Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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My husband is an engineer, (retired) and he has no doubt Jodi is guilty. As soon as he got back from his kayak ride, he made a mad dash to the door to ask if there was a verdict yet. So, don't blame it on the engineer, LOL!

My DH is an electrical engineer & he thinks Jodi is as vile as I do! Engineers tend to be logical, so I think that would be an asset to any jury.:rockon:
FWIW! HLN poll - is she guilty of 1st degree murder or not?

Guilty = 96%
Not Guilty = 4%.

I really think the worst thing for us to do is to guess what and why the jurors are taking more than a day. There is no way to know. It only serves to stress us out. Our speculations cannot change the verdict. I'm not doing this anymore. My little heart cannot take it.

I think it's good to keep a calm relaxed mind and just pass away the time doing something else or just having a few laughs.

I agree. Before anyone works themselves up, just remember, they are in there with those autopsy photos. The pictures tell the story.
Waiting is so difficult, but I never thought the verdict would come today. Still think tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, because this jury has been so so thorough.

I' d guess one scenario they discuss is if it is possible to reconcile the defense and State 's cases. As in, accept all the evidence of planning, and thus premeditation, but to try out the possibility that she changed her mind, thus the many hours spent there with opportunities to kill but did not. If they try to think through
how the two theories fit together it will take them a very long time, because they will have to wade into all the conflicting psych stuff.

The one doubt about JM's case I can see them having is why, if Travis was so afraid of her, would he have sex with her thst day, whether he invited her or not. Questioning that opens up the door to the psych questions as well.

I absolutely believe they will get it right, but I can also see how easy it would be to spend many hours discussing scenarios...
I dnt even want to think about 2nd degree. But if that's what she gets, I bet the judge gives her the max sentence of 22 years.

I also CANNOT think of that possibility. I want only death for her. No more chances for her to reach out to the media, to see her artwork, to send tweets out. I was watching some of her jailhouse interview on HLN ws ONLY 3 months after she killed Travis, and she was speaking so calmly...DISGUSTING. No one can be that calm unless they had planned it all out. THe reason she's calm is b/c she had planned it, no other reason.
Evidently, the Pinellas 12 got hung up on this and thought that whatever guilty decision they made meant that Casey would automatically get the DP. If they were uncertain and/or didn't understand their instructions, they should have asked for clarification by the Judge. :banghead:

Bette I don't believe that's what caused the Pinellas 12 verdict I think it was that they knew there would be a penalty phase which would mean they would remain sequestered for the duration during that phase.

IMO they point blank just wanted to go home. They were over it and didn't care if they released a baby killer into society. Remember it was all about not being able to swim in pretty pools?? They were angry they were sequestered. And believing that closing arguments were evidence. Insert eye roll and sarcasm here.

Years later I'm still annoyed as hell at the Pinellas 12. I just hope no one on the Pinellas 12 jury ever sits on another jury for the remainder of their lives.
I believe 2nd degree is 10-22 years and the judge decides the sentence. Nothing even close to what JA deserves!

That seems very lenient for intentionally taking the life of another. I'm sure the judge would give her the max, but with time served its not nearly long enough.
HLN needs to stop with the BOOM! Music! like they have an announcement. My nerves are so frayed right now. I can only imagine what the family is going through. In fact, now I'm in a bad mood because I can't imagine what the jury needs to discuss. It's so obvious for me, what are they arguing about???
So....I tried to sign up for the verdict watch on wild about trial at the number given at the beginning of this thread....and now I have some angry man upset because I texted WAT at him. Lol...some people are just so flippin' testy.


I got a wrong text once and the person did NOT believe I was not the person they were trying to reach. they were all kinds of pissed off at me because I kept saying: IM NOT THAT PERSON, YOU HAVE THE WRONG NUMBER!! they just kept arguing that I was and I was being an *advertiser censored*! lol I said CALL ME and she said something like, oh you will have her answer it. wtf? seriously, they would not let it go. it went on for like an hour. lol I bet it was a twin of Jodi's thinking I was her ex.....

finally the person caved and apologized admitting she must have the wrong number. o.0
I wonder if Jodi's mom will ever visit her on death row? I kinda think she is ONLY there because of Nurmi's pleading and will rid herself of the demon child once this is over.
I really think the worst thing for us to do is to guess what and why the jurors are taking more than a day. There is no way to know. It only serves to stress us out. Our speculations cannot change the verdict. I'm not doing this anymore. My little heart cannot take it.

I think it's good to keep a calm relaxed mind and just pass away the time doing something else or just having a few laughs.

Thank you! For those words! We're all on pins and needles until verdict. I admire your comment and like your posts.:seeya:
Don't panic people. These jurors only deliberated 10 hours and 40 minutes for Casey, sadly not guilty, OJ was less than 4 hours, sadly not guilty, 30 hours for Phil Specter for a 2nd degree murder charge, 35 hours over 9 days for Robert Blake quilty 1st degree murder, Scott Peterson 7 days for both 1st & 2nd degree murder, 4 days for the Menendez brothers with 2 counts of 1st degree & nine days for Charlie Manson...

So far I've refinished a desk top sanded & sealed, gone to Target, chopped everything for ho' made pizza tonight among many other tasks. I understand your pain...

Robert Blake was found not guilty in criminal, guilty in civil.

I was almost sure we would get a verdict today. Maybe the jurors are holding out for another 12 bucks and the opportunity to buy themselves lunch again tomorrow.:floorlaugh:
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