Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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So annoying, a few minutes ago, KP of HLN said jurors were in their second hour of deliberations.

Aww, come on HLN, please report accurately.

Do I have this wrong, didn't the jurors just start deliberations at 12:00 Eastern.


I believe they are including the 55 minutes from last Friday.
I think the jury may by p$$$$ed that Nurmi asked for aggravated manslaughter!!! Now HLN is saying JA was going to plea to LWOP but JM said no and how it is costing the taxpayers all this money. JM must have gotten some input from the family to proceed with the death penalty or he may have accepted.
HLN is spreading false information. JA and her defense team submitted a settlement offer for her to plead guilty to second degree murder OR ELSE she would be forced to TRASH Travis in court. The document describes what became the defense she presented in court--physical abuse, pedophilia, sexual deviant, dirty little secret, pretending to be a good Mormon, etc. Surprised that one of the THs who regularly discusses the show wouldn't chime in and correct the TH judge on her erroneous claim.
Good morning all :seeya: I just spoke with my husband, who is deployed to Afghanistan, and wanted to share something with you all. Before he left (in February), my husband watched the trial with me & like all of us, is convinced JA is guilty of murder 1. He often doesn't have access to the Internet, so he hasn't been able to keep up with the trial 100%, but knew the jury got the case on Friday. At the end of each week, his squad (the group of soldiers he's in charge of) gets together & each person says who they are keeping in their thoughts. Of course, every week it's their families, their friends & other loved ones, well this week my husband also included "Travis Alexander, his family and all of those who loved him, may he finally receive justice" & after that, they tied a few blue strings (no ribbon lol) around their camp. I just wanted to share that with everyone as it gave me a sense of comfort & strength which we all need as we wait for justice!!

That's beautiful. Travis must have been an outstanding young man since so many people are joining together in love under his name. Once the verdict comes in, we won't need to worry about Arias any more--she can fade away while Travis lives on.
BBM and IMO only

Right. I would have said, 'you don't have to like her.' I would not have said that nine out of ten days I don't like her, because it gives the jury permission to not like her, because hey, even her defense lawyer can't stand her. Why is that?

I'm probably over thinking this. I'm a bundle of nerves.

I bet for his run-of-the-mill sex offender clients, "you don't have to like him" probably suffices.

Why the 9 out of 10?

Because I don't think he has it in him, especially after digesting Juan's play-by-play of the murder, to pretend he has anything but revulsion for that beast. The 9 out of 10 was the best he could come up with.
Does anyone know if the jurors will take an actual lunch break outside the building? Are they able to order food to be delivered so that they can continue deliberations through the lunch period?

Court cafeteria.
I heard Jean C say it was a male defendant that Martinez prosecuted that the jury came back in 15 min with guilty 1st degree
It was a female Wendy ? Adriano. Maybe he's had a few verdicts come back early or Jean C could be wrong.
Today should be a very busy day for me but I can't think and I have month end reports to get done but my mind won't allow me.
I'm ready for Travis to Rest In Piece.
Seriously? He wants publicity any way he can get it. Using the slaughter of an innocent man to get himself on TV is lower than low, IMO. I don't care if he's gonna say all the things most of us say, I'd rather not hear it from him. I'm disappointed in Nancy Grace. She's a victim's advocate and should know better.

I'm not defending him in any way...but apparently JA was a Twitter Fan of hisand he had sent her some previous Tweets.
Come on come on pray pray pray.

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My husband just told me one of his friends from work got fired and I laughed. He as is so funny? I don't know, nerves I guess. Him: i'm getting you a glass of wine. And here's a Toblerone.
I'm going to be a nervous trembling WRECK! :facepalm:

I am trying to remain calm because I know this was a long four months case but once those words are announced my tummy will turn to jello and the wait after then is excruciating.

They set random items in the jury room aflame, to send up white smoke.

Er, wait, no. That's for popes. Ignore me!

:floorlaugh: not sure how I would keep my sanity waiting without comments like this one to keep my laughing :floorlaugh:
Beetrice and anyone else interested, if you look at the Verdict Watch Thread for May 5, on page 56 at #1380 and page 77 at #1921, you will find the horoscope for the submission to the jury and analysis. The last post is further explanation and reassurance. In AZ, we are looking at two trials, so to speak. One for guilt or innocence, one for penalty. In our submission chart, this is reflected in an Outcome House that begins in 27° of Sagittarius and 3° later, Capricorn. It is in this Capricorn phase or penalty trial where we see the complications. Many of those protests come from opponents of the verdict and of harsh sentences, Pluto r. in Outcome House. These people are outside the courthouse and on social media. Others are in court pleading for mercy during mitigation. Of course, if the jury should act in sympathy with the admitted overkiller, the opponents of such a verdict would also protest vocally and vigorously. That is said as an afterthought because the submission chart shows agreement with the arguments and presentations of the prosecution. If the jurors see matters the same way Martinez does, how can they find against him?!
Best case...she freaks when verdict is read, bolts towards JM, gets zapped by belt, Flores intercepts her and slams her zapped butt to the a linebacker.

Its spring. Go outdoors. Get back to nature.

I would love NOTHING MORE than to take my dogs to the park, or a lake or something! I would love NOTHING MORE than to hop in my car and just DRIVE!

Sadly, that's not really in the cards for me, as I am a disabled person with chronic pain and fatigue. I can't sit in the car, comfortably at least. If I do drive, I never know when the fatigue will hit - and it hits HARD - and put myself and anyone else on the road in danger.

Plus, it is raining. LOL!!
JA's response was perfect. Some people like ALV, ALV and ALV could have seen that comment as abuse. JA proved to the jury she could take comments like that and even found them funny.

She reacted as if she were being honored at a special dinner while everyone sung her praises and made playful barbs. She smiled as if she were about to stand and accept her award.


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My iPad isn't letting me upload the blue ribbon to change my profile pic! I am so superstitious.... What if they vote not guilty because of me!? Kidding... Sort of...
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