verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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Before everything starts off I just wanted to ask a few questions re HLN .

Is this Programme on all the time or is it just more frequent when there is a trial worth reporting?
Ive been watching it from the Uk and surprised at how dramatic everything is. Even the way they talk.

I had to switch off well because nothing was happening lol

Yeah i watched it for the first time yesterday and couldn't believe how many ad breaks there were compared sky news!!
I am going to upset some people, but if this jury comes back with anything less than M1 than the system needs to be changed. Do we even know what type of people we are dealing with on that jury???

In the future all jurors need to be fingerprinted, background checks need to be done, and an MMPI needs to be performed.
I am pretty sure the kicking of her mother came out in testimony. I'm just trying to remember exactly whose. ALV?
I view the longer than anticipated jury deliberation time pessimistically.

True enough – the trial lasted 4 months BUT the jury sat for some 4-5 hours during each 2-3 day long work week.
The relevant material was presented during the state’s case in chief. JA testimony and expert testimony was larded with a substantial amount of blather. One could sum up the defense case succinctly in about 3-4 type written pages.
There was a substantial amount of peripheral material presented to bolster the state’s case.

The fundamental questions are simple to pose:
• FACT = JA did indeed kill TA. She killed him via knife and a gun.
• FACT = JA shot TA in the head and stabbed him in the back and neck.
• Was JA provoked to kill TA either in self-defense OR in the heat of passion?
• Is JA testimony about the June 4 events truthful or credible ie flight into the closet to obtain an unloaded gun? TA rage? JA body- slammed and assaulted by TA?
• Did the state make the case for premeditation based on circumstantial evidence presented – gas cans, cell phone, rental car etc.?
• Did the state make the case for felony murder based on time interval between knife stabs, slit throat, and gunshot wound (or even gunshot wound first)?


The jury sat and listened and understood the content of some 50 days of testimony. They asked questions and received answers. Each juror certainly held an opinion to guilt or degree of guilt by May 4. If 12 jurors leaned towards guilt – it would take no more than 4 hours to parse each of the key questions noted above.
If the jurors were divided between M1 and M2- the deliberation might go on for days.
If some juror or jurors opt for acquittal based on self defense a deadlocked jury is possible.
It seems therefore that after more than 13 hours of deliberation this jury is seriously divided between M1 and M2 or are headed for a deadlock.

You are so right, I am nervous afraid 16 & 6 might be pro def. someone is that's for sure, KN was talking directly to him/ her/them. I hope 16 is not the foreperson. I wonder who the strong jurors are, with 5 & 8 gone I am worried
. I honestly feel 4-5 hrs was plenty of time for M1.

I pray I am wrong about this. Makes me sick

we just have to have faith...
Because Travis was the symbol of power & success and Jodi wanted to be a housewife of PPL/LDS?

even darryl said she did magical thinking. in her mind, she'd be NORMAL with this man and his normal friends. she had visions of kids and cookies and church and friends coming over------being with someone others admired meant they'd admire HER too.

i doubt anyone in her life ever admired her, but she wanted that very much, IMO.
What does that mean?

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Help! Legal Eagles?
TA also came with a very large group of friends who loved him. she wanted to be part of that too, since it's pretty clear the only 'friends' she has is ex-boyfriends. she thought she could slip right into that set of people and feel part of the group. of course, being a hyper-sexual psychopath, that didn't happen but it's what she wanted.

It was an odd attempt for weirdo Jodi to try to fit in with that well educated, hard working, honest, fun group of people. She obviously thought she was bringing enough to the table with her "I'm a photographer (with the digital camera lol) and I'm an artist" beliefs. She brought nothing of value to anyone other than sex. She always wanted the rewards and benefits without the work.
Glad to see I am not the only one who wants to throttle Judge Seidlin!! Seriously, this man has got a hell of a lot of nerve! And CLEARLY no real knowledge.

It sounds to me like he read the redirect of Juan's closing. The first part was VERY succinct - and to say otherwise is ridiculous! Yes, the second part was a bit rambling, but he was reacting to the actions of Nurmi. On the fly! Don't tell me ANYONE could have done it better!

I had thought about what Juan should do on that re-direct before it happened. I was kind of hoping he would just get up and say something like this.....

"Yesterday, I walked you through this whole case and now after you got a chance to hear what the defense is trying to muddy the waters again, I have no more to say. Just go with your own concious and believe what you know is the truth of what happened. Anything else is just a smokescreen." THE END.

I think when he tried to counter-point all the BS, it did not help his case because he did so well the first day, and why try to counter all the lies when it was so obvious it was lies + BS.
Eighteen years for the man and I - but we've been together longer. My advice for a long marriage - be willing to forgive each other for the stupid things you may say to one another. Be one with your raising of a child or children. And for heaven's sake, have a sense of HUMOR! I think being able to laugh together at the absurdities of life together is so important!

Oh, and yes...let him watch the drag racing.

