Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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Ain't this the truth?

I refuse to watch that rubbish channel. They are glamorizing this trial to no end and making huge profits for doing it.

They are nothing but the National Enquirer on steroids.

Total waste of time.

I can't imagine what they will do with the Zimmerman trial. It's going to be ugly.
I think we'll put the parental block on HLN.
My moms in her 80's ... She'd insert the needle herself!

IMO older people are far more intelligent! they're able to exercise common sense, logic and deductive reasoning skills far better than anyone my age I have met! They were around long before DNA, video and CSI.

It's like GPS. It makes people stupid. In ten years kids won't know how to even read a map or learn how to get places. They will just rely on GPS. Sad...very sad. IMO

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I don't know if anyone else watches 'the amazing race', but those people didn't know what the color 'chartreuse' was. My sister and I got a kick out of that one. They had no friggin' clue.
LKB on HLN, it was counter productive for the Defense to demean Travis and his reputation in the courtroom.
After seeing a clip yesterday, thought of another lie that proves Jodi did not have a FOG. She claimed during testimony that "AFTER the knife dropped and made a clanging sound she then forgot anything AFTER that".

Well, that would mean you DO remember all the stabbings then BEFORE you dropped the knife.

Just another little lie she let slip during testimony.

Det. Flores asked jodi what was she thinking when she left Travis'? She said she was scared. No fog. Even if the crime caused a fog, she still planned a murder. Im sick of smoke screens. They muddy the waters.
Sorry you had a bad day Sleuth. None of my co-workers are following this trial, so I share my thoughts here among friends who understand the obsession, uhm interest ;).

My advice (for what it's worth), is share here where it's safe and keep your real life real. We're in the home stretch!! I am so hoping for an answer from the jury tomorrow, and so glad I have the wonderful people here who understand when I vent my frustrations. :grouphug:

Thanks love!!

Sleuth13, my dear, DO NOT let this woman take your thunder! DO NOT allow this woman to get under your skin KNOWING that she has not invested ANY time in this case. DO NOT let this woman take a day of your pay! DO NOT let this woman think she has said anything credible to you! YOU ARE A GOOD HUMAN! The simple fact that you can feel the way you feel about the words this wench said to you about Travis just PROVES that you are a beautiful human being with empathy for others..others you have NEVER EVEN MET! Thank you for sharing here and for sharing your thoughts at work! This wench knows NOTHING! ZILCH! ZERO! NADA! She isn't half the person you are! Know this and go to work tomorrow with your head held HIGH! YOU are better than this woman!

Now this is freakin inspirational!! By chance do you also act as a personal trainer?? I need you standing at the foot of my bed everyday, "DO NOT keep sleeping. YOU NEED a workout! DROP and give me 50!!" LOLOL

Poor Sleuth - I think you should let her know that basing her opinion on 1 out of 50+ days of testimony is not only ignorant, but stupid as well.

I think you should also giver her JA's prison address so her son can strike up a relationship with her - see if she's still so sure of herself.

I can tell you I have NO PROBLEM in saying that if my daughter had married Travis Alexander, I would be ecstatic . MARK MY WORDS.

I'd love it if they were penpals!! Hmmmmmmmmmm...that gives me an idea!! J/k ...and it makes me happy to hear you say that about your daughter & T-Dogg ;)

Listen, I work with a different group of people every time I go to work (travel industry). DON'T take it personally.

Most have not followed it as we have.

Almost everyone that I have mentioned the case to says, "she's gonna go free." There is no argument to their case as they have not scheduled their work around the case. They just think, pretty girl, gonna go free.

I remind them of other cases and that there is so much more substantial evidence here, then I let them think what they want. Not my problem.

Don't let JA take a piece of your soul.

Damn good point!! We all know JA has no soul so I don't want her taking mine!!!!
I think a few of you are being a little hard on the Hughes family.

It doesn't seem fair that they are being bad mouthed because they have gone on tv and given interviews about their experiences with Travis and JA. I honestly and truly believe they have granted those interviews because they have wanted to give the media/nation a more complete picture of what happened. Not only of what they witnessed pertaining to JA and Travis' relationship but also of what a good person Travis was.

