Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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The defense didn't ignore that, they tried to keep manslaughter from the jury and the judge ruled against them. The "compromise verdict" was definitely on their minds. MOO.

Actually, the defense wanted all or nothing. The judge asked GZ if he understood and he had to answer before she would take the lawyer's word for it.
The prosecution then moved to add manslaughter and tried to add the kitchen sink.
Anyone know if, assuming they don't finish tonight, the judge will have them deliberate tomorrow?

Also, if he's found guilty is sentencing done immediately or later?

From what I've heard the judge is allowing the jurors to make their own deliberation schedule.

No, upon verdict, if found guilty, a date will be set for sentencing. It's usually a month or so after the verdict if I remember Florida trials well.
The prosecution has really played on their emotions. Most of these women are mothers. Their emotional response cannot be denied.

I just pray their logic will overcome any emotional spin and that these women can rationally look at the EVIDENCE or lack thereof.

I pray if there is a guilty verdict that others won't say it WAS because they were females...and it WAS because they were mothers!! That's just not right, IMO. But, I guess that we'll have to wait for their interviews to know what they were thinking.
If jury is wanting case law they must have some very knowledgable jurors
Respectfully, I can't agree that this case should have never gone to trial. There were no witnesses, no surveillance tape, nothing but the words of George Zimmerman.

In a perfect world a man's word would be enough, but sadly…we don't live in a perfect world. Trayvon's family deserves to learn as much as can possibly be learned as to why their loved one no longer walks this earth.:twocents:
Think about how many murders are reported daily in this country. Do you think people are arrested in all of them? Of course not, because the police either don't have enough evidence to lead them to the killer, or if they think they know who did it, they can't prove it. Happens all the time - always has, always will.

Now in this case they didn't have to find the shooter - he admitted firing the weapon from the beginning. But they should have had evidence to disprove self defense - because that is what made it lawful. Just as they are required have probable cause to arrest and prosecute anyone in this country. They are supposed to be able to provide evidence of criminal acts. Period. They didn't have cause then, don't have it now, and ultimately had nothing but emotion to present in court. You yourself described what they had... "no witnesses, no surveillance tape, nothing but the words of George Zimmerman". That lack of evidence normally equals no case, or at least that's what it's supposed to mean.

The loss of Trayvon is tragic and very sad, and yes his family deserved to know what happened. But George Zimmerman deserved something too, because he is a citizen of this country. Until and unless the state had probable cause/evidence to show he committed a criminal act, he deserved his freedom from malicious prosecution. He didn't get it.
Just as people should not have been surprised that the Arias attorneys wanted lesser includeds added in the jury instructions, they shouldn't be surprised the prosecution wanted the instructions added either. It is a standard and logical move. And they didn't get it added, just the instructions. It's a lesser included. It's always there.
wow. he talking head on wftv said not guilty under Murder 2 is automatically, by the letter of the law, not guilty of manslaughter.

if you used self-defense as your defense against Murder 2 and the jury finds him not guilty, then legally he is also not guilty of manslaughter.

very interesting. iMHo

That is most certainly not the case. The jury may find the defendant not guilty not because it accepts the defense but because the state has not proven each element of the charge against him. And the elements are different for M2 and manslaughter.
Really? I wonder why. Let us know if he explains.

He thinks because of the length of time they've been considering this compared to his own murder cases.

Edited to add I think he's frustrated because this is taking so long and he's now talking in circles and laughing.

I've always thought it was probably manslaughter, and the trial just confirmed it via evidence. I'm not emotional at all about it, and facts are about all I care about in trials (which makes me sound cold sometimes; sorry y'all!).

I could walk through my logic if you like. In a poorly-sketched nutshell, I feel self defense is an affirmative defense that requires a very credible defendant. If a self-defense defendant lies about any important aspect of the crime, I try to go with more objective evidence than his/her word, and I do fault him/her for lying. 'Consciousness of guilt' is a big part of what I take into consideration.

See, no emotion there :) You may disagree with it, but I'm not exactly tugging on any heartstrings with that theory!

BBM Excellent summary. imo
BTW. Most of us have opinions here and are entitled to them. We all need to remember that.
I agree with Judge Alex in that GZ had his gun out and that he approached TM in back of the condo where he was staying. IMO that's how he got TM to come with him back toward his vehicle. But Trayvon tried to escape 70 yards away and was shot. I tried to say this during the trial, but was ridiculed that how did GZ make him come with him, flying saucers? So I more or less gave it up for a while. It kind of hurt my feelings because I thought I had as much right as anyone else to state my opinion. So, to make a long story short, which I haven't, I think that's what happened and all that the eyewitnesses saw was the scuffle when Trayvon tried to escape and then was shot dead.

Complete fabrication. Nothing in evidence shows this at all. Remember he was on the Phone with RJ so there is no way if there was a gun out she would not have known it.
They are going to ask the jury to be more specific in their question about manslaughter. At least I think that's what's happening. MOO.
I'm shocked that some people think TM's family doesn't deserve prayers. Losing a child, no matter the circumstances, is hard.
I haven't read that on here, but maybe I missed it, and if anyone said it, IMO, it's sad. My son was only a year older than Trayvon when he was killed and I am heartbroken for his family. I am saddened by this tragedy, period. Both families are in my prayers.
I don't hold out much hope. After the Casey Anthony verdict I gave up on FL. I just hope the feds can get involved and overturn anything he's convicted of. imo

There's another factor. If the jury votes guilty on anything, they'll be the darlings of the media types who've pushed the prosecution of Zimmerman all along. If they wish, they'll get an all expenses paid trip to New York for fawning TV interviews.

They may feel on the other hand that their names and addresses will be revealed lives if they acquit, which could put them in danger.
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