verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

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I really wish that I'd never started following this trial. I am preparing myself to be completely revolted by its outcome. I thought that nothing could be worse than KC walking free...WTH could they be debating? Someone or two in there must be missing some brain cells.

After Dark has sunk even lower.....
Don't watch you guys.... please....

Put on some chill music and light a candle.....
Might as well throw me in the slammer right now for the stuff I do , say and sing when I've been overserved.

And my hubby and all of his buddies from high school. They act and say things within that group that NONE of them would say elsewhere. All part of "knowing each other since way back then"... Harmless fun
Yes you're right AlexanderFamilyFan .. she egged him into doing things, and when he went along she used it against him .. very sociopathic .. it's that side of her in action.

It's the classic con, you corrupt the Mark just enough to compromise their ability to expose the con once you're finished with them.
Maybe they agreed to wear a sober face in public so as not to give away their position.

Maybe they are taking so long to spite whoever they feel kept them waiting for hours upon hours for 4 months.

Maybe they are waiting so long to divulge their verdict in hopes Nurmi explodes like an over ripe watermelon from anticipation. :floorlaugh:

This ^^^^^ :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: (that's a five star giggle :))
I don't think that was an issue with TA, because he had asked two other women to marry him (or bought two engagement rings). He just, for some reason, didn't want to marry Deanna. Sorry if I sound sour, I just LOVE her. I would adore her as a daughter-in-law. If I had a son, lol!
Oh yeah, you are right. I forgot about those other women! Does anyone know why those marriages never happened? Was it the women who broke off the engagements, or did Travis?

Jodi: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ... what was that?"

Jodi: "ooooh, what did you say?"

Definitely on a mission.

And hanging on to it for 5 years doesn't set off ANY red flags on the field. :rolleyes:

Absolutely a setup by Jodi for whatever evil future purpose she had in mind. I have no doubt she threatened Travis with this recording.
You'll find that Mrs. G is generally right. Heard "Back in Black" on the way home tonight, Mrs. G -- "Thunderstruck" is up for when the verdict is read... ;)

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: na na na na na na na na THUNDER!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
After Dark has sunk even lower.....
Don't watch you guys.... please....

Put on some chill music and light a candle.....

For real! I changed the channel! That show is just awful, awful. Pathetic!
I have limited my trial viewing to WAT since the beginning, I DID watch the entire interrogation videos, but other than a.) more manipulation b.) lies........I didn't put any more into it than what the jury saw. I have seen the bits and pieces not shown to the jury, but have really just held on to the trial testimony and evidence.
I don't watch HLN, and have only had to hear it in the background when BF is watching it.
That being said, you have 12 human beings in a room, going over tons of evidence, pictures, notes, etc. 20 pages of jury instructions.
They may already have their verdict but are making sure that their decision is right with the evidence. IDK....
It's frustrating, but it is what it is.
I hope they come to a verdict tomorrow.........
But it is what it is, and HANG IN THERE, ALEXANDER FAMILY!!!!!
OT: Today, I scheduled to have our old gray mare put down on Friday, she's been in an extreme amount of pain and I couldn't put it off. So I'm not in the best of shape.

*hugs* I'm so sorry. :(
After Dark has sunk even lower.....
Don't watch you guys.... please....

Put on some chill music and light a candle.....

Heading for the cozy covers and anything else on the TV....I'd even watch CSpan rather than watch that disgusting display....the should be ashamed of themselves....
I was having quite the affair with me myself and I at that age ... Wasn't everbody? TMI.

Its all good...

I mean its just us and a few thousand lurkers :floorlaugh:
ClosArgs said:
OT, but I have to tell my pocket hose story.

My husband luuvvvsss gadgets. Any type, any kind.

Well he got the miraculous pocket hose a 3-4 weeks ago. We were having some landscape guys clear a pocket of wilderness so we could plant a new garden. They wanted a bonfire so they asked that we get them some water to keep in some 5 gallon buckets for safety. Husband excited as helll to grab his new pocket hose to fill the buckets.

