Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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I'm kind of stepping out here into uncharted territories. Has it been discussed on this board/and is it allowed that we bring up what a curious combination skittles and the watermelon juice drink is?

I won't continue this conversation until i know if we can discuss this -

thanks -

LOL, I used to buy weird things from the corner store too. Like Dr. Pepper and Reese's and ice cream. I also used to buy Arizona Green Teas along with candy and/or ice cream. It's what we kids do!
The only one who could tell us that is GZ. Because he, too, had 4 minutes to walk back to his car from the time he hung up with the dispatcher. So it is a mystery why GZ has not provided that information. Even the police detective questioned him on the amount of time from the end of the call until the first 911 call about the fight and the subject was changed before he could answer. We never did hear what he was doing. He knew for a fact that the street going towards the back gate was Retreat Circle because he lived on Retreat Circle so that is a mystery to me, also. Why not just say meet me at the back gate??? I just don't get it. Where was GZ in all that time because he should have been back to the car in half that time. The only one who really knows that answer is GZ. If there was a reasonable explanation GZ's attorneys would have gotten it in. It's just hanging out there with no explanation. If I were on the jury that would be a big issue for me. jmo


That is not true, he was on the phone with NEN for at least half of those 4 minutes. The 4 minutes start when he sees TM and he's still in his car. It would be an issue to you but you cannot convict without proof that GZ followed TM.
I am so glad the jury did not come back really quickly with a verdict. It leads me to believe that they are weighing everything, much like we are. IMO
I have a request...if I get information wrong while discussing this case in this forum, please do correct me. I welcome that if I am really wrong.

But, I would really appreciate a link or reference to the correct information though, and not just to be told I'm wrong.

If I were on the jury I would have all the evidence at my fingertips and other jurors to steer me to the correct information if I were confused or misremembered something.

Please, y'all be "the other jurors" when I'm wrong and show me why.

I promise to do the same!

I love that we have a place where we can calmly discuss our differing views!
I'm kind of stepping out here into uncharted territories. Has it been discussed on this board/and is it allowed that we bring up what a curious combination skittles and the watermelon juice drink is?

I won't continue this conversation until i know if we can discuss this -

thanks -

It's been awhile but I think I know this one. The Skittles were for Chad. Chad said TM had asked him if he wanted anything from the store and Chad asked for Skittles. So it's believed that the juice was for TM and that was the reason he wanted to walk to the store. jmo
I'm kind of stepping out here into uncharted territories. Has it been discussed on this board/and is it allowed that we bring up what a curious combination skittles and the watermelon juice drink is?

I won't continue this conversation until i know if we can discuss this -

thanks -

I'm familiar with the topic and I'll go out on a limb and say no, we probably shouldn't discuss it here. I think the mods would consider it to be part of the rumor category.

It will be interesting if they take a working dinner. imo
GZ was being questioned immediately...
Arias had plenty of time to come up with a b.s. story...imo

And the prosecutor saying GZ's story changed over time, is a complete fabrication. I complained during closing arguments that the defense never objected when the prosecutor lied and distorted the testimony. I was corrected by several on this board that it was considered rude to do that. Then, I heard on TV that night that the defense really screwed up by not objecting to the outright lies. Hopefully an appeal won't be needed, but they sure lost a good chance by not objecting.
LOL, I used to buy weird things from the corner store too. Like Dr. Pepper and Reese's and ice cream. I also used to buy Arizona Green Teas along with candy and/or ice cream. It's what we kids do!

i've bought weird things too. That's not really what i'm talking about, though.

:drumroll::drumroll: 12 HOURS . . . per the Deliberation Clock on HLN

I'm encouraged by the length of deliberations so far. IMO if they were going to hang GZ out to dry for political expedience, I think they would have done it by now. Fingers crossed for an acquittal!
No. I don't. But we disagree. I think MOM has been amazing. I've been in awe of his skills during the trial. Just stunned. He was so good, it sometimes appeared scripted. JMO. OMO. MOO.

I would agree for the most part up until until the end of the week. Perhaps, the pace of the trial became too much after that long Wed. night session arguing the authentication of the text messages.

I thought Mark O'Mara really dropped the ball in closing yesterday. He went on way too long (3hrs.), as well as being too dispassionate. Even for someone such as myself that likes logical reasoned arguements over emotional appeals, he missed any opportunity to define the injustice of his client being assaulted, crying for help for 40 secs. with no aid from his neighbors, then having to make a split second life altering decision to use self-defense, now facing the possibility of spending practically the rest of his life in jail for utilizing his right to self defense. He never tied any of that together or even mentioned parts of it enough for the jury to make the inferences. I was really underwhelmed and thought he missed a golden opportunity to get a quick acquittal for his client. IMO
Plus took out 2 trademarks on his name.

For the life of me I can't see why this keeps being brought up as something bad. Plenty of people have trademarks on things that they don't want other people profiting from. Jimmy Buffett with his trademark on "Margaritaville" comes to mind as an example.

If I were the parent of a murdered child I wouldn't want anyone profiting on my dead child's name either.
It wasn't a smart thing to say. I don't understand though was he should have happy thoughts or remorse for TM when he thinks TM was trying to kill him.

I'm just saying that a reasonable person, if he felt the need to check out a stranger in the neighborhood, would have driven along side the stranger (Trayvon), rolled down the window and announce he was with NW and did the stranger need help or directions. But, no, George had to be all stealthy and track Trayvon.

Seems to me, when he says there is nothing he would do differently if he had it to do all over again, the above scenario would be one possibility. For cryin' out loud, a boy is dead! :twocents:

P.S. If GZ couldn't drive up near Trayvon, he still could have shouted out to him at some point.
It's me again Kids. Time for another reminder.

When we have a Verdict Watch thread we always run the risk of posters slowly building up anger and then exploding.

This comes from the stress of waiting for the verdict.

All the mods, admins, and the two co-owners know too well how threads like this can go sideways then nuclear.

Please remember to keep it rhetoric down. Leave it out if at all possible.

I'm not suggesting we all stand in a huge circle, sing Kumbaya, and then join a commune. Not at all. It's our differences that make us interesting.

Just be nice,respect each other's opinions, and please stay on topic.

If you get to feeling really annoyed or irritated then take a break from Websleuths. You will feel better.

Finally please no posting rumors or suggesting you think a verdict is on the way. Believe me when it looks like someone is sneezing the media will report it. Let alone a verdict. We will know as soon as it happens. We are ready.


Honestly, the only handgun I've fired personally is a .45 . At the shooting range I can control it for about 10 shots before my arms get tired of the kickback. Are you suggesting to me that a man can't control the kickback from firing his own side arm one time?

As MaHouston69 wrote:
"On your back.
Weight on top of you
Holding moving your arms pushing them down towards your body and face.
You manage to get the gun in front of you, one handed, non dominate hand."

GZ was NOT at a shooting range. His wrist would have been bent as would his elbow. His holster was on the INSIDE of his waist band also.
I have agreed with this analogy throughout, as does my Nam vet BF who taught NRA classes.
It's one of those situations where many of us will agree to disagree.
But I am in the camp that his facial injuries are from the recoil of his handgun. JMO.
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