Victim - Melissa Barthelemy

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It's a white supremacist. Or a white run-of-the-mill racist. Black American families contain a lot of mixed kids or people with different skin tones. I'm sure that, like everything else, there may be some crazy outliers, but -- really. Black people don't talk like this.

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...crazy outliers...

...crazy outliers... Isn't this what we are talking about? Serial Killers.. This man kills human beings, how would you measure him by the criteria that applies to normal people?

Let me give you my analysis.

To me, it all boils down to one question. How much does SCPD want this case to be solved? I say 0%. They don't want this case to be solved. Now, Hawkshaw for example may think the same/similar with me about the case, but I know that our reasonings may be different.

What I believe is,

1) LISK is the big thing. Once it is solved, it will come to the small thing. Shannan Gilbert. People will start to ask, what happened, how did this girl die? And then it will be crystal clear how her 911 call is so poorly handled, and the rest of the series of botches.

2) There's a victim. Jane Doe 2000. She has an intact tattoo on her back. Det. Jack Fitzpatrick chose to keep that tattoo out of sight. Please read my posts, I wrote a lot about this. I believe that from Fire Island Lady to Amber Costello all the killings are the work of same "Band". For a moment assume I'm right.

Why do LISK do all the dismemberments? To avoid the identification of the victims. What is so significant about this? I infer LISK believes if the victim is identified, "he" may be identified too.

To identify Jane Doe 2000, the tattoo is the last resort, and Fitzpatrick buries it. (Remember 0%) Now, do you recall Spota and Dormer arguing in public about "is it one killer or multiple killers?" Whose side is Fitzpatrick on? Of course, Spota, he says there are two killers. Why?

What happens if it is a single line of killers? That means Fitzpatrick gave those guys a free pass. He MUST say it is two killers and 0% policy MUST continue.

How do we know LISK is white?
1) Sister Amanda says so
2) John Terry says so

Let's put Terry aside for a moment.

Why does sister Amanda say he's white?

He's white because he speaks like Tony Soprano?
He's white because he speaks like James Bond?
He's white because he speaks like Beverly Hillbillies?

No. She gives no details, just white.

So, if the man is black and sister Amanda says he's white, what may be going wrong?

1) Sister Amanda can't tell the difference
2) The man deliberately mimics a white person's speech patterns (As Peter Brendt surmises as one of the explanations)
3) Sister Amanda is unsure and police "convinces" her to choose White.

My answer is 3. It is 0% policy.

Let's say the true answer is 1

That is a pure mistake Amanda does. Maybe he speaks just like a white person does. Possible? Yes. Maybe she couldn't tell the speech of a Black Person from the speech of a White Person. Maybe... So, how good are you? Wanna test yourself?

Please read my posts about Hugues Francois. The Bergen County prosecution is trying wildly just to prove "the time" a body is dumped and they do a real stretch with bug science (entomology). Because the man is in jail. Because they started the whole investigation on a wrong assumption. This man is black, this man is a drug user, this man is a rapist, this man is a killer. It's easy to convict him. But when he is in jail, somebody kills Tanya Rush and puts the body very close to Thalia Stathis' body.

Francois is not put on a trial, the man is literally inquisitioned. He's not even allowed to speak at the court. Put yourself in his shoes, you are accused of murdering your partner and nobody in the court, including your own attorney, doesn't allow you to speak. Is that a trial? Is that a modern lynch?

Let's take a look at the "Half-Breed" thing.

He is using this term in a derogatory sense, right? He's not happy Amanda being half breed. Now, sis Amanda is close to the Black side of the scale. He would be happy if she's full breed. That's where she failed, she missed. What did she miss? Being full black. So, why a white racist tries to debase a blackish looking girl for being half breed? His contempt should be otherwise. I'm not giving examples but you can imagine.

John Terry, Why is he left alone by the police? I believe he gives the "White Guy" testimony for a man he never saw.

Do you believe Dave Schaller is telling the truth? It was made clear on this forum that Amber had something on her that would plausibly be in her purse. Wasn't Dave saying she didn't take her phone and purse? I claim she has her purse and maybe even a phone on her. Probably again Dave's.

