VICTIM - Mickey Shunick, 21, of Lafayette, LA (Theories)

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Is there confirmation somewhere that Mickey attacked him with a box cutter? Conformation that he moved her body around? Or, that he returned to the grave?
Is there confirmation somewhere that Mickey attacked him with a box cutter? Conformation that he moved her body around? Or, that he returned to the grave?
Just Cajun net rumor..I heard it 3 Sundays ago at a restaurant
SNIP Now drive straight to Whiskey Bay. That's a 90-minute drive. So he arrives at Whiskey Bay between 5:45 a.m. - just as twilight begins - and 6:30 a.m. - with the sun fully up on a Saturday, and fishermen definitely at the boat ramp.

He risks a dawn/daytime drop at Whiskey Bay, and then heads to New Orleans.

Does he do it this way?

Or does he do it in reverse - he heads straight from the abduction to Whiskey Bay. I have problems with that. If Mickey was alive at this point, why take the risk of carrying a live kidnap victim with you to go dump the bike?! Or a deceased one?! Due to the fact that she was found north of Mamou, I have to think the bike was done without Mickey in the truck. SNIP

It is entirely possible that BSL placed the BIKE underneath his house and disposed of it at a later time/date. And I totally agree about the possibility of a pre-dug grave, it's Louisiana and LOTS of roots in the soil in wooded areas.
According to the charges (document released last week):

  • BSL "encountered the victim..."
  • "forcibly seized and carried the victim to another place..."
  • "refused to release MS..."
  • "forced her to engage in non consensual acts..."
  • After the first degree murder of MS, the defendant moved evidence of the first degree murder and the body and belongings of MS to locations...

From that I gather MS was abducted from one location, and the assault and murder took place in a second location. After she was deceased, her body and belongings were moved to other places.

Whether her body was moved to cemetery before the bike was dumped at WB, we don't know. If I had to guess, based on what we know now, I'd say Mickey and the bike were hidden in, around or near his house while he sought care for his wounds. It might have been several days before Mickey was buried and the bike ditched at WB. JMO
According to the charges (document released last week):

  • BSL "encountered the victim..."
  • "forcibly seized and carried the victim to another place..."
  • "refused to release MS..."
  • "forced her to engage in non consensual acts..."
  • After the first degree murder of MS, the defendant moved evidence of the first degree murder and the body and belongings of MS to locations...

From that I gather MS was abducted from one location, and the assault and murder took place in a second location. After she was deceased, her body and belongings were moved to other places.

Whether her body was moved to cemetery before the bike was dumped at WB, we don't know. If I had to guess, based on what we know now, I'd say Mickey and the bike were hidden in, around or near his house while he sought care for his wounds. It might have been several days before Mickey was buried and the bike ditched at WB. JMO

I agree. I believe he took her straight home, and forced her into acts against her will with the belief that she would be released. I believe that the next 10/12 hours of her life were likely very horrible. At some point, she realized he had no intention of releasing her and acted in self defense.

He most likely killed her for her actions, took photos of himself/ possibly her, hid her and bike under home and sought medical care.

She was most likely buried once he came home and rested. By this time, she would have begun to decompose, and it would have been enough to make him throw up later when questioned-- also would have brought out the buzzards mentioned by next door neighbor. I do not believe he pre-dug the grave. I feel this is a desperate act of a man who realizes her worth. He wanted to hide her well. He threw in her personal effects/ clothes because he believed no one would ever find the grave, and if not for our mystery "credible" witness it would not have happened. The bike was disposed of next, and then the truck was burned simply to get rid of the evidence/smell that came along with a decomposing body and the abduction evidence. ( probable hair etc)

I posted in the "Body found" thread some thoughts about jewelry/clothing being found with the body, but my post didn't get moved over, so I'm repeating those thoughts here. (And they are mostly applicable, of course, if Mickey was found clothed, wearing her jewelry -- which I realize we don't know yet.):

I think -- whatever original plans he may have had -- it is a possibility that, if Mickey attacked him early on (say, in the truck on the way out of Lafayette) -- he may have reacted in surprise/fear/pain/rage and killed her then, and he may not have assaulted her sexually or otherwise any further. His main concern may have become, almost immediately, just covering up.
Sorry, I did that post wrong.

I posted in the "Body found" thread some thoughts about jewelry/clothing being found with the body, but my post didn't get moved over, so I'm repeating those thoughts here. (And they are mostly applicable, of course, if Mickey was found clothed, wearing her jewelry -- which I realize we don't know yet.):

I think -- whatever original plans he may have had -- it is a possibility that, if Mickey attacked him early on (say, in the truck on the way out of Lafayette) -- he may have reacted in surprise/fear/pain/rage and killed her then, and he may not have assaulted her sexually or otherwise any further. His main concern may have become, almost immediately, just covering up.

