Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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Awwwwww Katie is so purdy, and a class act too!

Sorry, but I'm so upset and I don't know where else to vent. At the end of today I got into quite the argument with a coworker. She knows I've been following this trial from the get go...she knows I've been exhausted for months, working all day, catching up on the boards or watching testimony at night, etc, etc. She also knows I've got several other co-workers on the Travis Train for Justice :)

Wellllllllll, apparently the fact that someone bought blue bracelets with elephant charms on them (see, I share alot at work!!) for 4 of us to wait for justice together (while being apart in our respective offices) must have been too much for her. Her boss was out and so she watched closing arguments all day and then before she left she stopped by my office.

I first took offense when she said JM was an annoying little man! I could feel my face getting warm and my posture getting stiff...she made a few other inappropriate comments but then....THEN!!!!! Wait for it.....

THEN she had the audacity to tell me that there's no way JA will get the death penalty...and you know why???? She said the sex tape clips proved what a monster Travis was. She started raising her voice asking me what kind of person I was to support TA and his family bc he was a pig!! That's right!! She said, "The victim was a pig! He was SICK!!!! Travis Alexander was an absolute pig!!"

I stood up and unleashed on her saying she had no idea who Travis was and how dare she call him a pig!! Then I asked her if it was a justified BRUTAL MURDER due to mention of a cream pie and putting it into her __. BIG MISTAKE!! She said she sees how JA could have snapped and it was probably justified. I tried to tell her there was more to the call and JA was a manipulater but she wouldn't hear it!! She said there was NO REASON he should have said those things. I won't repeat what she said about the pedophilia. Then she called me crazy for "wasting so much time on that pig and trying to justify his words!!"...I told her to get out of my office and honesty, y'all I have been a mess ever since!!!!!!

My first thought was WTF is her problem???? Then I started wondering how many other people only caught bits and pieces of this trial and also think similar thoughts!!! I am SO DAMN ANGRY that bc of the defendant (that's all I can call her without having the mods delete this entire post) - bc of all of her lies and sick, sick mind she continues to murder Travis every single day! I can't quit crying and just find myself OUTRAGED!!!! If i feel like this I can't fathom how family and friends of TA deal with this daily!! I don't want to go to work tomorrow for fear of what I'll do if I hear her say another word about Travis!

Thank you for listening - I know this is a safe place I can share and you kind hearted people will understand!!!

She doesn't know jack! When the Guilty Verdict is read, Smile At Her. Don't say a word, just SMILE and walk away. You'll be fine...and right.
Long time lurker, first time poster.

At the end of the day Friday, the jury said that they would deliberate from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. every day until they had a verdict. The jurors showed up early this morning to begin deliberations and they returned early from lunch to continue deliberations. The fact that they are not coming in until 10 a.m. tomorrow is very telling. I believe that the jury has come to a consensus and will have a verdict for us in the morning.

Welcome Saffy!

This gives me hope and I'm going to bump it along to the next reader.
Who ever that judge commentator is on HLN is doesn't have a clue. He is talking about how wrong it is that the judge from the CA trial has no business speaking out. Yet he criticizes Mr. Martinez all the time. So what he is retired now, it is still inappropriate.

That's judge larry siedlin who started crying in the Anna Nicole case as they were deciding as to who would get custody of Anna nicoles daughter daughter.
JA just twittered that she would have signed a plea years ago to avoid "this disaster", but she was refused a plea as the State and the family refused to settle.

She also says she wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. Her only other option was suicide....

Sounds like she's scared. About time.
Too bad she didnt use her other option.
Thanks love!!

Now this is freakin inspirational!! By chance do you also act as a personal trainer?? I need you standing at the foot of my bed everyday, "DO NOT keep sleeping. YOU NEED a workout! DROP and give me 50!!" LOLOL

I'd love it if they were penpals!! Hmmmmmmmmmm...that gives me an idea!! J/k ...and it makes me happy to hear you say that about your daughter & T-Dogg ;)

Damn good point!! We all know JA has no soul so I don't want her taking mine!!!!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: you literally made me LOL! hehe:floorlaugh:
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 11m I would have signed a plea years ago to avoid this disaster, but I was refused a plea as the State and the family refused to settle.

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 5m I wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. My only other option was suicide and,well...

Again, it's never JA's fault, dontcha know? :floorlaugh:

Did she offer to plead guilty of 1st degree murder? That would have avoided a trial. No.

She has Donovan tweet misinformation. The Court minutes state the Court, not JM, decided JM did not have the authority to accept or offer any plea.
JA just twittered that she would have signed a plea years ago to avoid "this disaster", but she was refused a plea as the State and the family refused to settle.

She also says she wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. Her only other option was suicide....

Sounds like she's scared. About time.

There you go, blaming someone else once again.....
It's never her fault!!!

She is delusional, if she didn't brutally murder Travis she wouldn't be facing the death penalty... end of!
I am seriously thinking that K. Nurmi HATES the situation that he is in.

