VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44

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I personally like Judge Stephens. I just think she let the defense get by with too much, most of it lies, and that had to influence the jury. I don't think she had any idea that Nurmi would bring in so much slime. I don't think many judges have had to put up with defendants as evil and as manipulative as Jodi who have an innocent look but deep-down are monsters. Most defendants that are really evil are recognized as being so early on in their trials by the way they look and act. They really were abused or had really rough lives growing up. They're rough-looking. Jodi started out during the first trial talking in this sweet schoolgirl voice, looking all innocent. She was made to look like a plain-looking little girl, with her chair lowered, her hair with bangs, and glasses.

I will not blame Judge Stephens (I hope.) if the jury comes back with life. She was just trying too hard so there would be fewer issues for appeals.

I agree with you, but will qualify that she had to let the DT trash the victim because in this phase hearsay is allowed. AZLawyer told us as much at the beginning. If Jodi doesn't get death, I will blame the jury for believing the DT's BS, not JSS!!!
I was feeling that way for awhile. She's such a leech that it would seem the most fitting punishment would be to leave her alone with her empty shell of a self for all time.
Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better about the possibility that she'll end up in general population... but...
while she is charismatic to a certain degree, as a means of manipulation, I don't think it will take long for the shine to dull for the other inmates, should she get LWOP.

Poor ole Jodi just doesn't wear well. Once you get past the surface, and see that's all there is? Well. Her new BFF's won't take kindly to it.

There will be inmates that hate her right off the bat.
There will be inmates who are dazzled by her 'fame'
There will be inmates who want her sexually.
There will be inmates who are emotionally weak, and she will pray on them like the mantis that she is.

She thinks she is smarter than all of them. She is not.

She will eventually betray those who aren't able to see past the facade.

Her popularity will be short lived, and she will find herself isolated as a means of survival.

The more I think about it, long term? Gen Pop might as well be Solitary.

With no paid for appeals. No opportunity to torture Travis' family. No media.

I may be rounding the corner from DP, back to LWOP.

She is successfully manipulative, to a degree, out here where where most of us fall into the "normal" range of predictable behavior. However, while they do have a social structure in prison population, it's going to be different. She'll meet a lot of people like her there; that's how they ended up there. She will have to adjust her way of doing things, and while I don't doubt that she will, it won't be the same as what she grew up with. I get the sense that she was a bully in her household when she was growing up-that isn't going to fly so well in prison. I am ok with what I think her life in prison is going to like, so no DP won't bother me-except that I'd like her to get it just because I know she doesn't want it. It doesn't matter to me if they never execute her-just want her on "Death Row"
Oops jurors left for break while I was posting...Lol
The beauty of being diverse and studied in our individual "truth", the choices we make, and steadfast certainty in the value systems we hold is that one has no need to consider or suffer foolish, ignorant, or judgmental statements.
Pizza, Pizza....It's whats for lunch!


Wow, looks like Grimaldi's, delish!!!
Stop panicking. No way will JSS give Jodi LWP!!! You can mark my words on that!
She's not on her side.She knows exactly what this killer is capable of and has seen evidence that even we haven't. Have faith.:chillout::chillpill:

:seeya: I hope you are right !!!

Can someone tell me WHY JSS is so careful about appeals? Every death row convict appeals. Most lifers appeal as well, I assume. But why would the potential for an appeal make JSS be so cautious and try to avoid them? Is it because she believes the killer is guilty as charged and doesn't want the conviction overturned? Would the Judge be reprimanded if there is an appeal? I mean I guess I just don't see why the possibility of an appeal has made her operate her Courtroom the way she has.
Well, I am still for the DP for Arias but I have to agree with Madeleine74. There are things being said on here and other sites that sound much more like vengeance than justice. Things like she should be butchered like TA was, wanting to see her beat to death in prison, etc. It is uncomfortable when I see things like that because those types of statements are ones that anti-death advocates use to say DP people are just spiteful. I want justice, but I don't want a lynch mob.

I have never said I wanted her to be harmed and I never will. Would I be sad to learn she had been? Honestly, no. I want her to be given the correct punishment under law.

But I do want justice for Travis and I want the most severe punishment allowed under the law given for the murderess who slaughtered him.

