Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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I thought it was kind of cruel of them to wheel GrandMa into the courtroom knowing it was GrandMa's stolen gun in the commission of the crime.

Does anyone know why the aunt was absent for a couple of weeks. My mother in law kept bringing that up-wondering why. Anybody heard anything about that?
ITA She has no ability to feel appropriate emotions! I think her attorneys have told her best case scenario manslaughter, but I am positive she still believes she will be walking out of the court house after the verdict. She believes the jury will let her go home.

The fact Baez has inserted himself in this is a testament to how slimy he is and franky how slimy HLN is.

Do you think that her attorneys have prepared her for the worst? Or are they afraid to? Especially wilmott who sits so close to her with all them Lil pencils.?
I don't know if they have prepared her for the worst.
It will be quite interesting to see who testifies on her behalf during the next phases, and what they have to say about her. And yes, that is total confidence that there will be a next phase... The Secret told me so. :floorlaugh:

I'm hoping we get Bobby and he talks about what an awesome vampire slayer she was. Or perhaps Donovan, talking about how Jodi always puts out the fires that she starts. Maybe her BFF can reminisce about their weed growing days together. Ahh, should be fun.


Just great. Bless you for that one on such a difficult day. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Jodi's Mom should have insisted Donovan get out of the inappropriate skull tee shirt. Grannie was brought in for sympathy, but she got placed right in front next to Donovan. It looked bizarre when the camera panned to them. Then, Donovan wearing her skull tee shirt getting all chummy with Jodi's Mom was when I almost hurt my computer.

Prayers go out to Travis's Family and Friends that they will see true Justice.
i thought the motive was crystal clear. she's a jealous witch who wanted a guy who didn't want her. could there be ANYONE who doesn't see how obsessed she was with this guy?

Yes I agree. I was just responding to poster who felt Juan could have spent more time on motive.
Do you think that her attorneys have prepared her for the worst? Or are they afraid to? Especially wilmott who sits so close to her with all them Lil pencils.?
I don't know if they have prepared her for the worst.

If they haven't prepared her, we may be in for a show.
Does anyone know why the aunt was absent for a couple of weeks. My mother in law kept bringing that up-wondering why. Anybody heard anything about that?

Yeah that was sad to see grama sitting there so tired and being ignored by Jodie's mom. Some said Jodie's dad was there but in none of the videos did I see him or Jodie's dumb sister according to Martinez lol.
Maybe. The aunt lives in ca too and. Is married and needed to go home and take care of business also .im wondering if they all are staying with Donovan and that Campbell lady. I don't think they could afford a hotel unless a benefactor helped them.
This trials been on for a long time that's alot of expense to deal with.
the only thing i wish jm had done is explain that she used both weapons to stage the scene----she wanted it to look like 2 assailants.

I know i'm a broken record on this but listening to her very early phone calls with flores convinced me of this----she told him it would take two people to subdue ta because he was 'so strong.' it's the reason she took 2 weapons and used them both.

So i wish jm had said she shot a dead man in the head so that gun would be used, completely her 'plan' of staging the scene. Just in case any juror is wondering why she would do that.

Jodi's Mom should have insisted Donovan get out of the inappropriate skull tee shirt. Grannie was brought in for sympathy, but she got placed right in front next to Donovan. It looked bizarre when the camera panned to them. Then, Donovan wearing her skull tee shirt getting all chummy with Jodi's Mom was when I almost hurt my computer.

Prayers go out to Travis's Family and Friends that they will see true Justice.

That's one odd group of friends and family.
Respectfully disagreeing w. above. I zig and zag about the basis of TA's threat to expose JA, BUT...
respectfully snipped

especially after watching the hughes interview, i really think imo, that it had something to do w/ the phone call she recorded, it just seems in the time line, i think it was around 5/6 she recorded that, and about 2 weeks later he sent that email. the hughes said they looked for and read every thing in TA's computer trying to find out what happened, because they felt that email where travis was finally standing up to jodi was the catalyst, so i would think if it had any thing to do w/ PPL or finances ther hughes would have found it. plus imo, from all the stories we have heard about him, he just doesn't seem the type to become that upset over monetary issues. i just feel that it had to be something else, something that hurt TA down to his soul - idk, maybe she tried to blackmail w/ that recording?? threatened to play it for certain ppl?? cuz it sounds like to me in the recording, jodi was really fishing to get TA to say certain things :(
If they haven't prepared her, we may be in for a show.

That's what I'm talking about! I tried to read her emotions after Martinez finished his closing and they were at the front with the judge. But I DIDNT see any concerns. I did notice the bailiff almost on her lap! He was watching her and the mitigation lady talking. Jodie ws reading something and pointing to the lady! The bailiff made her stop! Did anyone see that too?
Good post.

And hey, I've been a Secretariat devotee since the year he won the triple crown. I'll never forget us all being huddled in the doctor's lounge, watching him win the Belmont the way he did. I've watched it since on YouTube and it still gives me chills!

Please forgive the O/T:

Me-e-e-ee too, ks! Secretariat! Truly, one of the greatest horses that has ever come along. Beautiful horse, those long legs, the big heart.

I was very confident that he would win the Triple Crown, and did he ever. My favorite then, and still my favorite.

We'll never see the likes of him again.