Lorainne Ela says Megan's phone was in her room? How does she know that? Because SCPD gives her this information while Megan is just a missing person case. Same Lorainne Ela says her phone isn't in the room after the case breaks. Who is giving her that information? Again SCPD. It is 0% policy.

EDIT: About Hugues Francois being a killer. A 19 yo is found shot and murdered. A guy walks into his parole officer's room with a gun. Parole officer reports it. The gun is checked and found to be the murder weapon. Then the guy takes the police to a 17 yo. Hugues Francois. I say Francois didn't shoot this boy, wanna bet?
Like some, I wondered why one image of a tattoo is released and not the other? Maybe one image could be restored and one could not be. Thats assuming the killer attempted to remove both tattoos. Now John Terry. I think a Bx. boy knows the difference between the voice of a white guy, black guy, and a hispanic guy. Now the phones. I believe everyone had their phones with them. Rumors and speculation comes from not having information. Forget the media. And LE. We are not privy to what is in their files.
"I know where you be at" Black or White?

Terry says the man kept calling him for months and that's the only thing left in his mind?

"You like to do some crazy stuff with Melissa, I know where you be at" and he swears it's a "white guy".

What I think somebody is trying to create a Hannibal Lecter out of thin air.

BTW: I deduct the killers are black. Not killer, killers. And it's got nothing to do with the calls, but it's the way crimes are committed.

How did Maureen got her money back?
"I know where you be at" Black or White?

This is New York. Plenty of people speak like that here regardless of race. This case(s) would be solved if the victims family and friends were active on here. We are missing key information that only they would have.
This is New York. Plenty of people speak like that here regardless of race. This case(s) would be solved if the victims family and friends were active on here. We are missing key information that only they would have.

I was going to say a lesser-educated streetwise person. Black or white.
I recently heard my son say "cash money". I heard this a lot years ago living in a mixed, lower-income neighborhood by mainly black kids and then white kids who picked it up from the black kids.

Hearing it come out of my kids mouth was very surprising. I asked where'd you get that from...he picked it up from friends on the internet!
John Terry said the caller is a white guy. Theres no reason to believe otherwise.
Regarding the "half breed" slur- I'll point out again that on the NYPD-only message board "TheeRant" it's used by a ton of cops and former-cops, and that board is 99% white judging by the racism on it. Just one more datapoint.

edited to add: I agree with PickleChris it's a little tough in this area to determine skin color based on voice timbre, inflections, accents, and slang. I usually shut my eyes to rest them on the subways, and a game I like to play is to listen to the conversations around me and try to picture what the people having them look like based on their voices alone, then open my eyes before I/they get off the train in order to see how close I've come. I'm really far off base a large amount of the time, most often in regards to ethnicity/race/weight/age/style etc.

Emre, what do you mean you think they are black "because of the way the crimes were committed"? I am not being snarky, but I can't figure out what in the world those qualities would be, since the only thing that usually gives a clue as to a serial killer's racial/ethnic background is his choice of victims- most often they are of a category similar to the SK, but the GB4 are white.
This is New York. Plenty of people speak like that here regardless of race. This case(s) would be solved if the victims family and friends were active on here. We are missing key information that only they would have.
I believe the case could be solved if LE released portions of the tape to the public. Someone will recognize the killers voice.
Emre, what do you mean you think they are black "because of the way the crimes were committed"? I am not being snarky, but I can't figure out what in the world those qualities would be, since the only thing that usually gives a clue as to a serial killer's racial/ethnic background is his choice of victims- most often they are of a category similar to the SK, but the GB4 are white.

I tried to explain that in a post of mine about a year ago, long in short, in white killer's crime scene you see anger and hate for human life, in a black killer's crime scene you see control and disrespect for human life, and I believe this is a more accurate indicator than trying to guess the race by voice. And many other indicators I take into account specifically in this case which I have no time to delve into.

