verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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Because Travis was the symbol of power & success and Jodi wanted to be a housewife of PPL/LDS?

Does anybody know why Jodi never tried to kill all her other boyfriends and why she only zeroed in on Travis?
Oh geez now siedlin is criticising judge steven, yesterday it was perry.loves to brag about himself.
I'm jumping off your post:

Yes, but the question some may have is why didn't she just delete them all? And why did she run it through the washer? Why didn't she just take it with her?


Why? Because Jodi Ann Arias' plan to murder plan backfired on her and she panicked. There was no FOG, she panicked, that's all. imo

She may have planned to take the sheets and the camera with her, I'm guessing that it being that close proximity to the killing, and on the floor, it probably got alot of blood on it. (The camera at least, i'm sure the sheets had some traces of her dna lol)

Maybe that fog wasn't so thick and planned to take the sheets and the camera with her, but didn't want obviously bloodied items laying around in the car for a long drive. Didn't the room make come home that day, later that evening? She was probably still in the midst of the clean up job and had to quietly leave, just my guess
:eek: That'd put a hitch in her git-along.

We really need a "laughing so hard I can't breath button"

I'm still laughing at the comment from yesterday about the pets running through the v-mesh. Every time I think of all these funny comments I crack up.
:banghead:Judge siedlin drives me nuts he's very judgemental about juan he criticises everyone, isn't he the one that broke down at cried at Anna Nicole trial

I had to mute him this morning - can't stand to listen to his drivel.
Quite a few of us have said there's things we know that that jury doesn't so I thought we'd start a list.

Is there anything on this list yet that makes you think, if I didn't know that, I would be struggling to make a decision? Not yet for me but it has made me see a lot of the history that has influenced my perception of JA and the trial

What do we know that the jury doesn't?

Please cut and paste list - don't quote

JA's Life Pre Trial
JA spiderman t-shirt photo with Bobby J (Thanks AS)
JA pot and potential 'other' drug history with Bobby J/
JA kicking her mom when she was an adult
JA getting a flat tire on way to funeral/After she couldn't get anyone to pick her up at the Airport
JA's sick 'In Loving Memory' tributes to Travis on Youtube, Myspace and FB, and chicken dance tribute (Thanks Karraster)
JA hitting her brother in the head with a bat (Thanks Angel Wings)
Brother saying sex tape was to blackmail Travis It was on his FB. (Thanks Angel Wings)
JA never being left alone with Darryl's son (I think)
JA's transformation to mimic Darryl's Ex: Implants, hair color, type of vehicle (per Chris Hughes)
Her Myspace page (and TA page) as she has numerous pics there of her and TA...............while TA only has a couple. (Thanks TVI)
Other content of JA's diary (Thanks TVI) Any examples appreciated! +
JA stopped believing in the law of attraction at the end of 2007

Travis's Life
Travis and the spidies photo with his dad
Travis telling the drs if he didn't ever turn up for lunch on Sunday it was because JA had killed him

JA Interrogation/ Court
JA potential fraud / tapping into Travis's bank account
JA previously on ticket to go to Cancun (not confirmed)
JA 'art' / tracing famous ads and pictures, and being sold on ebay

Interrogation tapes (majority of content)
-mumble things like "still hate me?"(or "still beat you....brat") and giggle ominously. (Thanks amberjul)
-flipping her hair around and checking her make-up ... (Thanks DGC)
-JA Handstands to get more colour in her face before mug shot/ asking if she could do her makeup to Det Fl when she was arrested and also in the interrogation room
- All the things JA did and said in interrogation tapes showing NO REMORSE Thanks AS)
JA's 2nd degree murder plea and threat to drag Travis through the mud
JA kicking/killing doggy boy

Some of JA's actions including finger and throat slashing gestures at JM and her stalker looks at JW and her family's in court. We see close up because of the cameras.
JA messing around with JW's chair (Thanks Dewey)
Jailhouse fights ( Thank you S9)
Jodi's disgusting black, "I have not washed my feet in over 6 months" looking fungus infested feet. Speaking of fungus, didn't she confiscate some fungus cream? HMMMMM EWWWWW (Thanks Kaydono)
Stealing pens in jail ... hiding pens in shampoo bottles ... unauthorized creams and lotions ... Thank you DGC
Sticking pencils in her shoe... (Thanks amberjul)
JA's happy smiles when Jury is out of sight (Thanks Davia18)
Jodi saying in the interrogation interview, "If I killed Travis, If I hurt Travis, I would BEG for the Death Penalty" (Thank you Hildymac)
JA tweets from jail