I don't believe the clothes, jewelry, etc. were necessarily on her physical body. Maybe they were just dumped in with the body. If I were trying to get rid of evidence, I would take everything belonging to the victim and bury it with the victim (except for whatever I keep as my trophy). I didn't see anywhere that she was "fully clothed" as I have seen posted around here somewhere.
Sorry, I did that post wrong.

I don't believe the clothes, jewelry, etc. were necessarily on her physical body. Maybe they were just dumped in with the body. If I were trying to get rid of evidence, I would take everything belonging to the victim and bury it with the victim (except for whatever I keep as my trophy). I didn't see anywhere that she was "fully clothed" as I have seen posted around here somewhere.

bbm: I agree that, too, is a possibility -- and my thoughts then wouldn't really apply. They are more for a situation in which clothing, jewelry, etc. were in place.

To clarify: I haven't yet heard or seen any report one way or another, anywhere.
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My opinions only, no facts here:

I will be watching this case closely now. I really want to see if a suspect is identified and if they fit my previously-posted enhancement of the driver in the first white truck pic. I clipped a portion of my text from thread 30, post 225:

"So what do I see? A man of medium to light but not super-light complexion, with dark brown to black hair (how to trust this?-remember we also have the Circle-K pic of Mickey and her blondish-hair color is accurately apparent too). He is possibly partly bald or partly shaven on top, but there seems to be hints of side-hair on the head. I cannot make up my mind whether I am actually seeing his mouth or a groomed mustache above the mouth. I envision a white t-shirt with a bold logo at the center top. There is a husky appearance, but one of broadness of shoulders rather than height alone. The man may be leaning slightly forward against the steering column, or at least otherwise seems unusually vertical and observant. I do not think that the driver is wearing glasses."

I have re-posted my most detailed enhancement of the driver of the first white truck. I will be watching with interest to see how this case shakes out.


  • MickeyShunick_theoretical.jpg
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My opinions only, no facts here:

I will be watching this case closely now. I really want to see if a suspect is identified and if they fit my previously-posted enhancement of the driver in the first white truck pic. I clipped a portion of my text from thread 30, post 225:
"So what do I see? A man of medium to light but not super-light complexion, with dark brown to black hair (how to trust this?-remember we also have the Circle-K pic of Mickey and her blondish-hair color is accurately apparent too). He is possibly partly bald or partly shaven on top, but there seems to be hints of side-hair on the head. I cannot make up my mind whether I am actually seeing his mouth or a groomed mustache above the mouth. I envision a white t-shirt with a bold logo at the center top. There is a husky appearance, but one of broadness of shoulders rather than height alone. The man may be leaning slightly forward against the steering column, or at least otherwise seems unusually vertical and observant. I do not think that the driver is wearing glasses."

I have re-posted my most detailed enhancement of the driver of the first white truck. I will be watching with interest to see how this case shakes out.

I may be misunderstanding your statement or you have been away for a while. An arrest was made on July 5th in this case. (Brandon Scott Lavergne)
I may be misunderstanding your statement or you have been away for a while. An arrest was made on July 5th in this case. (Brandon Scott Lavergne)

My opinions only, no facts here:

Yes, I know about the arrest. But it is common for cons to brag about crimes they have not committed (think Boston Strangler). So, since the arrest, I have been out-of-touch and hiding out from this thread, hoping for a confession. I have already prepared a most-interesting pic to show that I have previously enhanced the pics of the suspect quite accurately, but do not want to post my original image with suspect pics until we know more. So for now, I am waiting to see further developments. There is always the risk that the suspect is not the perpetrator. In the meantime, my fellow sleuthers can examine my previously-posted enhancement. Thank you very much for responding. I thought that everybody was asleep at this hour!

The so-called suspect is said to be 5 feet and nine inches and 220 pounds. This is interesting to me because I enhanced the security camera photo and previously stated on Websleuths that the driver of the first white truck had "an appearance of broadness of shoulders, but not of height alone." If I turn out to be wrong, then attack me. But if not, then check out my other previous posts at Websleuths concerning other crime threads. I have said my piece. I will now fade back into oblivion for the time being.
It is pretty certain he is the perp; in fact, it is likely he led LE to her body yesterday and confessed. He couldn't possibly have known where she was, if he was not the murderer.
My opinions only, no facts here:

Yes, I know about the arrest. But it is common for cons to brag about crimes they have not committed (think Boston Strangler). So, since the arrest, I have been out-of-touch and hiding out from this thread, hoping for a confession. I have already prepared a most-interesting pic to show that I have previously enhanced the pics of the suspect quite accurately, but do not want to post my original image with suspect pics until we know more. So for now, I am waiting to see further developments. There is always the risk that the suspect is not the perpetrator. In the meantime, my fellow sleuthers can examine my previously-posted enhancement. Thank you very much for responding. I thought that everybody was asleep at this hour!

:seeya:Are you aware the this suspect was seen in an emergency room the same date (about 20 hours later) that Mickey was taken? ~with stab wounds? One to to his hand/finger that even required surgery?

