Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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Well, in my opinion, considering the evidence in this trial...if they don't come back with a verdict today, things aren't going well. Really, it should be a matter of hours. I wish they knew everything we know about this evil monster, but what they do know is plenty. Seriously...she is like Charles Manson.

I understand the temptation to jump to that conclusion, I really do. (and yes, she's every bit as wicked & evil as Manson & others..) But, it also might be they collectively decided to take time and go through the evidence presented, carefully. Perhaps simply out of respect for the years of work by Martinez, Flores & company.

Even though the decision seems so obvious to us observers, (and it does, but we know far more too), it's understandable they'd want to make absolutely sure that they have no regrets. I'm cool with that.

This decision will determine what's next in the process which ~ when made ~ there's no turning back. They have to live their lives with this decision, a far heavier responsibility than observers can appreciate.

As sweet as a 1hr verdict might be, I'll still be thrilled to hear they chose to pop some DVD's in and watch Det. Flores & the killer a 2nd time. How many of us have seen them more than once? Each time, we saw something new, or differently, right?

To know they watched intently, again ~ as she tossed out all those new lies ~ a new one for every little 'proof' of her presence in Mesa. They NEED to watch & be reminded how VERY easy it is for her to lie and lie and lie, how it flows like a lazy river from her mouth.

Because, THEN will they talk about what they heard her say on the stand. And conclude they have NO reason to believe one single word she said under oath. Not one. And IF they do THAT - then they remove from the discussion or consideration that Travis was a pedophile, an abuser, that he ever borrowed a red cent from her, that he knew about the sex tape, that they ever "exchanged" passwords, that he was "courting" her, proposed to her, or "invited" her to Mesa on June 4th. If they discount every single thing that's based solely on her word - they'll not struggle with the decision.

But it may take a little time to take those steps.
Ruh roh...Jane Velez-Mitchell is on HLN, pacing around, mike in hand...waiting to run after and tackle the first available person, no doubt.

She held a poor family friend by the arm on Friday & wouldn't let her go. I wish somebody would get a restraining order against her... :twocents:

Happy Justice-for-Travis Day!!!

:please: :please: :please: :please: :please: :please: :please: :please:
It is lovely to see the sea of blue ribbons on WS today.

I feel like it's our little message to the universe that we are strong and we are positive and we believe in justice.

good post.

I truly believe that once the verdict is read and she is sentenced, we will not hear a peep about her until the day comes for her execution. her [Dlisted]fame that she probably feels she has right now will be completely gone very very soon.

the people following this have a goal - that is to see justice.
the people following HER as a fan have a goal - to mooch off her [Dlisted] fame and get their own if possible [ie Donavon].

her time on all facets is almost up.

I don't know about that, I fear that she will go into overdrive in her manipulation, 'cause then she will really be fighting for her life. I am in fear of the stunts she'll try to pull.
I heard Sheriff Joe on a link someone posted earlier in his interview with NG, he was saying she's had no discipline problems, got her GED in jail, won the talent contest...wellll actually she did all of that NOT on some mission to better herself, OH NO, not that...she did it as part of her MANIPULATION so that it would go towards lessening her time in jail...thinking she would be found NOT GUILTY or MANSLAUGHTER. She is plotting EVERYTHING.
You're a great bunch of people, you really are.

Experts says verdict will NOT be quick, on AZfam. That is disappointing to hear. moo.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention this. The following is a link to a blog that is awesome!!! Most of his entries the last few weeks have been about the JA trial. I can't remember the exact articles but he has written 1 or 2 comparing her stalking tendencies to a former girlfriend of his.

Just saying in case anyone gets bored while waiting for the verdict :)
Oh you should have laid in provisions honey! :floorlaugh: I have barbqued chips, soda, grapes, cherries and frozen peanut butter cups. I'm working on growing another roll. :floorlaugh:

I really wanted to, but I have to fit in my own suit skirt for court on Wednesday... I'd have to double up on Spanx if I bought junk food!!!
I really want DP. I want it because jodi will have to be locked up 23 hours a day with no human contact except the guards. She will sit on death row for 10-20 years. This will give her time to think and dwell on the life she could have had, which will make her miserable. If she gets lwop she will still have human contact and get to rule the roost while in prison. She will still find her glory one way or another. I am praying for DP. Anyone agree? Disagree?

I agree. I want her in solitary confinement. That will torture her. Good.

...somehow, the jury is not buying it.

Justice for Travis.
I don't know about that, I fear that she will go into overdrive in her manipulation, 'cause then she will really be fighting for her life. I am in fear of the stunts she'll try to pull.
I heard Sheriff Joe on a link someone posted earlier in his interview with NG, he was saying she's had no discipline problems, got her GED in jail, won the talent contest...wellll actually she did all of that NOT on some mission to better herself, OH NO, not that...she did it as part of her MANIPULATION so that it would go towards lessening her time in jail...thinking she would be found NOT GUILTY or MANSLAUGHTER. She is plotting EVERYTHING.

that is not true. she has had a LOT of discipline problems while in jail. they have been discussed here at length.

other than that comment, you make good points. that is why she needs the DP and not LWOP!
Morning y'all...

Like many of you, not really sure what to do with myself. It's amazing how I can get so involved in something like this, and then when it's over...I forget what I was doing before! LOL!!

I am bored with pogo. I am bored with gossip sites. I am just BORED!!!

It would be nice to have a verdict today. Just for the closure for the family!!! I won't panic until say Thursday though. After that, it's gonna be like OK, who's the holdout? And what side are they on?

Anyway, will be watching my phone and reading here occasionally!!

Hope you all have a blessed know, one blessed with a guilty verdict!!![/QUoute

Most people will be panicking long before Thursday. Surely they don't need 4 days?
Depending on time of day yes. Juan is fired up and ready to argue aggravation.

When JM goes through all the cruelty/pain JA inflicted three times over what will she do? JW will have tutored her on what any normal person would do while hearing those horrors, but it will be interesting to see if Jodi is willing to take instruction.
:seeya: Hello everyone.

My stomach is in knots hearing the Jury is up there, doing their job.

I just keep repeating :please: see the truth, please Murder. Murder 1. Hell FELONY Murder 1. It's the truth, I'm not asking for something not right or unjust. Travis didn't deserve all that happened to him, I don't want him victimized again by not getting the justice he deserves.

I want the Jury to take as long as they possibly need but boy, is it hard to wait. I feel like I have waited forever. I was on this shortly after Travis was murdered, all those years of waiting and now we are so close I can't stand it.

I've been listening to Chris Hughes on the True Crime recording and it is very soothing!!!! Seriously, if you need a distraction, it is awesome!
I'm guessing none because they asked so many excellent questions. I think they may ask to to see photos again though. imo

Originally Posted by CourtsideMike
Good morning everyone!
I am taking wagers. How many questions AND/OR testimony read backs will the jury request today.

I will pay the winners in roses.

I'm in, I predict 3.

I am predicting the jury will ask for a read-back of JA's testimony re: returning the gas can to Walmart in response to JM's questions after she glibly proclaimed that, yes, she bought the gas can, but she returned it and never took it out of Salinas. IMO the jury will want to be sure that they remember correctly that she did IN FACT say she returned it to the same Walmart, in the same "vicinity" of the Starbucks that she went to right after she bought it. this will confirm that JA LIED to the jury on the stand and will help them as they deliberate about her testimony and how much if not all of it is lies and cannot be relied upon.
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