Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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It just occurred to me that the earlier juror question that we only saw the judge asking both sides if they objected to the answer - likely it was about their impasse, no wonder everyone looked either resigned or unhappy. I saw Willmott making gestures to JA afterwards like she was moving her hand down a list with three items...
I am VERY disappointed that we didn't get a verdict today. I also wanted death for her as I feel she deserves it. However, people are acting like Jodi is going to be walking into Starbucks tomorrow. She's not! She's at the very least going to jail for the rest of her life THANKS TO THIS JURY. It is just later than sooner. I don't understand the hate for this jury. I am sad and disappointed too, but they found her guilty of Murder 1 which is the most important thing.
I count 14 jurors on this tape:

Plus ponytail who left on his own. Does anyone see a juror that looks like JA's Mom? JC was always saying she thought that particular juror had a hard time with the guilt phase verdict. I don't see any one that looks like Sandy.


Thanks, I appreciated being able to see the jurors finally. They don't look like cartoon characters after all.
I wonder if Nurmi and Wilmott will stay with the case or if Jodi will have new lawyers for Penalty phase 2.0?

Maricopa County Attorney has stated they will forge ahead with the DP. I also wonder if the County Attorney's office might change their mind and offer LWOP if the Alexander family says they've had enough. But then again, if they did, I can see Jodi & Company saying, "Screw you!. We're going for LWP.":twocents:
Thank you so much for your kind words, anagrammy, princessezme, and Bravo. I'm not crying in my frustration over the non-verdict, honestly I'm heartbroken for the Alexander Family being left in limbo. I want death for CM make no mistake about that, I think she deserves it and I think it's what the law dictates given all the facts, however I would be okay with LWOP. I just can stand the thought of the family having to listen to all the vile lies CM told about TA all over again. It breaks my heart to see the pain in Samantha's face, the torture in Steven's, the horror in Tanisha's and I just can't imagine how incredibly painful all of this has been for them. Then to basically tell them they will have to watch this all over again to get justice for Travis well that just is like pouring salt on an already gapeing wound. I don't have a close family so I can only imagine what one is like and I imagine it makes the violent brutal slaying of one of your family members worse even with all the support of one another. I know there will be justice and I hope the next jury will see CM for the unremorseful, lying, psychopath she is and sentence her accordingly.

Me too KPinMN. It was the family's faces and their obvious pain that broke me down. I was angry when the verdict came back the way it did, but it was their anguish that made me cry. We'll be your close family :hug:.

But the Alexander family has been extremely strong throughout this whole ordeal. They will hold each other up, and people like KCL and others who advocate on their behalf will help them find that strength to see this through. Nobody should have to be subjected to the vile things this creature has inflicted on them, but her payback is coming. I hope the next jury comes back in less than two hours and sentences her to death. The Jodi game is eventually going to come to an end, and she will lose no matter what. I can't wait for that day, and I hope I get to see the look on her face when they say "we the jury sentence you to death by lethal injection". Game over Jodi.
Nite All. It's been a long day.
Katiedid2, stay safe.

I really hope the family is staying far away from HLN today.
Unbelievable how badly they are turning on the family. Dr. Drew SCREAMING that they shut it down, put Jodi on a shelf and let it go. Basically just stop it. MY GOD. What their next step is, is an extremely personal decision, a very tough decision. He has no business getting on T.V. to scream and yell at victims that they need to do things like that. His keeps saying "put it on a shelf and go on" it makes me want to gag. They went through all of this, got plowed over with a terrible decision and you are screaming at them to "put it on a shelf somewhere and let it be". How wrong, MOO.

Then just minutes previous this "judge" comes on who has no proper information at all. Cringe worthy embarrassing improper information claiming it's going to take another 3 million dollars to finish this, that the Arizona people need to start talking about stopping this! This is a gift for an appeal if they get another jury, it will immediately be tossed out, waste of money. The family GOT their verdict, a life sentence, be happy. Um... sir...8 people stood their ground on sending her to death row. If it was majority rules she would be going to death row. SHUSH UP.

Selfish terrible people.

The only one was Nancy, at the end of her show she was calm, had complete compassion and in a voice near tears told the family to go home. Get out of here, get as far away from Jodi as possible, just like Travis was trying to do. Rest and regroup becuase it's not over yet. Basically telling them to keep hope, the fight is not over if that is what they want but to take care of themselves.

The family needs the most support ever right now, for whatever their decision is and here the news heads who still claim we need to think of the family (Dr. Drew Especially!) are turning their backs on what this family really needs. Compassion, understanding and kindness for whatever choices they make.

What family is dr drew saying that about?

Was that judge sidelin saying that on after dark?
I have often wondered while watching this trial if the jury and other people in the court room could actually feel the evilness of CKJA while in her presence.. and I wonder if any of the jurors were scared or totally freaked out by CKJA?
I really hope the family is staying far away from HLN today.
Unbelievable how badly they are turning on the family. Dr. Drew SCREAMING that they shut it down, put Jodi on a shelf and let it go. Basically just stop it. MY GOD. What their next step is, is an extremely personal decision, a very tough decision. He has no business getting on T.V. to scream and yell at victims that they need to do things like that. His keeps saying "put it on a shelf and go on" it makes me want to gag. They went through all of this, got plowed over with a terrible decision and you are screaming at them to "put it on a shelf somewhere and let it be". How wrong, MOO.

