Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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Zimmerman was probably not concerned about just ordinary a######s getting away but almost certainly was concerned more specifically about burglar a######s who got away. Martin, on the other hand, was possibly concerned about "some type of cracker" who he might have consided also to be an a###### because he was following him for just walking back to his Dad's. I'm little befuddled by the seeming shock and awe expressed by some in court and in the media about a couple of (relatively young) potty mouths expressing frustration about the situations they found themselves in in their neighborhood. On what planet have these offended lawyers, pundits and reporters been hiding the past few decades? Our culture is rife with such expressions. All one has to do to encounter such terms in seconds is to turn on the radio, cable TV or to hit play on a DVD or a CD. Heck, sometimes all one has to do is to walk down the street or through the halls of any public building, maybe even stand in the rooms of one's own home. What's with all this (seems to me ... feigned) horror? OMG, bad words were used! That must prove something! Actually, not so much, since "everyone" seems to be doing it these days.
The only one who could tell us that is GZ. Because he, too, had 4 minutes to walk back to his car from the time he hung up with the dispatcher. So it is a mystery why GZ has not provided that information. Even the police detective questioned him on the amount of time from the end of the call until the first 911 call about the fight and the subject was changed before he could answer. We never did hear what he was doing. He knew for a fact that the street going towards the back gate was Retreat Circle because he lived on Retreat Circle so that is a mystery to me, also. Why not just say meet me at the back gate??? I just don't get it. Where was GZ in all that time because he should have been back to the car in half that time. The only one who really knows that answer is GZ. If there was a reasonable explanation GZ's attorneys would have gotten it in. It's just hanging out there with no explanation. If I were on the jury that would be a big issue for me. jmo
Did the state bring this point up? I don't recall if they did or didn't. MOO.

That is all.
It's me again Kids. Time for another reminder.

When we have a Verdict Watch thread we always run the risk of posters slowly building up anger and then exploding.

This comes from the stress of waiting for the verdict.

All the mods, admins, and the two co-owners know too well how threads like this can go sideways then nuclear.

Please remember to keep it rhetoric down. Leave it out if at all possible.

I'm not suggesting we all stand in a huge circle, sing Kumbaya, and then join a commune. Not at all. It's our differences that make us interesting.

Just be nice,respect each other's opinions, and please stay on topic.

If you get to feeling really annoyed or irritated then take a break from Websleuths. You will feel better.

Finally please no posting rumors or suggesting you think a verdict is on the way. Believe me when it looks like someone is sneezing the media will report it. Let alone a verdict. We will know as soon as it happens. We are ready.



I gotta admit, I'm at that point, so I'm gonna step away for a while! Maybe I'll mellow out with a cocktail, and come back when blood pressure goes down.
I'm kind of stepping out here into uncharted territories. Has it been discussed on this board/and is it allowed that we bring up what a curious combination skittles and the watermelon juice drink is?

I won't continue this conversation until i know if we can discuss this -

thanks -

Nope. Not allowed. Believe me, I'd love to. :seeya:
Haven't seen a whole lot of the trial but I sure have respected all of the players. Re: other cases, I know they bent over backwards because of the death penalty before, but hasn't it been great not to disrespect the jury's time the way they did, IMOO, in Arizona? And not to have "may we approach?" uttered every few minutes? And not to have any witness on the stand for a week? Two weeks? More?

Really like these lawyers. Ready for Sneiderman.
Toris... The text messages that the judge ruled out showed that Trayvon was a teenage boy who had been suspended from school for fighting, had conversations about teaching his brother to fight and about fights he himself had been involved in and about guns and buying and selling them.His locker at his school which he was caught defaming with spray paint and the letters WTF also had jewelry that was presumably stolen and a screwdriver or some tool which was considered to be a robbery tool...
Just wondering if that had any influence at all on your opinion ?


For me, the only items I'm concerned about in relation to this case is the fighting and guns. The pot smoking and racy text messages are sadly, somewhat normal for teenagers. The vandalism and potential stealing are not good, but again have no relevance in this case.

