Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
Martin's parents have not been in court today. #Zimmermanon9 's parents have.

Why would they not be in court?
I can't believe they're taking this long on a very simple case. The state showed it has absolutely no proof whatsoever of what they were claiming. I pray that emotion is set aside and logic and critical thinking are employed. imo.

I've said it before. It will take a very courageous jury to vote not guilty.
I haven't watched the trial closely I've seen some of the testimony but not all. I feel that Zimmer totally intended on killing Trayvon from day one. If this guy would have stayed in his car this kid would be alive. JMO

You think he got out of his car to kill him? Interesting. I just didn't get that from the trial. And I watched every bit of it.
I agree that someone was certainly out of control. Where I disagree is that I think it was GZ. Apparently for much of this life.

I've seen no evidence of that. He is community minded, educated, all witnesses describe him as polite and intelligent, no illegal street drug use, etc. imo.
My hope is the jury will be instructed on manslaughter, they will order dinner and announce a verdict has been reached. Or maybe they will say "Bollocks" and go home:banghead:
The Defense can't "keep" a charge of Manslaughter off the table or from the jury - it is a lessor offense.

If he is found guilty of Manslaughter - he will serve a minimum of 10 years.

They can try. It didn't work in this case. Check the enhancements for using a firearm and Florida's 10-20-life before saying the minimum sentence is 10 years. MOO.
If that were me, I'd be crying so loud I would not be able to hear myself cry.

I know my knees would get weak and I'd probably fall on the floor sobbing. I don't know how either side handles all this pressure.
My prediction, they'll hang. Guessing they've got at least one who will stand firm on self defense and at least one other who will stand firm on conviction. I think they are trying to compromise and this is their last effort. If they convict on manslaughter, I think several jurors will be shocked and horrified at the length of the sentence. If there's a conviction, I believe it will be overturned on appeal.

This is more than likely what will happen IMo
Agreed, always on the table, but prosecution, nor defense in closing, never "suggested" its consideration. it was always Guilty or Not guilty due to self defense.

Self defense is defense to manslaughter. MOM made it clear that if they decided there was enough doubt in favor of self defense, then he must be acquitted.
IMHO, people are only bringing this up to make Trayvon Benjamin Martin look sinister, what is more disturbing than to see a Black teen walking in the rain with a hoody up?
Zimmerman could have avoided killing an innocent teen by staying with his vehicle as he was told and wait for LE or driven to the back gate "where they all get away".

All this sympathy for Zimmerman is perplexing, perhaps it is because many are from high crime areas or areas where there are no people that don't look like yourselves.

Florida may have some "strange" laws but they sure do have stiff penalties for using a gun to kill someone.

Interesting to hear Judge Alex say last night that he really believes that Zimmerman had his gun out already when he approached Trayvon Benjamin Martin.

Now I will take a break and cool down, again!


I have been taken back by the amount of support, especially financially, that GZ has gotten even after being exposed as not telling whole truths. I often wonder if those same people, God forbid, happen to find themselves in the same position as the Martins would donate money to the defense team of the person who murdered their loved one. It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't think for a second they would take the killers word for it especially after he has been caught lying. Smh.
I've said it before. It will take a very courageous jury to vote not guilty.

I don't hold out much hope. After the Casey Anthony verdict I gave up on FL. I just hope the feds can get involved and overturn anything he's convicted of. imo
I can't believe they're taking this long on a very simple case. The state showed it has absolutely no proof whatsoever of what they were claiming. I pray that emotion is set aside and logic and critical thinking are employed. imo.

I've always thought it was probably manslaughter, and the trial just confirmed it via evidence. I'm not emotional at all about it, and facts are about all I care about in trials (which makes me sound cold sometimes; sorry y'all!).

I could walk through my logic if you like. In a poorly-sketched nutshell, I feel self defense is an affirmative defense that requires a very credible defendant. If a self-defense defendant lies about any important aspect of the crime, I try to go with more objective evidence than his/her word, and I do fault him/her for lying. 'Consciousness of guilt' is a big part of what I take into consideration.

See, no emotion there :) You may disagree with it, but I'm not exactly tugging on any heartstrings with that theory!
Different states have different laws. Can't pick and choose. The law is the law and it has to be followed. In Florida the punishment for manslaughter is harsher than other states. A jury should make a decision based on what the law says the charge is not based on how long the do or don't want someone to go away for. It's completely irrational.

I am just wondering is this a new opinion or have you always felt this way?

I agree with your post wholeheartedly. I also think it should be judged on evidence and not emotion. I'm praying for the jury. They have a tough job. IMO
My hope is the jury will be instructed on manslaughter, they will order dinner and announce a verdict has been reached. Or maybe they will say "Bollocks" and go home:banghead:

The jury is made up of British Ex-pats?

“It flies in the face of the theme and theory of the case presented by the state,” which argued that Mr. Zimmerman had evil intentions. But it may just be the best shot prosecutors have of scoring a conviction. That prosecutors wanted to include the manslaughter option is an “indication of how weak their case has become,” Mr. Rose said.

And its inclusion at the close of the trial could also give Mr. Zimmerman’s defense team grounds to appeal if he’s convicted, Mr. Rose added.

And how does that square with the point made by University of Pennsylvania law professor Paul H. Robinson, who railed against what he called the “all-or-nothing” concept of self-defense under Florida law? Law Blog wrote about Mr. Robinson’s argument here.

Mr. Robinson told Law Blog that the court is twisting Florida law, which he said clearly doesn’t permit different shades of self-defense. “It is not within the power of a court to substitute their own preference for that of the Legislature,” he said.
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