verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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:seeya: Hatfield!

As the one juror asked JA, "After all the lies you have told, why should we believe you now? I sure hope nobody's bought into her bunk!

I'm wondering... I know the excuse JA used for not seeking treatment for her "broken finger", but does anyone know why there wasn't a medical opinion rendered at some point while the trial was in process? Or maybe JM just didn't want to know the answer because it couldn't be proven how she sustained this "injury" in the first place...
On second thought, :nevermind:


It is a good question because it seems that the PA could have had a medical doctor analyze her finger. I think they should have because I think it is just double-jointed from birth. But like you said, maybe it doesnt matter because if it was injured, there is no way to prove when or how the injury occurred so maybe that is why PA did not analyze her finger.

The fact that the DT did not do it either shows that they could not use it either. Just more of a smokescreen.
ohhhh July 21st is our anniversary too!

29 years (this year), going strong and loving every minute of it! :blowkiss:


Wow! What a coincidence! You didn't get married in Denmark, did you?
That is awesome! If someone asked you what the "secret" to marriage is - what would you say?

I am celebrating 10 years on Friday...

32 years here:
I would say the keys for us have been
A spirit of compromise
ALWAYS having each others back, even when we disagree -we always refer to ourselves as Team (last name).
Early rules established included: no name calling in anger, no hitting below the belt with the "soft spots" the other has shared with you, no undercutting the other's authority or decision in front of our children and no using one parent as the "bad guy" ie: you just wait til your father gets home
Finally watching Deanna's segment on DD last night. What a lovely, beautiful person. You can see what Travis saw in her. It is the biggest shame they didn't end up together, as they seem like they would have had a beautiful life full of laughter and love. God bless her.

That said, what is Dr. Drew's problem with interrupting his guests?! I understand you need to go to commercial, but maybe we cut down to just 2 TH's so your guests have more time to speak. Deanna was in the middle of touching, heart wrenching stories and Drew would cut her off to go to commercial. This after he gives his "panel" ample time to discuss whatever they want at length.
Sorry for the rant, but it's driving me CRAZY!

I must confess that I broke my rule about not watching HLN long enough to see Deanna's interview. She is a lovely person - quite the antithesis to Jodi. I believe that Deanna and Travis were kindred spirits and that, in time, they might have rekindled their romance.

DH and I will celebrate 42 years in June :)

Wow, 42 years! Congratulations!

I think Travis and Deanna had a special relationship and really loved each other. But she alluded to Travis being unable to commit possibly because of his background. Sometimes people who had neglect and/or abandonment issues cannot commit because they fear they will be left again.

I think we all wish they had stayed together because then we would never have heard of Jodi Arias and Travis would still be alive.
I view the longer than anticipated jury deliberation time pessimistically.

True enough – the trial lasted 4 months BUT the jury sat for some 4-5 hours during each 2-3 day long work week.
The relevant material was presented during the state’s case in chief. JA testimony and expert testimony was larded with a substantial amount of blather. One could sum up the defense case succinctly in about 3-4 type written pages.
There was a substantial amount of peripheral material presented to bolster the state’s case.

The fundamental questions are simple to pose:
• FACT = JA did indeed kill TA. She killed him via knife and a gun.
• FACT = JA shot TA in the head and stabbed him in the back and neck.
• Was JA provoked to kill TA either in self-defense OR in the heat of passion?
• Is JA testimony about the June 4 events truthful or credible ie flight into the closet to obtain an unloaded gun? TA rage? JA body- slammed and assaulted by TA?
• Did the state make the case for premeditation based on circumstantial evidence presented – gas cans, cell phone, rental car etc.?
• Did the state make the case for felony murder based on time interval between knife stabs, slit throat, and gunshot wound (or even gunshot wound first)?


The jury sat and listened and understood the content of some 50 days of testimony. They asked questions and received answers. Each juror certainly held an opinion to guilt or degree of guilt by May 4. If 12 jurors leaned towards guilt – it would take no more than 4 hours to parse each of the key questions noted above.
If the jurors were divided between M1 and M2- the deliberation might go on for days.
If some juror or jurors opt for acquittal based on self defense a deadlocked jury is possible.
It seems therefore that after more than 13 hours of deliberation this jury is seriously divided between M1 and M2 or are headed for a deadlock.
He touched on it, but he didn't drive it home. At least not to my satisfaction. Jodi wanted Travis to be aware, and suffer with each and every stab wound. She didn't want him to die immediately. It was all about him paying for what he had done to her. No way she shot him first. He wouldn't know what hit him, and she wanted him to be completely aware of what was happening to him. Sorta like how I feel about her getting the needle. She deserves a worse punishment.

all excellent issues. one of the issues i wish Juan had addressed is the question that keeps coming up by the THs: if she wanted to kill him why didn't she just shoot him right away when she got there.

