Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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Good grief, I wish my husband would stfu. He just told me that if they don't come back with a verdict of Guilty of M1 by the end of today, they aren't giving her M1 at all.

I love him and I know he's just trying to discuss my interests but...ugh.
Can you imagine JVM knocking on your door - you answer it and she starts asking you questions about the trial, your feelings, she shows you her packet of peanut butter, she ask you what you eat when you are pressed for time, she starts describing your home decor, and, comparing it to how it relates to verdict watch?

"ShadyLady has an oversized sofa - now could this mean that we are going to have to wait an "oversized" time for the jurors to reach a verdict."

God forbid if you had a pet, she would never leave.
so this morning i get a lil panic as websleuths says no data , then i was asked to go to daytona beach or disney area shopping outlets with visitors from germany staying with us. afraid i would miss something i did say ok and brought my cell phone. get to disney areas and no cell signal . omg- so i regret leaving house tv-lol and completely wear down cell battery till it shuts off trying to get something . car charger plugged in and i wait. come home and hubby says hln says vedict could be any minute. sit down and watch it he says . he bets jodi goes free and time spent in jail credit helps. i yell - no!! can not happen that way !! then i say hln says any second but could be weeks from now! back on home computer as i await cell to charge. yes i shopped today - i saw a girl who resembled jodi at outlet and thought jodi ruined so many lifes - i would not want anyone to think i resembled her in any way. so i wait along with you all. if hubbys right i give up- i was at casey case when verdict and i was among those in shock. please not again !
Media is out of control today. The only person I choose to believe is Beth Karas
Testing my new siggy picture here! And also...I may have lost my mind. :eek:

I forgot I changed my page view to 100 posts, and I was looking for Steely's posting. So I scrolled down and down and down, then forgot what I was doing and scrolled up and up and up, then got mad at my Google Chrome, called it a bad name and started scrolling down and down and down...that went on for a while longer, until I finally remember I wasn't getting anywhere because I wasn't scrolling through the whole page. :scared:
I am very blessed to have a hubby who does 99% of the cooking (I do the baking).
Early in our marriage he said one day "I like to cook and it helps me unwind after work. Would you mind if I cooked our dinners?"
Instead of saying "uhhhh.... NO!"
I said "Of course honey, it is great for you to have a way to de-stress after work."
BWHAHAHA! My mama didn't raise no dummy! :floorlaugh:

PS total icing on the cake? He is a GREAT cook!

OMG good for husband only recently learned how to make eggs...we've been married for 23 years!!!
Not trying to be a pessimist but as I see it, the jury only have to discuss premeditation and agree on that IF they all have agreed she intended to kill Travis. Otherwise, it would be over by now.

So they are not agreeing on M1, imo. There is no need to sift through all of JA's childhood, past bf's, her sex life, the Mormon faith, DV, hippocampus, or anything else once they agree that she intended to kill TA and she preplanned it. Am I thinking right? This is why I am worried...

:seeya: I totally agree ... and I am also worried and :scared:
If there is one juror holding out, I pray the remaining eleven are tough enough to beak him (or her).
They have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what to say, even to each other on HLN... it's awkward.

I like it.
Waiting on this verdict has left me with no motivation..

I marinated some steaks earlier, now Im going to put it off from grilling them out until tomorrow.

Dag Blasted All!!

If I can cook Hamburger Stroganoff,Lima Beans,Corn on the Cob and Cucumbers soaked in Vinegar...well by God you can cook the steaks!

Come on Little Engine That Could....


I want Taco Bell.....just sayin'.
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