verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

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Another lying murderess- you forgot...
I won't be watching.

:seeya: And adding a "convicted felon" ...

:D I bet these 2 narcissists are po'd that they are competing with each other for air time on HLN ... lol !

Yes but that wouldn't be CNN format would it. Brash, loud, everyone shouts instead of speaking, "YOU WILL NOT MISS ONE MINUTE....", sensational reporting etc. thank goodness for Beth Karas, matter-of-fact, straight forward, factual, neutral and very trustworthy.

Don't forget the little caption they've been displaying today that reads "Is the jury set to acquit Jodi?" Who comes up with that stuff? :floorlaugh:
I think it would be creepy if he said it to a child. He didn't ... he said it to a well-seasoned grown woman.

Also, I think Travis wasn't really good at dirty talk. He sounded to me like he hadn't had much practice. She on the other hand ... was an old pro.

What makes me sick, is that when you are with someone, intimately, and you shares fantasies, and trust that person, most of the time you just let your mind go, and not edit yourself. She knew he trusted her. The fact that she played it off like she did not hear him, and had him repeat it. AWFUL and EVIL.
I agree. I have 3 kids. But I don't think we can make a real judgement call on what Travis said because it involves a surreptitiously recorded sex tape by Jodi Arias, a proven liar and murderer.

Is it possible that Jodi fed Travis lines about how he made her feel like a 12 year old girl having her first orgasm? YES.

Is it possible that Jodi deliberately set the stage to make Travis appear as a pedophile? YES.

Pedophiles don't get off on adult females. Travis was a big fan of having sex with Jodi Arias, a sexually-aggressive booty call.

There is a reason that Jodi presented her little sex tape at trial--she got Travis to repeat some of the lines or ideas she had fed him.

If my DH told me I sounded like a 12 year old having her first orgasm, I would probably sit straight up and say "HUH? What the heck are you talking about????"

What did Jodi say? She had him REPEAT THE LINE on the RECORDING SHE WAS MAKING.

So yes, if a man made a statement about sex involving a 12 year old girl in my presence, I would be concerned. THIS IS NOT WHAT WAS ON THAT SEX TAPE.

In the midst of a phone call involving sexual fantasies and masturbation, Travis made the statement. Judging from Jodi's text messages to Travis, such as how she wanted to F&*^ him like a "dirty horny little school girl" and her fondness of a$$-poundings, facials and "mouth hugs"--it's my opinion that our dear Jodi manufactured "evidence" of Travis' sexual proclivities.

Travis did not hang around little girls. He had NO PICTURES/*advertiser censored* of children, little girls or boys--NOT EVEN BARE BREASTS of adult women. Nada.

Jodi is a twisted, deviant little conniving monster who enjoyed f-ing with Travis. First she threw fits, pouted, cried, then started manipulating his friends and then she got violent and slashed his tires, broke into his house, peeped in his windows, followed him on dates, etc.

Then she slaughtered him without batting an eye and proceeded to slime his reputation. I don't believe her.


Well, I feel I can make a judgement call on what Travis said because I heard it. It was a harmless, sexual phone call between two consenting adults (one of whom didn't know he was being recorded) and in no way, shape, or form means there was anything wrong with Travis sexually. He was just a guy who wanted some sex and might have been giving roleplay a whirl during his and Jodi's sexual relationship; it's no big deal.

It's about context for me. Two adults have some sexy chat? who cares, doesn't even get my hackles up at all. A stranger making a comment like that in public - yeah, I'm gonna think "what a sick f--"

Why on God's green earth would TA make reference to a 12 year old IF he had just been found out by JA and, according to her, hated himself for it?? And, would the murderess be giggling if she had just found out he was a pedophile, which, according to her story made her throw up, twice??

Because there was no pedophilia. AT ALL.

Sickofitall - not directed at you, just jumped off your post.

Bump, bump, bump.

Now wondering why Juan didn't highlight this?
I agree. I have 3 kids. But I don't think we can make a real judgement call on what Travis said because it involves a surreptitiously recorded sex tape by Jodi Arias, a proven liar and murderer.

Is it possible that Jodi fed Travis lines about how he made her feel like a 12 year old girl having her first orgasm? YES.

Is it possible that Jodi deliberately set the stage to make Travis appear as a pedophile? YES.

Pedophiles don't get off on adult females. Travis was a big fan of having sex with Jodi Arias, a sexually-aggressive booty call.

There is a reason that Jodi presented her little sex tape at trial--she got Travis to repeat some of the lines or ideas she had fed him.

If my DH told me I sounded like a 12 year old having her first orgasm, I would probably sit straight up and say "HUH? What the heck are you talking about????"

What did Jodi say? She had him REPEAT THE LINE on the RECORDING SHE WAS MAKING.

So yes, if a man made a statement about sex involving a 12 year old girl in my presence, I would be concerned. THIS IS NOT WHAT WAS ON THAT SEX TAPE.

In the midst of a phone call involving sexual fantasies and masturbation, Travis made the statement. Judging from Jodi's text messages to Travis, such as how she wanted to F&*^ him like a "dirty horny little school girl" and her fondness of a$$-poundings, facials and "mouth hugs"--it's my opinion that our dear Jodi manufactured "evidence" of Travis' sexual proclivities.

Travis did not hang around little girls. He had NO PICTURES/*advertiser censored* of children, little girls or boys--NOT EVEN BARE BREASTS of adult women. Nada.

Jodi is a twisted, deviant little conniving monster who enjoyed f-ing with Travis. First she threw fits, pouted, cried, then started manipulating his friends and then she got violent and slashed his tires, broke into his house, peeped in his windows, followed him on dates, etc.

