Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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For the life of me I can't see why this keeps being brought up as something bad. Plenty of people have trademarks on things that they don't want other people profiting from. Jimmy Buffett with his trademark on "Margaritaville" comes to mind as an example.

If I were the parent of a murdered child I wouldn't want anyone profiting on my dead child's name either.

Tim Tebow (a Christian) trademarked "Tebowing". His prayer stance while playing football. big deal IMO.:moo:
Good Afternoon WS Friends!

Great to see so many familiar "faces".

Is anyone concerned at the length of deliberations......over 12 hours?

I am, considering only six jurors.
Don't know what this means IF anything twwet 2m
Rene Stutzman @renestutzman
Sheriff Eslinger just arrives at the c-house and takes the elevator to the 5th floor. #Zimmerman, #TrayvonFrom Sanford, FL, United States
Do you know how MOM became his attorney? How were they hooked up?

I'm wondering because I don't think MOM has been doing the best job for him. He seems a bit too self-interested.

Why do you say that? Specifics?

I think he has done a good job especially by counteracting the prosecution's meaningless drama.

Bringing up conjecture that we know will be disallowed in a veiled way to find out what everyone thinks about it=new low.

If people have something they'd like to say don't beat around the bush. Just say it or don't bring it up at all.

i don't know what all the specific rules/no-nos for this thread are, and i don't want to be sent to the naughty chair.

it's not a "new low", it's a question about what we can and can't discuss.

Omg! You just gave me the creeps! I watched that trial. He actually tried to blame his son.. I hope his life is wretched on death row. :twocents:

Back in the days that SQV was posting she commented on him and said he was always shaking when she would see him in the visiting room. I always got an immense amount of satisfaction from that!
Kathi Belich, WFTV@KBelichWFTV

Lawyers are headed into the courthouse. Standby. #Zimmermanon9
Good Afternoon WS Friends!

Great to see so many familiar "faces".

Is anyone concerned at the length of deliberations......over 12 hours?

I am, considering only six jurors.

It's not good for a not guilty verdict in my opinion.
Don't know what this means IF anything twwet 2m
Rene Stutzman @renestutzman
Sheriff Eslinger just arrives at the c-house and takes the elevator to the 5th floor. #Zimmerman, #TrayvonFrom Sanford, FL, United States

Could mean the men's room is on the 5th floor and the good sheriff needs to whiz?:floorlaugh:
The only one who could tell us that is GZ. Because he, too, had 4 minutes to walk back to his car from the time he hung up with the dispatcher. So it is a mystery why GZ has not provided that information. Even the police detective questioned him on the amount of time from the end of the call until the first 911 call about the fight and the subject was changed before he could answer. We never did hear what he was doing. He knew for a fact that the street going towards the back gate was Retreat Circle because he lived on Retreat Circle so that is a mystery to me, also. Why not just say meet me at the back gate??? I just don't get it. Where was GZ in all that time because he should have been back to the car in half that time. The only one who really knows that answer is GZ. If there was a reasonable explanation GZ's attorneys would have gotten it in. It's just hanging out there with no explanation. If I were on the jury that would be a big issue for me. jmo


2-3 minutes at the most IMO

7:13:41 — Zimmerman's call to Sanford police ends.[16]
7:16:00 - 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute

[ame=""]Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Which is why IIRC, she trademarked his name because people were selling shirts and other things with his face, name on it.


:seeya: Hmmm ... sounds like another Florida family we are familiar with ...

IMO ... JMO ... MOO !

I gotta admit, I'm at that point, so I'm gonna step away for a while! Maybe I'll mellow out with a cocktail, and come back when blood pressure goes down.

I hear ya! I took a few hours off this afternoon from both the TV coverage and this board. It felt good! :seeya:
wftv just went live.....probably adjourning for day
That makes sense. Maybe a better parent would have worried sooner. I have trouble judging other parents so that's why I have trouble judging the Martins too harshly. I have a mom who wouldn't might have been the kind of mom to wait until the next morning thouhg i don't know for sure. Depends. But I think in this case people are a little too hard on Tracy. Maybe because when I hear that call I feel nothing but sympathy because he has no idea that he's about to find outthat Trayvon is dead. Whether he wasn't the best father or not, you can tell he still loved him. It makes me so sad to hear that call.

We're in agreement. I definitely do not want to judge the parents. I'm just trying to piece together the facts of that specific night and there are some unusual gaps, as well as interviews that I have seen online that give some extra and conflicting details that are now not being reported to us as testimony. Just trying to get down to the truth of everything that happened that night.

Just some oddities... Chad expecting Trayvon and the skittles but he doesn't come home and they don't go out looking for him. Rachel knows that he was in a fight but doesn't tell anybody. Tracy and Brandi both stated in early interviews that Trayvon made it back and was on the porch. I wish I knew where that came from

Kathi Belich, WFTV@KBelichWFTV

Lawyers are headed into the courthouse. Standby. #Zimmermanon9

It's coming up on 6:00. Verdict or done for the day? MOO.
Good Afternoon WS Friends!

Great to see so many familiar "faces".

Is anyone concerned at the length of deliberations......over 12 hours?

I am, considering only six jurors.

i had that thought, what is the difference in 6 and 12 as far as deliberations.

i wonder what the risk of hanging is - is it greater if you have 12 or greater if you have 6? Statistically, it would seem 12 is the greater chance of hanging, since you have to get 12 to agree.

But maybe 6 is worse. if i were in a room with 12 people, and disagreed with 11 of them, i would be very intimidated about insisting on voting the way i was voting. But i could see doing that in the much more intimate setting of 6 people.
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