Travis Family and Friends Evidence

911 call - Mimi and everyone else mentioning JA's name as person of suspicion (Thanks LittleMel)
Tire slashing multiple times of both TA & Lisa's tires, and the email sent to Lisa (Thanks OAZ)
Chris Hughes stories
- JA eavesdropping at door/ evil look
- JA sitting at table for further hour after Sky told her to go
- JA telling sky and chris she had a "vision" of her marrying TA. (thank you kaydono)
- JA writing an email to herself, and telling TA it was from her "stalker" and showed Travis to try to get him to tell her to move to AZ (thank you kaydono and Midwest Mama)
- JA never letting TA out of her sight, even when he went to RR, according to Sky/Chris (thank you kaydono)
- The truth behind the 'abuse' emails
Video of friend that went shooting with Travis and said that TA never owned a gun (Thanks AS)
Deanna Hall caught JA with Travis's laptop on the couch baking cookies at Travis's house without his consent (Thanks AS)
The fact that Travis willed his dog and his library to Deanna (Thanks AS)
TA's "issues" were fear of commitment and accepting love, NOT abuse from childhood (per Deanna)
JA flirting and carrying on with single and married men in an attempt to get TA jealous
Continually "dogging" Skye that TA wouldn't "commit"
Hacking TA's computer so all his email was forwarded to her
Joshua Freeman's suicide on the day of JA's arrest (her likely later source for her "pedophilia story" against TA)


Fake pedo letters and Nurmi lying to the Hughes about validity of pedo letter (Thanks Midwest Mama)
Knives and gun found in hire car (Thanks mobius99)
The CONTENT of the video viewed in court of TA w/ white/blonde thing on lap (Thanks OAZ)
Funny biz with Helio cell phone.. claimed lost (IRRC melted chocolate?) got replacement which had sex tape/photos claimed lost but then found in G'parents car (Thank you OAZ)
Incident w/ Clancy in bathroom WHICH sounds almost like incident she claims happened between Abe & TA (Thank you OAZ)
That her & Abe only went on 1 date (my impression is she's insinuated more of a relationship to jury) (Thank you OAZ)
How unusual the number of approaches and chamber sessions are
How much of JA's testimony can be linked to movies (A News Junkie Super Sleuthing
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*
- JA taking a yellow folder off of the DT's table and attempting to sit on it, or place it where it has NO BUSINESS being placed. (Thanks Dewey)
- Lots of pages from her journal/diary they do not know (Thanks TVI)
Det Flores report (possibly - Little Mel checking)
The REAL owner of the, uh, "hose" from the cell phone: Darryl

JA's Friends and Family and DT
JA's parents tapes
- JA's dad saying she was strange
- JA's dad story about how she'd call and abuse her mom
- JA's mom's story about someone calling in the middle of the night to say she needs help/ bipolar
- JA's parents telling a lot of things seemed to elevate when she was in 8th grade. The family was moving and Mom couldn't find her tupperware - JA used said Tupperware to grow pot on the roof of the house. The parents called the Sheriff IIRC to give little JA a lesson. (Thanks AS)
- JA's parents telling about her paranoia about her room being searched after being caught with pot , even as an adult
- JA dad saying she was financially in a lot of debt and plans to file for bankrupcy but didn't have the money to do so
-JA never letting he folks visit her after leaving home
-JA telling her father she was going to marry TA while telling him she busted TA cheating

Nurmi trying to leave the case 1000 times, okay 3 times
Nurmi's mistrial attempts
The number of Expert Witnesses / Psychologists the DT are rumored to have been through

MS passing notes to JA's mom
MS passing notes to D (Thanks MM)
JA's outside 'representative' /
Who Donovan is and how they met (Thanks MM)
ALV approaching Travis' sister (thanks Midwest Mama)
Whatever ALV was "taken to task" for in chambers (thanks Midwest Mama)
JA's mom writing to appeal for Nurmi to stay on case / JA's mom helping to her get hire car
MM admitting on social media he'd lie for JA (Thanks MM)
Proxy "Tweets" from JA about the Prosecution

Gus Searcy testimony
Huge amount of negative press to ALV/ book reviews
RS taking his website down after trial
Collecting donations on that other site, domestic violence ribbons, "survivor" shirts..