I want this.. because I have followed this case since the beginning, and know all the evidence,, including the aggravators vs. the mitigation factors. The aggravators substantially far outweigh mitigation. It has nothing to do with vengeance. The DP is a punishment and she is deserving of nothing less, imo.

This has nothing to do with vengeance any more than it was vengeance to send Scott Peterson to death row or Darren Mack and many others.

The DP was made for cases just like JA has done.

Yes. Been to them all. Pizano's was probably my fave, but I usually ordered something else while everyone else went nutso over their pizza. I loved their martinis, which had a 2 max rule, so you know they were delish!

Did you ever have Geno's West??? Best Pizza in the whole wide world!
well...guess its time to mosey along. Between the continuing crock pot fascination and being told how ignorant one must be not to see how brilliant Sherry is....and how it's hateful revenge to hope Jodi receives the DP.....oh! and how distasteful it is to despise Jodi....not for me.

BAIL ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!! AMSTER is trying to escape
In Chicago too. Some really great thin crust pizza here, Vito & Nicks is the BEST! No one I know prefers deep dish lol
Lit a candle for Travis, praying that today is the day to end the Alexander's suffering.

Vito & Nicks! for sure the best thin crust pizza in town!
I wonder if her bodybag is issued to her at inception...

and I wonder if there will be a request from her to put her makeup on before being strapped to the gurney, she'll want to mitigate the prison pallor don'tcha know?
Someone referred to the book, Slumber Party From Hell, written by a woman who was in Perryville for seven years. I downloaded it to read about conditions in the prison, not the inmates. It does sound horrible and HOT. Think about a tiny concrete and steel cell in the middle of a dirt field when it's 117 degrees outside, with no air conditioning. That alone would kill me.

Is it air conditioned and comfortable where she is now in Estrella?
Oh that canadian woman that killed her boyfriend and drown their kid after tormenting his parents and stalking him before murdering. What 15 years ago or so? Now is released and married with more kids? Documentary Zachary made me cry for an hour.

How did I not know about this case?????? Maybe because we have so many like it. There was a young mother who strangled her 6 week old (IIRC) twins. She had a trial by judge and was acquitted because the judge said Canada's abortion laws weren't clear when life began. I kid you not. There's Karla out and about, breeding with 2 degrees we paid for. Best of all, the entire system is cloaked in darkness. :blushing:
Can someone tell me WHY JSS is so careful about appeals?

Every death row convict appeals. Most lifers appeal as well, I assume.

But why would the potential for an appeal make JSS be so cautious and try to avoid them?

Is it because she believes the killer is guilty as charged and doesn't want the conviction overturned? Would the Judge be reprimanded if there is an appeal? I mean I guess I just don't see why the possibility of an appeal has made her operate her Courtroom the way she has.

BBM: So there would be NO SUCCESSFUL APPEAL for Jodi.

:) AZLawyer will correct me if I am wrong ... I remember her answer about it being a "SUCCESSFUL Appeal."
From Cathy:
Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 1m1 minute ago

De la Rosa just showed up with #jodiarias dry cleaning

It's just people letting off steam. Everyone knows whatever will be will be but it's been two years that we've watched this defendant flaunt her 'rights' to the hilt in the most vile way imaginable. Just letting off steam.

Yes. lots of this today.

Can someone tell me WHY JSS is so careful about appeals? Every death row convict appeals. Most lifers appeal as well, I assume. But why would the potential for an appeal make JSS be so cautious and try to avoid them? Is it because she believes the killer is guilty as charged and doesn't want the conviction overturned? Would the Judge be reprimanded if there is an appeal? I mean I guess I just don't see why the possibility of an appeal has made her operate her Courtroom the way she has.

It's is her first DP case and she's being OVERLY cautious. She's in over her head. Why they assigned such a big case to a judge with no DP experience is beyond me.
Can someone tell me WHY JSS is so careful about appeals? Every death row convict appeals. Most lifers appeal as well, I assume. But why would the potential for an appeal make JSS be so cautious and try to avoid them? Is it because she believes the killer is guilty as charged and doesn't want the conviction overturned? Would the Judge be reprimanded if there is an appeal? I mean I guess I just don't see why the possibility of an appeal has made her operate her Courtroom the way she has.

I think it's because she's kind of a newbie and lacks confidence.
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