Very Blonde Girl In Orange Chair With Ashtray

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Her makeup looks to be from a very distinctive period from the early 1970s. 1972-1975. Sparkly white or pale blue eyeshadow was used above and below the eyes, along with lots of black (or sometimes blue) mascara, or false eyelashes. Wet look natural lip gloss was also all the rage.

The blonde singer from Abba (Agnetha, I think?) wore almost identical makeup when the band won the eurovision song contest with their song Waterloo in 1974 and, certainly in Europe, her look was copied everywhere.

Eye makeup tended to be heavier before and after this period so I think there is a very good chance the photo was taken around 1974.

Scroll down this link to see a pic of the Abba singer in 1974 in a blue hat, wearing almost identical makeup to our blonde girl.

ETA: My local florist sells cords that look exactly like the ones in the pic, but they're not cords, they're decorative willow branches in a pot. This is Germany though, no idea if that was ever an american idea of decoration.
I really feel like this girl is from overseas (looks very Scandinavian) which is why no one has identified her. I don't know if she was a victim or not but she looks upset in some of these pictures which is worrying....

Off topic but reminds me of a family friend who visited NYC for the first time in the 1970s and was Swedish and pretty naive (Sweden has very low crime) and she accepted a ride from a random stranger and was assaulted and luckily let free - really changed her views on safety obviously.

I think it would be worth sending this photo to other agencies in Europe, etc.
I tried to get a better look at the tag on the luggage but I'm not having much luck.
View attachment 8375

Here's a closer look at the plastic bag next to the luggage.
View attachment 8376

I've not read through the entire thread yet so forgive me if this has already been determined --

the luggage tag looks like it says DL which is Delta.


Her suitcase and gloves look like the Delta dark slate blue color they used to use (maybe still do, I'm not sure).


So I searched for Delta Stewardess Uniforms of the 1970's.

First, I found this:


This is the Delta airlines stewardess uniform for winter 1968 - 1970. The page this is from is a historical site of delta uniforms. ( ) I think these gloves may be what we see on her suitcase.

(The uniforms before this time frame have white gloves, not the black kid gloves you can see her wearing in this photo.)

Then I kept looking through the 1970s and found that from 1970 - 1973 the winter uniform had optional navy blue gloves, which is the color I originally thought these were.

Also an optional part of the uniform during these years were "heeled loafers" or boots which I believe could be what she is wearing here:

There were no later years that mentioned having gloves as part of the uniform, optional or otherwise.

There were standard issue handbags for the Delta ladies, so (since the nancy grace links in every single thread just 404) could someone post the original photo again? I'd like to see if her handbag is in the photo so I can see if it's the Delta one from any given year.

Hope this helps.

This looks like it starts with T and ends with NIERS and looks like a hotel bag, as mentioned. The first word I think of that ends in NIERS is SOUVENIERS. But that wouldn't explain the T at the beginning, as seen on the other side of the bag.

The only place I've seen this kind of bag besides a hotel dry cleaning bag (btw it could be NERS like.. CLEANERS) would be in a hospital. The hospital bags are always identical to hotel dry cleaning bags.
The ornamental box on the table behind her - it's been turned to the side in this one picture and appears more brightly colored due to the lighting, but it looks like the ornamental "cigar boxes" that my older siblings had in the 70s that I wasn't allowed to look in when I was very young, because they weren't allowed to smoke and those didn't look like regular cigarettes, IYKWIM.

All the girls in his pics end up looking stoned as can be, he probably kept his joints in there or something. I can hear it now "want to come back to my place and listen to records on my top of the line sound system and get high? I have all the stuff your parents won't let you listen to.. it'll be a trip."

This looks like it starts with T and ends with NIERS and looks like a hotel bag, as mentioned. The first word I think of that ends in NIERS is SOUVENIERS. But that wouldn't explain the T at the beginning, as seen on the other side of the bag.

The only place I've seen this kind of bag besides a hotel dry cleaning bag (btw it could be NERS like.. CLEANERS) would be in a hospital. The hospital bags are always identical to hotel dry cleaning bags.

Hotel TIPANIERS in French Polynesia, perhaps? Could he have traveled and then met her on her way back from there and asked her what she was doing for her overnight stop, as a flight attendant, since it was new years eve, or whatever occasion would have her in velvet and satin and drinking and have a party tiara on the shelf there... just thinking out loud!

Now I can see for the first time what the photo actually is, so thought I'd share for others just coming into the thread now for the first time like me.
Her hair is blonde, very blonde could it be bleached?
Maybe we need to look for a darker haired girl?
In the green dress photo there is luggage either side of the chair and she looks totally out of it, pretty much how I feel after a transatlantic flight. It's the look you might expect from someone who has just finished a long and exhausting journey. RA is a photographer as well a criminal deviant, photographers love a picture that tells a little story, and this one does which I think is why he took it. I can buy the idea that she's Scandinavian, in which case she's presumably just flown over, either solely or partly to visit him. She is staying at his place for at least a night, otherwise why would her suitcases be there? So we can assume she is his friend, if not more.

RA was a charmer and seems to have had a social life. We see him at the club with his friends; we see other friends drinking with him at his apartment. We don't know how much of his life was criminal and how much was "normal". Perhaps he kept both aspects in completely separate compartments. If this girl is staying with him, I doubt he intends to kill her as she will have told at least one person where she is staying. That's why I think this visit is part of his "normal" life. Perhaps he is actually fond of this person in his way and wishes her no harm. Perhaps he met her in Denmark; perhaps he visited Denmark to see her. Of course he may have got carried away and gone on to molest her, but if she was staying with him then perhaps there was no "need" for that. To me the clues all point away from her as a murder victim.

The pictures with the headphones must be at least the following day if not later, after she has changed her clothes and recovered from the flight.
First headphones pic:
RA Go on, listen to this through the phones, it's fantastic!
BG Wow, it's really great!
Second headphones pic:
BG All right, that's enough of the headphones now.

I don't think anyone pointed out that the calendar has 31 days. This means the month is January, March, May, July, August, October or December.

The floppy book looks like a telephone or business directory to me.

The writing on the cloth bag might not be in English.

I think the earliest possible date is the most likely. The albums we can see are very much of the late 60s and tastes were changing fast in this era.

I don't think the two girls are the same. The nude girl is heavier and does not seem to me to possess quite the same elegant beauty of the girl in the chair. I am sorry if anyone finds this an offensive objectification but I can find no other way to put it.
I hope the girl is OK, but I want to point out that yes, in the 70, and the 60s we had helium balloons. You could buy the balloon with a ribbon, sometimes straight and sometimes curled hanging down to hold it. You could buy them by the bunch prefilled or stand there while the cashier filled than tied the balloon for you. Balloons have been around since the early 1800s in rubber and since the dawn of time with animal bladders.
Dana is confirmed to have died in a Florida canal. The way she died is unknown but her skeletal remains were found along with the car she was last den traveling in. Her boyfriend was also found.
I have a possible match for this girl. When I first saw that this girl may have been Dana Evon Null I was extremely surprised. Obviously it’s impossible that Dana is this girl as her remains were found in a Florida canal 3 years ago. I will submit the case.
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