VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 42

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Too bad you're not in the jury room to give this speech today. I'm 100% serious. I think they need a "leader" for the DP in there right now.

Towards the end on the last thread there was good discussion about JA and how she became so obsessed.

I agree with some others that she was more obsessed with the thought of her new life with Travis and not necessarily Travis himself.

I think she saw Travis as her meal ticket to a new and better life than she ever had before. So many others had good lives and she kept thinking why not her.

If you notice her past progression with her boyfriends. She would move on to another boyfriend when they showed bigger and better things for her. I think she was basically "USING" guys to move up in life.

She really got things into her head that the relationship with Travis was "it". This was the ticket she had been waiting for so long.
If you notice she read some sort of book and began to live by a code of "positive thinking type stuff", where she believed if you "think it true", it will come true. Or something like that? I cant remember the exact theology but she would talk about it in her journals. She lived by it each day.

Travis, the PPL, and this new "thoeology" thing she found, and even her joining mormon church, all contributed to her mindset. She began to think she really found her new "ticket" which was going to propel her into PROSPERITY.

She was finally going to be wealthy, succcessful, have a great guy, get married, have a house (Travis house), travel the world, etc. etc.

So it was like the perfect thing that could ever happen, but the problem was it ALL IN HER MIND, and Travis did not have a vote in the matter! Her big mistake was she did not include Travis in any of her decision making of this huge plan of hers.
He had to accept it whether he liked it or not. He wasnt even asked. She just basically got wind that he needed to get married, and she automatically thought there is no way he would ever want to reject "her". Why would anybody not like her?
She threw herself at him and in her mind, she did not even consider that he may not like her after he got to really know her. Sure, he may have liked her at first, but once he really got to know her really well, there was a lot to not like. That was the part she did never considered and she could never accept that. He had to comply. He had to go along with her plan. He had no vote according to her plan.

So this perfect storm was brewing and when it went south, it went south fast.

The part that is hard to understand is she really thought she could get away with the murder. She thought she could still go on to find the next guy to fulfill her dreams after she eliminated Travis. She even went to the memorial so she was very confident she would not get caught. She removed him and she would try again.

It really shows how "sick" in the head she really is to think that she had all her bases covered in the murder. Getting caught did not enter into her equation. And even now, she thinks she is going to beat this case.

Well, lets hope today the jury shows her that she was WRONG. Wrong in so many ways.
And the 1 thing she needs to learn the most is....
Other people get a vote when you share a relationship!!! Its a 2-way street. Travis got to vote not to want to be with her. She did not accept that, and now the jury will get their vote!!!

So learn this JA. Its not just your vote that counts. Other people get a vote. Especially when its 2 people in a relationship. You have to work together and both people get a vote. The only way it works is when both people vote the same way and enjoy it together. Not just 1 of you.

The jury vote is coming. And we the people will accept it no matter what they vote. Because we are not like JA. We realize they get to vote.
Lets hope today that vote will be announced.

Have a good day all.
Towards the end on the last thread there was good discussion about JA and how she became so obsessed.

I agree with some others that she was more obsessed with the thought of her new life with Travis and not necessarily Travis himself.

I think she saw Travis as her meal ticket to a new and better life than she ever had before. So many others had good lives and she kept thinking why not her.

If you notice her past progression with her boyfriends. She would move on to another boyfriend when they showed bigger and better things for her. I think she was basically "USING" guys to move up in life.

She really got things into her head that the relationship with Travis was "it". This was the ticket she had been waiting for so long.
If you notice she read some sort of book and began to live by a code of "positive thinking type stuff", where she believed if you "think it true", it will come true. Or something like that? I cant remember the exact theology but she would talk about it in her journals. She lived by it each day.

Travis, the PPL, and this new "thoeology" thing she found, and even her joining mormon church, all contributed to her mindset. She began to think she really found her new "ticket" which was going to propel her into PROSPERITY.

She was finally going to be wealthy, succcessful, have a great guy, get married, have a house (Travis house), travel the world, etc. etc.

So it was like the perfect thing that could ever happen, but the problem was it ALL IN HER MIND, and Travis did not have a vote in the matter! Her big mistake was she did not include Travis in any of her decision making of this huge plan of hers.
He had to accept it whether he liked it or not. He wasnt even asked. She just basically got wind that he needed to get married, and she automatically thought there is no way he would ever want to reject "her". Why would anybody not like her?
She threw herself at him and in her mind, she did not even consider that he may not like her after he got to really know her. Sure, he may have liked her at first, but once he really got to know her really well, there was a lot to not like. That was the part she did never considered and she could never accept that. He had to comply. He had to go along with her plan. He had no vote according to her plan.

So this perfect storm was brewing and when it went south, it went south fast.

