VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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Stun gun? No way. Surely, Dr. Horn would of found it.

Well, that depends on what Jodi had...tasers do not leave physical marks on the victim. It's a mute point. She could have shown him the gun when he was in the shower, or a huge knife. Jodi will never tell, but it's obvious that Jodi had control of the situation, and Travis didn't stand a chance...
IMO the timeline does not allow for Travis to have been incapicated from a stun gun. The time from the last pic of him alive and Jodi standing over his slit throat is under two minutes. Plus he was able to get his hands up to try and grab her knife. Jodi had two deadly weapons and the element of surprise

How about that time frame just before the final face pic? According to the video in this article, 3-5 seconds with this Barracuda BC-37(small enough to fit in the palm of your hand) would be enough to drop someone to the ground. Plus the gun lets off a loud noise as it fires, perhaps the noise JA kept referring to? Not sure if this type of stun gun would have been available in 2007 but if so, it was certainly economical and powerful enough to have dropped a wet, naked man in short order. This is part of one review:

"just hearing the POP this gun makes is almost enough to scare someone off. I did finally zap myself for just a second. Just so you know Im 6'6 250lbs and i felt through out my body for just that second. I do believe that if held on to for longer it would have dropped me to the ground."
Its mentioned during the blood spatter experts Direct that a shoe print was found (not barefoot or socked) in the bloody hallway. Her letter to the family states " I was at unfair disadvantage because she (the ninja) had shoes and I was in my barefeet." later in the letter " I ran out the front door, leaving behind my shoes, and slamming the door........."

So was she barefoot, socked, or shoed during the attack? Another mystery unsolved.

Sorry I didn't directly respond to your post earlier.
Well, that depends on what Jodi had...tasers do not leave physical marks on the victim. It's a mute point. She could have shown him the gun when he was in the shower, or a huge knife. Jodi will never tell, but it's obvious that Jodi had control of the situation, and Travis didn't stand a chance...

She thought she could shoot him in the head and escape. Done deal. Like alot of murders, they are not as easy as they look. JMO

*not speaking from experience, just speaking from murder scenes that have been brutal* Just watched one the other night about a Dr. who came in between surgeries and bludgeoned his wife to death on Valentine's Day.
Does anyone else believe the jury may have reached a verdict Thursday but the judge said it was too late to announce it and it would be better to do it on Monday? Why was JW and her minion there with clothes for JA? Why was the Alexanders there? Why did that <modsnip> Angela (JA's sister) say they will find out about JA's fate on Monday. Did JA's mother tell her that. Sandy told J Gold she would not be there for the verdict. I think she knows what it will be. But too much happened at the courthouse late Thursday. I bet they announce a verdict Monday morning. I hope so, the suspense is killing me.

Yes, this is exactly what Samia Khan said on Fox 10 Pheonix. Exactly. It may be true.

I don't know though…. because that same day the jurors asked for specific exhibits, which to me means they are really hunkering down and looking at things. I know I would be if I hadn't seen the guilt phase.

I guess we will see tomorrow!
Plus iirc, all 4 floor mats were missing. She must have had blood soaked items laying all over that rental.

You notice, though, that the car rental guy was only allowed to say "koolaid stains", nothing about the color. Red stains would have made a hugh difference to the jury, but I'm sure Nurmi got the color of those stains barred.
Sex was how she was able to get attention from and bond to her boyfriends. It's a tool that many women use. I doubt very much she thought about his soul or what was good or bad for him. Sex was pretty much all they had in common, certainly by the end of TA's life. That day it was a tool she used to be able to stay in his home, maybe try to persuade him into taking her to Cancun or who knows. She probably did enjoy sex, I mean it is enjoyable. But it can be both enjoyable AND used to manipulate, it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive, and it isn't something JA felt bad about (nor TA either).

In the end the reason I believe JA killed TA is because of her deep rage about feeling abandoned and rejected by this man she was obsessed over. She could not take the rejection and nothing she had tried worked and I think it was as simple as "if I can't have you, then no one will have you." This crime isn't that unusual in terms of intimate partner homicide, what made it unusual is all the flotsam and games played over the years.

