughta save Jodi'. This is making zero sense. Before those people sat on the jury they said they all were willing to vote death penalty if appropriate. How is death not appropriate for this case??? I am not understanding this.
She also said that she hoped that Dr. Drew was there so he could give a psychological evaluation on juror #9. Crazy! :facepalm:

Can we evaluate Jane right now .. just for fun, I'll start the ball rolling with hysterical ..
Anyone have that Ryan guy's last name that did the interview with whatsherfaceinjail? Thanks! I think I can watch it now.
Ponytail had the options of being taking away from the court house like all the others did and have been doing. He chose not to and instead to walk right in front of all the media, down the street, pick up a bus pass and take the bus. I do not blame the media for speaking to him and honestly I felt JVM was decent to him. She apologized at almost every question in case he felt it was innapropriate and then asked it. She didn't push it and went onto another.

If this guy wanted to be left alone and just go home he could have done so with the rest but by doing what he has done the entire world now know what he looks like and probably where he lives since he could have easily been followed.

I'm not trying to take one side or the other, it's just silly to expect the world to ignore him when his choice was to show the world his face directly out of the court room and right past the media.
Well according to JVM there's HLN producer on a train right now, somewhere in AZ, with ponytail juror. They chased him down earlier but all he would say was "no comment', so when he boarded the train JVM told her producer to "get on that train!" :floorlaugh:

First things first, I'm not pleased AT ALL that HLN is airing Juror #9's face all over national news. I know they weren't the only network chasing him, but if their names were sealed, then his face shouldn't be shown. It's horrible & has me all riled up.

As for the rest:

Tonight I'm lounging on my couch, eating ice cream. Jodi Arias is NOT.

Tonight I'll take a nice warm bubble bath. Jodi Arias is NOT.

Tonight I'll crawl into my nice comfy bed, watch TV. Jodi Arias is NOT.

Tomorrow I'm getting a massage & a pedicure. Jodi Arias is NOT.

Tomorrow I'm having lunch with girlfriends & shopping. Jodi Arias is NOT.

Anytime I want, I can go for a run or drive around. Jodi Arias CAN'T.

Anytime I want, I can book a flight & go travel somewhere. Jodi Arias CAN'T.

Anytime I want, I can lay around on the beach, reading a book. Jodi Arias CAN'T.

Anytime I want, I can visit my family. Jodi Arias CAN'T.

For now, I'm finding peace in all of those things. Regardless of what happened today, Jodi Arias will NEVER do the things I've listed above again.
I thought this was huge and not enough emphasis was given to it. Hopefully, you are right, Wolfpack, and Juan can use this in describing her as a danger to society. She is unrepentant and her behavior with weapons, when combined with her veiled threat toward that newsman that was interviewing her, the "fact" that she isn't dangerous except...."

I believe CM is in a worst position than she was yesterday. And she knows it.

Absolutely in a much worse position. She is a convicted murder in the first degree. She will be treated as such. 23/1 in her cell,no trips to court, no lawyers babysitting her each day, her family going home, the TV cameras will move on .......this was her fuel. She will become depressed.

JM will be busy figuring out his next moves, her DT is probably going to walk as far as they can, TA's family will have some time to gather the strength and resolve to fight the fight yet again.

Hoepfully the Sheriff will ask she
be moved to a higher security jail for the duration. JA did not win today.

JM will continue to fight the good fight. I have faith.
Breakdown was 8-4 according to Vinnie P. 8 for death, 4 for life.
I wonder how the jury will fell when they find out that Jodi thought they betrayed her? I mean we all know what she did to the last person she thought betrayed her...poor Travis.
8 to 4 per Vinnie!!! He's giving the breakdown! 8 for death!
i think she has lost it, and now w/ the theory he walked that way cuz he was a "loner" and that might be a secret message as to how he voted :scared:

I think he walked that way because he needed to catch a train :floorlaugh:
hmm 8 for death 4 for life.

8 men 4 women
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