The part that is hard to understand is she really thought she could get away with the murder. She thought she could still go on to find the next guy to fulfill her dreams after she eliminated Travis. She even went to the memorial so she was very confident she would not get caught. She removed him and she would try again.

It really shows how "sick" in the head she really is to think that she had all her bases covered in the murder. Getting caught did not enter into her equation. And even now, she thinks she is going to beat this case.

Well, lets hope today the jury shows her that she was WRONG. Wrong in so many ways.
And the 1 thing she needs to learn the most is....
Other people get a vote when you share a relationship!!! Its a 2-way street. Travis got to vote not to want to be with her. She did not accept that, and now the jury will get their vote!!!

So learn this JA. Its not just your vote that counts. Other people get a vote. Especially when its 2 people in a relationship. You have to work together and both people get a vote. The only way it works is when both people vote the same way and enjoy it together. Not just 1 of you.

The jury vote is coming. And we the people will accept it no matter what they vote. Because we are not like JA. We realize they get to vote.
Lets hope today that vote will be announced.

Have a good day all.

I don't think she was looking toward any kind of life. I think that her anger and her rage came from knowing all along that one day she would be found out to be a fraud and not a girl that someone like Travis would want to give his life to.
I think that she realized the only power she had remaining over him was sex and so she decided that she would use that as her entry point to end her suffering over the reality that Travis was never ever ever going to want anything more from her than sex. It was the thing that most likely really hooked him and in the end it was her undoing.

I know this may sound odd but I am glad that she lied all those years about it. I think had she come out with story number 3 or 4 or 5 first, she may have gotten people who believed that DV angle.
Hoping today is the day that the jury decide. The Alexanders need peace
The jury vote is coming. And we the people will accept it no matter what they vote. Because we are not like JA. We realize they get to vote.
Lets hope today that vote will be announced.

Have a good day all.

Well said. It reminded me JA will never vote again, although I'd be very surprised if she ever did. As many faults as I've found with JSS's case management, I believe she'll give JA LWOP if given the opportunity.
I'm still boggled by the fact that a juror brought in a crockpot to simmer a meal during deliberations.

Verdict breakfast
I'm still boggled by the fact that a juror brought in a crockpot to simmer a meal during deliberations.

People at loggerheads aren't ususally interested in "breaking bread" together, so I see the crockpot as a positive sign deliberations aren't yet polarized.
could have been a snack like queso. I don't find it weird at all. I like to do stuff like that. Make myself useful and who doesn't like a warm snack?.

I'm still boggled by the fact that a juror brought in a crockpot to simmer a meal during deliberations.
On Weds the jury may have talked and decided together that they wanted to work through lunches until they reached a verdict. The crock pot and baked dish may have simply been a way to have a work lunch as long as the judge agreed to it. I see nothing wrong with it, in fact I see that as a sign that they are getting along and are determined to come to a unanimous decision instead of hanging.
People at loggerheads aren't ususally interested in "breaking bread" together, so I see the crockpot as a positive sign deliberations aren't yet polarized.

I do too. They feel comfortable together and also can work through lunch instead of taking the usual hour and a half lunch they were given during trial. I hope they bring food again today
Most likely whatever was in that crock pot was cooked and the crock pot was just used to keep it warm that day. I don't think at all they went in there planning to be there all day and that whatever was in the crock pot would have to cook for 8 hours.

I think this is a great sign. That they are all working as a cohesive group and respecting each other and working on the issue together.
I do too. They feel comfortable together and also can work through lunch instead of taking the usual hour and a half lunch they were given during trial. I hope they bring food again today

Ha. I don't. I am hoping that they already know the decision and that they wanted to sleep on it and come back and vote this morning. I think NO food is a better sign this morning unless it is donuts.
People at loggerheads aren't ususally interested in "breaking bread" together, so I see the crockpot as a positive sign deliberations aren't yet polarized.

I'd bring food too but that's just the nurturer in me. :blushing: I think it's nice to share food. It's a hopeful sign for us as well.
Ha. I don't. I am hoping that they already know the decision and that they wanted to sleep on it and come back and vote this morning. I think NO food is a better sign this morning unless it is donuts.

Lol. I hope you are right SS
I do think we have a verdict sometime after lunch today or early tomorrow.
can you open a window and stream it on mute? wireless earpiece? lol

Not at work. We deal with security and our computers are connected to or SS numbers. We can only use them for work.
I think they know. And I think it will be announced this morning. Time got away from them Thirsday and they couldn't tie up the loose ends (security, paperwork, etc). I think they will tie up those loose ends this morning and a verdict will shortly follow.

Ha. I don't. I am hoping that they already know the decision and that they wanted to sleep on it and come back and vote this morning. I think NO food is a better sign this morning unless it is donuts.
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