JA was all about her image and reputation when it came to interacting with others, and she saw no other purpose in such interaction then to manipulate others to her advantage, either to get something specific that she wanted at the time, or to maintain and enhance her positive image and reputation which would alone allow her the widest possible latitude in her movements among people to eventually get what she wanted from them.

Her attempts to manipulate Travis into marriage through sex failed. In that process she revealed much to him about herself that was incongruous with the image it was so important for her to maintain. Her failure meant that an autonomous Travis would have been a direct threat, and from a credible source, to the image that was crucial
for her to maintain. IMO there was no emotional rage and Travis' murder did not arise out of any kind of deep psychic wound, no matter how pathological. It was, to her, a calculated practical consequence of the present situation, the next data point on a curve she had neither the desire nor felt the need to veer from.
"Smithey described prison as, "Hell on earth. Every day is just like a living death, especially when you have no hope of ever getting out."

She said the hardest part about prison is not having anybody to talk to.

The 70-year-old was the nation's longest serving female inmate and housed at the Perryville Women's Prison in Goodyear, where Arias will eventually be sent to.

While Smithey wasn’t on death row, she knows all about it because in the distance of the prison she could see the three women currently on the row.

Death row inmates get six hours a week out of their cell to exercise inside a fenced in pen.

They aren’t allowed to speak to other inmates and eat in their cells alone.

All inmates have their legs shackled when they leave their cells to shower.

Read more:
Wait... what? The first trial (guilt part) heard that? I don't remember that, at all. I thought that was kept out because it was too "prejudicial" or some such?????????

Yes the jury heard that she bought a 9 mm after the murder. She testifed it was for a camping trip. What they didn't hear was that it was taped to the engine nor about the knives in her moving boxes.
I sort of agree . I just don't feel she will live that long in prison. Someone who really likes what they saw in Travis will do her in. There is honor among thieves . What she did to him is unforgiveable to some. O/T I cant figure how the picture of Travis at end looking scared and mad, is the last picture? I would think first. :seeya:
It's one of the last because she surprised him, it was no photo shoot. He was just taking a relaxing shower with his back to us not aware she was photographing him until he saw her and the look of surprise on his face.
Wait... what? The first trial (guilt part) heard that? I don't remember that, at all. I thought that was kept out because it was too "prejudicial" or some such?????????

I remember there was a juror question about it. So yes, they heard it.

ETA: Juror Questions and answers

33) re: the 9mm gun that you purchased on July 1, 2008. Who was going on the camping trip? A: two dishwashers from Purple Plum, Calvin and another guy I don't remember his name, and a few other people. I think there were other women going but I don't know.

34) why were you planning on going if you were scared? A: I wasn't scared, just cautious I was trying to be cautious. I had seen a new sign of what a man could do.

Here is a great thread that WS had just for Juror questions in the guilt phase.
I'm rewatching some trial clips. I just watched the Lisa testimony. If you watch Jodi closely she looks silently enraged. Her eyes look pitch black, so evil. She looks so ticked when Lisa mentioned Travis talking about marriage very early on.

Also... I really think Arias bought that gun to murder again. I think she wanted more revenge and realized she was getting busted eventually so might as well continue on and cause as much criminal activity as possible.
Originally Posted by DebinGA: "Re the possibility of JA being popular at Perryville, is there any evidence she's had any close girl friends since she dropped out of high school? No one, male or female, was willing to speak at trial to save her life."


It doesn't seem like there any women in the free world that wanted anything to do with her once they got to know her, if not even beforehand.

I can only assume the women in jail and prison aren't as choosy. She'll be the Princess Of Perryville if she's rewarded with a life sentence.

And she'll donate her hair... and start a book club... and a recycling program... and teach Spanglish... and draw with crans... and hawk t-*advertiser censored* to DV survivors worldwide.

One thing she will never do is admit she killed TA because she couldn't sidle her way in (butt first) as Mrs. TA.