I have enjoyed listening to Chris and Sky. I believe what they say and am truly touched by their loving friendship they had with Travis.


Me too.

DT and Jodi have kept the Hughes from talking or listening to trial for all these months. I don't blame them for wanting to set the record straight. Nurmi, Wilmont and Jodi have done some nasty, lying things to many people, just like Jodi did to Travis.
things that are frustrating me...
1. short verdicts/fast verdicts have NOT been good for the prosecution in my experience, so please stop saying this longer period of time is good for the defense! Just not true...
2. why oh why did no one, neither side ask D.Brewer what color Jodi's hair was when she came to his house on June 2 or 3?
3. Why did Juan keep saying MM would never betray Jodi, in a sarcastic way over and over again and not follow up on that?
4. why wasn't the one roommate who was home on 6/4 not been questioned on the stand as to whether or not there was a car in the drive way at anytime he was in and out that day?
5. why doesn't the friend who TA showed the 5/26 email/IM exchanges ever said why TA was sending that, especially since he asked TA if he wasn't afraid she'd hurt him!!!!?????

These are the things that are really really bugging me

1. While length of deliberations doesn't correlate very well with outcome, sometimes long deliberations do end up in Not Guilty verdicts (Robert Blake after 9 days) or Hung juries (after 12, 19 and 21+ deliberation days in the 1st Phil Spector, 1st Erik Menendez and 1st Lyle Menendez trials).

2. The rental agency owner testified Jodi's hair was blonde when she rented the car. How many witnesses do you want to testify as to her hair color? It's easy to get tied up in minutiae, but may not be the best use of the prosecution's time and focus.

3. Don't know. Perhaps his role in the forged 'admitting pedophilia' emails?

4. Didn't JA say she used the garage code and parked inside the garage? I thought JA testified unless Zach was working on his car he normally parked outside. But why does it matter when Zach said Travis kept the doors unlocked and he didn't even have a key? With the clearly consensual sex photos, isn't where she parked irrelevant and/or a red herring?

5. Taylor Searle did explain why Travis was so upset with Jodi that he wrote those texts on 5/26: He said Travis told him he was upset she hacked into his Facebook account.

"Some of his closest friends found Alexander’s body in his shower. Taylor Searle told Jane Velez-Mitchell that he immediately suspected Jodi of the murder. "That was the first thing to my mind is that, 'oh my gosh, Jodi actually killed him.'"

Searle described a confrontation between Arias and Alexander just days before his murder. "He had caught her breaking into his Facebook account, and he read back to me his response to her, and it was a pretty harsh response," he said. "I just remember my response to him was, 'are you afraid she's going to hurt you?' and four days, five days later, he goes missing and then we find him dead."

"Another of Alexander’s friends, Taylor Searle, tells In Session, that around the first week of June 2008, Alexander caught Arias hacking into his Facebook account and told her he wanted her out of his life. Searle says Alexander called him the next day and read the contents of an online chat between Alexander and Arias."

Searle says he asked Alexander, "Aren't you afraid she's going to hurt you?"

On Dr. Drew, Taylor Searle had this to say:

"SEARLE: It says to me that, I mean, Travis -- Jodi was just the wrong thing at the wrong time for him and just turned out to be a disease that he picked up. And something that dragged him down."

"SEARLE: I was just going to say. That`s the way Travis painted the picture of Jodi to me when we would talk about. He would always prop her up as one of the choices he could make at a crossroads where Jodi would be his booty call option or he could go another direction and find girls to actually marry and settle down.

"And that`s kind of what we usually talked about and that`s how he framed her. He was physically attracted to her but that`s pretty much all that was there."

"SEARLE: Well, it`s all points that -- I mean, they`re all facts, but there`s a timeline associated with it. When he did meet her, he was very into her and did go out of his way to spend time with her. But when he broke up with her and when he was dating the other girls, there was a transition point where he shifted gears and really wanted to move away from Jodi.

"And that`s when she became the stalker, as we all say. That`s when this crazy behavior started.

