Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

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I don't buy the loving stepfather.

I don't buy TH is a victim either. This guy said that his wife, and her family suspected him from day one. Why did he not go to the WMPD in '93 and say, look my wife and her family suspect me, and I want my name cleared. Take all the samples you need, let me take a polygraph, check my alibi, clear my name, and then the Police can carry on looking for the real killers. TH has had over 20 years to do that. All he has done has been exactly the opposite to clearing himself. No not TH, how can anyone have the cheek to suspect him. Come off it TH, there are a lot of victims in this story, but you're certainly not one of them!!
I don't buy the loving stepfather.

I don't buy TH is a victim either. This guy said that his wife, and her family suspected him from day one. Why did he not go to the WMPD in '93 and say, look my wife and her family suspect me, and I want my name cleared. Take all the samples you need, let me take a polygraph, check my alibi, clear my name, and then the Police can carry on looking for the real killers. TH has had over 20 years to do that. All he has done has been exactly the opposite to clearing himself. No not TH, how can anyone have the cheek to suspect him. Come off it TH, there are a lot of victims in this story, but you're certainly not one of them!!

Maybe he didn't volunteer his samples in 2007 because he was trying to "hide in plain sight" as he did in 1993! IMO, TH is not only a viable suspect but the prime suspect (the only person with motive who can be linked to the bodies by physical evidence, sketchy though it may be) and should be cleared before other suspects are investigated.
In "West of Memphis" approximately 42 Min. documents are briefly displayed. These documents are backgrounds on the parents/step parents done by Sandra C. Siligato in 2006. I guess these documents belong to the defense. I can't find them anywhere, so I guess they were not made public (probably too sensitive). There appears to be a good deal of information on TH's background. Would love to get them on my monitor. Can anyone shed any light on these docs?
In "West of Memphis" approximately 42 Min. documents are briefly displayed. These documents are backgrounds on the parents/step parents done by Sandra C. Siligato in 2006. I guess these documents belong to the defense. I can't find them anywhere, so I guess they were not made public (probably too sensitive). There appears to be a good deal of information on TH's background. Would love to get them on my monitor. Can anyone shed any light on these docs?

Wish I could! I'm sure that the backgrounds were cursory in nature. Besides, in a small town like West Memphis / Marion, everyone knew everyone else's background anyway! However, I'd like to be able to read those documents, too.
So I watched west of memphis yesterday and I gotta say some of the scenes TH looks scared. When he's in the court room, when they find the bodies and he lights a cigarette by the wheel of the car. Sometimes I think he looks real scared he'll be found out. And unfortunately I don't see a confession happening any time soon. Maybe a death bed confession because you gotta think if DE got death row...he would for sure.

The scene with the cigarette is fully displayed in Paradise Lost III Purgatory at 03 min 25 sec. (Beware, because those aweful crime scenes are just in front)

I've looked at this scene many, many times. PH's reaction was very emotional and straightforward. JMB appeared shocked, with perhaps a guilty look, which I put down to the fact that he thinks the children may have been targeted because of his actions. TH was the one that puzzled me. As these are cut scenes, I don't know how long it is, between the reaction of PH, and the scene with TH.

My theory is that PH's very emotional reaction has triggered a "flashback" on TH. If he committed the murders the night before, no one knew that the boys were dead up until this point, which means it was possible for him to surpress the whole thing, as long as there was no connection to reality. Due to the fact that the whole scenario now became reality, his subconscious forced him into retrospect. Might that even be a biting motion at the end of the sequence before he shakes his head ? He really looks like he's realised he'd gone too far! That's just my interpretation, has anyone else got other ideas?
(Other than the loving stepfather who's just lost his beloved stepson, which doesn't seem reasonable anymore)

PS And the other thing which relates to my theory, was in TH's 2007 police interview, the only time he shows any emotion, is when he talks about this scene on that parking lot, when the bodies were found. I think the guilt he feels towards PH, and perhaps feeling sorry for himself, because of what he had been forced to do, were the only extreme things that got through his shell.
^ I think you're trying to read too much into it (TH's reaction). It's like you're trying to justify to yourself exactly "why" he appeared the way he appeared, because (in reality) it doesn't really fit your hypothesis (that TH committed the crime).

To me, that reaction looked genuine (on TH's part) of a parent who just lost his child -- but, that doesn't mean I put any stock whatsoever in said reaction.
I still stand by my previous post on why TH is a viable suspect. I kept going back to the question of why the three boys were killed. The facts including the witnesses stating that they saw TH calling to his step-son to come home shows that TH had the opportunity as well as the motive as TH has stated in interviews that he believes strongly in punishment and had/has since committed violent acts with no remorse. The only plausible scenario of why this horrific act happened as set out by Compassionate Reader makes the greatest argument answering the question of why these boys were killed. JMO
^ I think you're trying to read too much into it (TH's reaction). It's like you're trying to justify to yourself exactly "why" he appeared the way he appeared, because (in reality) it doesn't really fit your hypothesis (that TH committed the crime).

