VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44, Part 2

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Originally Posted by Val1 View Post
I'm not even sure you could say that they had declared they were hung, they were as surprised as some of us were when JSS suddenly declared that when they sent in more questions, which JSS had told them to do if they needed to...

Sorry, I was gone a lot today. :( Is this in reference to the first jury, or is it about the second jury and the modified impasse instructions given yesterday? If it is about this current jury, how do we know they weren't hung and that they were surprised? Just curious.

The first jury.
Speaking of sidebars, Any restaurant entrepreneurs here ? I keep thinking that would be an excellent name for a bar / pub, particularly one located in / around the courthouse and legal community. Would be even more fitting right there in Phoenix, lol.

The Sidebar Pub


The Sidebar
Bar & Grill

OT: And to expound on that , I would set it up in "law library" decor: warm, dark wood; carefully designed, cozy dimmed lighting (most restaurants have horrible lighting, lol) , including sectioned off booths; some separate areas with cozy chairs and love seats; and dark wood book shelves along the walls filled with law books and such. The bar itself would be the judge's bench aka The SideBar :giggle: I can dream can't I ? :)
To what? LWOP? How is DP then not a win-win situation? And dashing her hopes sounds good to me!
That's the problem. It's not automatically to LWOP. One of Katiecoolady's sisters' killers almost became eligible for parole after an additional five years at the whim of an anti-DP judge. It didn't happen in the end but it very well could have.
I feel so bad for her. I just feel like the dt tried to use them against Travis and they had no way to stop it. It must feel horrible.

Totally agree Scarlett, it's exploitation, unethical and repugnant. But that's who this DT is.
Its almost like if they vote for life their voice doesn't count. There should be 3 choices for them. DP, life, life with parole but it should be jurors decision.

I would even suggest just DP or LWOP as their choices. Then if it's a hung jury, have the LWP as a third option for the judge should they be swayed by the new mitigation the DT is allowed to present... oh and make sure the jury knows what each choice really means, none of this not knowing that choosing Life means the judge then gets to choose what that means, it might provide enough incentive for those who are firm on their convictions to try harder for a unanimous verdict.
Thanks Everyone. You were right.

I found a good article that explains it and it says what everyone said. If jury decides to give her life, then JSS still gets to decide LWP or LWOP and she has up to 60 days to have sentencing.

So there is no benefit for the DP jurors to all change their vote to Life. It has the same effect as a hung jury. Below is the article that explains it all really good. Its an older article from 1st phase but the penalty parts still are valid.

"If the jury votes for the death penalty, Arias would be sentenced immediately and she is likely to be sent to death row within hours. If the jury opts for a life sentence, the judge will set a sentencing date within 30 to 60 days and, at that time, will sentence Arias to natural life or life with eligibility for parole after 25 years."

ETA: During 1st trial at sentencing, a hung jury resulted in this 2nd attempt at sentencing phase because AZ allows 1 more try. This time, there is no next try if jury hangs. It will go to the judge.

I don't know how to tie one post from a thread to another so I copied and pasted this below from the Ask A Lawyer Thread.

Quote Originally Posted by grammieto5 View Post
Hello AZL If the jury returns with the DP is there a time limit for an appeal to be made? How many appeals can be made? Thank you for all your time spent here on WS!
If the verdict is DP, the judge will then schedule a sentencing hearing. She could do it right away, but I think she will need a hearing to see if there should be victim compensation included (funeral expenses, etc.). That should be scheduled 1-2 months after the verdict. After the sentence is actually imposed, the clerk will file an appeal immediately. However, jurisdiction will likely be returned to JSS for a few months to deal with post-trial motions filed by Nurmi.
I can mix up some mean *advertiser censored* "SLAMMERS" Guaranteed to provide intoxicating results.:happydance:

Interesting, we could also have drinks named after major players in this trial... Juan's Margarita ? Wonder what kind of drinks could be named after Nurmi and Willmott ? :thinking:
I think its complete garbage that the jury can pick death but can't pick which version of life that they want a defendant to have. I mean, really? That really puts some jurors in a tight spot if they don't feel like a death sentence is the right choice but also feel very strongly that the person should never have the potential to walk free again. Especially with the killer they are dealing with. Maybe some feel the mitigating factors are sufficient enough to save her life (why, I don't know) but also feel she is far too dangerous to have a chance to get paroled in the future. I think that is really a really unfair position for the jurors to be in.

Agree completely with this!

It's more than a little strange that the system entrusts 12 citizens with the task of deciding between life and death, yet does not trust them to decide if the life sentence should be natural life or otherwise.
The aggravating factor proven was extreme's the agg phase on video

Thanks, TM. So I guess it's up to the jury then to evaluate the evidence and testimony to strike all the mitigators (such as they are) so ultimately all that's left is the lone aggravating factor of cruelty against her? I do understand that if any of the jurors feel that JA has even one mitigator in her favor that negates their single vote for death penalty verdict. Veddy intedestingk. We shall see.
What was it again that made Sky and Chris take Travis upstairs to talk to him about Jodi, I can't remember?

ETA: These hosts are asking some really unusual questions .. like I don't know how someone comes off as someone who was abused as a child for instance.

They had witnessed Jodi 's weird behavior, spying on Travis, following him everywhere, listening outside the bathroom door when he was in there. That's all I remember.
Interesting, we could also have drinks named after major players in this trial... Juan's Margarita ? Wonder what kind of drinks could be named after Nurmi and Willmott ? :thinking:
The Slime Highway?
Was doing my errands today and mulling it over. I want Arias to receive the DP, but even if she doesn't there's no way she's ever coming out of Perryville alive. As someone posted succinctly yesterday (paraphrased and IIRC): either way Jodi will go into Perryville alive and come out dead.

If the jury deadlocks, IMO JSS will give Arias LWOP. Her record doesn't paint her as lenient.

* I really don't have anything to add to your post except I like that judge in Florida who I think presided over the Dalia Dippolito trial and one other one that I followed on In Session/HLN -- the Mark Goodman trial #1 I think. Anyway, the guy was personable, even-keel, fair, kept the court informed of his decisions and kept the ball rolling by making decisions on the spot. In both of the trials I watched, he was always firmly in control of his courtroom. Probably a real nice guy outside of court, too.

Here he is: the Honorable Jeffrey Colbath


this judge was great,,as said above he really kept things moving....had some personality but not obnoxious ...had the respect of all involved in the trial.
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