EDIT: IMHO Bitrolff's crime scenes are shouting white. LISK is a typical black crime scene and given the dismemberments it's a Hispanic/Black crime scene.

Now, close your eyes and click the link.
White or Black?
I believe the case could be solved if LE released portions of the tape to the public. Someone will recognize the killers voice.

According to the current info the calls to Amanda are tapped realtime. There's no reason to think that a police officer would omit to record the call he's tapping into. I believe the tapes do exist.

This is not to you deedee, just a general shoutout .

Can somebody tell a single development SCPD achieved in five years to take the case one step further?
This is New York. Plenty of people speak like that here regardless of race.

I tried to explain what I think about Amanda's situation.

So, how does Terry call it "white" if people speak this way regardless of race? What made him choose white? I believe his testimony is fed to him by SCPD, considering the breathalyzer app on his phone. :)

After reading some of these it seems younger people may use these words as well.

Shall we just ignore this?
A person of mixed race. i.e. someone who's parents are of different races making them half of each parent. therefore they are halfbreeds. Mostly deeling with half white half bleck kids who still think they're all black.

EDIT: I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link for that but you can google
half breeds, you are NOT and will NEVER EVER be black!


I come from a diverse background. My mother is half white and half Pilipino. My dad is black. As most people would say at my school: I’m a “half breed”. My high school is predominately black. So I do get made fun of a lot.

So, here's how I see it.

1) LISK looks down on Amanda. She is inferior to him, cause she's half-breed.

2) If half is "bad" what is "good"? Full is good. So, he is above Amanda, he is full.

That makes LISK black or white?
This hasn't been ignored. I know I've googled halfbreed at least 100 times and to me it really isn't significant or helpful determining his race.
This hasn't been ignored. I know I've googled halfbreed at least 100 times and to me it really isn't significant or helpful determining his race.

Actually, it is quite significant. Who calls a biracial girl "half breed"? A black individual. A white supremacist uses way more different words to debase a biracial person.

Anyway, let's assume your're right. It is NOT significant .. So what do you think? LISK may be either Black or White? Or is it still white although it is not "significant"?

How does Amanda's "sounds like an older white guy" phrase evolve into "strictly" white?

Let's go hardcore..

What color am I?
Actually, it is quite significant. Who calls a biracial girl "half breed"? A black individual. A white supremacist uses way more different words to debase a biracial person.

Anyway, let's assume your're right. It is NOT significant .. So what do you think? LISK may be either Black or White? Or is it still white although it is not "significant"?

How does Amanda's "sounds like an older white guy" phrase evolve into "strictly" white?

Let's go hardcore..

What color am I?
I'm not giagreen but:

1. Who calls a biracial girl "half breed"- well in this area a large number of white NYPD cops who post on Thee Rant. It's not a term used exclusively by black people or even a common slur used by black people in this area of the U.S. from my experience.
Here, see for yourself:

2. I think LISK may be either black or white. I think the scale tips slightly more in the direction of the SK being white because his voice and phrasing "sounded white" to two of the people he called. (This is no guarantee he is white, see "code switching" in the non-academic linguistic sense). His victims were white, and serial killers more often choose targets from their own race or ethnicity. Of course there are lots of exceptions for black/white/latino/asian SKs but we are talking averages here, yes
3. see #2, law of averages. I don't think anyone has ruled out the SK being other than white
4. I don't know what color you are, but you seem determined to link dark skin pigmentation to lack of intelligence so if I were a betting man (and I'm not) I'd rule out you're being black because I don't think you consider yourself below average intelligence.
I'm not giagreen but:

1. Who calls a biracial girl "half breed"- well in this area a large number of white NYPD cops who post on Thee Rant. It's not a term used exclusively by black people or even a common slur used by black people in this area of the U.S. from my experience.
Here, see for yourself:

2. I think LISK may be either black or white. I think the scale tips slightly more in the direction of the SK being white because his voice and phrasing "sounded white" to two of the people he called. (This is no guarantee he is white, see "code switching" in the non-academic linguistic sense). His victims were white, and serial killers more often choose targets from their own race or ethnicity. Of course there are lots of exceptions for black/white/latino/asian SKs but we are talking averages here, yes
3. see #2, law of averages. I don't think anyone has ruled out the SK being other than white
4. I don't know what color you are, but you seem determined to link dark skin pigmentation to lack of intelligence so if I were a betting man (and I'm not) I'd rule out you're being black because I don't think you consider yourself below average intelligence.

