Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA, 03 August 2013 - #7

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The phone find SCREAMS to me that it was tossed while the battery was still on! Otherwise, they would never have found it (needle in a haystack) unless they knew where to look. If inded it is a fact she was seen driving behind her, then YES it was a pure ruse/abduction... NO ONE leads someone to their place FROM BEHIND!

This is just too weird to think thru. If he is the Route29 stalker, and he flags people over for false car issues... then SOMEBODY would have seen him/then along the road stopped off. I hope someone has come forward to LE.

If they have and if he did this, then we have the Route29 guy! IMHO
Has anyone mapped what they know of her locations from various pieces of information in the media?

Liberty Gas station at 7PM
Seen in a car ahead of RAT at ___ PM
Last ping on cell phone in Lovingston at 8PM
Car found in C'ville _ a day and half later.
Idk I might get flack for this, but I DON'T think we should completely rule out a drug deal - to me, that seems like the most likely scenario...I can't think of any other situation that she would go to his house. Crazier things have happened. I believe that maybe she has talked to him before and built up a bit of trust with him - a lot of you say that there's no way that she would go to his house bcs he creepy but yet you believe that she would go to his house if he flags her down and tells her to go to his house bcs her vehicle is damaged? Does that make him less creepy? I'm more than sure she would have called or texted someone...if she were following him to his house for him to fix her car. The only plausible scenario IMO is the HALF TRUTH that RAT gave - the drug deal- or what Alexis THOUGHT was going to be. Maybe RAT told Alexis that he could get some weed, maybe he has been dealing her weed and became obsessed with her. IMO I don't understand why ppl are so hell bent on believing she did not smoke weed...I think is more probable than not that she did - it's apart of the American teenage culture now, and it doesn't make her a bad person if she did. I don't mean to attack anyone..I'm speaking in general - sorry!

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No flack from me.... smoking weed is not an issue just like the way she dressed.... nothing she did could justify such a hideous act as abduction (or worse).
Bouncing around here a little but...

Will anything from the Grand Jury hearing be made public? What is normal? What will happen in this case? Anyone care to speculate?
Just checking in, I am so sad to see after coming back from vacation that nothing has really changed (besides the cellphone news)...I hope her family gets some closure, in one way or another, very soon.
Perhaps AM pulled over to the turn around in front of Cannery Loop to check a text when RAT decided to bump her car from behind. RAT and AM got out to check for damages. RAT suggests that they pull over onto Cannery Loop to call the police. Once on Cannery Loop, AM gets out again to assess any damage before calling the police. RAT then attacks.
Was the phone found near where he was allegedly seen walking? And maybe that is why they looked where they did?
I am discounting the weed theory all together. First of all she would not have went over RaTs for some weed she didn't even smoke any weed according to RaT at his house who goes to get some weed from a man looking like that seriously. SECOND his car was seen on camera behind hers not infront leading the way. I strongly believe he flagged her down. I would get out if someone said there is something wrong with:banghead: your car to see what it was then I would make the decisions on calling my dad or turning around to g:banghead: to back home.

Where did you read that his car was seen following hers out of the parking lot? Source?
SECOND his car was seen on camera behind hers not infront leading the way. I strongly believe he flagged her down. I would get out if someone said there is something wrong with:banghead: your car to see what it was then I would make the decisions on calling my dad or turning around to g:banghead: to back home.

I considered the fact that she left first too, but IMO that doesn't mean much necessarily. She could have slowed down to let him pass, then followed him.

The flagging her down theory is interesting to me and I could see it being possible. But my thoughts are with what his plan would be... He would have been extremely fortunate for her to stop her car (or turn around) immediately when he started trying to stop her, to the point where she was stopping basically exactly where his "house" was.

IMO that's feasible but less likely than the quick drug buy or hook up angle. It's something that would have appealed to her and gotten her potentially back to his place without a public struggle or stopping right on 29 in broad daylight.
Where did you read that his car was seen following hers out of the parking lot? Source?