IMO when JA arrived roommate's car was there so she knew he was home (IIRC, roommate lived in room next to Travis's; they shared a wall) - gun shot or screaming would have been heard. So JA goes to sleep, when they wake up at 1 PMish, she is not sure if roommate is home or not, so she can't shoot/stab him until she finds out. She stalls with sex, then they go downstairs and she determines roommate is gone (maybe even asks Travis what time roommate usually gets home, saying she will make sure to leave before he returns so they can continue to "hide" their sex relationship) but she wants to kill him UPSTAIRS and lock him in the room to delay any discovery of his body. It's not until Travis goes back up to shower that she gets her chance in his room and with the sure knowledge that no roommates are home. Common sense, IMO.
I'm single but I hope that when I do get married that we each have our own bedrooms! I need my sleep and lord knows I like a big bathroom all to myself. It's nice to share a bed when the mood strikes but I don't sleep well with anyone next to me. Trying to cuddle and sleep is like mixing oil and water. Does not work! :blushing:

Your own bathroom might be difficult to obtain, but I understand your sentiment. It is the lament of most working mothers that the greatest spike in testosterone happens regularly at 5:00 a.m.!
Acknowledging that I was not asked, but coming up on 25 years in Feb of next year, I would say choosing to love each and every day, choosing which hill to die on, accepting small annoyances without complaint and PATIENCE with your chosen fellow traveler.

Oh, and choosing wisely:)

Just hit 27 years of wedded bliss 4/26. My "secret" is to pick my battles. Neither of us is any prize to live with, but we let all of the small stuff roll off our backs. We rarely fight, and if we do, it gets resolved quickly.

"Poor" JA, she will NEVER know what it is like to truly love and be loved. She may think she controls her own destiny, but honey, those days are OVAH!

Hoping for a verdict today and that Travis and his family get the Justice they deserve.
Verdict watch people!!! Come on.. Recipes belong somewhere else..


I am watching Deanna talk about Travis and her testimony. What grace she had. I think she helped the sex thing.. They tried to make it seem like he was a deviate when he was just a man.. One who was in love with Deanna and slept with her because of that love and then one that was in lust with Jodi. I think she roped him in early with sex. I don't believe not one word from Jodi about their sex life. He was a good man. I am going to say it in every post.. HE WAS A GOOD MAN.. NOT PERFECT BUT GOOD!! VERY GOOD!

I missed most of her testimony. When she testified, did Deanna talk about finding Jodi at Travis' house baking cookies?. That must have been frightening for her. She's such a lovely young woman.
That is awesome! If someone asked you what the "secret" to marriage is - what would you say?

I am celebrating 10 years on Friday...

love. and lots of patience.

We are celebrating 25 years this year. Next month we will celebrate 25 years of a shared love for Disney. We are taking cheerbrat for her 15th birthday and gonna take pics of where she took her first steps coming off spacemountain.
And then in Sept we will take our actual anniversary trip.To Disney. where we honeymooned.

We have traveled far and wide and we always come *home* to Disney.

We also both like food. And I know this is not a place for religious discussion, but for me, God has ALWAYS been in our marriage. He is in my parents, and my husband's parents. In fact every one I know that has a long marriage has God in theirs. Just saying...
If the Jury finds Killer Arias guilty of Murder 1, then begin the next phase of they go back to being mum with each other? Not allowed to discuss the case with each other? (of course, they cannot discuss with outside world)
WebSleuths Rocks! :rockon:

I wander away from this site to research a piece of evidence, voila, usually find the answer :drumroll: right back here!

Love those tags ppl! :seeya:

Justice for Travis! :please:
BBM~ imo No. Because the Sony memory cards have a hard-coded memory and the time does not lie on them.

She has the pigtails because she his lured Travis into her twisted sex fantasy on Jun4 to tty to win him back imo.

I'm still in a 'fog' over the pics on Travis's camera. Juan stated that JA was not in a fog when she took the time to selectively delete certain photos after she murdered Travis. I think there were 90 pics remaining. If she did perform 'selective editing' why did she leave the gross naked pics on the camera?

Is it possible that the pics of TA and JA were not taken on June 4? The color of JA's pigtails looks much lighter to me than the pic of her after she left the salon in Salinas.
The pigtails seem strangely out of character to me. First of all, JA was in a rush to complete her mission and get to Ryan Burns. She spent some time and $$$ to have her hair colored and styled. Why would she ruin it with pigtails? She looked pretty ratty in the photos - I'm sure she would have had to wash her hair and blow dry it before she left for SLC. Then again, she probably had to wash all the blood splatter out of her hair. I still can't believe they had sex that day - twice! Why didn't she delete the pics?

Oh, and one other thing that caught my attention: when Det. Flores told JA that he had a time-stamped photo of her - naked with pigtails, JA replied "Pigtails"??? She sounded genuinely surprised about the pigtails. Not the fact that there were pics of her taken on the day of the murder...but about the pigtails. She asked him if they could have been taken on another day.

I'm probably barking up the wrong tree, but I can't understand why she didn't delete the pics. Makes no coin a phrase.
Oh dear me, I had to tune in JUST when JC came on and broken record on the "demeanor" of the jurors yesterday.

Doncha know the men appeared the same but doncha know the women, well two of them anyway were DEFIANT!

32 years here:
I would say the keys for us have been
A spirit of compromise
ALWAYS having each others back, even when we disagree -we always refer to ourselves as Team (last name).
Early rules established included: no name calling in anger, no hitting below the belt with the "soft spots" the other has shared with you, no undercutting the other's authority or decision in front of our children and no using one parent as the "bad guy" ie: you just wait til your father gets home

I agree with everything you said but have to add Sense of Humor to your list. You have to enjoy each other's company and laugh, a lot.
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