Then she slaughtered him without batting an eye and proceeded to slime his reputation. I don't believe her.


I always thought that tape was a set-up. EVERY time he says something that she thinks she can use against him, she has him repeat it.
I hope Deanna has pictures of Napoleon. Mark cracks me up. Got me to laugh for the first time today.
Whatever it was, it was calm and rational and intelligent. No racing through a crowded courthouse yelling "FIRE!!" the way her little friend Jean Cesarez is prone to do. :rolleyes:

That wasn't helpful in answering your question, was it? lol Sorry.

Not helpful perhaps, but definitely funny :lol:

:panic: <--JC | :rockon: <--BK
I officially love mark eiglarsh (sp?) :floorlaugh:

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
I'm sorry about your mare. We have a mare due to give birth any day. I'd love to name her (if it's a filly) after your girl. Let me know the name. :heartbeat:

now that made me cry. what a sweet thing to do. jmo
All I said was that as the mother of a little girl that age, I was very disturbed by that comment and if a friend or acquaintance made a comment similar to that in my presence, I would absolutely not allow them around my daughter.

I have read on dozens upon dozens of threads in this very forum cases where a parent had a friend who said similar things, only the parent's ignored it as "no big deal". And when the unthinkable happened, every poster on these boards blamed the parent for allowing an "obvious pervert" access to their child!!!!

I never said Travis was a pedophile and I do not believe that. What I said was that in this day and age, after all of the heartbreaking cases I have read on this very forum, I would be very alarmed by anyone making a statement like that.

It is my right as a parent, in fact my RESPONSIBILITY as a parent to protect my child from anything that raises my hackles.

I choose to err on the side of caution when it comes to my child's safety and I do not deserved to be attacked for that.

Never once have I blamed or sullied this victim. I made a very true and very heartfelt comment about my parental instincts regarding the "12-year-old girl" remark. I was respectful and honest in my post and stand by my feelings regarding it.

I am sorry you interpreted my protectiveness as an attack on Travis.

Thanks, and MOO.

Frayedknot, I actually was not responding to you at all regarding the post I was referring to. I was responding to someone who said Travis was sick and said to call a 'spade a spade' meaning he MUST be a pedophile.

I agree with you that it is a parent's responsibility to do anything possible to protect their children whenever 'their hackle's are raised'! As a Mother, I would do the same. However, in this instance, we cannot gauge a person on a statement made in such a way. Don't think for one minute there aren't others that our children come in contact with that may have said something far worse and we have no way of knowing about it. It may have been said in private during their sexual play with another consenting adult, but is that ok because we didn't hear it? Let's be honest, if this hadn't come to trial, you would never have know this was said. Does that make Travis a dangerous person for your children to be around? I highly doubt it, I look at it in the context it was said, like I posted before, you have to look at the person, weigh the behaviour between him and Jodi and him without Jodi. There is no indication he was that way with anyone else....I think she encouraged his inappropriate behaviour - she wasn't too disturbed by him saying that on the tape, in fact she was gleeful about everything he said and had an orgasm on top of it!

No I can't see him being a threat around any child! But the poor guy doesn't even have the chance to defend himself from all these slurs, and character assinations. Too bad, we can't actually talk to him and get his explanation for what he said. It's a shame that he can't tell his side of the story!

So relax, I'm not judging anyone's views or opinions, but we all need to think about judging someone with only one side being told. I hope to GOD that is not what the Jury is doing!
Jodi is the one who said she got there around 3 or 4 a.m. We only know that she was there after 1 p.m. from the timestamps on the photos. Out of 12 people, at least one of the jurors should remember that he had roommates at home part of the time. Plus, she wanted the sex. Jodi also waited until she got Travis in the shower. He was TRAPPED in that shower!

AND she wasn't content shooting him in the back of his head, oh no, she wanted him to see her and all her rage. And she wanted to make sure he felt tremendous pain. All the jury has to view is the crime scene picture of the hallway. He tried so hard to get away and she followed him until she slit his throat and drug him back to the shower. Gunshot wound first, middle or last means NOTHING. Just look at the photo, it speaks volumes and all of it is terrifying. Justice for Travis and God Speed to the 12 who can deliver that.
PLEASE PLEASE pray for my Mother. My sister just called and said she had to do CPR because she had another heart attack, we've heard nothing since the paramedics took her. I am 4 states away and there are no more flights tonight - I'm on the first one at 5am in the morning. I feel completely useless and helpless.

I just need a quick prayer. Thank you.

Prayer being sent for you and your family!
Is there a thread on Websleuths about those women in Cleveland that were abducted? Thanks.
Yep, 10am Arizona time. I almost had a mini-stroke when I 1st read the previous post of 1pm EST because my brain immediately read it as 1pm their time.

Whew! :hot:

Well, la did da. Why is this happening 2 days in a row when they agreed upon 9AM?
Deanna is up ... I love Deanna ... Testimony where Jodi called HER emotionally unstable!

Maybe......thinking here.

Friday hey could not do much....

Monday they talked some about things, then said they wanted to have a good look at the 600 pieces of evidence close up...

Tuesday that is what they are doing....looking at 600 pieces of evidence (up good and close) not from a big screen feet away from them

Just a thought...:fence:
During the Casey Anthony trial I was in the middle of a huge project at work and couldn't follow closely. I remember people loving the prosecution but I don't recall what the general feelings were on the jury. I'm a little nervous today and can't help comparing it to that crazy jury. For the people who followed the CA trial, can you remember what the general consensus was on the probable outcome during the deliberations? Were posters skeptical that the wrong verdict would be found?
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