I remember "arguing" on another "site" that LISK is a potential boater, and may have been able to get in that way to dispose of the bodies--it was amazinggg to me how quickly people piled on that it was impossible, could never happen that way, etc--I rem coming over here and seeing it mentioned here(where generally the sane people are), and was glad to see it being at least discussed--yet it was gone away from for some reason--perhaps we can revisit, if for no other reason than that it IS plausible, and it's different from things we have gone back and forth with on here-whether people agree with you or not, nice job pulling it out and re-raising the idea
I don't see how someone could have used a boat in the case of the 4 girls and/or SG. Perhaps the other "parts" (sorry to have to put it that way) because they could possibly be tossed.
It would be EXTREMELY difficult to have worked through that area from the water to put these girls near the road, and why would you bring them right up to the roadway. MW was the only one that was not up the hill near the road.... and even she would have been difficult to place there by boat.
I also feel the parts would have been put further out and had a better chance of not surfacing had someone used a boat. Of course, there were the legs on Fire Islansd. I've been wondering about tides and if her legs could have gone from the bay side to the more open side had they been placed where the others were....