If not I wanted to make sure you knew.
My opinions only, no facts here:

Yes, I know about the arrest. But it is common for cons to brag about crimes they have not committed (think Boston Strangler). So, since the arrest, I have been out-of-touch and hiding out from this thread, hoping for a confession. I have already prepared a most-interesting pic to show that I have previously enhanced the pics of the suspect quite accurately, but do not want to post my original image with suspect pics until we know more. So for now, I am waiting to see further developments. There is always the risk that the suspect is not the perpetrator. In the meantime, my fellow sleuthers can examine my previously-posted enhancement. Thank you very much for responding. I thought that everybody was asleep at this hour!

Did you read the lengthy document that came out last week? It seems LE has been very thorough in establishing links between Mickey's abduction and murder, and BL.
My opinions only, no facts here:

Yes, I know about the arrest. But it is common for cons to brag about crimes they have not committed (think Boston Strangler). So, since the arrest, I have been out-of-touch and hiding out from this thread, hoping for a confession. I have already prepared a most-interesting pic to show that I have previously enhanced the pics of the suspect quite accurately, but do not want to post my newer image until we know more. So for now, I am waiting to see further developments. There is always the risk that the suspect is not the perpetrator. In the meantime, my fellow sleuthers can examine my previously-posted enhancement. Thank you very much for responding. I thought that everybody was asleep at this hour!

BSL wasn't arrested due to a tipster saying BSL told them, or bragged, about killing Mickey. I don't know of anyone else who claims he bragged about it, or that he told anyone at all, for that matter. As far as I know, he wasn't talking at all... To the contrary, he was quite busy doing cover up prior to his arrest. IMO, it was the desperate lengths he went to that led to his arrest.
Is it your thoughts that BSL may not be the one driving his truck that night, or that the truck in the photo might not be his? ...
I haven't heard any reports or doubts that it is anyone other than BSL responsible for this. From all the evidence that has come in since the arrest I am totally convinced it's BSL, and I'm thinking le is sure that it was him, and him alone in that truck... I'm hoping he gave a full confession yesterday... A truthful confession and took responsibility for it, and any others, including LP...
But, confession or not, I like to make conclusions based on evidence and facts of the case, rather than anything that comes out of the mouth of the perp...

All jmo.
If BSL did hide Mickey and/or the bike under his house I would think the dogs either scent or cadaver would have picked up a scent under there when his home was searched. LE did remove the siding on the bottom.

I believe that he had a plan before he went trolling for a victim. He knew where he would take her. He didn't find that secluded cemetery after he killed Mickey, he had to have dug the grave beforehand.

I think he wanted to get rid of the bike ASAP because it would have been in the open in the back of the truck. Mickey could be hidden in the truck. I think he got rid of the bike first in the dark at WB. All just MO of course.
IMHO, I think that when he visited the emergency room and said he was attacked at 3 pm, he probably was throwing in a bit of truth. I do think he took her straight to his home. The 3 graves investigated already near his home, the documents stating he moved her to thwart the investigation, make me think this was not MS first resting place. Possibly he moved her body closer to when he burned his truck. Body fluids/decomp (ala Casey Anthony) in the car, smell that would not go away etc..he burned it. He definitely was traveling around.

But then again, we don't really know what the hospital reports say, there have been no pictures showing his hand/arm/fingers bandaged, only that he went to the hospital, had injuries and they referred or he went to another dr. With that imho, we can assume it was a really bad injury. But not as bad as we think. Years ago, I cut my thumb trying to open a christmas present with a knife (duh one of the top things they warn you about). I cut the nerve and tendon. They were able to sew that up right in the er. I didn't have any feeling in the thumb for a few days because I sliced the nerves. Anyho, a week later I went to a followup appt to check to make sure it was healing etc. I was already back at work, and to this day have no feeling in my thumb. Just throwing it out there that the 'hand' injury may not be what it appears. Just never know, if she had something to injure him with, he went to defent himself by throwing his hands up she could have inflicted a similar injury. Bloody yes, bad no.

I too believe that he brought her to his house...and probably hid her under his house when he went to NOLA to care for his wounds. I don't think he dug a grave before hand...he may not have even intended to kill MS...just have his way with her but when she fought back...he felt he had to. I think we all say what "we would have done" in a situation like this...but none of us think like a rapist/killer so we have to throw any logical thinking out the window. MOO
I too believe that he brought her to his house...and probably hid her under his house when he went to NOLA to care for his wounds. I don't think he dug a grave before hand...he may not have even intended to kill MS...just have his way with her but when she fought back...he felt he had to. I think we all say what "we would have done" in a situation like this...but none of us think like a rapist/killer so we have to throw any logical thinking out the window. MOO

I think if he hit her on purpose and not by accident..he intended to kill her. To have his way with her and let her go.......she would have gone to the police. He made that mistake once before and spent 8 years in prison.

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