To me, that reaction looked genuine (on TH's part) of a parent who just lost his child -- but, that doesn't mean I put any stock whatsoever in said reaction.

Don't let the "if" irritate you, it's a mere formality. " A person is innocent until proven guilty", (Something that the WM3 would have appreciated). I think, feel, suspect, that TH is the perpetrator, I can't prove it, so I use "if". I haven't got a reason for "trying" to "read into" anything, I'm just reading out what I see for myself, and putting it forward for discussion.

Taking the many allegations in affidavits and depositions into consideration, TH's attitude and relationship to SB was anything but parental.
Don't let the "if" irritate you, it's a mere formality. " A person is innocent until proven guilty", (Something that the WM3 would have appreciated). I think, feel, suspect, that TH is the perpetrator, I can't prove it, so I use "if". I haven't got a reason for "trying" to "read into" anything, I'm just reading out what I see for myself, and putting it forward for discussion.

Taking the many allegations in affidavits and depositions into consideration, TH's attitude and relationship to SB was anything but parental.

From a purely behavioral aspect, TH is arguably a better suspect than any single other person attached to this case in my opinion. Who knows who actually committed the murders, but what can be said with 100% certainty is that the WMPD's and the Prosecuting Attorney's office's lack of a true investigation into TH at the time is a complete travesty.
From a purely behavioral aspect, TH is arguably a better suspect than any single other person attached to this case in my opinion. Who knows who actually committed the murders, but what can be said with 100% certainty is that the WMPD's and the Prosecuting Attorney's office's lack of a true investigation into TH at the time is a complete travesty.

Agreed! The success of finding the culprit, nearly always depends on the quality of the police investigation. The less roads they close up, the more roads stay open, and the TH road has become a six lane highway. The parents were logically and statistically the primary suspects. In his Pasdar deposition, Gary Gitchell confirms this logic himself. However, when he is questioned why the TH highway was left open, his answers are evasive. Just this one aspect of the case, provides enough speculation to write a book!

The most logical explanations for me:

1. The police under the supervision of Gary Gitchell, were so incapable that they deserve to be called the "Keystone Cops". (See next post)

2. It was soon "decided" who the culprits were, and the police investigation was merely an alibi, not to make it look too obvious. This is where it starts branching out.

2a. If it wasn't to become too obvious, they should have at least had the common sense to do an "alibi" investigation on "TH".
I put it down to point 1 that they didn't.

2b. They kept well out of the way of TH, because he was their main suspect.
("Gary Gitchell told me to shut up and not ruin his case"-PH)

3. TH was being protected by forces higher up. (Many political/economical possibilities).

In the shadows of the police investigation, the trials and convictions, one thing sticks out as being very important for me. The people who were closest to TH and SB, and knew them better than anyone else, suspected TH from the first minute, and suspected him so strongly, that it ended in hate, and subsequently, the death of J. Hicks.

John O. Savino
Brent E. Turvey, MS

Page 53

Ignorance of physical evidence and proper crime scene protocols usually starts at the top, with those in charge, and finds its way down through the ranks. This reinforces the need to lead by example. Consider the following examples of negligent crime scene behavior from the authors’ case files, none of which could have occurred under the supervision of an alert and knowledgeable lead investigator:

Example: The West Memphis case
On May 6, 1993, the nude bodies of 8-year-old Christopher Byers, Michael Moore, and Steve Branch were found, bound wrist to ankle with shoe laces, in the water of a drainage ditch, in a heavily wooded area called the Robin Hood Hills, behind the Blue Beacon Truck Wash in West Memphis, Arkansas. The three 8-year-old boys had been murdered and, in the case of Christopher Byers, sexually mutilated.