I would like to know opinion on this considering that he was UNABLE to get OFF this case. I don't like him. I find him very Droopy like (Disney dog), but I am starting to wonder what else was he to do. Again, I am not a fan, at all, but it seems like he didn't want anything to do with her.

What say you?
although it is better than some of the motions he's written so perhaps just another "jailhouse lawyer" drafted it. I do think Nurmi had a hand in it as the result intended was for him to get the higher private practice rate. I find it remarkable that a defendant incurring none of the cost of her legal representation is allowed to be so "accommodated". It sounds like other death qualified counsel was available in the public defenders office but she wanted Nurmi. I didn't find her argument personally compelling but I guess the court did. Most indigent defendants have to take what is offered to them as far as legal representation.

I questioned this myself earlier this evening about whether it seemed like KN put her up to writing that letter to continue on with the case but with private attorney fees. Was this letter written before or after she took on the case herself? And since it didn't go to trial in 2011 when it was supposed to, they should have just told her she'd be getting a new attorney at the public defender rates and that the trial date would be extended by the year and a half that KN had already been working on it. That extention happened anyway even with KN being kept on the case.

Sadly, I kinda disagree with you Linda.

My mom is 70 and "feels sorry" for Jodi. :facepalm:

My moms in her 80's ... She'd insert the needle herself!

IMO older people are far more intelligent! they're able to exercise common sense, logic and deductive reasoning skills far better than anyone my age I have met! They were around long before DNA, video and CSI.

It's like GPS. It makes people stupid. In ten years kids won't know how to even read a map or learn how to get places. They will just rely on GPS. Sad...very sad. IMO

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offspring. I love how Jodi wanted the female off her case-I guess any man will do...even Nurmi. And her mother said what, that Nurmi has the rest of his life to start a private practice? So he should change his career plans because of that "entitled" thing like hereditary?

Tonight was not a good time to read this. Mike Hughes was on some show tonight and he had to sit behind the Arias family the last day of trial and he was really upset about their behavior and how they laughed when the picture of Travis with his throat cut was shown. I'm not feeling the sympathy I have to say...

What? The laughed when Travis' autopsy photos were shown???? How disgus$ing!!! How evi$!!!
offspring. I love how Jodi wanted the female off her case-I guess any man will do...even Nurmi. And her mother said what, that Nurmi has the rest of his life to start a private practice? So he should change his career plans because of that "entitled" thing like hereditary?

Tonight was not a good time to read this. Mike Hughes was on some show tonight and he had to sit behind the Arias family the last day of trial and he was really upset about their behavior and how they laughed when the picture of Travis with his throat cut was shown. I'm not feeling the sympathy I have to say...

You know, where you come from says a lot about who you are. As my wise mother used to say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - even if it tries. Sandy and JA sound like they think their entitled.
IMO, she did not write that note. Read the plea again, those are more her words. That note has attorney written all over it....pursuant is a key word!

OT...Is that adorable squirrel in your signature really a pet?

Yes, yes she is! Though not sure she would approve of the word "pet". Hahahaha! An old neighbor of mine found her in her driveway after a horrific storm & gave her to me, when she couldn't find mama anywhere. Bunny just turned 3 last month. She is the bestest little friend I have ever had. Squirrels are very personable little creatures, full of sass!
Thanks for asking about her & sorry to get waaaay o/t.

Goodnight all & may justice prevail, my prayers & thoughts are with the Alexanders as always.
JA just twittered that she would have signed a plea years ago to avoid "this disaster", but she was refused a plea as the State and the family refused to settle.

She also says she wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. Her only other option was suicide....

Sounds like she's scared. About time.

Suicide would have been fine with me.
Didn't Enrique say the hand-rail on stairs felt gummy like it had been washed down or something, when he got home? more clean up in a fog
I questioned this myself earlier this evening about whether it seemed like KN put her up to writing that letter to continue on with the case but with private attorney fees. Was this letter written before or after she took on the case herself? And since it didn't go to trial in 2011 when it was supposed to, they should have just told her she'd be getting a new attorney at the public defender rates and that the trial date would be extended by the year and a half that KN had already been working on it. That extention happened anyway even with KN being kept on the case.


I thought the same thing but doubted my gut on that. I bet that's what happened.
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 3m Re: commissary,many of the items I didn't receive were for indigent girls less fortunate than me. I,thankfully,have a mini surplus of food.

Hmmm....donovan's a busy girl tonight tweeting like mad :floorlaugh:

ETA: Hey Donovan, tell your puppet master that she is one of those indigent girls. You might want to buy her a dictionary for her birthday.
I can see her hanging out at an internet cafe. Where you can anonymously send crazy-assed emails about whoredoms and rainbows and stuff like that.
Also... We were all noticing a little bit of snaggle tooth action the other day...She was photo-shopping the hell out of all of the pics of herself. I decided.
I noticed that too! I was wondering if she had had veneers at one point, but your explanation makes way more sense...
Yeah and judge siedlin likes to hear himself by putting down judge perry.

He thought he was going to be famous, ala Judge Judy, after the Anna Nicole trial. He is a fool and just sounds ridiculous.

I love me some Judge Perry.
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