VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2

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Because she wants to PLAN Ahead. She will probably plan all weekend her make-up, hair, practice expressions
In the stainless steel toilet seat. And just 1 of her last chances to boss her entourage around.
:thinking: so why did Jodi need her court clothes today?
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 20m20 minutes ago
#jodiarias will be sent to the same exact cell at Perryville whether she gets life or death. Death would be more restrictive. More...

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 20m20 minutes ago
If #jodiarias gets life, she would be eligible for group activities and a prison job in as little as 30 days with good behavior, per DOC.

Here's his report
The staff has been warned to stay away from her to minimize her attempts to possibly manipulate them
Why is the jury not working 8hrs a day? And why no duty on Fridays? :tantrum:
MeeBee and geevee, I have never posted on Websleuths before but I have been following this whole trial since the very beginning. I'm just posting to tell you that I'm right up here in Spring. I didn't realize you were Texans, too!

Howdy neighbor!! :) And welcome a-board! :D
Like premeditation, deliberation doesn't have a time minimum.

The jury was seeing and hearing the evidence and testimony presented -- with all the dynamic nuances -- as we were reduced to reading short snippets [mis-]communicating an imperfect shadow-smidgen of same. But it all added up to the same thing which JM hammered home.

He told the jury plainly what they can all see for themselves: not one of the nine stated mitigation factors was met.

There is no mitigation. JM told them so with the truth, and the Defense told them so with lies. By her own admission LKN even explained to JA that she has no mitigators.

To the contrary, by waging war on her victim, she engaged in a campaign of anti-mitigation against her own case.

Even with 140-character tweets any thinking person could see it. Think about it. After slaughtering an undeserving man three times over, she then branded him a pedophile and violent domestic abuser using the fraudulent affidavit of an absent liar.


Instead of proving mitigation, she actually compounded her especially cruel aggravator!

Those autopsy photos aren't going to change in an hour, a day, a week, or five months.

JM charged the jury as the judge and the law do: The jurors agreed that absent mitigation they could render a just verdict of death. That's how they made the cut.

I will concede that this judge did little to aid them in the faithful performance of their duty. But discharge it they must. The jury must render the just verdict they said they could and would.

The silver lining on the length of jury deliberations to date is that they don't yet appear to have an intractable foreman.

We have no way of knowing today precisely what they're doing or how they're doing it. But they're whiling away the hours somehow. I, for one, hope they aren't larking around for non-existent mitigation. That's what gave the previous foreman the cover he sought to derail justice.

Their civic duty includes no obligation to engage in lengthy deliberations for deliberation's sake.

They should punch her ticket and sleep peacefully.

This was eloquent, cogent and all kinds of awesome. ITA! Thank you!
Why is the jury not working 8hrs a day? And why no duty on Fridays? :tantrum:

Their lives have been on hold during this overly long sentencing retrial. They've probably had to shuffle many many day-to-day duties on an "I'll let you know when I know" basis, except for Fridays which have always been free to them.
:thinking: so why did Jodi need her court clothes today?

Speculation, of course, but this makes sense to me:
Smart @sneakyjuror guessed the judge may be having a in-camera meeting with jurors one by one about talking to alternates. Tanisha goes in2
2/26/15, 2:10 PM
I am a strongly in favor of the DP for JA. I believe she deserves nothing less. After reading Katie Cool Lady's post a while ago, though, my heart really hurt for her (not Jodi) and I don't want the Alexanders to have to keep dealing with JA and her appeals for years to come. LWOP would do the most to make JA nonexistent in this world. I am torn.

I understand very well what you're saying because I have had the same thoughts, but ugh! That video shared by Troy Hayden where JA was leading Like a Prayer and the inmates were clappin' along and giggling. General population is just too good for her.
Well, here's one right here: I would have given CMJA the DP today. I have read every single day and only read tweets. The jury has heard more than we have heard in this phase, yet all I need is seeing the autopsy photos and Juan's side of the case to give her death.

This is my opinion and I do not apologize for it just as I do not apologize for my opinion that this penalty phase was a circus. It did not have to be and the judge could have prevented the case straying into the weeds for weeks on end.

I also think the jury should be deliberating on Friday. The courthouse is open, the judge is there, and all of the attorneys are a short distance away. The Alexander family is in from out of state. Show them some consideration. Their wait is agony.