1. I would love to see examples other way around. Or you can present a theory to show that LISK is a cop.

2. Yes. LISK is either Black or White. I'm surmising they are Black. I won't kill myself if LISK turns out to be a white individual as well. I believe SCPD is trying to create a cartoon figure to make the case unsolvable. I don't believe anything SCPD and Terry says. Only person that matters to me is Sister Amanda and I'm thinking, was Sister Amanda wrong? or she was forced to a selection? If she said something like "I can't tell for sure", would police let it that way? Or push just like they did with the "Asian" Male? What if the ME said "This is baffling, he has both Asian and African American characteristics" but SCPD forced the ME to pick one?

"Doc, let's call this one "Asian" so that we make sure the case is never solved."

His victims aren't exclusively white.
Peaches Doe? Victim? I think so. She's black.
Mom and Baby? Baby rumored to be biracial
Rashawn Brazell? Victim? I think so. He's black.
Tirrel Santiago? Victim? I think he is the Asian Male. He's black.
Andre Jamal Isaac? Victim? I think so. He's black.

4. I'm not black and that's it?... This is my post #446 and you don't even have a clue about me? If this is what an amateur detective could do, maybe we should really go easy on a 15 yo girl.

"you seem determined to link dark skin pigmentation to lack of intelligence". I think you don't know what you're talking about. How about showing me an example? Or examples, since you claim I'm determined.

It's not that I'm offended by you implying I am racist, I took that before here on this forum. What worth is your word when I know myself that I'm not? I just want you to work a little. It shouldn't be so easy to smear racism crap to everyone. Don't worry, I know you will never do it. Seems to me that you just love to preach the choir.

Now look at this man

His name is Hugues Francois. This will be my 10th post that I'm shouting out this man is 99% innocent. Why am I doing it? Because I'm racist? How about you do some real work instead of race baiting?

Here is his address
Hugues Francois
SBI 000931112B
New Jersey State Prison
3rd & Federal Streets
P.O. Box 861
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0861

Write him, ask his testimony about Thalia Stathis murder, since he wasn't allowed to give in his own trial.

How about this young man?

I'm trying to get a DNA sample collected for a poor, black, gay man for more than a year now. System is fighting teeth and claw not to get a DNA sample filed for Tirrel. How about you work a little?

Here are the addresses of case managers
Maura O'Rorke
Brenda Galarza

How about this young woman?

What were you doing when I was doing this for a black man's daughter?

Don't worry, judging by what you have written so far, I have no hope that you'll bother to sweat to draft a decent reply.

How about you asking me what color you are?
Actually, it is quite significant. Who calls a biracial girl "half breed"? A black individual. A white supremacist uses way more different words to debase a biracial person.

Anyway, let's assume your're right. It is NOT significant .. So what do you think? LISK may be either Black or White? Or is it still white although it is not "significant"?

How does Amanda's "sounds like an older white guy" phrase evolve into "strictly" white?

Let's go hardcore..

What color am I?
Something significant would be an eye witness with a description of his car.
What our own personal feelings on what race we THINK this guy is is just not significant.
Or wait.. how do we even know its a guy?
Just so you know there is in fact a differents between African American voices and white Americans. I spend sometimes 50/60 hrs a week taking calls from clients (most clients from New York, Boston area) and trust me you can tell. And not because of education, or the words being used.
African american have a higher frequency perturbation...higher amplitude perturbation....and a lower harmonics noise ratio. So that basically means that on average African American male voices have more tone and loudness than white male voices. So the fact that the only two people to hear the dude said he is whit then I'm going with that.

And btw urban dictionary holds no merret. My definition of the name Sally is still in there from when I was 17.
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