The guy and I are standing there watching as hub hooks the new pocket hose to the spigot and holds it out proudly. Slowly the hose begins to lengthen and hub breaks out in a triumphant grin. Then suddenly when it reaches it's full length the head pops off and hits the worker in the shoulder followed by a burst of water. I quickly turned off the water as the rubber hose rapidly shrank back inside the clothlike sheath. I looked at my guy's disappointed face as he stared down at the limp sheath dribbling the last bit of water. I then looked at the landscaper and we both laughed so hard we cried.

OT but just had to carry this over from the other thread and add what happened to me...

I am also a glutton for punishment when it comes to new gadgets and buying stupid stuff from infomercials. Does anybody remember the "EAGLE EYES" sunglasses that
-were supposed to give us like SUPER-VISION and MIRACLES + WONDERS
-and had a lifetime guarantee so I could send it back if anything went wrong and they would send a new pair
-and THATS NOT ALL, you get 2 pair (not just 1 pair)

You guessed it, how could I go wrong, so I bought me a pair and I anxiously waited their arrival and when the delivery truck rolled up, I happily tore open the box and was at first happy to see a nice metal silver case, but then quickly became concerned when I saw the lenses were plastic instead of glass. But then I thought, well, these cant be too bad, and as I went to put them on, HORROR sets in as one of the plastic lenses literally flew out of the glasses and onto the floor.

I tried to pop it back in, but it kept popping out. On top of that, when I went outside to look through them, they were horriblle. It was like someone spray painted a dark coating on clear plastic and they had a terrible distortion. No matter, I could not accept defeat quite yet. I mailed the one pair back, and literally before I could ship the box off the other free pair lens also fell out. So, I ended up shipping both back and got 2 NEW PAIR. WHIPPEEEE. They did honor the warantee and when they came, they lasted about a month, and one of the lenses popped out of those too.

I finally gave up on them and threw them in a drawer. And now I have a $200 pair of auto-adjust Serengettis that have lasted me 10 years.

Lesson learned. You get what you pay for sometimes.
Everybody, please go to DD's FB page and respectfully share how you feel. They read the posts, and sooner or later there might be a change. It has happened with NG and others from the network. As long as you keep it classy, you just might be heard :) Go to the FB page.....

Does that mean Nancy is going to stop popping her head up in the middle of trial testimony, like she's on Mystery Science Theatre?

She pops up to tell everyone what the people are saying, instead of just letting us listen to them directly. SO annoying!!
I followed Caylee from the minute I heard she was missing ,read every document. I watched every minute of the trial as did my husband ,son and his girlfriend.We made fun of Baez and his 3 stooges show he put on. I thought Jeff and Linda did a fantastic job. I was brought to my knees when the verdict was given. Shocked to my core I still do not understand her getting off not even a lesser charge.Something we did not have that we did in this trial was our jury watchers.The people Katie,Pasa and others who have watched them intently and telling us what they saw.Plus AZ has the jury questions which have IMO been mostly for JM side and not the defense.This jury has seen the horrific damage that in 62 seconds this maniac inflicted on her victim, she also admitted to killing him and her story changed within minutes when she was on the stand.She said one thing ten minutes later she said a different lie.The jury sees how deeply his family is pained by Travis s murder.Caylee really had no one who sat in court from her own family that was there just for the victim Caylee.Her own grand parents sold her out in that court room.This jury has seen jodi in action,Casey played her act until the jury was out of the room,jodi's showed herself at times in that court room. I have faith this jury will get it right ! I am praying they do :please:Travis needs to be able to RIP,justice has been a long time coming to him and to his family.
Thanks for that! I remember it all just the way you wrote it.
So Glad Deanna has Napoleon.


Sicko JA wanted it..............she is such a Nut!!

I'm even more glad, now that it's likely she may have killed her pet dog years ago.
Its all good...

I mean its just us and a few thousand lurkers :floorlaugh:


What goes on at WS does NOT stay on WS :) :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Oh yeah, you are right. I forgot about those other women! Does anyone know why those marriages never happened? Was it the women who broke off the engagements, or did Travis?

I think it was the women .. the first one because he joined PPL .. I thought the second one was Lisa, but I'm not sure.
You'll find that Mrs. G is generally right. Heard "Back in Black" on the way home tonight, Mrs. G -- "Thunderstruck" is up for when the verdict is read... ;)

LOL! can also add:

"Problem Child" and "Highway to Hell" to that list!!!
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