This is the way I feel. If there is one single juror who feels they cannot impose the death penalty, then he or she should have spoken up and not been on this jury. I just do not see how anyone can think CMJA doesn't deserve the DP. How can anyone sit there and listen to all they have listened to and looked at Travis' autopsy photos and not know what to do already?

Again, my opinion only and my thoughts. Not one person has to agree with me. For the record; I am a 64 year old woman and my age has nothing to do with it. Some say older people are loathe to impose the DP. Not me.


ETA: I think my post has not been antagonistic and hopefully will not be deleted. All I am doing is stating my honest opinion.

A thing of beauty and amen!
Maybe that explains the quick acting Llama roping cowboy!!

In case some of you don't know this about Tucson, AZ at least. Today and tomorrow the kids are off school for "Rodeo Days". They don't take off on two other holidays, Presidents Day and ? in order to celebrate this event. Does Phoenix also? I know Gilbert does a rodeo also, not sure about the school schedule though in Maricopa.

Round 'em up and herd them in! There's a lot of ranches doing their own private rodeos at this time. I use to go to some due to my work. Big big events.

Having worked on the "Inside". Death is way more of a punishment than LWOP. The inmates adjust very well and manage to lead their lives. From what I can tell, not much time, if any, is spent contemplating their crimes. I know people want to think they do, but it is not the case.
DP? I wouldn't want to, but I'd have to unless I commute the DP for everybody on the row now and resurrect everybody executed so far.

Her crime was as bad as any.
You are from Midland? I am from Marfa. Do not know how old your are, but when I was in HS in Marfa (Class of 1974) our football team would play against Midland (cannot remember which HS) Go Shorthorns!

Hey, don't forget us metroplexers and our east Texas sleuths
It is amazing isnt it why she didnt choose to use that type of defense from the very beginning.

The only thing I can guess is she couldnt bring herself to do it because she truly has no remorse, she isnt sorry she killed him, and she doesnt want to admit to herself she used jealous rage as her motive.

So does this show us something really interesting about her. That she is so narccistic, that she can never admit her shortcomings like having jealousy. Even to the point of maybe getting the DP over it, she can never admit she was jealous.

I think you nailed it. She would never admit that a man did not want her because of anything to do with had to be because he was defective. And then she set out to prove Travis defective.

I have thought all along that even after the horrendous guilt phase defense, she still could have turned things around for herself if she had just expressed remorse. Even if she is unable to do that effectively on her own, had this second penalty phase been approached differently by her team, she could have fooled some jurors into seeing remorse by just not continuing to attack her victim. They actually tried to intersperse a bit of that into this phase--mentioning almost in passing that Travis was a good guy who loved her, blah blah--but for some reason just could not forego the over the top bashing of the victim.

Doing wrong and admitting it is admirable. Doing wrong and blaming others for it is not acceptable. And attempting to lay blame on jurors for her death is about as manipulative as you can get. With a crime where manipulation played such a huge role, that was a bad move.
Hm. I haven't been around much but my mind isn't changed: Death for Arias.

Nurmi's closing made me physically ill. This entire retrial I wanted to avoid but I followed it anyway and at times had to walk away from the waves and waves of the defense trashing the true victim. I can't even comprehend the agony Travis' family has endured. Hopefully this jury can reach a decision. God speed to them.

My heart is with the Alexander family and friends. I truly hope they get the verdict they want.
I think you must be referring to other places where you have been reading because that is not what I have seen here on WS at all.

People here are mostly speculating and commenting and wondering about things, and that is one of the purposes of a discussion thread.

You know what's great about this forum...everyone can speak their mind. We've been here following the case for years...bound to have formed opinions. IMO, people can (and will) say what they want. If it's their way of venting so be it. Who are we to judge? We don't like what someone is saying, we can just scroll on by. I haven't seen too many folks violate TOS all is good. I just don't see a need for everyone to apologize for the way they feel. I own my feelings. I may not like the fact that the jury hasn't reached a verdict yet, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the huge task they've undertaken.
Having worked on the "Inside". Death is way more of a punishment than LWOP. The inmates adjust very well and manage to lead their lives. From what I can tell, not much time, if any, is spent contemplating their crimes. I know people want to think they do, but it is not the case.

Hi there Whisp so good to see you.

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katiecoolady, I read your beautifully written blog link: you have such poise and grace. Congratulations on your engagement, I wish you a long and happy marriage!
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