Do you think that her attorneys have prepared her for the worst? Or are they afraid to? Especially wilmott who sits so close to her with all them Lil pencils.?
I don't know if they have prepared her for the worst.

I think they have told her their case was not good & to prepare for the worse.
Jodi knows herself she is toast..I really believe that!!
Hi all :) It's been a good day here....more cleaning done, since I won't be doing much other than working and waiting on the daughter ran her first half-marathon today ( I am SO bragging!) :) .... of course while I was cleaning I was watching HLN earlier and something struck me as odd....yea, I know JA in her entirety is odd..... but! they were showing her singing "Oh Holy Night" in the jail contest...and I remembered that in the interrogation video she not only sang Dido, she started to sing "Oh Holy Night". She was arrested in July....why would a Christmas song be foremost in her mind? I know it's not because she is such a devout Mormon, that ship has long sailed. What gave me chills was hearing her sing the words..."fall on your knees, hear the angels voices..." I may be a bit off myself, but I have a nagging feeling that that song has some twisted significance for her. I can't come up with a reason for her to sing that in July, in the interrogation room, being questioned for Travis's brutal slaying and then choosing that exact song to belt out in the contest. I know, I know...I need a new hobby :)
especially after watching the hughes interview, i really think imo, that it had something to do w/ the phone call she recorded, it just seems in the time line, i think it was around 5/6 she recorded that, and about 2 weeks later he sent that email. the hughes said they looked for and read every thing in TA's computer trying to find out what happened, because they felt that email where travis was finally standing up to jodi was the catalyst, so i would think if it had any thing to do w/ PPL or finances ther hughes would have found it. plus imo, from all the stories we have heard about him, he just doesn't seem the type to become that upset over monetary issues. i just feel that it had to be something else, something that hurt TA down to his soul - idk, maybe she tried to blackmail w/ that recording?? threatened to play it for certain ppl?? cuz it sounds like to me in the recording, jodi was really fishing to get TA to say certain things :(
Yeah I thought so too! She was trying to get him to say stuff at one point she goes what!! So he could repeat.
Yeah over kill totally
Sliced throat stab to the heart and head and back! Than she shoots him! Remember the jury question.
Isn't it true that you came out of this unscathed while mr Alexander suffered a shot to the head, stabbing etc etc

I believe her answer had words "accurate assessment"...alrighty then. I think she thought that was good for her somehow.:facepalm:
The one major concern is that the majority of jurors are men and JA has "that thing." She has "it," if you will. That thing that is not seen with the naked eye but that demonic spiritual thing that captures unsuspecting individuals.
Fortunately, the jurors are not unsuspecting prospective dates being offered sexual favors. They are jurors who have spent months learning of the of this woman, her psychopathy, her disordered thinking, her evil wiles.

To the jurors, Jodi Arias does not represent a fun romp on at a Vegas convention. She's not a tempting bit of fluff with just the tiny potential of turning bunny-boiler (that little frisson of danger that gives spark to so many affairs). She's already shown herself to be a bunny boiler of epic proportions.

She is a self-admitted killer. She concocted an absurd rationale for her behavior, which was unsubstantiated in any way. She changed horses mid-stream, when the wind left the sails of her first defense. We've gone from self-defense to heat of passion.


Jodi Arias does not have it. Trust me; I was raised by a malignant narcissist/sociopath father, raised in the same household as a sociopath nephew, and lived with my profoundly personality-disordered husband (mixed disorder; lots of overlap, but mostly sociopathic) for 25 years.

None of them had "it" either. Early on? Sure, these individuals can sense the vulnerable. They can be charming and delightful---and then slowly morph. (If you want a greater understanding of this, visit, which describes how people who love personality disorders are affected; it also describes the disorders very well.)

Those who are taken in by these individuals are taken in .... differently. They are met, initially, with charm. Then, like a frog placed in cold water, the heat is gradually increased until! They're boiled before they even realize they're cooking.

The jurors, on the other hand, were plunged RIGHT into that boiling water with Jodi Arias. There was no gradual revelation, or slow dawning that they were facing a scary woman; they were immediately shown her evil and her handiwork. They will hop out of the boiling water so fast our heads will spin.

Please, don't worry about men on the jury being taken in by any "It Factor" Jodi Arias may have exercised with men before her true nature was revealed. Because what it really comes down to is that that nature WAS revealed.

It was revealed before the murder of Travis Alexander--the cracks in her veneer were showing to everyone who knew her, and most who encountered her casually.

Did you observe her in the courtroom? Her creepy behavior? The jurors did, too.

We have NO cause for concern. At least, not for the reasons you suppose.

How did I end up with a sociopath when I should have known better? Well, I had no way of knowing better. I was raised in a disordered home, and I fell in love with my husband at 16, well before I knew or understood this. By the time I realized what was happening, I was the proverbial frog, boiling in the stockpot. Luckily, I hopped out in time.

Travis Alexander hopped out of the water. The demented chef chased him with a knife.

And no amount of It will blind the jurors to this.
She has a boyfriend? And whatever happened to Carr? Haven't heard anything about him lately. The OTHER SIDE said a while ago that Jodi said not to listen to a word he was saying because he was full of crap (kindof like Ryan Burns I guess).

While surfing the blogs last week, some of the posters were saying that Bryan Carr died a couple of months ago. I have wondered where he has been all this time...he was a regular on some of the HLN shows. It's a mystery within a mystery.
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