VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 40

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Some of what a few of you and Dr. DeMarte have said make it sound as if Jodi keeps everything bottled up until she flies into a rage because she has BPD. That sounds like she has no control over what she does and she should get life because she couldn't help killing Travis. It also sounds like she shouldn't ever be placed near any other person in prison because you never know when she will fly into another rage and kill one or more of the other inmates. She must have been heavily medicated while she was in court because, as far as I know, she never went crazy and tried to go after someone. She made snide remarks in the 2013 trial when she testified, but she never attempted to get out of the witness box and go after Juan. I get the BPD some, but I honestly think she has more control of her actions than some of you are saying. Why did she never beat up any of Travis's friends or girlfriends? Why didn't she try to kill her parents, whom she obviously hates, or people like Bianca? Somebody help me understand.
i don't think there's a consensus here on BPD in fact id say the vast majority of us believe she has NPD sociopath. I think since Jodi maligerned on every test and lied through all forensic sessions its impossible to accurately dx jodi but demarte dxd her with the closest PD she could based on testing and through session.
I don't think Beth is going to even deal with the mess because isnt her site about to close? The trial is over. Was she planning to continue somehow?
I think she is planning on keeping it up for other trials... is what she said.
You need to stop discussing the issues with Beth's site in this thread. I bumped Beth's thread up for that specific reason. Please take your complaints over to that thread and maybe they will get some attention. Unless it pertains to what happened today in court, discussions or complaints about BK's site need to go into that thread. Thanks, Lambchop
No she's going to say she really wanted to allocute but was unable to due to the media presence and fear of threats and that it stopped her from being able to testify as well.

And if she gets the DP and all her appeals fail, JA will be convinced to her dying day that she could have made the jury do her bidding if JSS had just conceded she was wrong on the law and allowed JA her time behind closed court doors.
Some of what a few of you and Dr. DeMarte have said make it sound as if Jodi keeps everything bottled up until she flies into a rage because she has BPD. That sounds like she has no control over what she does and she should get life because she couldn't help killing Travis. It also sounds like she shouldn't ever be placed near any other person in prison because you never know when she will fly into another rage and kill one or more of the other inmates. She must have been heavily medicated while she was in court because, as far as I know, she never went crazy and tried to go after someone. She made snide remarks in the 2013 trial when she testified, but she never attempted to get out of the witness box and go after Juan. I get the BPD some, but I honestly think she has more control of her actions than some of you are saying. Why did she never beat up any of Travis's friends or girlfriends? Why didn't she try to kill her parents, whom she obviously hates, or people like Bianca? Somebody help me understand.[/QUQU]
i don't think there's a consensus here on BPD in fact id say the vast majority of us believe she has NPD sociopath. I think since Jodi maligerned on every test and lied through all forensic sessions its impossible to accurately dx jodi but demarte dxd her with the closest PD she could based on testing and through session.
Quite honestly all the personality disorders overlap in some way so getting a diagnosis is just difficult. She isn't insane...she, and others with personality disorders know the conventional standards of right and wrong and have control of their actions. Having a disorder can hinder appropriate views of themselves and others, it can also hinder social relationships. Tempers can flare more easily and quickly or be destructive because they don't have social or emotional skills that "normal"' people do. But unless there are psychotic features with it (which according to the experts she does no have) they know their actions and know the conventional standards of right and wrong. They just choose to disregard what they think does not apply to them.
This is from school study, personal study, and almost 12 years in psych, not as a professional it's just an opinion formed from those three items.
Nurmi caused me serious anger today, yesterday also. Using Travis's own book to spare her, telling the jury he loved her- if he did it wasn't for long, and certainly not at the time of his death!! and comparing him to Ray Rice who punched his fiance unconscious.:stormingmad::stormingmad::stormingmad:

It really is sickening. It's the same mistake the DT has made over and over. They don't know when to make a point, or rebut a PT point, without going overboard.

Another example of this today, is KN addressing the business email that went to the 9 year old girl. He said Dr. F. relied on sufficient evidence, other than this email, to form her opinions. Instead of leaving it there (the best he should do for damage control) and in spite of the father's testimony, he suggested that there was still something nefarious involved.