"And why he opened the door 4:00 a.m. that morning, I have no idea."
I feel the same way. I am offiicially scared.
I wish the jury had all been able to join the WSers. I can't imagine not being able to vent to anyone about all we've learned throughout the trial.
If the jury is going through all the evidence that proves she definitely is guilty, it could take them awhile.
Lol Jodie would be the type of woman that would :floorlaugh: try on a wedding dress before she gets engaged .
I can see her hanging out at an internet cafe. Where you can anonymously send crazy-assed emails about whoredoms and rainbows and stuff like that.
Also... We were all noticing a little bit of snaggle tooth action the other day...She was photo-shopping the hell out of all of the pics of herself. I decided.

I want to know whatever happened to that guy!

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Wow? Really? When I was in NYC a few years ago this cab driver was saying he was really a genuine person, not stuck-up or standoffish at all.

I was a child, my grandfather was an attorney that was involved with JFK and Hoffa. Personally, I have always liked the family, my grandfather, not so much lol....I have so many photos and would love to some day write a book....
I wonder if Mama Arias still feels the same after all that has transpired in the courtroom with her murdering child.

Sadly, we'll never know the real story behind that family. It's not a coincidence that the mothers of many of these murderers are wacky... Sandy Arias, Cindy Anthony, Jackie Peterson, Nancy Lanza, the Boston bombers...

I know this is highly controversial, and I am no way whatsoever making a statement that these parents are directly to blame for the murders that their children committed, so please don't misunderstand me... but do hear me on this point...

I am disgusted and tired of parents who know darn well that their kids are sick, or they know darn well that they are guilty, and rather than getting them some sort of legitimate help or holding them accountable for the terrible things they have done, they enable, ignore, make excuses, cover-up, deny... It is the exact opposite of what parenting (and teaching) is supposed to be!

Because of their poor parenting choices, they now do have to live with some guilt on their hands, and you know what, too bad. You should have done better by your children. I'm not surprised that some of these kids ended up like they did.

It's one thing to love your child unconditionally. All parents should. It's an entirely different story to stand by them and support them in crime. That is wrong.

BTW, this is not at all directed at anybody here. It's just a rant born out of watching so many freaky parents on TV lately... thanks for indulging me.
:seeya: Great advice, Lotus! I'm stepping away from HLN and my keyboard for at least an hour or so... Got a hot date with the hubster to watch tonight's "Dancing with the Stars" DVR recording!!! :dance: :woohoo:

I love me some Jacoby Jones on DwtS!

I would believe it was Dan Freeman, since he gave an interview recently saying he avoided all media coverage of the trial as he was on the witness list and he didn't know until he testified in court that Jodi had admitted killing Travis and was claiming self-defense and domestic violence.


I wondered who it was. Wow. The friends and family of TA must feel very betrayed by him.
Sorry to quote myself(^^^), but I found the entry from Travis' MySpace. But I did not see the date he posted it. It follows (bolding by me):

"People I'd Like to Meet
HMMM well Jesus for starters. People who like to give high 5's incessantly. I'd also like to meet Osama Bin Laden in all out no holds barr, winner take all cage fight. Christopher Walken would be fun to eat Lunch with. Really most people, well except for *advertiser censored*. They are a dime a dozen these days especially on myspace. So if your employment involves a webcam, I don't see it going anywhere. Outside of that I'm good to go."

This reference to 'webcam' and 'employment' really make me wonder about the idea I posted above. Thoughts?

When I read Travis' comments (quoted by you above) that is what crossed my mind. He was writing that to JA, for her benefit. Wish there were a way to know the date!
LKB on HLN, it was counter productive for the Defense to demean Travis and his reputation in the courtroom.

:waitasec: Did LKB actually say that, you mean I might have to agree with her on something?!?!? :thud:
If JA was singing at me, writing me poems and drawing me stupid pictures, I would beg to be put in solitary confinement!!!!!! :please:


OT...Is that adorable squirrel in your signature really a pet?
Me too.

DT and Jodi have kept the Hughes from talking or listening to trial for all these months. I don't blame them for wanting to set the record straight. Nurmi, Wilmont and Jodi have done some nasty, lying things to many people, just like Jodi did to Travis.

I've nothing bad to say about the Hughes.
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