I'm up to about half up on my Patience Meter today. Maybe a brownie or two will put into higher gear!

Saw your post and liked the blue font, in honor of Travis. I'm going to change the font on the rest of my posts to blue in support - since I don't have a blue candle handy :)
I :luv: you Zeno!

That is EXACTLY how I see it!

Good question.

Many observers have weighed in on this seeming puzzle.

*JA was up for over 36 hours and had driven all night in order to get to Mesa after departing Pasadena at around 9PM. Hence she needed to sleep!!! She could not have shot him upon arrival then slept nor could she have decamped immediately after being awake so long.
* Need for sleep takes her to 12Noon or 1 PM. Now she needs to sort out the lay of the land. Who was in the house? When would roommates be back in the house? Was there any activity outside the house?
* A gunshot makes a lot of noise that could be heard.
*It is likely JA had her weapons concealed in the purse or backpack.
* She needed TA in vulnerable position AND she needed access to the weapons.
*The idea of a clean kill in the shower is a good one. In this position she could clean him and her up at the same time. A murder in TA bed or bedroom would have been messy and bloody.
*JA planned for a quick clean kill. The fact that TA did not die quickly wrecked her initial plans and caused complications.
*It is possible that JA dressed and then declared she was leaving in order to drive back home or to SLC. Then she performed her JA Act – reentered the bedroom dressed but this time armed.
*The Calvin Klein shower photo set was a pretty good ruse to maneuver TA into a vulnerable position.
*It is a persistent mystery why she did not put a bullet squarely between his eyes or through the temple to kill him instantly.
*JA wanted the up close and personal murder. Knife him to death while watching him squirm in pain.
* The window of opportunity for JA presented itself between 1PM and 6PM. It is possible as many observers speculate that JA had allowed for TA change of heart hence she had a Plan A or Plan B in mind. The 1PM to 4PM sex and negotiations turned out poorly for JA.
* JA needed 2 primary things to execute this crime 1) lethal weapons in place 2) TA in a vulnerable clean kill position. Those 2 elements came together around 5PM on June 4, 2008.
I am going to upset some people, but if this jury comes back with anything less than M1 than the system needs to be changed. Do we even know what type of people we are dealing with on that jury???

In the future all jurors need to be fingerprinted, background checks need to be done, and an MMPI needs to be performed.

That would be a huge invasion of privacy. If they lie to get on a jury; they will be found out. If anyone on the jury attempts to read about the case, THAT info would also come out in deliberations and would be an auto kick off the jury.

I too doubt our judicial system has caught up to our's more than rusty I agree it's broken. Casey's case proved that. They didn't even find child abuse. GMAFB! So; most of the time we hope to see justice Done; in almost every case and usually that is what we see. Have hope! They may be lining up four MONTHS of testimony and they are sitting in there with the EVIDENCE of her slaughter. Think about that. Know it. They are sitting with her crime. They will do the right thing; according to the LAW.
Did they just say 3/5 had decided Jodi's fate? Am I going crazy from lack of sleep? :scared:
is the jury coming in late today? seems like they adjusted themselves to the judges schedule! why isnt the clock ticking yet

This jury is taking its sweet sweet time. I have to admit it has come to mind from time to time that they could be laying their groundwork in the jury room for a possible book after this. I just don't see how it could take this long to come to a conclusion on the charge - they already know Jodi did it, it's just a matter of determining the charge, and there is A LOT of evidence for 1st degree. There is virtually no evidence for second degree or anything lesser. They could be back there looking at the evidence and making notes in their notebooks for their future book, as this might be the last time they get first-hand viewing of the evidence. It would not surprise me one bit.
Does anybody know why Jodi never tried to kill all her other boyfriends and why she only zeroed in on Travis?

The other boyfriends either didn't have what TA represented, successful, accomplished, made good money, had a home and nice cars and clothes, traveled a great deal, well respected, all that and he was LOOKING for a wife. She knew she would have everything she always wanted with TA. She left her b/f before TA because he didn't want to get married or have any more kids.

TA could give her everything she'd dreamed of and more and she became obsessed. When TA finally told her this was it, no more, he wanted NOTHING more to do with her, in the texts of 5/26, I believe he also indicated he was going to tell everyone, including her new LDS friends, what she was REALLY like and she couldn't take a chance on that. Plus, if she couldn't have him, NO ONE ELSE WOULD EITHER. (that's a common factor in many of these SO murders, no one else can have them if they couldn't!)

JMHO, of course,

PS... mean, I know, but it boils down to the other b/f's were NOT as good as TA as far as taking care of her for the rest of her life and giving her everything she desired. fran
Saw your post and liked the blue font, in honor of Travis. I'm going to change the font on the rest of my posts to blue in support - since I don't have a blue candle handy :)
Wonderful Idea! I'm hopping off for awhile! Hubby has the T V on & his eye on me! I gotta see what they are saying!
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