Not to mention that one of the means that she'll use to befriend her fellow inmates will likely be convincing them that they are also a victim of DV.
And that being a victim of DV is the real reason they ended up where they are today, just like her. She may even start a "support group" for victims just like her. :scared:
And the fact that her version of reality has nothing to do with reality won't matter to her as her life of lies and deception define what she is.
Blood splatter expert caught a bloody foot print from a shoe. Not a sock; not a bare foot.

"Inadvertent" photo of leg, TA' shoulders ... shows a shoe as well IIRC.

I cannot remember if they ever accounted for the shoe print. I guess once Jodi admitted the killing it was put on the back burner?

At 3:00 Juan starts asking Jodi about the inadvertent pic.

You are wearing socks, right?
I hope and trust no juror is doing any such thing. They have been given all the information they're allowed to have, and more than enough to decide whether or not to be merciful.

What are the chances they haven't discussed the trial? A 100% chance, I hope and believe. I trust their integrity.

I agree, I don't believe they would do such a thing to jeopardize the trial, and they also have way too much time invested. I trust their integrity as well.
JA was all about her image and reputation when it came to interacting with others, and she saw no other purpose in such interaction then to manipulate others to her advantage, either to get something specific that she wanted at the time, or to maintain and enhance her positive image and reputation which would alone allow her the widest possible latitude in her movements among people to eventually get what she wanted from them.

Her attempts to manipulate Travis into marriage through sex failed. In that process she revealed much to him about herself that was incongruous with the image it was so important for her to maintain. Her failure meant that an autonomous Travis would have been a direct threat, and from a credible source, to the image that was crucial
for her to maintain. IMO there was no emotional rage and Travis' murder did not arise out of any kind of deep psychic wound, no matter how pathological. It was, to her, a calculated practical consequence of the present situation, the next data point on a curve she had neither the desire nor felt the need to veer from.

Dr. Demarte diagnosed Arias with BPD, and I trust Dr. Demarte. BPD is characterized by instability, and extreme reaction to rejection and/or abandonment (real or perceived). Arias became obsessed with Travis, everyone admits that. He represented something important to her and I don't think it was only his net worth, which wasn't very high. His rejection cut her much more deeply than she would ever admit, in fact she went to great lengths to make it sound like their whole relationship was no big deal to her. That is the exact opposite of the truth. Arias didn't have a reputation other than occasional waitress who glommed onto guys and obsessed over them, and someone who wanted to look like an entrepreneur and artist, but failed. Now she may not have realized that was her reputation, but testimony showed us that's what it was.

There was absolutely emotional rage and you can see it in the number of stab wounds to Travis' body. That's rage right there. Your opinion of her motive and calculating is interesting, but does not match either the facts of the case, Demarte's diagnosis, or the disordered crime scene. She wasn't evaluating data points, she was in pure "if I can't have you, no one else will have you" jealous obsession and rage. Overkill is all about rage. Stabbing someone is personal. This was a rage killing, pure and simple.
JA was all about her image and reputation when it came to interacting with others, and she saw no other purpose in such interaction then to manipulate others to her advantage, either to get something specific that she wanted at the time, or to maintain and enhance her positive image and reputation which would alone allow her the widest possible latitude in her movements among people to eventually get what she wanted from them.

Respectfully snipped.

BBM: That, in 15 words, is her motive. "JA was all about her image and reputation when it came to interacting with others ... "

Not news to those of following this case. But? Still sad. And maddening.
It's one of the last because she surprised him, it was no photo shoot. He was just taking a relaxing shower with his back to us not aware she was photographing him until he saw her and the look of surprise on his face.
But wasnt the shower stall door open while all the photos were being taken?
But wasnt the shower stall door open while all the photos were being taken?

How do we know that she wasn't able to sneak it open without his awareness? His back was to us and he had water running, may not have heard her opening it.
I might have bought into the "photo shoot" although that came from Jodi, were it not for the shots (I think in GreyHuze animations) of his head in the shower spray. That convinced me he was just taking a normal shower unaware of her there.
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