It was in some of the early timeline articles right after he was arrested. I don't have the link handy but can confirm that I read the same thing.
Imo and FWIW no ways she stops if he flags her down etc.
I can see her going to buy weed; weed comes via strange characters sometimes and she may have seen his vehicle, or him, around town enough to figure he is somewhat "okay".
Another question: Isn't it extremely odd that her car was found 30 feet from the backyard of her Grandmother? (This was from a story by WSET from a brother or cousin). The car at Carmike, the grandmother lived at Rio Hill Apartments behind Carmike. What are the chances of that happening? He knew enough about her to know her grandmother lived there?... so if he did could he have dumped the car there to make it look like she was stopping to see her grandmother or was running away and wanted to leave the car for her grandmother?? The location of the car is very peculiar, don't you say? very odd.
Another question: Isn't it extremely odd that her car was found 30 feet from the backyard of her Grandmother? (This was from a story by WSET from a brother or cousin). The car at Carmike, the grandmother lived at Rio Hill Apartments behind Carmike. What are the chances of that happening? He knew enough about her to know her grandmother lived there?... so if he did could he have dumped the car there to make it look like she was stopping to see her grandmother or was running away and wanted to leave the car for her grandmother?? The location of the car is very peculiar, don't you say? very odd.
yes. I believe she was living with her maternal GMother and family, but she borrowed the car from her father, so perhaps that is a connection.
But I also wonder if that was Alexis' plan that evening to first get her hair extensions, and then go to the Carmike, perhaps with a stop off at the gas station in between.
yes. I believe she was living with her maternal GMother and family, but she borrowed the car from her father, so perhaps that is a connection.
But I also wonder if that was Alexis' plan that evening to first get her hair extensions, and then go to the Carmike?

Assuming RAT had her phone and read a text or two indicating she was headed there that evening? I can see that. Trying to throw as much confusion at LE as possible.
Have we considered that RAT could be a small time dealer, selling to high school kids, and certain teenagers who went to the Liberty knew that he did small deals? He could have seen her earlier and said "come, meet me at the Liberty and I'll have some weed" and then lured her to his trailer on the pretence of leaving the weed there.
The phone find SCREAMS to me that it was tossed while the battery was still on! Otherwise, they would never have found it (needle in a haystack) unless they knew where to look. If inded it is a fact she was seen driving behind her, then YES it was a pure ruse/abduction... NO ONE leads someone to their place FROM BEHIND!

This is just too weird to think thru. If he is the Route29 stalker, and he flags people over for false car issues... then SOMEBODY would have seen him/then along the road stopped off. I hope someone has come forward to LE.

If they have and if he did this, then we have the Route29 guy! IMHO

Actually in this case they used specially trained dogs to track her cell phone down. To my understanding these dogs were trained to find cell phones even if they were covered with some thing or even if they were covered in something to mask the scent of a cell phone. It's funny, we don't even notice that phones have scents but I guess they do. haha
Her phone last pinged in the vicinity of Cannery Loop. It was a Saturday evening and the car lot, across from his residence, was likely closed or closing. If he bumped her car near that lot or flagged her down, she may have tried to pull into that lot...even thinking it was safe. IMO, she gets out to check her car.

But, I still think he may have damaged one of her tires at the Liberty. As she drove off the tire may have gone flat. Being the ever helpful guy, he pulls over to "help" her and says my place is right there. He offers to drive her car over there, where he has tools, to fix it. Or he grabbed her in that area. If he offered to help change the tire, he could have even pushed her into the trunk when she opened it. He could have very easily left his car in that lot. Probably no one would notice.

Then he just drives her car around the loop and back to his place.
Actually in this case they used specially trained dogs to track her cell phone down. To my understanding these dogs were trained to find cell phones even if they were covered with some thing or even if they were covered in something to mask the scent of a cell phone. It's funny, we don't even notice that phones have scents but I guess they do. haha

I think the dogs can smell the precious metal inside the phones.
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