The jury members haven't missed these blatant exaggerations. They only serve to diminish the credibility of anything that the DT has asked them to believe. As infuriating as it is, I am confident that these tactics have done significant harm to the defense.
And if she gets the DP and all her appeals fail, JA will be convinced to her dying day that she could have made the jury do her bidding if JSS had just conceded she was wrong on the law and allowed JA her time behind closed court doors.

That very last attempt by JA to try to allocute in secret had the markings of coming from JA personally. People have been saying all along that JA was driving a lot of the defense actions and I have to say I agree with them for at least some of the DT actions.

That very last request by JA and when she was sparring with JSS seemed to be hallmark JA.

It now makes me wonder how much influence she had throughout a lot of the other crazy DT shenanigans. Like accusing Juan of misconduct and other things like that.

I have a hard time believing that Nurmi and Wilmcott would just let her tell them what to do but now I am wondering to what extent was JA driving her own show throughout this whole phase.
Color me jaded but i believe JA not allocuting was purposeful on her part-----this gives her an appealable issue with respect to her lawyers---that is to say
She will allege she was advised by her attorneys not to do so- -she will say she really wanted to allocute, but her attorneys advised her against it,
she then has realized how this hurt her case

No way. That is why JSS asked her half a dozen ways if she was sure SHE wanted to pass.
deleted - I was giving an opinion in the BK website and didn't see Lambie's post above until after I posted it. I took the post over to the proper threads.

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom · 57m57 minutes ago
Juror #1 has the BS in psychology @commonsense258 @_LOVEINVAIN @myfoxphoenix @troyhaydenfox10

That's why Juan called out Geff for speaking directly to juror number one. He sure was coached on jurors then.

Wait. A few days ago #1 was reported to be ex-Air Force etc.and a candidate for foreperson. Which rumor is true or does anyone really know?
Good job! It is amazing to me how her lawyers don't advise her, as if she didn't know, that she cannot get by with that. This trial is being followed internationally. Folks recognize their work when they see it so blatantly traced. It is just the oddest thing I have ever seen.

She has NO sense of shame. At all. It is very odd. Armchair psych folks—how does that fit in with BPD? How does it fit in with psychopathy?
Upon asking again, DeMarte did say good morning to Nurmi. Perhaps she didn't even hear him the first time and/or Nurmi was setting her up. Pffftt..

Nurmi was setting her up. The good morning thing was an issue with ALV, IIRC. She was aggressively irritated when Juan didn't say good morning to her and got right to the questions. So, ALV had put it as an issue on the table. I'm sure Demarte knew this because she watched the trial videos.

Demarte was not obliged to answer Nurmi. "Good morning" is not a sign of quality in an expert witness: it is irrelevant. Plus, not everyone answers to "Good morning." Sometimes the reciprocal is understood, sometimes saying it is just like saying, "Let us begin", and that's not something you answer.

On Juan's side, there are no "good morning", just business.
That very last attempt by JA to try to allocute in secret had the markings of coming from JA personally. People have been saying all along that JA was driving a lot of the defense actions and I have to say I agree with them for at least some of the DT actions.

That very last request by JA and when she was sparring with JSS seemed to be hallmark JA.

It now makes me wonder how much influence she had throughout a lot of the other crazy DT shenanigans. Like accusing Juan of misconduct and other things like that.

I have a hard time believing that Nurmi and Wilmcott would just let her tell them what to do but now I am wondering to what extent was JA driving her own show throughout this whole phase.

JA clearly dictated retrial "strategy" IMO. We saw Nurmi's version in trial one. She wanted him fired afterwards, during the summer, and as recently as last fall as retrial began. As AZL as explained, not giving JA what she wanted could have resulted in legitimate grounds for appeal on the basis of ineffective counsel. This ugly show has been all JA, buttressed by the DT's legal knowledge.
I have to say i am extremely disappointed in the way this website has been handled from the beginning. For starters, $5.99 a month is ridiculous. They seriously expect people to pay almost $75 a year for access to it? There are hundreds of other FREE sources of information on this trial (WS being my absolute favorite by far, thanks to the amazing posters and mods here). So from the beginning I decided not to join the site because of that. Then came all of the issues with signing up and glitches, etc that people had.