With around two homicides per year, the West Memphis police have little experience investigating homicides. Their inexperience provided for the crime scene in this case to be compromised repeatedly. For example, the shaky and inadequate 4-minute crime scene video that the West Memphis Police did manage to shoot shows that they allowed third parties to wander through the crime scene unchecked, and that an unknown person was allowed in the crime scene to take pictures amid investigative personnel. The lead investigator, Gary Gitchell, was videotaped smoking as he watched over the recovery of the bodies a few feet away and openly discussed possible suspects for all to hear. They also returned to the scene several weeks after releasing it to recover potential evidence that they had initially not found or left behind.
When (I just can't bring myself to type 'if') the evidence is thoroughly examined by an independent party then I believe more of it would point to TH. Follow-ups with the witnesses who saw TH calling to the boys around the time the three boys disappeared into the woods will bring forth more key material. I believe that the witnesses who could place TH at this point of time have more evidence to offer - they just either haven't been asked the right questions or there is information that they did not deem important at the time but often times these key pieces can put the puzzle together. Then TH needs to be put in the spotlight and all of his actions/interviews need to be examined fully. Someone in authority needs to have pressure put upon him/her to reopen this case and properly and fully interview TH after examining all of the evidence. If this had been done then the outcome would have been tremendously different. It is not too late to have this happen and soon. I wish I knew how to get this started. JMO
I am also of the view that some of the evidence gathered was not used at the trial because it did not fit with the outrageous motive of satanic ritual killing that the WM3 were accused of. It is this evidence we are not aware of that I feel would definitely point to TH. JMO
I know that this has all been stated in your posts which I totally agree with as the opportunity and motive glaringly lies with TH. I just feel frustrated that nothing is being done about this. Sorry if I rant but I know there are people out there that could get this case reopened and looked at with a different set of eyes. JMO
Zencompass: I agree with you on everything you wrote. It's very frustrating to feel so helpless. I am not a legal expert (and I guess a lot of us are not), but I am willing to think that the defense has looked at every possible aspect to get the case re-opened. The authorities in Arkansas seem to have made themselves into an independant self-serving executive body.

I think the deal to get the three out of prison was down to public pressure, and they thought we will let them out, and hopefully everyone will go home and not ask any more questions. I have great admiration for all the people who kept up the pressure over many, many years. Many of them wanted to get the three out, and now feel their mission is accomplished, which it is, in a certain way.

I'm one of the few who had never heard of the WM3 (I always laugh when I think about the two guys playing pool with the Hobbs son, and the third guy asked, who are the wm3? and the other guy says he must have been the only person in Arkansas who had never heard of the wm3, before the Hobbs son explained that his uncle had killed the three boys).

I'm going to pay respect to the many people who got the wm3 out of jail, in that I carry on in the good tradition of asking questions, making speculations, getting on peoples nerves, and generally just trying to embarrass the authourities as much as I can.

DE JB, and JMk are still convicted murderers, they had the best part of their lives taken away, they are still serving a ten year suspended sentence and I believe they are innocent. The parents who want to know who killed their sons have been humiliated by the authorities, the general public has been humiliated........shut up! It's all been said before.

Mildred F. looked in TH's eyes and said "your sick", and believe me, she was right. I believe this guy is very sick, and I think he is so sick that he was capable of doing it. I will go down the TH road, as far as I can go. If he didn't do it, I will have to walk the long road back. Even then, I know if he has done half those alleged things to his children, I won't regret it.
IMHO, the Pasdar deposition (linked above) is the best "evidence" on TH right now. His answers and attitude (especially to the female attorney, D'Leslie Davis) speaks volumes. We would NEVER have had the public platform to "showcase" that "evidence" had TH not insisted on suing Natalie Maines Pasdar and the Dixie Chicks. For that, I thank him.

Thanks for the links , my TH collection is growing. I often feel sorry for him when I see him, victim or perp? I think he is both. The two sides of TH.

Compassionate Reader:

IMHO, the Pasdar deposition (linked above) is the best "evidence" on TH right now. His answers and attitude (especially to the female attorney, D'Leslie Davis) speaks volumes. We would NEVER have had the public platform to "showcase" that "evidence" had TH not insisted on suing Natalie Maines Pasdar and the Dixie Chicks. For that, I thank him.

Hard-working man, good dad, good husband in the past, pretty good man. Well he certainly did not excel his reputation did he? Here's the part I like best:

6 Q. Okay. Well, if you were going to sue folks,
17 who would you sue?
18 A. Everyone --
19 MR. THOMAS: Object to the extent
20 that it calls for a legal conclusion.
21 Q. Who?
22 A. Everyone that brought my name up.
23 Q. Everybody?
24 A. I think deserves something.
25 Q. Do you want to humiliate all of them?

Page 35
1 A. I’m a victim of this.
2 Q. That’s not my question. You want to
3 humiliate everyone who’s brought your name up;
4 isn’t that right?
5 A. I’d like to see the Courts address every one
6 of them.
7 Q. Well, you said you want to humiliate the
8 Dixie Chicks. Do you want to humiliate everyone
9 who brought your name up?
10 A. That sounds fine to me.

The two(maybe more) sides of TH, a sick man.
Unfortunately, reading the transcripts only paints part of the picture, too. The tone in his voice and his attitude toward the entire proceeding are also indicators of his depravity, IMO. I just hope that the State of Arkansas wakes up soon and conducts a proper investigation.
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