Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA, 03 August 2013 - #7

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If they go for the DP, they would need one or more of these. I hope they have a lot.

Virginia - First-degree murder with 1 of 15 aggravating circumstances (VA Code § 18.2-31).

Link defining the codes 15 aggravating circumstances

Well according to your link seems RAT might have hung himself with the talk of the "drug deal"

9. The willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing of any person in the commission of or attempted commission of a violation of § 18.2-248, involving a Schedule I or II controlled substance, when such killing is for the purpose of furthering the commission or attempted commission of such violation;
He is one cocky SOB! Uggghhhh! I can't stand it! I hope to goodness that they stick it to him and he gets the DP! What is it that Ron White always says ...."In Texas (remove TX and insert VA here) we not only have the Death Penalty, we put in an Express Lane!"
Whatever happened to the investigation into the other person who was supposedly with Alexis and RAT that night? Did they every find him and question him?
Well according to your link seems RAT might have hung himself with the talk of the "drug deal"

I don't know what $60 will buy you or if it meets the quantities listed in the link. That was my first thought also though.
Hey, I have a question. What exactly was Taylor saying yesterday to the news people? I heard bits of it, but didn't understand it very well. tia

Gag order, knows what he's allowed to say, something about jail and he knows his rights?
I suspect that something in the evidence or witness testimony is so graphic and horrifying that it would jeopardize his right to a free trial if it came out ahead of time.
Parker Slaybaugh reported this on his Facebook page today. Looks like he's been shut down!

"Breaking: Randy Taylor has now been included in the gag order for the Alexis Murphy case. Walking into the courtroom yesterday Taylor told 8 News he was willing to do a full interview from the jail to share his side of the story. We offered him that opportunity today and according to the jail he accepted. However, after that the Commonwealth's Attorney for Nelson County requested the judge to included Taylor in the gag order, and the judge agreed. Taylor will not be able to speak to the media anymore about the Alexis Murphy case."

Way to go, Nelson County!!
Wonder if the trial will be televised? I remember some high profile trials in Bedford County that was televised.
Wonder if the trial will be televised? I remember some high profile trials in Bedford County that was televised.

I truly hope so. A lot of us in the area are emotionally invested in this case! It would be good for the community to have some closure!
Parker Slaybaugh reported this on his Facebook page today. Looks like he's been shut down!

"Breaking: Randy Taylor has now been included in the gag order for the Alexis Murphy case. Walking into the courtroom yesterday Taylor told 8 News he was willing to do a full interview from the jail to share his side of the story. We offered him that opportunity today and according to the jail he accepted. However, after that the Commonwealth's Attorney for Nelson County requested the judge to included Taylor in the gag order, and the judge agreed. Taylor will not be able to speak to the media anymore about the Alexis Murphy case."

Way to go, Nelson County!!

This seems unusual to me. I cannot think of other cases where a suspect wanted to talk to media and was not allowed, though certainly there must be some.
Im guessing they are dotting their I's and crossing their T's because of the case he walked on.

Of COURSE he agreed to talk, what serial killer has ever denied their ego being fluffed?
Whatever happened to the investigation into the other person who was supposedly with Alexis and RAT that night? Did they every find him and question him?

I think it was a smoke and mirrors type of things on Rat behalf. He cant prove of that circumstance, his defense had ample time to prove that. So the fed lawyers don't have actually follow it or help his case, because they have no proof, evidence to go on in his claim. The defense lawyer has to prove it ,on his client behalf and so far he has not done that, he presented nothing to help his claim. Even before the Gag order.

He can ask the police to help him out but if they cant find the guy then, its:jail:.. He's in very deep water. one thing a lot of people don't understand is a federal lawyer are some best in the country( top 100), a lot of them based right in Virginia.. It's hard to beat federal Virginia lawyers and dc(capital hill), nyc also Texas lawyers. It has nothing to do with fair trial.

Those where best firm are located and the federal's get best lawyers for the case every single time. In Virginia its nothing like Florida these lawyers have real skills.
I think RAT has gained weight since being in jail. Wonder if its from not being on drugs?
I think RAT has gained weight since being in jail. Wonder if its from not being on drugs?
I also wondered if he got some dentures. It would be interesting to find out if he had some before his first court hearing and if they were taken at the time of his arrest or during the collection of evidence.

That new haircut looks like a poor attempt at modeling a Marine Corp cut. That man is a chameleon.

The immediate response/presence from LE, beyond the local level and as high up as the federal level, suggests that RAT is involved in other high priority cases. This may be the reason for the extensive gag orders. This arrest, the gag orders and the charges suggest that LE feels they have someone in custody who could be responsible or complicit in other cases...perhaps even crossing state borders.
I agree Just K. For some reason due to RAT's own lifestyle, I think he was involved in some pretty seedy business, possibly making & selling *advertiser censored* or more. Mostly due to the charge of abduction with intent to defile. Chills on what all that could be & evidence of it. He did shop at the Ultimate Bliss *advertiser censored* shop, per LE.
RAT looks about 10 years younger and gained 15 lbs. I guess going off opiates does wonders for him.
I think it was a smoke and mirrors type of things on Rat behalf. He cant prove of that circumstance, his defense had ample time to prove that. So the fed lawyers don't have actually follow it or help his case, because they have no proof, evidence to go on in his claim. The defense lawyer has to prove it ,on his client behalf and so far he has not done that, he presented nothing to help his claim. Even before the Gag order.

He can ask the police to help him out but if they cant find the guy then, its:jail:.. He's in very deep water. one thing a lot of people don't understand is a federal lawyer are some best in the country( top 100), a lot of them based right in Virginia.. It's hard to beat federal Virginia lawyers and dc(capital hill), nyc also Texas lawyers. It has nothing to do with fair trial.

Those where best firm are located and the federal's get best lawyers for the case every single time. In Virginia its nothing like Florida these lawyers have real skills.

Actually, no, "innocent until proven guilty" means the prosecutor has to prove the case against the accused, and third-party-culprit is a defense that often appeals to jurors if LE hasn't thoroughly checked out the other person who might be guilty.

You're right about federal prosecutors but I didn't see any federal charges in that list. I thought they were all state charges. Did I miss something?
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