But then to hear how people have been treated and banned over there for simply expressing an opinion is disgusting. I trust our posters from here who have reported the issues they have had with how they were treated here. To hear that multiple people were banned because they did not agree with Skye or questioned whether she actually said "epic fail" just put the icing on the cake for me. I think asking whether Skye said that was a legitimate question and based on the subsequent modification of the statement, clarity was needed.

I don't think that this bodes well for the website. Being associated with Skye or Chris doesn't really bring anything to website now that the trial is over and their book will be released. Their time of being relevant or anyone caring what they think is done. All of the people who went to that website because of this trial will likely not renew next month because the trial is over (and because quite a few people have been banned and treated rather crappily). I'd love to see the figures on the huge drop in membership from this month and next month.

I predict that the phrase "epic fail" will be used to describe the success of that website after this fiasco. Just calling it as i see it. I hope that the Hughes book is an epic fail as well.

I thought discussion on this topic was moved to the sidebar? It's become irksome and personal.
Azl. Can you kinda describe ( sorry again) the appeals process (i know its automatic if death) for Arizona? Does she stick with KN/JW or is there a public defender office of sorts that will be assigned to jodis appeal? If it's automatically selected can that attorney refuse to take the case? I can imagine it being a running joke at the public defender office that they're gonna get "jodid"or something. I can imagine all lawyers are gonna be sitting on pins and needles if she gets dp In fear They may actually have to represent her.

Also.. Been dying to know Can flores martinez or jss finally talk or tell all so to speak after the verdict??

The appeal is automatic for the DP, manually filed for a life sentence. She will have new appointed counsel. Everyone can talk afterward but it would be considered extremely unprofessional for the judge to do so.
JA clearly dictated retrial "strategy" IMO. We saw Nurmi's version in trial one. She wanted him fired afterwards, during the summer, and as recently as last fall as retrial began. As AZL as explained, not giving JA what she wanted could have resulted in legitimate grounds for appeal on the basis of ineffective counsel. This ugly show has been all JA, buttressed by the DT's legal knowledge.

I think some of all the horribleness and delays in this phase came about not only because of JA, but because Nurmi wanted to stick it to JSS for making him stay on as JA's attorney. His approach was "In that case......", but with less polite language and intent.
I read on another site, in answer to a question posed about why Juan had his superior sitting by his side during this retrial and if that presence maybe had something to do with Juan's "performance", that perhaps his boss was there to supervise because of "issues." One "issue" brought up was that perhaps Juan was on probation of some sort most likely for the misconduct motions over the *advertiser censored*/no *advertiser censored*.

I just want to state that no one should be making those kinds of assumptions because they do nothing but incite, enrage and cause so much speculation. I find it so ridiculously sad that some of the people who were so "Juan is Wonderful, the Greatest" (count me among those) during the first trial, were quick to throw him under the bus after closing arguments. Having an opinion of his performance is fine. Sharing the opinion is fine, if done respectfully, and without stating something as fact that is not. Going further to speculate the why is where I lose it!

Nurmi has said and done and said some obvious, glaring and despicable things during this trial. We have all said it. So the argument could be made, why can't we make the same statements about Juan? For me, I have not seen any obvious, glaring or even on the same planet as despicable things from Juan. I had thoughts of my own after his closing, playing armchair lawyer about everything I would have said and wished could have been said, all from my zero knowledge base. But to slam his performance, make inferences, and then even go so far as to suggest he was under supervision for some violation is just mean spirited. I hope those people, and I know they know who they are, will cease and desist. I sent a few personal messages to the subject in question and have received some nasty responses and that's all that will be said about that, by me!
Thank you :)

I just saw Greta cover the "verdict watch," and her guest prosecutor thought Juan did a great job and she (the talking head) believes they will vote for death. Especially b/c there are more women, who both agreed are usually more "judgemental"

Don't know about Greta, but I do think women (in general) like Juan Martinez. He comes across as being authentic in the conviction of his thoughts.
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