Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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Isn't Juan "the state"?

Sorry, I've been in and out of WS because of things called work. :seeya:

Is it because the family did not want to accept the plea deal?

How does it work? tia

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 11m I would have signed a plea years ago to avoid this disaster, but I was refused a plea as the State and the family refused to settle.

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 5m I wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. My only other option was suicide and,well...

Again, it's never JA's fault, dontcha know? :floorlaugh:

Did she offer to plead guilty of 1st degree murder? That would have avoided a trial. No.

She has Donovan tweet misinformation. The Court minutes state the Court, not JM, decided JM did not have the authority to accept or offer any plea.
1) 40
2) F
3)born and raised in Queens, NY (NYC) moved to Miami, FL 7 yrs ago
4)Day two of JA's testiphony - was on another site and had no clue of the wonderfulness of this one
5)Avid reader of James Patterson novels and long time movie fanatic

1) 52
2) F
3) USA: lived up and down both coasts, now a blissful resident of Oregon
4) 2008
5) reading everything from science news to novels, spending time in nature--both walking and contemplating, joking around with my DH, and enjoying a good meal with friends :)
If this delay is being caused by an appointment wouldn't the jurors have let the Judge know yesterday? If they decided today that they will start late tomorrow then I'd say there is a strong possibility that they have a verdict for us.

Isn't it possible the judge knew this and we just weren't told? I mean, she's not even going to take any jury questions in open court. Beth said the jury could call her, and she'd do a conference call with the attorneys.

I'm hoping it IS their idea and this means something. Just preparing myself in case it doesn't.
Seriously why is the sheriff allowing Donovan to tweet at all? Giving her more rope to hang herself ?

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She doesn't know jack! When the Guilty Verdict is read, Smile At Her. Don't say a word, just SMILE and walk away. You'll be fine...and right.

I agree don't let her piss you off obviously! she did it to make you mad. Shame on her that was rude.
Isn't it possible the judge knew this and we just weren't told? I mean, she's not even going to take any jury questions in open court. Beth said the jury could call her, and she'd do a conference call with the attorneys.

I'm hoping it IS their idea and this means something. Just preparing myself in case it doesn't.

True. I do hope it means something. I'm willing to see anything and everything as a sign of a possible just verdict. I'm desperate!
I love knowing this...

MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 16m
U ask -I seek; u wanted 2 know if #jodiarias is drawing while she waits 4 verdict. Deputies say NO, "She can have nothing...she just waits"

Katie L , That was not a Bible Belt Conservative that made that statement. That was a moronic azzhole. This coming from a Catholic Conservative.. I guess theres a reason why they say no religion on the forum and that would be because of people like you.

I don't think she was reflecting on the religion of the person who made that comment.

If you read what she wrote, she was talking about her own situation where she herself lives in an area where she is very much odd woman out and those around her are quick to jump on her and instigate.

What she said was you have to pick and choose your battles with these people who are going to provoke you all the time, when you can't win. It was not a commentary or insult on a certain group but a reflection on ones own personal experience dealing with constant provocation.

WoW...did you see he most recent lamest Tweet".......boooohoooo
I am seriously thinking that K. Nurmi HATES the situation that he is in.

I would like to know opinion on this considering that he was UNABLE to get OFF this case. I don't like him. I find him very Droopy like (Disney dog), but I am starting to wonder what else was he to do. Again, I am not a fan, at all, but it seems like he didn't want anything to do with her.

What say you?

He wanted out .. was nearly out .. then his dang client and her mother wrote the judge, then he had to stay on for YEARS!! I think he hates this situation, he told the court he doesn't like JA 9 days out of 10 not to save Jodi by getting the jury on his side, but to save his career by getting the general population (and future clients) on his side. He never talks to Jodi, ever.

Love her tweets BTW ..

I wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. My only other option was suicide and,well...

What is she trying to threaten suicide here? Suicidal ideation again, so BPD.

Re: commissary,many of the items I didn't receive were for indigent girls less fortunate than me. I,thankfully,have a mini surplus of food.

You are indigent! You are above nobody. You are indigent. OMG :stormingmad:
After seeing a clip yesterday, thought of another lie that proves Jodi did not have a FOG. She claimed during testimony that "AFTER the knife dropped and made a clanging sound she then forgot anything AFTER that".

Well, that would mean you DO remember all the stabbings then BEFORE you dropped the knife.

Just another little lie she let slip during testimony.

Also JA said it made a big noise, I just hope and pray the big noise of big house bars clanging come soon for her! :jail: MOO
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 3m Re: commissary,many of the items I didn't receive were for indigent girls less fortunate than me. I,thankfully,have a mini surplus of food.

Hmmm....donovan's a busy girl tonight tweeting like mad :floorlaugh:

ETA: Hey Donovan, tell your puppet master that she is one of those indigent girls. You might want to buy her a dictionary for her birthday.

Yes, she's so concerned with those who are less fortunate than her.....ah, 1.7 million on the taxpayers plate for her benefit, I guess you could say, fortunate. Unbelievable.
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 3m Re: commissary,many of the items I didn't receive were for indigent girls less fortunate than me. I,thankfully,have a mini surplus of food.

Ah that JA, she's such a giver. Sounds like someone is running a bit scared. The Jodi Show is over and she knows it
OMG that new Jodi tweet. Holy Mackrel, she wanted to avoid trial but the sate forced it and her only other option was suicide. Well.....
STFU judge larry

I can almost F-E-E-L the tension we all be feelin'. If we could bottle that tension we'd either blow up or cast a warm light over the entire Eastern Seaboard. I went back and read some of my posts when ALV graced us with her nothingness and it feels like a lifetime ago. We all need a laugh or a hug or a very dry gin martini on the rocks with 3 olives, and justice. I'm going to pray a prayer for the jurors in hopes they see the light and God will do what he can. Sweet Dreams WS'ers, see you on the boards tomorrow.
He said it felt slippery. That means Jodi saw her own blood and wiped it down. No fog imo.

I have a really weird feeling the juror is discussing Jodi's fog, as I really think some may think she was in a fog.

Didn't Enrique say the hand-rail on stairs felt gummy like it had been washed down or something, when he got home? more clean up in a fog
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