The fighting, however, is relevant. He had the desire and ability to be in fights and start fights, according to the text messages that are out there online. These messages should have been allowed in. But that's my opinion. Perhaps legal people have other views on that.

I'm just saying that a reasonable person, if he felt the need to check out a stranger in the neighborhood, would have driven along side the stranger (Trayvon), rolled down the window and announce he was with NW and did the stranger need help or directions. But, no, George had to be all stealthy and track Trayvon.

Seems to me, when he says there is nothing he would do differently if he had it to do all over again, the above scenario would be one possibility. For cryin' out loud, a boy is dead! :twocents:

P.S. If GZ couldn't drive up near Trayvon, he still could have shouted out to him at some point.

jmo But that's a good way to get a cap in the head.
I'm just saying that a reasonable person, if he felt the need to check out a stranger in the neighborhood, would have driven along side the stranger (Trayvon), rolled down the window and announce he was with NW and did the stranger need help or directions. But, no, George had to be all stealthy and track Trayvon.

Seems to me, when he says there is nothing he would do differently if he had it to do all over again, the above scenario would be one possibility. For cryin' out loud, a boy is dead! :twocents:

P.S. If GZ couldn't drive up near Trayvon, he still could have shouted out to him at some point.

I think the concern is that if he says he would have done anything differently it will be perceived as an admission of guilt.
I need a good amount of comfort food this week. With this verdict and the Arias trial hearing coming up I might go bonkers!

:seeya: I found some comfort food for ya ... I hope this helps ... and we'll share while we wait ...

:cupcake: :cupcake: . :cup: . :sundae: :sundae:

:popcorn: . :drink: . :popcorn: . :drink:

Enjoy ! :drink:
i've bought weird things too. That's not really what i'm talking about, though.


I think it best not to bring it up but I can see where you are going with this, I myself have looked up the skittles and Arizona Watermelon juice drink and what they are used for.
Haven't seen a whole lot of the trial but I sure have respected all of the players. Re: other cases, I know they bent over backwards because of the death penalty before, but hasn't it been great not to disrespect the jury's time the way they did, IMOO, in Arizona? And not to have "may we approach?" uttered every few minutes? And not to have any witness on the stand for a week? Two weeks? More?

Really like these lawyers. Ready for Sneiderman.

Lawyers on both sides have been so respectful. The Judge is the worst one I've seen though. I'm used to decent and fair Judges.
Bringing up conjecture that we know will be disallowed in a veiled way to find out what everyone thinks about it=new low.

If people have something they'd like to say don't beat around the bush. Just say it or don't bring it up at all.
For me, the only items I'm concerned about in relation to this case is the fighting and guns. The pot smoking and racy text messages are sadly, somewhat normal for teenagers. The vandalism and potential stealing are not good, but again have no relevance in this case.

The fighting, however, is relevant. He had the desire and ability to be in fights and start fights, according to the text messages that are out there online. These messages should have been allowed in. But that's my opinion. Perhaps legal people have other views on that.


That is kind of where I am with it as well lisa...

And the prosecutor saying GZ's story changed over time, is a complete fabrication. I complained during closing arguments that the defense never objected when the prosecutor lied and distorted the testimony. I was corrected by several on this board that it was considered rude to do that. Then, I heard on TV that night that the defense really screwed up by not objecting to the outright lies. Hopefully an appeal won't be needed, but they sure lost a good chance by not objecting.

Hornsby agrees with you.
Kathi Belich, WFTV@KBelichWFTV

Two jurors' husbands have guns and one of the women had a concealed weapons permit and let it lapse. #Zimmermanon9
For the life of me I can't see why this keeps being brought up as something bad. Plenty of people have trademarks on things that they don't want other people profiting from. Jimmy Buffett with his trademark on "Margaritaville" comes to mind as an example.

If I were the parent of a murdered child I wouldn't want anyone profiting on my dead child's name either.

Which is why IIRC, she trademarked his name because people were selling shirts and other things with his face, name on it.

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