Then just minutes previous this "judge" comes on who has no proper information at all. Cringe worthy embarrassing improper information claiming it's going to take another 3 million dollars to finish this, that the Arizona people need to start talking about stopping this! This is a gift for an appeal if they get another jury, it will immediately be tossed out, waste of money. The family GOT their verdict, a life sentence, be happy. Um... sir...8 people stood their ground on sending her to death row. If it was majority rules she would be going to death row. SHUSH UP.

Selfish terrible people.

The only one was Nancy, at the end of her show she was calm, had complete compassion and in a voice near tears told the family to go home. Get out of here, get as far away from Jodi as possible, just like Travis was trying to do. Rest and regroup becuase it's not over yet. Basically telling them to keep hope, the fight is not over if that is what they want but to take care of themselves.

The family needs the most support ever right now, for whatever their decision is and here the news heads who still claim we need to think of the family (Dr. Drew Especially!) are turning their backs on what this family really needs. Compassion, understanding and kindness for whatever choices they make.


I totally agree with everything you said. I am getting REALLY sick of Dr. Drew. I was so glad Abe came on tonight and set him straight. FINALLY SOMEONE TOLD HIM. Argh. Dr Drew has been raising my blood pressure for weeks now.

I keep thinking that, God forbid, what if it was one of Dr. Drew's loved ones that this happened to? Would he be so willing to just put it behind him and move on with his life? Oh yea, maybe he might because he would wanna get back to his money-hungry life making his millions. He would be thinking of all the green he's missing out on. He claims he's so "compassionate," but I find him anything but that.
I'd say 12 votes for premeditated first degree murder indicates she certainly did not control the jurors.

Only as far as they let her.

And she remains un-sentenced.

That's a Defense win, however temporary.
This decision was so hard to understand.
They spent 5 months on this trial.
And they give up after 13 hours, wow, mind boggling.

If you cannot agree give her life,
wash your hands, and let the judge
decide her sentence.

Very easy.

But why was it so hard for this jury?

I am shocked and appalled that there is no justice for
the Alexander family.

I really cannot see their victim statements again.
It was so heart wrenching.

Please give this family some prayers, they are such innocent
JA was convicted of first degree murder. Justice has not been lost in this case.
This was in CA. Many of the lifers would rather have the DP so they don't have to deal with gang violence, general violence, rape, cellies etc. Lifers have to have a cellie but in DR it is solitary. They get better canteen perks, appeals, safety. We had two DR inmates who had their sentences reversed to LWOP on appeal and they both committed suicide before they got to gen pop. They both asked for the DP back and did not want to be moved into GP.

I would be fine if JA got LWOP. I think it would be the worst for her. The DP would be too good for her.
Well of course CA is far different! They have a moratorium on the DP there and definite things that would be considered luxuries...Scott P has way more our male DP here. They get far more than AZ has. DP means she is separated from gen pop and gets 1 hour out a day. She is in a tiny cell 23 of those hours a day. She has no one to talk to or manipulate like in gen pop here. She can do everything in her thesis in gen pop here. For a sociopath this is the ultimate punishment. In the long run it is the attention from others she thrives on and the manipulations she can do. In DR she can't do that...but in gen pop she can. She is a chameleon and blends and adapts easily. In DR she won't do that.
katydid: I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. About two years ago I was sitting on my sofa talking on the phone with a friend who lives about 100 miles south of here. My sofa suddenly started to vibrate. I had never experienced an earthquake before - they're very rare here - and could not figure out what what going on. The only conclusion I could come to in my mind was that there must be a very large truck outside on the street with its motor running.

I mentioned to my friend that this weird thing was taking place, that my sofa was vibrating. She said "Oh, wow, I feel a vibration too!" Then she glanced at her TV set and saw an earthquake notice! The center of it was down in Virginia, several hundred miles south of here!

Re: Whether this will be retried or not.

Since 2002 five Death Penalty cases have been retried at this stage. So why would anyone even think it would not be done in this case? The cost didn't seem to be a factor then, so why should it be now?

Re: Judge Larry on HLM
This guy is such a clown. He never seems to know the facts of a case. And he never seems to know the law!
I have often wondered while watching this trial if the jury and other people in the court room could actually feel the evilness of CKJA while in her presence.. and I wonder if any of the jurors were scared or totally freaked out by CKJA?

I sometimes wonder if the jurors didn't think that this devil/evil woman was so sick that -that was the reason
All I can say is...I live in Phoenix and will be anxiously checking my mailbox each day and praying for a jury summons to appear!! If it happens, Jodi is getting the needle for sure! Muahahahahaha!
She controlled enough of them. Right?
Nope. If you mean life vs death more wanted death than life. She didn't control those 8. And those 8 wouldn't budge. They saw through her and didn't buy the bs. and they all did convict her of murder 1. So jury controlling. If she controlled enough of them she wouldn't have gotten murder 1 in the first place and 8 wouldn't be wanting her on DR.
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