Other Social Media
The HLN "drama" / JM signature saga
JC's putting her nose where it does not belong, shooting off her mouth, causing her to have to testify and possibly creating grounds for a mistrial. (Thanks Dewey)

Dr D's laptop being stolen
Cost of trial
Just one of the hoi polloi here, admitting that I have taken great interest in every aspect and every player in this case. And its coverage. I can just imagine what Sinclair Lewis or a great cartoonist would make of the parade of characters. Just think about it! Many of them are over the top, sure, but would you want four minutes of the evening news with Westbrook Pegler giving you an update on the Lindberg case? We are blessed to have an eye and ear on Justice, everyday, and a screaming shebang of commentary with opinions all over the lot. Commentary we can turn off at will. If this is what our justice sytem has come to, we need to know it. Only with this exposure can we even hope to do something about it, if it does not serve the cause. Yes, I value every voice, especially those in the courtroom, of course. The defendant is now fully known to us and we will better understand her fate because all the sordid ugliness and horror is before us. I am deeply appreciative of every soul who has contributed to this trial, all of them souls who, like us, are tarnished by it.
Good question.

Many observers have weighed in on this seeming puzzle.

*JA was up for over 36 hours and had driven all night in order to get to Mesa after departing Pasadena at around 9PM. Hence she needed to sleep!!! She could not have shot him upon arrival then slept nor could she have decamped immediately after being awake so long.
* Need for sleep takes her to 12Noon or 1 PM. Now she needs to sort out the lay of the land. Who was in the house? When would roommates be back in the house? Was there any activity outside the house?
* A gunshot makes a lot of noise that could be heard.
*It is likely JA had her weapons concealed in the purse or backpack.
* She needed TA in vulnerable position AND she needed access to the weapons.
*The idea of a clean kill in the shower is a good one. In this position she could clean him and her up at the same time. A murder in TA bed or bedroom would have been messy and bloody.
*JA planned for a quick clean kill. The fact that TA did not die quickly wrecked her initial plans and caused complications.
*It is possible that JA dressed and then declared she was leaving in order to drive back home or to SLC. Then she performed her JA Act – reentered the bedroom dressed but this time armed.
*The Calvin Klein shower photo set was a pretty good ruse to maneuver TA into a vulnerable position.
*It is a persistent mystery why she did not put a bullet squarely between his eyes or through the temple to kill him instantly.
*JA wanted the up close and personal murder. Knife him to death while watching him squirm in pain.
* The window of opportunity for JA presented itself between 1PM and 6PM. It is possible as many observers speculate that JA had allowed for TA change of heart hence she had a Plan A or Plan B in mind. The 1PM to 4PM sex and negotiations turned out poorly for JA.
* JA needed 2 primary things to execute this crime 1) lethal weapons in place 2) TA in a vulnerable clean kill position. Those 2 elements came together around 5PM on June 4, 2008.
because she wanted him to suffer. :twocents:
Glad to see I am not the only one who wants to throttle Judge Seidlin!! Seriously, this man has got a hell of a lot of nerve! And CLEARLY no real knowledge.

It sounds to me like he read the redirect of Juan's closing. The first part was VERY succinct - and to say otherwise is ridiculous! Yes, the second part was a bit rambling, but he was reacting to the actions of Nurmi. On the fly! Don't tell me ANYONE could have done it better!

That Judge is nothing but a wacky fame-ho. Talk about a jealous narcissist. He was blasting Judge Perry too. I cannot stand that Judge Karen anymore either. Both got a little too big for their britches.

You want to know what has happened to our Justice system, there are two examples and HLN's producers/too many talking heads competing with each other.
BBM~ :floorlaugh: still in relevance to the trial.

I love going to the US for stuff like that (hehe, I would bought one), you guys have things that we can't buy in Canada!

slightly o/t: at the hallmark store check out they had GIANT tootsie pops! (like the size of a softball! :eek:
Since I am glued to the Benghazi Hearing going on today....I am pretty sure there will be a verdict at some point during the day. Sort of like when you wash your car or water your lawn then all of a sudden a pouring rain pops up!

It is fascinating- I'm watching hearings too, with my jaw dropped. Unreal.
Does anyone remember how Jodi testified to how she was able to record the May 10th tape? It seems she said someone put something on her phone so she could do that. I have looked and looked.
Also, does this coincide with her voice mail being "full"?

No, it was a special feature of the Helio phone. Gus gave her the helio phone after she destroyed her previous cell phone. I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that her voicemailbox was full.
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