VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 40

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I don't know if this is good news or just idle gossip, but I just talked to my friend in Scottsdale AZ and she just returned from visiting her in-laws at Casas Adobes in the Tucson area, and the news came on about the Arias trial and her father-in-law commented that if that hard *advertiser censored* judge got to make the decision she would give her LWOP. He used to live in the Phoenix area a few years ago. He said she handed down hard sentences. But, and here's the, not so happy news, her own attorney in Scottsdale said it depended on JSS's mood on any given day how she sentenced anyone. Sometimes lite sometimes hard. So she don't know what to think.

I am depressed. I want the DP because I want her on CONDEMNED ROW. Just that name on wings door sends chills down my spine and I want her to feel it too. A life sentence affords her too much freedom and interaction with other people. She will continue to communicate with the outside and use those sycophants of hers to do anything she wants, perhaps even kill for her. One never knows with a Psycho like her. She draws others of the same ilk to her like a spider. And I can't even trust that worthless JSS to give her a Natural Life sentence.

I told my friend to vote against her next election, and she said she didn't think she was in her district but my friend is not a regular voter. She is not political in any sense of the word. I told her to ask Jack and find out and then vote against her. LOL
Ahhh. M
just saw WAT's Tweet

@WildAboutTrial: Thanks to the die hard WAT fan who I called "creepy" a few weeks ago for staring at me from the gallery. I love the candies! <3

intold him how much you all love him.
I just watched the video and the former guard said Jodi will be outside in a cage with shade and water. And she will probably try to commit suicide like many others have. Plus more information.
It really is sickening. It's the same mistake the DT has made over and over. They don't know when to make a point, or rebut a PT point, without going overboard.

Another example of this today, is KN addressing the business email that went to the 9 year old girl. He said Dr. F. relied on sufficient evidence, other than this email, to form her opinions. Instead of leaving it there (the best he should do for damage control) and in spite of the father's testimony, he suggested that there was still something nefarious involved.

The jury members haven't missed these blatant exaggerations. They only serve to diminish the credibility of anything that the DT has asked them to believe. As infuriating as it is, I am confident that these tactics have done significant harm to the defense.

I know what you mean. That made me so angry when Nurmi floated that implication out there;;" How did he know her name?"

Hopefully someone on the jury is familiar with business mass mailings. Usually you buy lists of potential customers. And if someone is compiling a list, they often look up 'connected' names to add to the names on the original list. Often, children, immediate family, spouses, will pop up.

There is no reason to believe that TA knew the childs name. Hopefully the jury will understand that, and see how blatantly dishonest that was of Nurmi to throw that accusation out there.
I'll speak for MeeBee! She's talking about Borderline Personality Disorder and emotion regulation, not Bipolar and mood regulation. Bipolars do not switch on a dime like this in affect, generally speaking. Their switches can be days, months, even years apart. Some people get rapid-cycling, but it's not that common and, IIRC it's a serious emergency. In bipolars, the mood changes can also be smoothed out with medication, generally speaking.

"Mania" does not = euphoria, by the way. IMO, it just refers to the brain going extra fast: a person in this phase can come across as being extremely irritable and not at all happy.

By the way, a bipolar suicide most often comes in the manic phase, not the depressive phase.

Despite any of this&#8212;bipolar or BPD&#8212;folks with mental health conditions and personality disorders are responsible for their behavior as adults, or at least to make a good faith effort to be doing so. Personally, I have very little sympathy for folks who do not see to this responsibility. I doubt Jodi ever got treatment for herself or ever would have, doesn't care to even now, and has never been compliant about taking her meds. She has never wanted to take responsibility for anything, blaming it always on someone else; you can't have that attitude and manage BPD or bipolar. She has an obligation, like the rest of us, not to inflict herself on her community.

IMO the characteristic of Jodi always to blame someone else has nothing to do with BPD or bipolar. It's not even manipulative: it just is.

Regarding Jodi's detachment when things are being said that she doesn't want to hear, I think those are just times she doesn't want to hear and don't reflect any mental disorder. She claims she gets in a fog, but never acts like she's in one, e.g. yesterday when she had a discussion with the judge about allocution. In the first trial, she never appeared dissociated, either in Juan's cross, answering the jury questions, or in allocution.

She said in her first trial, in response to a juror question, that she did not feel she had any "mental issues". So, why would she seek help for something she doesn't see as problematic?
Sorry, it was not Eric but, Jeff is the took a while to find it and now I have lost my place agian, I haven't figured out how to save my place yet.

Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq 30s30 seconds agoPhoenix, AZ
#JodiArias Nurmi points at Jodi. A few jurors take bait and look at her, but most do not and stay focused on Nurmi instead

I read other tweets that said the jury didn't look at JA or her family or the Alexander family. So I believe them as opposed to that lying Jeff Gold. He is a JA supporter
I read other tweets that said the jury didn't look at JA or her family or the Alexander family. So I believe them as opposed to that lying Jeff Gold. He is a JA supporter

I also believe that Jeff Gold was the legal analyst that told Sky Hughes the entire courtroom thought Juans closing was an Epic Faliure. He said as much today on ABC15 news outside the courthouse. I can't stand that old man. He said Jodi's age was important because she was young at 27, he didn't mention the fact that she butched a man that was only 30. JA was just one month away from turning 28. Jeff is such an old man three times as old as JA he finds her young and sexy. He is just like W. Zeuakos,

I can not listen to these losers. They are the same ones back in 2013 that thought JA would get 2nd degree or lower. BK was one of those people along with her cohort Jean Casarez. But that jury fooled them all. That First Degree Premeditated Murder Verdict shocked more than just JA and her merry band of losers. So I don't listen to anything they say.
Hey, anyone know with what's going on with MDLR filing charges today on a Tweeter called Juan Martinez's Tie? He is Pizzzzzzed.

did my post about WAT's tweet about the candy I gave him show up? Forum got wonky for me...
@WildAboutTrial: Thanks to the die hard WAT fan who I called "creepy" a few weeks ago for staring at me from the gallery. I love the candies! <3


he was really nice
Nurmi caused me serious anger today, yesterday also. Using Travis's own book to spare her, telling the jury he loved her- if he did it wasn't for long, and certainly not at the time of his death!! and comparing him to Ray Rice who punched his fiance unconscious.:stormingmad::stormingmad::stormingmad:

I have to agree Linas, I've tried not to condemn the DT to hard, (verbally here, I might add) but their tactics are beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Only a lawyer who is experienced in defending pedophiles could come up with the nasty, nonredeemable actions that Nurmi has displayed. I have to stop myself before I say too much....
She said in her first trial, in response to a juror question, that she did not feel she had any "mental issues". So, why would she seek help for something she doesn't see as problematic?

Yet in her letter to the Alexander's she admits, albeit in an obscure manner:

"Putting on a smile and pretending things were fine for my family didn't work out so well. I felt like I was a danger living near them and began to make preparations to move back to Monterey, where I'd lived 4 years ago."
Hey, anyone know with what's going on with MDLR filing charges today on a Tweeter called Juan Martinez's Tie? He is Pizzzzzzed.

did my post about WAT's tweet about the candy I gave him show up? Forum got wonky for me...

Oy. I really think people who cannot handle the internet should just stay off it.
Hey, anyone know with what's going on with MDLR filing charges today on a Tweeter called Juan Martinez's Tie? He is Pizzzzzzed.

did my post about WAT's tweet about the candy I gave him show up? Forum got wonky for me...

YES. I just saw the post about the candy for WAT. NICE! lol

I will have to check out the JM's tie tweets. Don't know about it yet.
So Shana Hogan posts in the chat room for Trial Talk Live and she also said #1 has the BS in psychology and #16 is the trauma nurse whose mother is a psychologist. I am also glad she made it on (#16).
What an extremely bizarre thing to say about her family. She felt she was a danger? Wackadoo. Makes me wonder how much her mother wanted to be there every day in court rather than feeling obligated since she birthed that spawn.
Oy. I really think people who cannot handle the internet should just stay off it.

Lol, the learning curve is definitely steep... in fact the power it can bestow tends to go to some people's heads, they actually think they're anonymous.
Great news. Greta I think used to be a good lawyer too if I am not mistaken. She usually has a good read on things.

I've always had great respect for Greta, she seems to have a very good head on her shoulders, seems very unbiased and has always been nothing but professional. Love Greta. :)
What an extremely bizarre thing to say about her family. She felt she was a danger? Wackadoo. Makes me wonder how much her mother wanted to be there every day in court rather than feeling obligated since she birthed that spawn.

I read it to say that she thought she was the danger to her family, especially after having killed TA as "easily" as she appeared to have(one cut finger), who was it that lived in Monterey.... was it still MM?

edit: oops missed your edit.
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